This is one of the things that keeps me going - seeing the wonderful
diversity of new people joining the New Civilization Network. So, here they
are, new entries from September.
Feel free to contact anybody here.
Welcome, all of you!
- Flemming
Name: Jeff Waynick
Location: Sacramento, California, USA
I've been an artist since I could hold a crayon to paper, I'm
self-taught in pretty much everything. I used traditional methods
at first but have since turned to computer graphics. I write
music, poetry and whatever else I feel at the moment. I'm
interested in science, electronics, and a ton of other things
which I research on a regular basis using the web.
Life is a path by design, learn to see that design and you'll
never lose your way.
Name: Gil McDonald
Location: fort worth, Texas, USA
scifi.ghostly phenomenon,reading, experiencing (or trying to) my inner self.
Name: Dennis Cormier
Location: Key West, FL, USA
Name: Gregory Hansell
Location: Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, USA
My name is Gregory Hansell and I'd like to become a member of
the NCN. I'm a sophomore year student at Swarthmore College and
after a summer of amazing first-insight-like happenings, of working with
Celtic Shamans (Geo and Richard Taylor-Cameron), and of quiting my job
as a computer programmer to try to do something more associated with
healing, I almost did not return to school. However, here I am as an
intended Religion Major, Philosophy Minor (maybe honors) and I've just
recently talked to some people about starting an informal discussion group
here at school centered on healing and spiritual optimism.
As far as my ablities go, I'm good with computers (both Macs
and PCs), and have lots of Charisma and Energy that I NEED and want
to use to help others.
So there you have it. Please send me EVERYTHING. Oh, and if
anyone has any ideas about what I can do to get things going here, let me
Peace, Love, and Empathy,
Name: Annie Ingalls
Location: Rolla, Missouri, USA
Web: http://www,
I am currently in the healing arts field and use the modalities of Kripalu
Bodywork and Reiki Plus. I am working with a group of likeminded friends to
realise our dream of creating The Ozark Center for the Healing Arts at the
Grotto in Newburg Missouri. We publish a quarterly newsletter "Wake-Up
Call" which promotes holistic approaches to wellness and personal growth.
I am separated, working towards an amicable divorce and have 3 teenage
Name: Samuel Wilson
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
I spend my time reading and with my girlfriend, although most of my time
used to be spent partying and using drugs. Which may then bring you to an
opinion that my intentions are false as well as my reality used to be. I
believe on the otherhand the key to this awareness starts with my
generation because we are the ones that have to live through the times
Allthough I am young in not only in my age, but also in the process of my
spiritual growth. I have become aware of such a growth and it has allready
changed my life. My awakening was inspired by The Celestine Prophecy and
the 10th insight. I read these two books in a matter of four days. I
couldnt put them down allthough there are fiction it is the moral of the
story that is very real and after I had read these I found myself applying
these insights to everyday life. I felt so much better allready. I am in a
dilema, though, I have looked around me for such people who are as inspired
by this as me. If there are any of you out there, please email me and maybe
we can help eachother...!
Name: Sage Wall
Location: Riverdale, Utah, USA
I am a pharmacy student at the University of Utah. Ethnobotany and
aboriginal uses of medically active plants interests me. I love the
outdoors and find myself back-packing and rock-climbing a lot. I also
prefer to hunt with a camera
Name: ken pagans
Location: corpus christi, Texas, USA
forced medical retirement,30years public service in con-unity
building,looking for holp[help & hope]for new life
hope to find peace and joy
Name: Carla & Terry Ruddell Southron
Location: USA
curious sponges are we!!!
Name: Flemming Jakobsen
Location: Vejle, Denmark
voluntary fundraising for groups, marketing training, PR and
promotion, Tai Chi student, Active in a political grassroots
organisation (Demokratisk Fornyelse), Programs Quark Express,
Illustrator, Photoshop, pagemaker
Former UN-soldier in Namibia 1989-90
Name: Steve Shelton
Location: smithville, texas, USA
here is a question for you . is professional psychology making
society 0 better 0 worse
society is insane and we have to find out the causes and if this is the
only alternative
Name: Suzanne (Shanna) Mac Lean
Location: Black Mountain, N.C., USA
Name: Danilo D'Antonio
Location: Teramo, Italy
Globalyst, futurist, author of the Earth Calendar for the Space Age, expert
in well-being techniques, Autogen Training, Meditation,
Dear Sir
I send you my best greetings and thanks for your very useful and
fascinating information and concepts regarding our future!
