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Issue 19, 27 May 1997 \ /
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Here is this month's batch of visions of a new civilization. Keep sending
them! You can access past issues at
- Flemming
** Mahrouk Vevaina <frv@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in>, Bombay, India **
I believe there is a huge movement towards finding ones spirituality. Not
just a belief but the actual experience of a Higher reality. A reality
beyond this changeable material world. A power, a oneness, that is not
subject to the law of opposites. No birth or death. Joy or sorrow. No
evolution or devolution,....if you know what I mean :)
This is a powerful but silent force which will very soon spread like wild
fire. It cannot be stopped. Those who choose to join in will add to its
power those who choose to focus their energy on trying to change OTHERS
with not be able to detract from the growing feeling of oneness and love
that will eventually wash over everyone.
About the coming great destruction and polar shift....): yes perhaps there
will be all that but I feel that is not really relevant. The point is to
connect with the HIGHER SELF, which is the only preparation one can have
for the coming changes in this life or the next.
I cannot begin to imagine what the world will be like after the changes.
Full of light and peace and wisdom whatever that might mean in real terms.
** Tom Roark <roark@fishnet.com>, Minneapolis, Minnesota **
I like Fuller's idea of reforming the environment instead of people.
Bucky came up with artifacts that filled some human need more
efficiently. He figured that when we had our backs against the wall,
we'd start using them. If I remember, he died with 28 patents to his
name, including several geodesic domes, an automobile, a rowboat, and a
prefab bathroom. That's a peacemaker.
Paolo Soleri qualifies, too, building a "city in the image of man" in
the Arizona desert.
I think that we need to have more artifacts and experiments like this.
I'd like to see communities of techno-peacemakers living their visions
in every county in the US (I think it's up to us rich folks).
For me that means a permaculture landscape around a Pattern-Language
village. Sort of a futuristic hunter-gatherer landscape. I like
sustainable building materials, too: recycled lumber, straw-bale
construction, conservation-and-renewable-energy-powered.
The technology for this kind of a trip is fairly accessible (capital may
be another story), making it possible for groups like churches, clubs,
circles of friends--any tight affinity group--to put up an example of
how humans ought to live. Access to these communities by the larger,
surrounding communities would be open and free, so that people at large
can see what works and what doesn't.
** Sheena Morgan <indigo@dracnet.com>, Virginia **
well.. my vision is not too futuristic and doesn't affect the world as a
whole.. but more so my life and my surroundings..
I invested in music because thats what i relate through and love to do..
i also participate in occasional recreational drug use.. now if you've
ever drank a glass of wine or a beer with friends or smoked in the
company of others or even for those of you who use sex as a drug and do
so recationally with your friends you have too.. now during a trying yet
incredibly inspirational moment i came to the conclusion that no matter
how fucked up you are or your life is if u have something such as music
that u love to do that dosent harm anyone and does nothing except generate
mass amounts of so called karma then its a wonderful thing because.. the
only thing that can ever happen to you by playing your instrument or game
or whatever.. is that you get better at it.. and this betters yourself and
your suroundings.. now i think its great to take time out to think about
how the world should be and what not.. but personally i think its more
important to take the time to acutually do something.. and all your
expected to do is start with yourself.. no one person can change the
world.. no one person is going to do it for you.. if u really care that
much about making a difference then find
something positive that u can do to contribute.. email is fine for
transfering files.. but there is life outside your computer.. although u
are expected to create it yourself.
** Dreamer <Nadeau3@msn.com>, Northeast U.S. **
2027AD After the TRANSFORMATION I see a New Earth. Where the
quest for Knowledge is the only governing body. No hunger,
Proverty, Disease, Moral Corruption, or Political Infestions.
The Populations is fixed at One hundred Million on The New
Earth, but we have charted over 400 million habitable Planets,
that number will triple in ten years. The problem of the time
space continum was resolved with the transformation.
** Ben Broska <vsynthesis@aol.com>, San Diego, California **
450 acre 'Community Heart Center'(EPCOT/STAR Center) gifted?
