From: Flemming Funch <>
I've now gotten the "We are the New Civilization" text in Spanish and
French. Hebrew is on its way, as is Danish. More are very welcome. Also,
I've gotten just the phrase itself in English, Spanish, French, German,
Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Italian, Latin and Klingon. Send in more
languages. That part should be easy enough, even without great translation
See the results sofar at
- Flemming
From: John Pozzi <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:57:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Global Resource Bank
Dear Shareholders,
You are cordially invited to participate in the trial transfer of Global
dollars at the Global Resource Bank. <>
John Pozzi
Acting GRB Manager
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 17:20:21 -0700
From: "M\arcio F\ilix Carvalho Bezerra" <>
Subject: World Ideas Network and you
Dear friend of NCN,
We are waiting your idea to change the world in "Planet Earth Main
Issues" at:
Furthermore you can help your country, state/province, county/city or
quarter/district by developing your own World Ideas Network Section. To
understand better this proposal, please dive in the world map at the
address shown above.
Best regards,
Marcio Bezerra
Director of Strategy - World Ideas Network - WIN3
Phone: +55 (21) 534-2536 Fax: +55 (21) 534-3779
Address: Rua Gustavo Sampaio, 732/701 - Leme - 22.010-010
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 08:08:52 -0700
X-Sender: (Unverified)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Flemming Funch <>,
From: "Michael J. Cohen" <>
Subject: Re: NCN New Members, March 1997
Experiences with The Global Wellness and Unity Activity "In Balance
With Earth"
The following are reports from just a few of the many thousands of people
who have used the In Balance With Earth activity as an Earth Day activity
or as an activity to promote wellness and unity on special holidays or
throughout the year. Additional results are available at
We invite you to join our international effort to have people, world wide,
do and teach this activity between now and the millinium, Jan 1, 2000.
Then, as part of the festivities for that day, we invite people to do it
The activity is located at
It may be obtained from automatic e-mail by sending a blank e-mail to:
It is available by postal mail if you send a self-addressed stamped
envelope and donation of any amount to Global Wellness, P.O. Box 1605,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250.
"Reconnecting With Nature: Finding wellness through restoring your bond
with the Earth" is a book of 23 additional activities and chapters that
produce similar effects. It is described and available through
>From Jan:
On Tuesday last, I was invited to the wilds of rural Mississippi to one of
the Miss State Campus outposts to talk about Project NatureConnect, the
Reconnecting With Nature (RWN) book, and anything else that my audience
would listen to. So, I walked into a building (gymnasium?) made of
cinderblocks, with no window in sight and one door to the outside.
Staring at me were ninety seven faces, daring me to make them want to be in
that awful place. There was a toddler walking around, lots of what I call
'whiny white girls' (They want to have gardens, but would not DREAM of
getting their hands dirty, the hort (horicultural) club from campus, a
retired industrial psychologist (he told me that first off), a woman and
her Down Syndrome daughter, a contingent of grizzled Afro-American men from
the local community garden effort, several professional landscapers and a
few Ph.D's to spice up the mix. Whew!!
I started by talking about the bird who was caught in the building of
quarreling people and how the bird tried so very hard to teach them its
role, but they would not listen. (see Reconnecting With Nature:
Introduction) I talked about the cinderblock building and the slides that
they were NOT going to see--at least I didn't have any!! I asked them to
think about why they came to see me that day, what they were looking for in
their gardens. And then I asked them to talk to me about their earliest
memory of being 'connected' (see RWN Activity 1). I asked them to tell me,
tell the group, tell their neighbor if they were afraid to speak to the
group. I heard the Afro-American men tell me of cotton farming, of growing
vegetables for their families, of watching the wonder of the okra reaching
for the sky, the sugar cane yielding its sweetness on a hot Mississippi
day. I listened to the hort club youngsters tell me that being in the
garden made them do better on their exams, made them want to be outside
more and inside less. I listened to the Down Syndrome youngster (who
embarassed her mother just by *being*), tell me of the fun she had watching
the bugs crawl over her crayons when she was coloring outside in the grass.