I'm an italian social researcher and a futurist. In our Lab we are
developing tools that look forward a new rising global culture and that we
hope lead more peace and prosperity around us. Between these tools there is
the Earth Calendar. I know that you are very busy, but I hope you could
have some seconds to get a glimpse at it. You find the calendar at :
Do you think that it is useful to someone?
Do you think that could be put a link on your site?
I look forward to read your words, have a great day!
Danilo D'Antonio
Name: Rentia PoolmanWindsong
Location: Durban, , South Africa
Name: Mel Gullikson
Location: Bristol, Vermont, USA
Cultural System Theory - a new discipline seeking deeper
knowledge of the central processes of our(and all) cultural
systems. Renaissance engineering - the application of Cultural
Theory to designing a planetary culture for the third millenium.
Synthetic Mythology - a subtopic of Renaissance engineering for
designing appropriate mythologies for the transformation of this,
our current cultural system to the third millenium cultural
system. Technical expertise - computer information technology -
all phases. I am interested in connecting with others interested
in the "paradigm shift"
Our species seems to be the centerpiece in a very large evolutionary
transition involving our planet and to some extent consciousness
itself. This is a very critical time which will require the
fundamental but creative and artistic re-thinking of our entire
communal existential circumstance. This is a very bold undertaking
involving taking over the management of cultural evolution. There are
very few paths which will lead us to a harmonious future. I am
interested in contacting other serious path finders.
Name: Csaba Polony
Location: Oakland, California, USA
Name: Evan Brooks
Location: Ont., Canada
From Seth to Emerson to Rational Emotive Therapy to the stoics
to Marcus Aurilus so far (short version) I love working with my
concious mind, learning new techniques. I'm also interested in
architecture, natural living, impules, coincidence, would be very
interested in talking with anyone about all this stuff.
Hopes and dreams.... To build a natural house in the country with a
beatnick Angel, to learn and grow and have fun. Be a part of a new
Name: Gordon Hunter
Location: Australia
friendly alien stranded on a hostile planet.
Name: Martine Dodds
Location: STELLENBOSCH, W. Cape, South Africa
Academic background in Philosophy (Masters, and currently
starting PhD. in Systems Sciences) Stellenbosch University.
Worked 8 yrs at Institute for Futures Research, studied in
systems sciences, management, planning, organizational design,
associate of Interact (Philadelphia)(Ackoff and Gharajedaghi)
consulted with many large organizations in SA - planning
Am currently only working part-time and hope to find some place
and institution where I can make a meaningful contribution -
hopefully in the US.
I wish that I were able, through the work I do, to increase mutual
understanding between people, and to arrive at forms of social
organization that promote cooperation and harmony. I have dreamed my
whole life (50 years!) of living in America, but so far I have not
had much luck in realizing that dream. There one senses, almost
tangibly, the freedom to be who you are, which I have never
experienced where I live and grew up. I want to keep learning till
the day I die, because the more I learn, the more I want to discover.
The world is so fascinating to me that I don't think I'll have enough
time to experience and understand everything I want to.
Name: Michael Kainz
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Healing arts, metaphysics, writing, photography,
physical fitness, vegatarian,
nature, music, sound, color, chanting, dancing,
bushido and shamanism, ecology,
Natureology, herbology, preventive medicine
Long Bio:
Worked in building related environments most my life.
Interested in making self-sufficient building environments,
I want to bring Nature closer to the cities,
to integrate existing environments with Nature.
Our Forefathers/Ancestors already have the anwsers
in how to relate to Mother Earth. We need to find
and use this knowledge.
The acknowlegement of our inner-strengths
and the power to find and know our own answers
can be assisted by re-connecting to Nature and Natural.
To "go within" and to feel, is to heal.
World transformation begins with Self transformation.
Accept your ability to know what lies ahead, surrender to
grace of the rythm of the universe, and trust in
Great Spirit's protection.