John McNab, mailto:jmcnab@fia.net (619)531-0773
Bob Broska, mailto:vsynthesis@aol.com (619)474-7630
Please consider:
The world(???) community has been gifted in April 1997 with a 450 acre 'San
Diego Naval Training Center' property/facility with over 225 buildings
to immortalize our greatest ideals and visions - just like a prior
generation of San Diegans did in the creation of Balboa Park.
Can you visualize the realization of a future 'Community Heart Center'
(EPCOT/STAR Center) serving as a public San Diego based world
display/repository of futuristic harmonious 'Possibilities' for all areas
of life?.....
Including possible development and display of examples of
A 'gifted' navy facility example?
'Fort Mason Foundation' related reference:
Any possibilities for a 'gifted' 450 acre 'San Diego Naval Training Center'
property/facility with over 225 buildings, before it's to late for some
reason <http://www.trufax.org/alert.html>????????
A closing thought...
... on the subject of 'time' and 'timelines'. And, if there is a message in
my work, I would only WISH and WILL it to be this:
We are constantly reminded daily of what the future holds for us,
and it seems that the future holds only events to be of a catastrophic or
nature. Most of us have a fear of the unknown, thus, most of us fear the
future, because, it is an unknown. Your future, like mine, is NOT set in
nor, do we have to experience any of the catastrophic events that have been
prophesied. All prophesied catastrophic and doomsday events are truly events
that are cataloged and can happen, but are not necessarily events to be
experienced by all. By understanding the true perception of 'time' and
'timelines', you will also come to the realization that you do not have to
get caught up with all of these predictions that are "Fear" based. Do NOT
allow your limited perceptions through the five physical sensories, gloomy
fear based predictions of the future, nor the incorrect perception of
'time' to become your shackle. Time is NOT linear (past, present and
future), but is parallel and is only an event. All events are happening
simultaneously --- NOW! Therefore, we have at our access the "Free Will" to
choose what events we want to experience, which are located on different
timelines. Our "Free Will" is SUPREME
in this universe, but we have the tendency to allow others to make
decisions for us, and by doing so, they will make decisions for their own
welfare and not ours. Then, when events do not come out like we would want
them, we consider
ourselves a victim. Is not making a decision, a decision? Fear is an
emotion, and emotions are an outwardly projection of our frequency, but
also a means by which we can determine our own frequencies. We all have a
range of frequencies
that we vibrate at, and it's the daily reminders of these predictions, no
matter how large or small, that place us in a fear based frequency. Thus,
what you fear the most --- you WILL experience! You made decisions using
this frequency and its the frequencies along with your decisions that draws
you to the different
timelines and its events. Some would call this, a SELF-FULFILLED PROPHECY! ...
** Penny McManigal <Pennymcm@aol.com>, Newport Beach, California **
as seen by an artist and visionary
Penny McManigal
I see a new civilization. I see it in my mind's eye as if it exists in
"real time". It is both nurturing and well nurtured.
Everywhere I look I can see and feel the delight in nature's bounty. The
towns and cities are all well planned, with ample open spaces surrounding
them. It is obvious that the fields and orchards are well tended and cared
for. There is no litter because people have learned to care about aesthetic
pleasure and to be responsible for their own actions.
The lines of architecture, vehicles and clothing are graceful and
undulating. Materials are soft, rich in variety and a sense of interesting
textures. Lighting creates an inviting ambiance. Colors help to form
neighborhoods or defined areas. Different sounds of water can be heard
coming from many streams and fountains. Lakes and ponds are in abundance.
The general architecture reveals a vast variety of trees, shrubbery and
flowers. Communities are interesting to behold, with surprising touches
here and there.
In this atmosphere it is no wonder that the lives of the people are both
varied and interesting to the majority. There has been a co-mingling of
people of all ages, races and occupations. There is a very real sense of
pride and respect for one another. Citizens honor their opportunity to be of
service to their greater community. In turn, they are honored for the
services that they render!
