I'd like to create a work space for those who want to be involved in
fleshing out the New Civilization Foundation.
For now, let's use one of the currently unused mailing lists. So, please,
those of you who want to participate, subscribe to the ncnculture-l mailing
list. Send a message to:
with the message:
subscribe ncnculture-L
Those of you who might already be subscribed on the list, but who don't
wish to participate in the foundation discussion, send a message like
'unsubscribe ncnculture-L' to unsubscribe from it.
I've gotten about 120 responses to my messages on the foundation. I didn't
really mean to be a bottleneck on this, but it would have been too much to
forward to the main list here. I will forward the more substantial
responses I've gotten to the ncnculture list, so that others can know what
has come in.
A webpage and a chat room will follow.
- Flemming
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ ----------o-------o
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