Michelle Dolan has for quite some time been acting as the NCN Member
Administrator, signing on new members and maintaining the on-line member
directory. Now she is going to be busy with other commitments, so we could
very well use somebody else to take care of that function.
Any of you who would like to volunteer to be the Member Administrator, let
me know. It requires that you're able to pay attention to it on an ongoing
basis, at least a couple of times a week.
Michelle, thank you so very much for your dedicated service!
- Flemming
Noh-Ra Amrani <vibrani@worldnet.att.net> has been facilitating an on-going
weekly meditation circle in the NCN chat room. It will take a break right
now and probably start again in September. Let her know if you're
interested in participating in it, and what you would like do with it in
terms of format and subjects.
- Flemming
From: Mike Johnson <MJohnson@deltabtg.com>
Subject: New Civ TAS
Hi.. growing and growing...
The New Civilization Traveller's Aide Society (TAS) is at about 30
members... I will be sending the newest TAS guide in a few weeks.. I'm
working out a way for everyone to get INTERNATIONAL warnings from the
US dept of state from their desktop...
for NCN's new members:
The New Civilization Network Traveller's Aide Society
Hi there NCNer! My name is Michael Johnson, MJohnson@deltabtg.com
I am organizing NCN-TAS specifically for NCNers who travel frequently,
and for those who might be in an emergency situation and need some help
with accomidations in a strange city or region.
-FREE to join
-Requires no dues or other payments.
-A way of sponsoring communuity between members.
- In order to be part of NCN-TAS, you must be willing to share your
living space for at least one (1) night with an NCN-TAS member who
is travelling. It is NOT mandatory to have guests, but if you make
the offer you should be sure you can live up to it. (Ask your spouse
or roommates first!)
- Thats it!
- send:
Email address
Physical address
Phone numbers
Other people in the household (optional)
How long a TAS member can stay
How long beforehand you need to be contacted:
(include normal visit length and "if an emergency"
many need a day or two notice, and allow emergencies
minimal notice.)
send all this to:
- As soon as you send your info.
- In about a week you will be sent a card identifying you
to other NCNers... be sure to show them the card when you arrive.
this allows for some security in the TAS and lets them know you're
not too picky about your accomodations (the floor might just be
where you can stay!)
- You will also be emailed (or sent by post if you request it) a
NCN-TAS Guide*. Much like the Hitchhiker's guide, it lists
contact points through-out the world, and has general maps
of their location.
*- at present the guide will be emailed to you, when enough members
join to make this rather thick, one will be sent to you via post. A
printed guide may have additional printing costs.
SERVICES WE ARE LOOKING INTO: ( If anyone has information about
these... please email...)
- discounts for travellers (airfare,etc.) Please send info if you have
- calling cards (I found some for 10 cents a minute in the US)
From: "Marcio F. C. Bezerra" <m.bezerra@ep.petrobras.com.br>
Subject: World Ideas Network
S‹o Paulo, Brazil
World Ideas Network - WIN3 and Amana-key, a Brazilian knowledge
company, announce the creation of a global foundation, deployable
worldwide, for the purpose of funding Third Sector's projects and long
term Research & Development in Management.
This initiative can be called "Oscar Motomura Foundation", the global
thinker and strategist CEO of Amana-Key Group.
The Foundation is supposed to come on stream before January, 1998.
From: Bruce Schuman <bruce@origin.org>
Subject: A Electronic United Nations of the Spirit
Global Network for Dialogue, Community and Reconciliation
[Part 1]
Bruce Schuman
ORIGIN Research
PO Box 23346, Santa Barbara, CA 93121
(805) 966-9515
July 26, 1997
"In this new ecological age of developing global community and interfaith
dialogue, the world's religions face what is perhaps the greatest
challenge that they have ever encountered. Each is inspired by a unique
vision of the divine and has a distinct cultural identity. At the same
time, each perceives the divine as the source of unity and peace. The
challenge is to preserve their religious and cultural uniqueness without
letting it operate as a cause of narrow and divisive sectarianism that
contradicts the vision of divine unity and peace. It is a question of
whether the healing light of religious vision will overcome the social and
ideological issues that underlie much of the conflict between religions."
Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, Spirit and Nature, p.169
1. This Historical Moment: Our Sacred Opportunity
2. The Power of the Internet
3. Agenda for a United Nations of the Spirit
4. Science, Renaissance and the "New Paradigm"
5. The Existing Platform
6. What Should We Do Today?
The explosive growth of Internet communications facilitates the development
of a powerful cooperative network, intended to mediate the reconciliation
and cooperation of the world's diverse religious and spiritual traditions.
This proposal outlines the development of this network, discussing its
content, its underlying philosophy, its facilities and technical elements,
and its budget.
A well-designed network system, employing the technology of today, could
address a tremendous array of the most critical problems facing the human
community. This network can be developed rapidly, can organize a series of
interrelated projects at the highest levels of sophistication, and can
engage almost anyone in the world who wishes to participate.
It has been suggested by many observers that we are witnessing the birth of
a "new consciousness", and are entering an age of global renaissance and
spiritual revolution. At the same time, however, we also are confronting a
series of intense challenges, that threaten the well-being and even the
survival of global culture.
A large-scale electronic network can be developed to address these issues,
coordinating a dialogue among the most potent thinkers and spiritual
leaders in the world. This proposal outlines a way that we can act, in
service to the highest ideals, fully unfolding the most sacred
possibilities of global civilization.
Less than a thousand days until the Millennium, ours is a precious and
potent historical moment. Philosophic and religious ideas from every
culture that ever existed are leaving their imprint on a vast global
conversation, that is refining and transforming the spirituality of the
world. An enormous diversity of perspectives, including the full spectrum
of scientific and academic disciplines, is stimulating the emergence of a
"new consciousness", and a new vision and understanding is emerging, that
is grounded in tradition, validated by science, and expanded by an
awareness of the full range of human spiritual potential.
If there was ever a moment ripe for supreme enlightenment, it is ours. Our
bookstores are rich with treasures from the most illuminated spirits who
ever lived, from every culture that ever existed. Science empowers and
validates their insights, opening the way to entirely new domains of
awareness. And the explosive growth of telecommunications is weaving an
amazing global network, interactive and democratic at its core, providing a
means that the full force and meaning of our cultural moment could be
gathered together into coherence, through a cooperative and democratic
process meant to heal the world.
The full meaning of this opportunity cannot be realized without a conscious
recognition of its possibilities, and a systematic effort to organize and
assemble its resources. Without a conscious and explicit effort to bring
this emerging new energy into focus, its full implications will be
scattered and lost, seen only as a shining but illusive ideal that could
never be achieved. Today, it is our task, and indeed our responsibility,
to recognize this potential that is now at our fingertips, and to devise a
strategy and a plan of action that can bring its meaning into fullest
This proposal outlines a practical strategy for fully unfolding this
spiritual and evolutionary potential. It shows how the strongest and most
brilliant voices in the world today can be brought together, in an
affordable and practical and immediately effective way, to work
cooperatively to address the most challenging and profound questions that
confront the human community.
Though we must be genuinely concerned with a wide range of issues, that
range from political to economic to ecological, and network methods are
conceivably applicable to them all, this proposal concentrates on the
development of a deeply spiritual network, that would reach anyone in the
world who wished to join it.
A Global Conversation
Herein proposed is a design for a global conversation, a vast interactive
dialogue, involving the participation of millions of caring and concerned
people, whose voices we can draw into a common process, and whose common
dreams we can jointly empower.
An "Electronic United Nations of the Spirit" can address the most profound
questions of human existence, in the most brilliantly informed way that has
ever been historically possible. Using the methods of the Internet, and
working with care to build relationships with hundreds of religious and
spiritual organizations in the world, we can create a global network system
that acts in service to the truly sacred. A network system of this type
can have more healing and pacifying effect on civilization than any
previous initiative in history.
And we can act today. The systems, the people, the resources, the ideas -
all are in position now. What is needed now is no more than a recognition
of these possibilities by persons in a position to advance this agenda, and
some simple institutional structure that can organize this work in an
effective way.
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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