The reason that this sense of well-being pervades this new civilization
is that central to their lives is the town's, city's, county's region's and
nation's "Centers for Creative Resolutions" building which acts as the hub
for all significant innovations and interactions. These centers are round in
shape. In the center of each is a courtyard, or amphitheater with ample
seating and a raised platform. On the perimeter of this circle is a building
which surrounds it. The building is divided into sections and represents the
main functions of its community, or society; for example areas for
governance, the arts, media, education, health-care, etc. Each section has a
number of representatives who will represent its sections at meetings of the
whole. There is an eternal flame at the very center of the courtyard, which
is the symbol of generations in endless continuity and exists as a reminder
to protect the health and well-being of all children. The flame is named "The
Children's Fire".
Four times a year, at the beginning of each season, a celebration is
held throughout the land in all the "Centers for Creative Resolution". It is
held to bring all of the people together in a collective group in such a way
that all citizens can speak about that which they do best, and that these
thoughts and facts can be heard in relation to all the others. This is a time
to look, hear, taste, touch and smell what has been produced in the previous
four months. It is the time to bring critical problems of the community to
these "Centers for Creative Resolution" for healing. There is great
anticipation for this occasion, which lasts for several days.
These festivals always begin with an important Question for the entire
community. Then, in turn, the citizens speak and represent their sectors of
the whole. All present listen as the thoughts, feelings and ideas are
expressed around the center. Every answer considers the effect on the
children and future children. The last group to speak are those who are
called The Pattern Keepers. It is their expressed purpose to take all the
suggestions and responses made for the initial Question by the different
sectors of the community into consideration. Furthermore it is their
responsibility to observe the various patterns of thought developing as the
Question moves around the circle. If the development is thought to be good
for the community and for the children, a Resolution will be reached and all
will then move on to the next important question. If, however, The Pattern
Keepers sense that poor judgment has developed, it is then their
responsibility to stop any further action because "The Children's Fire" has
been endangered. At this point the question is once again listened to and
the different sectors offer their best effort to answer that question. This
will continue until there has been a consensus reached which is good for the
people, their children and future generations.
Following the days which had been set aside for these creative
resolutions is a day of High Celebration! Complete with festive attire,
delicious food and musical fanfare, the entire community gathers in the
center, all eyes giving attention to the raised central platform. For it is
here that all citizens will receive the stimulus for the community's
(region's or nation's) forum for the entire next four months!
Understanding that some people's strengths come as visions or images for
the future of all people, the community waits with intense anticipation to
see what of significance will be revealed to them on this new horizon? This
is the day when the creative visual artists present their essential new
images and symbols, revealing a new creative energy waiting to be tapped by
the entire community! This is the day when the musicians present their new,
essential sounds, when the wordsmiths share their significant and essential
phrases to be pondered and the dancers reveal their movements, suggestive of
the new energies to be unveiled. The purpose of this day is NOT to entertain,
but to REVEAL!
The entire community will be stimulated to continue the primal work of
creation through their own sectors of governance, education, health, etc., as
they use these
newly presented symbols and sounds in their focus for the next season. In
effect they will together create a collective force which will move the
society to greater heights than would otherwise have been possible.
In this way the artists and visionaries will be able to lead the way,
and the community as a whole will develop new thoughts and social actions in
each of the sectors. The resulting effect will be seen in new materials, new
clothing design, interesting cuisine, and in all ways possible, as the ideas
weave throughout their community; in the schools, homes and offices.
What I like best about this idea is that once again the artists and
visionaries will be fulfilling their purpose, which as the new "shamans" and
"priests" of their culture, is to respond to the "heartbeats" of civilization
and to find creative ways to keep it in balance and to preserve a sense of
wholeness and also wholesomeness!
"If the people lead, the leaders will follow..." (author unknown to me)
(C) 1995
Penny McManigal
16 Inverness Lane
Newport Beach, CA
http://www.biz.mom/peace (a webpage about my artwork)
http://www.cybernaute.com/earthconcert2000/ERN.htm (Earth Rainbow Network)
http://www.people4peace.com (see under: Peace Links at The Art Of Peace)
Send your visions to ffunch@newciv.org
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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