Go with the flow and you will be taken
to the place where future lives.
At this time in planetary evolution
left brain is shifting to right brain.
Recognize it. Stop denying your feelings and pay attention
to what your body is trying to tell you.
Accepting Great Spirit's plan is willing to accept
whatever the future holds as it is presented.
Name: Valerie Cooper
Location: ward cove, alaska, USA
* artist, graphics, live music of all sorts, theatre arts,
comedy, spirituality, yoga, meditation *
The Great Invocation
>From the point of light within the mind of God,
Let light shine forth into the minds of men,
Let light descend on earth.
>From the point of love within the heart of God,
Let love shine forth into the hearts of men,
Let Christ return to earth.
>From the center where the Will of God is known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know & serve.
>From the center which we call the race of men,
Let the plan of light & love work out,
And may it seal the hole where evil dwells.
Let light & love & power restore the plan on earth.
Name: Earl Brown
Location: USA
Name: Bruno Giroux
Location: Qubec, Qc, Canada
Teacher then specialist in communications, I'm now retired. I'm
interested to exchange messages on different subjets with people
who don't judge and don't say what to do when you don't ask that.
I'm gay, 39, member of AA.
Name: Gus Makreas
Location: Millbrae, California, USA
Global networking on behalf of planetary spiritual regeneration.
Use of the Great Invocation and the Reappearance of the World
Teacher. Internet web site creation - computer programming -
software consultant. Meditation, hi-tech, new media, promotion
of global healing meditations, vegetarianism, holistic health.
Born 7/2/53 - B.A. Computer Science - software consultant in
Silicon Valley, CA, USA. Longtime student of Ageless Wisdom and
Alice A. Bailey teachings, father of two small children.
Background in other metaphysical systems. Creative, logical,
well-organized, enjoy communication and meeting other networkers
in global healing arena.
I love to hear about positive, uplifting projects and to network
with others. Created Great Invocation computer-animated video a
few years ago which was broadcast on television worldwide in
several languages for different religions. I want to do more
work with Internet and satellite broadcast of similar prayers for
world peace. Let me know what you're up to.
Name: Daniel Holeman
Location: Fair Oaks, California, USA
I am consciously growing and learning - doing what the pathwork
of self-transformation. I create beautiful and meaningful
visionary art and graphic art and web page art. I also do a
weekly consciousness-raising talk radio show called the
"Conscious Cafe" (on which I have read several time the "We are
the New Civilization" - not knowing where it came from), I also
help others on their paths in life with my form of guidance
called "Astrological Pathwork". All these activities are
represented at my new web site. I am in the process of awakening
my heart and full self-realization, and promote the true
awakening of heart on earth through truth and full integration of
I would love to use my resources (radio show) to help broadcast any
messages I feel are aligned with God's intent for humaity and earth at
this time. I am interested in truth at the deepest level available. I
am very aligned with the "Guide" as channelled through Eva Pierrakos
in material called Pathwork". Anyone serious about their own pathwork
is invited to visit my web site: Thank you to
all out there doing their part and to those involved in this worthy
web activity.
Name: Warner Ann
Location: Mesa, Arizona, USA
Ann is a retired teacher and new age
composer. She has created an inspired
series of tapes entitled, Angelic Harmonies. Her interests include:
Music, Angels, Reading, Travel, Nature,
Animals, Good Conversation, Spirituality
Name: Colin Jones
Location: South Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Name: Marc Plotkin
Location: USA
Personal Statement: I wish to work in concert with people of like
mind all over the world to help usher in an era of global unity,
freedom, individual empowerment, abundance and ascended Christ
consciousness. I have degrees in law and international business
and see the creation of an aquarian global legal system as my
life's work. I see the emerging global information
infrastructure as a key manifestation of the aquarian paradigm.
Name: Jim Palmer
Location: Clarksville, Tennessee, USA
Systems theory, cybernetics, programming, computer systems
analyst, deep ecology, entheology, netsurfing, science fiction,
music (all kinds), sufism, "cyberpunk", buddhism (esp. zen),
Computer professional (systems & program analyst). Workers (vs.
management) orientation. See a deep need to "humanize" the work
place and create engaging, meaningful work experiences for
The challenge that faces us in the coming few years is unprecedented.