I watched her mother start to realize the inherent value of her daughter as
she talked. I watched those Ph.D types tell of the values of crop
rotation, of fertilizers. I watched as the 'whiny white girls' looked at
their hands and realized that they didnt' know about gardening at all. And
the I asked them to take their shoes off.. There were 97 people who were
suddenly and wonderfully shoeless.
I asked a couple of hort club kids to go outside and find us a safe area --
no cigarette butts, no nails, no nettles. They came back in momentarily
with news of a grassy area directly outside. They came back in momentarily
with news of a grassy area directly outside. I asked all to stay with me
inside for a moment while I told them of Kurt's kids. And then asked them
to remember those early memories they spoke of earlier while we went
outside. I asked them to stay with the group that was sitting in their row
(that got me down to about 10 groups of 10 people each). And then I asked
them to find an attraction outside--each of them. And I asked them to share
that attraction with the rest of their small group. They were to ask
permission to be in the area, to gain consent from the area, to let their
memory take over, and to share with each other their feelings. (The RWN
"Earth Day" Global Wellness and Unity Activity: In Balance With Earth)
After about 30 minutes, I asked them to sit in their groups and talk about
what they felt. I got to each group in turn and watched as they found
feelings in themselves that had been unrecognised for years. I had the
ultimate privilege of watching people cry over a stick or a blade of grass
as they spoke of their love for it and each other. I watched them come
together as groups, trust each other, the earth, nature, themselves. I
asked them to play outside for awhile while I tried to deal with the
emotional intensity that all of us were feeling. We played all through
lunch--we ate our sandwiches in the grass, laughing, joking, having FUN.
After lunch, no one wanted to go back in the building, no one wanted to put
their shoes back on, no one was noticing what time it was or if their feet
were getting dirty. 97 people were playing with the Down Syndrome
teen....she was showing them how to color..... 97 people were rediscovering
their real connections, they were laughing and crying together, they were
loving nature and themselves. I watched them revel in it for an hour and
then I spoke to them about continuing to find their connections, about
maintaining those feelings--really about how they were there all the time,
you just had to let them happen. I tried to let them know that it was OK
to let those feelings surface, --the feelings for nature and for each
other, to find them in their gardens and in themselves, that the ability to
sense and feel was part of nature and their inner nature.
My job was over for the day. I came home exhausted, exhilarated,and
wondering why I dont' do workshops more often. WOW!!
>From Kini-Jane:
Since my grandchildren are here, we went to visit their Aunt Jolie. Jolinda
has recently moved into the front bedroom of the house, vacating the back
bedroom for her massage patients. As Michael walked to the vacant back
bedroom, he came upon ChaCha, Jolinda's cat. She was sitting puffed up in
the middle of the polished hardwood floor with her front paws tucked under.
ChaCha was never one who enjoys being disturbed, so I said to Michael
[who's 3], 'You have to ask ChaCha for permission to visit her.'
Michael squatted down to the ground, as only youngsters and those who have
kept limber can do, and said softly, "ChaCha, may I have permission to
visit you?" The cat turned and looked at him, then got up and walked to
him. Now this is a real first with this cat and people, let alone children.
She usually squints her eyes, turns away and fluffs her fur. Chelsea walked
in, and she, too, asked permission to visit ChaCha. The cat began rubbing
against her hand and really enjoying being petted.
Asking permission is probably the single most powerful recent development
in my learning. It causes me to notice the tiniest details around me.
Because everything is looking new, I enjoy showing my appreciation by
thanking nature for existing and giving me so much pleasure. The moment I
thank nature, I feel very warm all over, with pricklies going up the sides
of my arms and back to my hair.
When we arrived at our destination [going out to dinner before going to the
grocery store to supplement our 'home away from home' supplies], Michael
saw a large barrel cactus with sharp spines. He squatted in front of it and
touched a sharp point with a finger. 'It's sharp,' he said. I asked, "Did
you get permission?" He said he did, and that's just what his action
showed. He was attracted, he looked and he touched gently. The 4th grade
students I teach have the same reaction with the school garden and each
other. I feel passionately about giving young people an opportunity to
connect with nature the way our ancestors did. That's one of the reasons I
feel like teaching school forever.
