Projects III

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu Apr 16 1998 - 11:46:00 PDT

Here are more ideas and proposals and project reports. And there are more
coming. I forwarded a few things to the discussion group as well, which
were more in a comment form.

- Flemming


From: Flemming Funch <>

Several people have offered to donate artworks to auction off towards
supporting the costs of keeping the online facilities of NCN going.

If any of you are so inclined, let me know and we'll coordinate it. I.e. if
you are an artist and have works that could be offered where all or part of
the proceeds go to support NCN costs, let's talk.


From: Flemming Funch <>

There is a working group for programmers and other techies who would like
to participate in developing a more comprehensive online infrastructure for
NCN. What is being discussed is to develop a uniform storage scheme for
messages, whether they're from mailing lists or online forums, and a
support structure for online groups and teams, and, more ambitiously, a
scheme for develop a shared knowledge base by providing ways of linking
many different items together, categorizing and cataloguing messages,
information, associations, etc.

To join the mailing list, send a message to with the
message 'subscribe sprawl-L'.


From: Paul Tifford <>

Through membership and alliance with the Institute for Global
Communications and many other organizations,Action Now! reviews the most
pressing world' needs and determines which 'action' to take each week.An
'action letter' is then prepared and distributed to all people concerned
with the 'action'.This distribution may include all Senators and
Congressmen,approximately 100 newspapers and magazines,governors,U.N.
representatives,Heads of State,the President and his Cabinet,etc.Most
'action letters' deal with issues of social justice,peace,health,poverty
and so on.

Through Action Now! we strive to bring Health,Happiness,Peace,Love
and Bliss to all people everywhere.


Wishing you Health,Happiness,Peace,Love and Bliss,now and always. Paul Tifford *ACTION NOW!* 7324 Armistad El Paso,Tx. 79912


The Venus Project has a new video out, geared towards schools. It is 48 minutes long and in 3 sections, intended to be viewed and discussed in three class periods, an there is a study guide as well.

Also, Roxanne Meadows and Jacque Fresco just finished a new book, called "And the World Will be One". It is in story form and takes place in a future Venus Project City.

Contact: and/or see


From: Michelle Ram'o <>

I am President and co-founder of The New Mexico Institute of Metaphysical Alternatives (N.M.I.M.A.) We initially began this venture over two years ago by establishing NMIMA as a non-profit entity dedicated to providing the best individuals to teach others how to enhance their lives both spiritually as well as in the mundane practical sense. Although the concept of NMIMA is not original, the uniqueness of the E.A.R.T.H. board of directors certainly is. Consequently, we have begun workshops and are now seeking to expand further across the united states and overseas. NMIMA is receving a lot of attention from our european conterparts.

Rev. Michelle Ram'o, President

May you always walk in the light and live in interesting times, Celestialstars


From: Glenn Grillo <>

I am currently creating a 50 minute computer generated psycho-active techno- gothic , mind expanding experience. Utilizing archetypical and mythological symbols and icons we create meamorphic actualities that encapsulate the viewer in a psyhedelic/Roscharch feedback with the molten imagery that causes a trance state too occur. Our intent is to create fully immersive shamanistic experiences that will allow the user to participate within a Spiritual enviroment created specifically for them utilizing the archetypes that are pertinent to them at that time.

1. Time on a high-end non-linear editing system , preferably Media 100 or Mac based i.e Avid ect.

2. Help in Distribution

3. Financing for Packaging and duplication

We intent to create live experiences revolving around these animations in a Rave format. For this we need axcess to

1. High end projectors

2. Large cool area to have the events.

Our website is located at and my e-mail is

Peace Glenn Grillo


From: John McPherson <>


I'm writing to let you know that I've started a mailing list for the 'ChildWrite Project', the effort to write stories for children teaching them things they're not likely to learn in school, such as: general-semantics, the philosophy and practice of self-responsible individual liberty, methods of thinking and creating, particular general models (e.g., systems and information theories), etc.

If you'd like to be included on the list, please let me know. List traffic has been fairly low, so you might want to subscribe if you're curious and then unsub if/when traffic increases beyond a certain point (or stay on if you find it interesting!).

Best, John McPherson

ps -- for those interested, this project is still in its early phase ... right now we're tossing around ideas, introducing ourselves, posting sample stories (written either by ourselves or others), etc. -- John McPherson ( * Host, General Semantics mailing list (send posts to, admin to "General semantics ... an idea whose time was bound (to come ;-)."


From: David Hutt <>

Dear Flemming and NCN folk:

Yes- if there are any of you in the New York City area who are willing to meet with me in the Bronx, Westchester, Rockland or Bergen counties, I would love to do so.

While I have my own potential project, I am more interested in collaborating with someone on a very focused, specific project-your choice, as long as it meets certain spiritual/ethical/financial criteria that are simply part of who I am.

Best, David Hutt



My idea is to put the ideas portrayed in the Celestine Prophecy into a movie production. I do not have the resources to do it myself, but I would be willing to help in any way, shape, or form possible. sincerily,


From: Paul Barrera <pbarrera@UH.EDU> Why then not develop a commune? A place where the only requirement is the desire to live in total harmony with the earth? There exists in such a place so much potential. May the light shine where you walk.


From: Gairk <>

What I would like to see is a BBS. I myself am active in politics and love to try out ideas and such on a BBS.