The technology offers us two possibilities: 1) the fullfillment of our
dreams beyond our wildest expectations or 2) a bleak Orwellian future
dominated by an omniscient Big Brother beyond Orwell's conception of
the term. As I see it, the basic question before us now is, do we
master our machine creation, or do we become just another part of the
machine? So far, I am convinced more of the latter than of the former.
Name: Cristian Arrieta
Location: Miraflores, , Peru
I'm a hobby-songwriter from southern California who decided to
come live with some family in Lima, Peru and establish a small
American-style pub in Miraflores called Smootheez.
After being drawn to Peru, my father's country, for some businness
and a little adventure, I was casually passed a copy of the
Celestine Prophesy by a local friend who noticed that I was
interested in positivity and expanding my mind.
Now, I come from a very religeous young-adulthood, and though I
had purposely left a church in California in order to seek
something less extreme ( more down to earth ), I always tried to
avoid anything that would conflict with my faith.
I had seen the dangers of religeon on a healthy mind, but I
always feared "losing my religeon".
Well, needless to say, after reading the C.P., I gained much
insight on myself, my world, my spirituality, and where it all
leads to, and without losing my religeon, I have expanded my
spiritual direction - but of course I'm young and a general
Anyway, now that you know who and where I am, I would like anyone
who likes to share positive thoughts to feel free to get in touch
with me. Also, by browsing through the C.P. links, I notice that
people are also interested in seeking some spiritual adventure
here in Peru - definately a plus. Please get in touch with me
because I am always willing to share my experience, or invite you
for a chat at my small pub, or maybe even share in some of the
fun myself.
Name: Catherine Hall
Location: austin, Texas, USA
legal systems development, civil society, in third world
Name: Linda Van Decker
Location: Paterson, New Jersey, USA
I am for a common cause for the highest good of all humankind.
Name: Gordon Stewart
Location: Palo Alto, California, USA
52yrs on planet, daughter (24yrs) w/Modesto PD as C.S.O. My wife died from
Huntington's disease about 10 yrs. ago, after being denied any social
benefits that could have been of help to her. Currently working for
Environmental Services, City of San Jose & living out of a "bag" on
property in S.Cruz Mtns. "Home" is Palo Alto, where I am renting the house
to 5 Stanford students (NO, not Chelsi). Interested in outdoor life,
forestry, most of the sciences, alternative lifestyles--worked in a laser
R&D lab 21yrs. before getting the boot. I don't beleive in much, just
honesty and treating others fairly. After 50 yrs. of learning to be a
victim, I am exploring ways to be in control of my life, and am looking for
ideas helpful in that regard.
I am not satisfied doing the 9-5. I am not satisfied working below my
potential. I am not satisfied with one meal a day. I am satisfied with my
female companion. I am satisfied that my daughter has made a good life for
herself. I am satisfied that I am doing all I can to improve the world and
my place in it, and would like to know how to do more to change the things
that disatisfy me.
Name: Kimberly Angel
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mother, Music, Graphic Design, finding it difficult to deal with
current lack of like minds and light beings in my current
I own and operate GEM Canada Ltd. Graphics, Entertainment,
Multimedia. I am a 26 year old single mother. While at home
with my son Koby, I design web-sites, promote music and learn new
computer applications and technology. The number 11 has deep
significance in my life. Although, I have yet to figure out what
its full meaning is.
Hi, I don't have much time to write but to say, Peace. I hope this
network of people will open the doors to a new civilization of loving,
happy and positive beings. My son and I are excited to be part of the
Warm regards,
Kim Angel
Name: Ted Kinnear
Location: wilmington, mass, USA
i'm inexperienced with any online groups,i'm very interested in the issues
that threaten this world and i want to help.
Name: Gerri Clemens
Location: Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Natural healing nutrition and wellness, hand weaving and
spinning, other fiber arts activities. herb gardner
I help to run an home cleaning business with my boyfriend. I am
trying to get an alternative health and cleaning product up and
running. Wonderful products, highly educational corporation.
Very interested in artral projection. Have never figured out why
I can't consciously achieve it.
