Planetary Light Network

From: by way of Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun Oct 26 1997 - 00:47:30 PDT

Dear New Civilizations Members

For a long time many individuals have had the vision to create a place where
any one involved in creating a more harmonious and peaceful world could go
and place their message, their vision in the hope of meeting others who
share a similiar idea or project. Since the advent of the internet, in a
short time, incredible new technologies are being developed to quickly
connect people and share knowledge about any subject imaged under the
sun ...

A group of people started talking in June of this year (including Mr. Funch,
the coordinator of New Civilization Network) about taking all the pieces
and ideas we had about a Global Network and creating some type of services
via the Internet ... In July conversations became more heated and eventually
a group of dedicated individuals decided to see if we could make this vision
into a reality.

On August 17th, the tenth anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence, the
Planetary Light Network (PLN) was officially announced. Various individuals
and networks began to offer their pieces to make this happen and now
you are invited to add your name and information to their on-line directory.
Thanks to John-Helion of the Global Light Network, he offered space to
PLN for its members to add for free contact information, a description
of their project or vision and associated categories. This directory is
searchable which means other folks can find you. The goal of this directory
is to speedup the process for people to find others of like mind to manifest
their vision for a better world. Anyone can enter their information and

To read more about the Planetary Light Network, please visit our home page

On this page is a link to the PLN on-line directory plus additional
information about what PLN is about, interviews with key planetary
networkers and a list of supporting organizations. We also have another
demonstration via the help of Bruce Schuman (United Communites of Spirit)
using V J Enterprises free online network, NA NET Global, of another system
for searching members
which is a model we are working on for the official PLN on-line directory
and a model that can be used for any network no matter the subject matter.

If you have any questions about PLN, please feel free to contact Joshua
Shapiro, the initator and Core-team members at:

We hope you will join us and take a quick peek ... this is the way of the
future as the internet helps to bring our world closer together


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