From: Dan Hunt <>


Were you ever able to locate anything on the companies one might want to consider when purchasing things? You know, those in accord with our Values instead of old world values like greed. I think that if enough of us come together as consumers & commit to purchasing only those items made by companies that support sharing the wealth with all & who are dedicated to wholistic approaches, that we could direct our power more effectively instead of continuing to spend money supporting the world we DON'T want. This is something we could all do fairly easily by simply substitututing the companies we choose to purchase from. It would also promote these companies and help them to stay afloat against the larger money monger corporations still stuck in the patriachial pyramidic greed of the old world.


Dan Hunt/


From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <>

Forgive the delay in getting back to you .. At present I am very involved in a project to stop all killing and maiming traps. It is my belief that killing traps and land mines are the same.

All the universe and all that inhabit it are part of the one .. the heart beat of anyone of us beats in unison with all. What we do to one part of that whole we, in turn do to ourselves. This awakening is slow in coming and resistance is fierce.

I have created a second page at STOP THE USE OF INHUMANE TRAPS .. I also use a second e-mail address for this page at This issue seems to hit at the core of this issue of abuse of everything and everyone.

It is our goal, for the immediate present, to bring about through petitions and other peaceful methods the ban of killing and maiming traps in the state of New York. If necessary, we will go state by state until we can have first a national ban and then a worldwide ban.

While petitioning for this, we are attempting to educate the general public about alternative disease and birth control methods, to bring about an awareness that animals are here for their own purpose and not for our amusement or convenience and to bring to the general public awareness the on-going pain and torture that all too often if done either in ignorance or for fun and sport.

The concept of killing as a controlling method is deeply entrenched. The concept of killing for fun and pleasure is "righteously" defended.

Although the present petition is directed toward New York State, this is a concern for every thinking and caring human being on the globe. I could use as many "links" and as much support as possible. I need to keep myself and my project surrounded by positive energy and I also need information about any work being done on birth control baited food for mammals and fowls. This page has begun to attract some of the major ecology groups and groups working toward improved life and conditions for animals .. we have a ways to go and help would be appreciated.

While you visit the page, you can link over and sign the petition.

Mary Lynn Schmidt ONE SPIRIT ONE HEART The Animal Connection Healing Modalities


From: pegasus1 <>

Dear Flemming, Please keep these reports coming! They are very useful, & already i have seen ways of putting people in touch with others working on similar projects, and others who might be helpful. I will send you another post about "We Are All One" soon, since I would like for it to be sent out in one of you"Projects" posts. Perhaps a Bulletin Board for these projects is appropriate? You already have a Global Ideas Bank. How about a Global Projects Bank, under the same headings, but perhaps alphabetized. As the GIB is searchable, so should the GPB also be searchable by alphabet, title, people involved, (keywords?), organizations sponsoring, etc. Is that too complicated? Will people use it enought to merit the effort to maintaining it? (I actually think so, & that usage will increase with time.) Keep up the fabulous work -- NCN is awesome! Peace, Love & Joy, Dwight


From: MYSLISA M <>

Dear Flemming, Thank you for the project lists - they are most inspiring to me. I had been in a bit of a slump, but knowing that there are people who are truly concerned about the future of our society AND willing to do something about it, has made me feel much better!

A suggestion by "Val & Ad" in Projects II attracted my attention....what do you think about having a weekly aol chat session, say Wednesday evenings at 8:00? there may be an internet chat as well, although I'm not yet familiar with it (IRQ or some such chat?).

Peace, Love & Light, Lisa


From: "Chuck Waibel" <>

These are certainly interesting projects being proposed. I have been working on one for a time, and would like to offer it to others who may wish to bring it to fruition/implementation. It is called "The Orenda Confederacy," an organizational structure upon which the indispensable, practical, cooperative structure of a new civilization can be developed. The text for it's "Great Law" can be found on both our websites, at and at

Chuck Waibel


From: "Charles K. Davis" <>

For some time I have been reflecting upon the historical process of what I call "concept construction", as we collectively evolve towards attempting to create a perfect "cure-all concept" that will manifest as peace and harmony in the world.

As we know, most good concepts are created by a few of our brighter thinkers, and from their single efforts ideas are generated and put into reality manifestations. So this would suggest leadership, many following the sage advice on one. Even in cases of group in-put we will find that the best idea floats to the top and gains the support of the rest within the group, meaning that you still have basically one single point of leadership with a few additional putty to patch any holes in the concept. The historical problem, concerning this procedure is that once the "bright thinking leader" dies his concept becomes distorted by following in-put by less enlightened persons, and then the reality manifestation of the original concept goes hay-wire. All groups then, that follow leaders sooner or later crumble once the leader is no longer overviewing the project. Thus, in creating this new concept we need to review those errors in our past history and develope methodologies for untiy that are not dependant upon selected leaderships, which is a difficult goal. Therefore, I would agree with the idea, stated before, that smaller groups of "like-minded" people would work better, especially in areas where the brighter thinkers collect, and then working out the "net work" problems of patching the seperate groups together to continue some sort of enconomic system while setting up workable standards to prevent the "bully" groups from gaining control over the "meeker" groups within the larger arena. Such "bully" groups like the Tax Collector Departments already represent a problem to some the formulation of some of the smaller sub-cultures, as is thus noted in some of the comments preceding this responce.

Charles Davis. (poster at the Wanderer's Forum).


o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ / * * \ o-------o----------- -----------o-------o

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