We had a very successful New Civilization Salon last night here in Los
Angeles. The biggest one sofar, with around 130 people coming through. Very
high energy.
The format we experimented with this time was an Open Process where people
could stand up and claim an area where they are willing to take leadership
in an area of passion in life, and groups would form around those people.
The groups went off for about an hour to pursue their subjects and came
back to report on it. Our host, Jay Levin, facilitated this part.
We also had plenty of networking and entertainment in the form of several
dance performances, piano playing, drumming, etc.
One difficulty I have in orchestrating these events is how to find the
format that makes it useful and satifying for everybody. I usually always
get feedback about what people want more or less of. Some people want
everybody to talk as one group, some people get tired of too much talk,
some people just want the party part of it, etc. There's lot of diversity.
It might not be possible to keep everybody satisfied at the same time. We
usually experiment with somewhat different formats each time, or the energy
changes depending on where it is, who's there, etc.
At any rate, I usually feel quite content about my work being done when I
see the room buzzing with people having intense conversations, the parking
lot is filled to capacity, and we just can't get people to go home again.
The place was still full at 1AM when I finally had to drive my tired
in-laws and kids home.
Below are a couple of reports on gatherings in other areas, London and
Arizona. I would very much encourage any of you who are so inspired to
create gatherings in your local areas. Meeting face-to-face just takes
things to another level.
- Flemming
From: HAROLD <network@bogo.co.uk>
Subject: NCN-London 19/10/97
Dear NCN-London members,
The first meeting of NCN-London was held on Saturday 20th September. We
had a very positive meeting, with the exchange of information about
ourselves & our projects. We agreed that this kind of meeting was valuable
for contacting others as an information exchange. We decided to have
another meeting in October, then meet every three or four months.
The next meeting is on the 25th October 2pm at Janos place, send a e-mail
to Janos [abel@lightnet.co.uk] for directions to his place.
We also decided to start an informal e-mail list to put the London members
of NewCivNet in touch with each other. The idea is that any member in
London can contact other members that have the same interest, so they can
form their own interest group.
For example:- those who are interested in spirituality, could set up a
spiritual group that meets & discuss spirituality in depth. There could
also be Education group or a Metaphysics group, a Social Invention group,
Group dynamics, Ecology group, or any group which members want to start.
More details about how this will work will be sent to you within the next
few days. Also, there will be a list of London NCN members, with your name
& E-mail address. If you do not want be on the list please let me know
now, I will take you off the list.
All the best,
THE OPEN NETWORK.Home-page http://www.bogo.co.uk/network/on.html London, uk.
'The Open Network focuses on what unite us, rather then what divide us'
Network 2000;
E-mail; network@bogo.co.uk
From: Trudy W. Schuett <dsrtlite@primenet.com> Desert Light Metaphysical
Date: Sep 9 1997
What we're doing here is very simple--just a meeting twice a month. some
meetings are presentations by local people in their area of
expertise--we've had an archeaologist, herbalists, palmists, a hypnotist,
etc. we've been doing this
since 12/95. Some meetings are salons, or discussion groups. Right now, it
looks like there will be a spin-off women's group. there has been a lot of
interest in group outings to places like our local energy vortices (Yuma
AZ) Thus far, this group has been run on very little cash. Barnes and Noble
gives us free meeting space, and the local media do PSA's. I've had a donor
offer to begin providing the paper and printing so we can do a newsletter
or mailing list.
I forgot to mention that all of the planning, hosting, getting speakers,
etc. has been done by the three of us...me, myself, and I. Beginning this
month, I've had a volunteer to take over half the meetings, and the promise
of more when the winter visitors come back (this is a big retirement
location) Normally, most groups go on hiatus for the summer, but we don't.
I found much to my surprise that I still had 15-20 peple attending thru the
summer. We are also becoming known in the community.
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Enterprises / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
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