I really hope to get my Shaklee business off the ground. I would like
to visit Britian and our friends their. I would like to visit New
Hampshire and my friend their. I hope that my parents will be
alright. I hope that Tom mellows. I hope to get all of my debts paid.
Name: Wendy Gunn
Location: Butte, Montana, USA
well, I'm working on my Phd. in holistic nutrition.... opening a new
tattoo shop, and finally on THE right path in life. I have never had less
physical belongings, but I have never been happier ormore sure of myself in
my life....
I have always heard the voices... when I was young I thought I was just
different and I never showed anyone what I wrote... now I can express
myself freely with truth and confidence...I have been reborn into a new
belief ..... and I am on the right path... energized and confident. I guess
the point I am trying to share is that I have learned that I was always
looking...and now I KNOW...the path the truth the purpose...has always been
there, always in pieces...I just had to learn to put it all together..and I
Name: Alan Morris
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Research in Human Ecology and Social Evolution!
Independent Researcher so work very freely!
Well we as a human family need to build a new civilization for all of
our well-being and for the plants and aminals.
Name: Michelle
Location: USA
an interest in things of a spiritual nature. energies,auras.
Name: Greg Christy
Location: USA
Name: Bill Lee
Location: La Honda, California, USA
I've thought about creating a site like this for a while.
And while thinking, you did it.
I'm interested in understand society, culture, communication and the nature
of mind.
I'm a pro game designer and java hacker building an Internet game site.
Name: Carol DiCola
Location: Caldwell, New Jersey, USA
Coordinator of Non-Profit meal program for the elderly. Interests
including helping those less fortunate, environmental issues, pyschic
phenomenon, music, art. I was moved by "We are the New Civilization" agree
with what it says. This prompted by enrolling in NCN.
Name: sietze munneke
Location: Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
I am interested in live and the purpose of our presence on this
planet. May different approaches do inspire me, ideas from
krishnamurti, osho, james redfield, and many others.
I am sa medical student (5th year) and in my spare time i'm a
gymnastics coach (30 hours a week)
Name: James Conner
Location: Calgary, Alberta, CA
I have done many years study in Light and energy work, Kung Fu,
Budist Meditation, etc. My Interests lie in helping to heal the
earth and the people who inhabit her.
Name: barry fishman
Location: Larkspur, California, USA
Piano composition, lounging about, camping in the wilderness,
being with my partner, working hard
Let's find ways to connect all of us dreaming of a co-creative
actualized world!!
Name: Timothy Nurre
Location: Belmont, California, USA
Ancient History of Man and early civilizations/sociology;
interested in David Hudson's project on "ORME's" and White Powder
Gold; Physics and Chemistry
I hope to become enlightened about our changing world, and to find out
more about my "reality". I am not one to take the spoon-fed
information in the mainstream media at face value, but prefer to read
between the lines and make my own decision as to what my "reality"
actually is. I hope this group will help me obtain the information I
need to draw my own conclusions of how the world truly is.
Name: Veronica Orlina
Location: Naga City, Philippines
reading, travelling, hiking, swimming, watching videos,
cross-stitch, work at the garden, plant hardwood trees
grew up beside the sea, loves to be near any form of nature most
of the time. Always on the look-out for the fifth element, that
is, the mysterious side of life.
It is very wonderful that there is now a connection with like-minded
people like me all over the world, I would like to invite anyone to
visit the Philippines to experience the CP here.
I hope to connect with people around my region, in Asia.
Name: Ted Larned
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
helping to save the world, most outdoor activities, singing, accoustic
guitar, listening, watching, talking, dreaming, contributing, challenging
perceptions, and so on, and so on...
I am not a type "A" person. I do not believe that we must constantly be
doing something. I do believe that we must act, but we should do so in a
thoughtful way. I have been very influenced by Daniel Quinn and "Ishmael",
"Celestine Prophecy", a three month wilderness trip to Alaska, a mentor who
taught me about listening and understanding people no matter who they are
and where they come from. We each have a unique life experience. I'm
interested in learning from others and sharing mine. I look forward to
meeting and learning from you all.