>From Steve (age 43)
I am in the process of recovering from a cold that I picked up at work
almost a month ago. It is one of those colds that doesn't make you sick
enough to take any time off to recover but just makes you feel less then
good by about the middle of the afternoon and ready for bed by seven or
eight in the evening. Anyway I'd been wanting to do In Balance With Earth
for several days and was feeling very frustrated that I didn't feel well
enough to go any place special for this activity, when I drove by a pond
that I had frequented as a child and througout my teen years.
It's a small pond, 4-5 acres on the main campus of Colby college in
Waterville,.Maine. I grew up fishing and feeding the ducks there and like
many of the teens in our community, spent my share of moonlit nights
parking along the willow swept banks. I was feeling pretty lousy at the
time and had convinced myself that there was no point in stopping as I
felt so bad I surely would not, could not find any benefit in stopping
there. On another level however, I knew that what I needed was to take the
time to stop and rest and what better place then there and then. As I got
out of my car and walked toward the shore I asked permission to visit. I
immediately noticed that what had been a very overcast sky was beginning to
lighten. I stood motionless for a few minutes soaking up the smells and
sounds of the pond. After a few moments the sun broke through the clouds on
the far side of the pond beckoning me to stay. At the sight of the sun I
involuntarily shivered, not a shiver of cold but of shaking off a tenseness
that I had not even realized I was feeling. My scratchy throat felt less so
and the tiredness that had dogged me all day began to be replaced by a
clear headed feeling that I hadn't felt in weeks.
When I first arrived I was certan that I would only stay for a few
moments; I left an hour later. When I first arrived I was sick and tired
;when I left I felt whole, refreshed, rejuvenated. When I first arrived I
was uncertain that I would gain permission to stay; when I left I felt like
I had gone home for some of mom's chicken soup and I knew that I was
welcome back anytime.
>From Linda ( Age 49):
I had every intention of going outside and doing "In Balance With Earth"
today...really, I did!!! Well, this morning dawned very stormy, rainy and
windy...oh dear, so much for my intentions, I thought.
Midday, however, the rain let up a bit, and the wind started to howl even
more, and there was this power happening outside that I just felt so
attracted to, so I thought, why not go out and do the activity now, in the
My yard has many trees, some totally bare and some conifer ones that are
always clothed in their needles of pine. All the trees were in motion, not
gently but powerfully, with gusty voices and howling sounds. Ask
permission, I thought? Oh dear!!! I almost expected to feel scared, or
intimidated, which to me would mean permission was not granted....instead,
I asked permission and I heard/felt "Yes, indeed, join with us in this
romp, this fun symphony of wind and tree and water....come play with us".
My immediate attraction was to leap and twirl and spin on the grass...I
felt caught up in the wind, in the fun and playfulness and power of the
storm. I felt overwhelming joy, the kind that makes you laugh out loud
with delight. Nature was communicating with me, in a strong and commanding
voice, mixed with fun and gentleness...nature was being passionate,
bursting with life and sounds and movement.
I danced around my yard till I was out of breath with laughter and awe.
As I headed back inside, I turned to look at all of the life there in that
place, and I felt this warmth, an overwhelming love, and without really
verbalizing the words "thank you", I just "felt" this intense gratitude to
the natural world surrounding me and inside of me. I feel it right
now...its like a feeling so wonderful it moves me to tears. Its a
non-verbal form of "Oh, what you have given to me, what you have awakened
in me, how I love you and me for this".
I have discovered that when I express my gratitude and appreciation to
nature for all she has given me, I feel more a part of her, I feel a unity
with the way she works, I feel respectful and respected.
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
A United Nations Non-Governmental Organization
Department of Integrated Ecology
Box 1605 Friday Harbor, Washington 98250
(360) 378-6313
Dr. Michael J. Cohen, Chair
For automailed program information e-mail to:
We discover just how addicted we are to the destructive ways we think and
relate when we try to change them. To free yourself and others from
unbalanced personal, social and environmental relationships, read
Reconnecting With Nature: Finding Wellness Through Restoring Your Bond With
The Earth. Let nature's wisdom, peace and beauty enrich your life. At
your bookstore or e-mail
For updated information, books, activities, workshops, distance learning
courses and degree programs send an e-mail to our autoresponder:
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
A United Nations Non-Governmental Organization
P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor WA 98250
E-mail (360) 378-6313
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