Quite a few of you seem to be involved in radio and TV shows and
programming in various ways. I should probably make a list of NCNers who
have broadcast shows of various kinds, so we can better find each other.
Incidentally, tomorrow Sunday, the 27th, I'm going to be interviewed on two
different radio shows that some of you might be able to pick up.
The first one is at 10AM, US West Coast time on Allan Hunkin's "How Good
Can You Stand It?" show, which is being broadcast over the Internet from
Vancouver. You can pick it up with RealAudio. See the webpage at
http://www.dowco.net/lvi/. It will mostly be about my Transformational
Processing counseling techniques, and about the transformation going on in
At 6-8PM, my time, or actually 7-9PM Mountain Time, I'll be on Lisa Lewis'
"The Think Cafe" radio show. It is being broadcast by KLDI in Larami,
Wyoming at 1210AM on the dial, if you happen to live around there. This
will be about new civilization and whatever else comes up.
One thing I'm very interested in working more on is audio/video
broadcasting over the Internet. That is one of the things we have on the
program at the Global Solutions Nexus, to create a radio station on the
Internet, with music and talkshows. Most of the technical pieces are in
place, so it should probably be happening relatively soon.
Burt Wilson just finished editing the video for the John Perry Barlow event
we had last month, and we'll be putting that up on the net soon. And I hope
for many future events in the Global Solutions Nexus that we can broadcast
the video live as it happens.
- Flemming
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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