Name: mike whitney
Location: USA
I have read and enjoyed the celestine prophecy, and also way of the
peaceful warrior, and conversations with god, I am a vegetarian and I think
that being one greatly benifits the world. I would love for there to one
day be a much better running environmental world. And I'm only 16 and male
Name: Don James
Location: Vastervik, Sweden
Well, my intrests are reading,computers and just about anything
to do with new age awareness and the assending human spirit.
About eight years ago, I lived a peaceful crazy life, full of
fun, parties and absolute disregard for my own well being. In
1991 strang things started happening to me in my life. I really
don't want to go into great detail about it right here because
it's easier to express it than type it. But I will say that my
life has changed dramaticlly since then and it's all because of
the "Aliens". My story is very extensive and one that covers just
about all the bases of a ufo abductee. Not just me, but my x-wife
and daughter as well. I would like to add just one more thought
and that is, I don't quiet understand what's going on up there,
but I do believe my daughter and I will be heading for the stars
any time now!
God Bless,
Name: Robin Linthorst
Location: NL
People; new models of (post)democratic society, concerning safety and
security of the local community, including crime prevention, community
policing, environment, etc.. Also I travel, mostly withinEurope, including
Central European countries. short stories, explain dreams, classical music
(Mozart), Cheers, internet, Esperanto (passive), etc. No smoking
(anything), no fishing.
Name: Daniel Heap
Location: London, , UK
Interested in Global Ascension, interdimensional information,
channeling, light.
Training in Shiatsu, NLP and Inversion therapy
Reiki master
Carry the light for all of you
Name: Mike Willmeng
Location: Mattawan, Michigan, USA
Carpenter/Remodeler - Interested in alternative building
techniques, general spirituality and politics.
Name: Diana Dalnes
Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida, USA
I am interested in finding people in the South Florida area who would like
to form a small intentional community based on the idea of living in
harmony and unconditional love with each other.
Name: Marcel Van Sister
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Celestine Prophesy, numerology, psychometry and other forms of
psychic ability.
Ancient history of the bible, Egyptology as well as the Mayan
New World Orders, Secret Societies and older worlds other than
our own are just some of the subject matter I have been interested in for
over 20 years.
Name: Tom Wharton
Location: USA
Name: Rebecca Gray
Location: Washington, District of Columbia, USA
I'm new to the DC area; originally from MI. I work at the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum. The coincedences that guided me here
amaze me. I am 29 years old, looking for ways to improve the
world. The Celestiine Prophecy trilogy has enriched my life like
no other books have. I also enjoyed Ishmael very much. Interested
in meeting others who share in common goals of self-help & self-
actualization. Would like to join a group in the Baltimore/DC
area. I can also arrange for people to visit the Museum, for
free. Remembering the past will help improve the future. I
graduated college as an English major/Journalism minor in 1992
and have written two magazine articles so far, regarding the
Holocaust. I play the flute & piccolo, I love music that feeds
the soul, I enjoy nature, attending plays, reading, writing,
craftmaking, old movies, antiques, and GENUINE CARING PEOPLE.
I've just discovered this website, which may be another
coincedence leading me to a better place. Will answer all e-mail
that I receive. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
This website is a very innovative and exciting way to change the
world, and I am extremely interested in meeting people on-line to
discuss various topics. My job is directly related to improving the
world, and I want to extend this belief system to the other areas of
my life as well. I will answer any and all e-mail that I receive!
Name: David Douglas
Location: Gl. Ullits, Farso, Denmark
Computer programmer working for natural gas utility; Interests:
Ecology, village life, communitarianism (utopian socialism),
Amnesty International,literature, science-fiction, science,
history; translated utopian socialist philosophy book from Danish
to English. A sceptical optimist.
English (as yet unpublished)
I'm a Scot, happily living in Denmark for the last 13 years. I was
sick of the (by Danish standards) big city (Copenhagen) and have moved
with my Danish wife and 2 small children to a small village. We had
considered the ecological communities starting to spring up in
Denmark, but none were in the area we wanted to live in, and sometimes
a community of the converted can be a bit overwhelming. Instead, we're
delighted to have moved to a village of around 100 inhabitants, mostly
farmers and people in related service industries. The village, Gammel
(Old) Ullits functions as a living community, unlike so many
depopulated agricultural areas.
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