Banner of Peace

From: by way of Flemming Funch (
Date: Fri Mar 28 1997 - 09:38:24 PST

[From: Burt Wilson <>]

Nicholas Roerich called peace "the most sacred goal of humankind" and to
that end he created a peace treaty which was signed into law in 1935 by
Pres. Roosevelt in ceremonies in the White House. That treaty was for
the protection of culture--museums, art galleries, scientific missions,
etc.--in times of war. That pact, Treaty 899, included a special banner
which was to fly over such institutions, designating their protection.

Of course, the introduciton of the atomic bomb made such a pact obsolete
but the underlying principles--and especially the banner--are as
relevant today as they were then. Now this his historic pact and banner
have been brought up to date at a new web site--


--where you can view the original pact and read the new pact and see the
history of the banner. Moreover, the new pact is an instrument of peace
for all who are ready to declare themselves as "Peace-Builders" i.e.,
those engaged in building cultural links between peoples, and
"Peacemakers," those engaged in conflict resoltuion. Here is a peace
plan which is worthy of involvement and group effort and a peace banner
which has been adopted by countries all over the world including the
Dalai Lama for his world peace mission. Please take a look at it.

Thank you,

Burt Wilson
690-A Los Angeles Ave. #303
Simi Valley, CA 93065

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