Projects II

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Tue Apr 14 1998 - 21:46:32 PDT

These are more proposed or ongoing projects you can connect with.

Next I'd like to find a good way of organizing this. That is, I would like
a system of collecting in one place what is being proposed, what kind of
feedback there is, who collaborates, what comes out of it, how the projects
progress. I would really like this to be more than just some inspiring
ideas and some encouraging responses.

- Flemming


From: "Bruce A. Baumrucker" <>

I'm currently working in two areas:

1. Micro-Credit. About 12 people in Walnut Creek, CA are doing some
basic information gathering and creative thinking regarding setting up
an organization for providing small economic assistance packages for
individuals and groups in our community who want to become more
economically self-sustaining.

The Grameen Bank's founder has the goal of

2. Citizen Projects Support Network. I have a personal mission of
words, create a local infrastructure of support for individuals who want
to do something to make life better for others.

My learning includes: what local community organizations are doing; how
to incorporate as a non-profit; what's happening in the world on this
kind of activity (internet searching); and what other NCN members are

---Needless to say, this is quite a bit for one person, and a
cooperative NCN TeamNet could help quite a bit.---

---I could see being part of a specific discussion group focused on
either or both of these topics. I am not able to have the time to read,
much less respond to 20 to 50 eMails a day which are tangent to these
specific projects. Some kind of diagram or Activity Tree of members
experiences and reflections might be nice...

Best Regards,



From: Tom Christoffel <>

My view of the world is expressed in my signature block - "Regions work."
Regions are an emerging level of community - "regional community." Both
terms - "regional" and "community" are scaleable, so earth itself is the
ultimate region and local community all at once. I also feel that
"community" is the emotional part and "regional" the logical part of the
equation, which together give balance.

Most community work and theory is the local, grassroots variety. With
regions - most of the emphasis is on bio-regions - which are watershed based
or larger, which is beyond the scale that most people can handle. It is not
their normal territory. In order for the regional concept to be of greater
value to people it needs more structure related to existing governmental

Local governments will not go away. The more complex the world gets, the
more people will cling to their local boundaries for stability. Therefore,
tools must be provided to work across boundaries without eliminating the
security they provide.

Since 1973 I've worked in a five county region in Virginia - the Lord
Fairfax Planning District Commission, serving the Northern Shenandoah Valley
- 60 miles west of Washington, D.C. We are a region of governments - local
governments, that were designed to be local and self-sufficient - but are
having a hard time these days. Cooperating regionally for economies of scale
is a hard sell - distance is a factor as well as the sophistication of the
governments. Your geogrpahical neighbors are not always your peers. Cities,
suburbs and rural counties have differnt issues as they are at different
lifecycle stages.

My goal is to cast some light on this new world. Business and industry
operate based on markets which are regional and global. The labor market,
housing market, retail markets are all regional. Money and people flow to
where their needs can be met. The local governmental boundaries mean little,
though for the governments - since thier responsibilities are based on them,
the boundaries are quite important. Who pays the bill, who gets the tax

The NCN policies they sound good, but don't take advantage of the existing
infrastructure to move toward more wholistic management. We will move
forward incrementally against visions of higher quality and true
conservation of energy.

Can NCN help here? I'm a little bit ahead of my peers and get rocks thrown
at me occasionally. It is the Internet and the new communications network
that offers connectivity. If we are demanding customers, it will bring us
the services we need and maintain the infrastructure.

Peace Dynamic

Tom Christoffel

Thomas J. (Tom) Christoffel, AICP * e-mail:
Planner & Futurist - My mission: "Regions_Work!"
Why?  "All markets are regional and the economy is global. Two or more
crossing boundaries to solve a problem is regional cooperation."
*TJCdesigns * Box 1444 * Front Royal, Virginia (VA) 22630-1444 *
 "True peace is dynamic. For sustainability, design with re-use in mind."


From: Stellar927 <>

OK, you asked, so here is our suggestion. We would like to see a chat room dedicated to exploring the correlations between celestine insights and other spiritual "programs". [the word program is used for lack of a more appropriate term.] I am thinking of those of us who are involved in several programs such as the 12-Steps, A course in Miracles, yoga practices, etc. Many of us would like to be able to share the intersection between these paths and discuss how we implement our spiritual pathwork in our lives.

We are thinking that such a chat could have a specific time and location for meeting, could generate a mailing list with postings for discussion between chat times, perhaps a web page devoted to Cross-fertilization between Spiritual Paths. No limits on where such an effort might lead. A web page for sure, perhaps to some projects out there in non-cyberspace, perhaps even a center where we might live and work our spiritual commitment together. Big dreams, small start needed..

Would be happy to discuss this further.

Thanks for asking.

Love, Light and Radical Inclusion, Val and Ad


From: Larry Mintz <>

How about a SIG dedicated to the ISSS, or systems theory. How about a SIG dedicated to Chaos theory and philosphy, dynamical systems(discrete and continous) and analysis


From: Project NatureConnect / Michael Cohen <>

I and some others from NatureConnect would be happy to organize and facilitate an introductory reconnecting with nature group for those interested at NewCiv. Where would be the best place to announce that?

Also, could the following contribution in celebration of Earth Day be announced?

Earth Day Ecology Activities Promote Peace

In association with the United Nations Department of Public Education, to celebrate EarthDay (April 22,) free sensory nature activities that improve self and environment are available for use this year. The Institute of Global Education offers these activities, and associated careers, via the Internet at Leaders, parents, students, counselors and the business world use the hands-on, psychologically based activities to build responsible relationships with Earth, society and self. The activities promote personal and global wellness through feelingful contacts with nature and spirit in backyard or backcountry.

Thanks, Mike


From: JMason4557 <>

The following is from our Welcome Page:

This site is dedicated to present compelling evidence concerning a Great World Change. It invokes a number of areas of research, with dreams as the major key. The other areas of research include connections to crop circle formations, UFOs, ETs, synchronicities, and coincidences, signs in the sky, prophecies, myths, and religions.

Many people are getting these dreams and visions as the millennium draws closer. The more participants we find, the better the picture will be of what is coming and how we should prepare for it.

Join with us on an adventure that only individuals with inquisitive and searching minds have access to, and that is to travel inside your own mind to find the connection that takes you soaring out to the unlimited infinite universe beyond the physical world.

Keep in mind that dreams are not given to us forthrightly, but couched in heavy symbolism, which might not even be for the physical world, but part of our spiritual dimensions instead. Careful analysis of many dreams will bring these things to light, we feel. If  you are interested in participating in this project, or just want to contact us, feel free to send us an e-mail at or

These various fields are all interrelated, so it is essential to have some understanding of them in order to grasp the nature of the coming changes. It is comparable to putting puzzle pieces together into a larger picture.

Joe Mason and Dee Finney have been dream journaling on their own for over twenty years, trying to understand their own dreams as well as others from people met along the way. Joe discovered early on in his dream research that synchronicities and coincidences were happening in his life that confirmed some of the ideas he got in his dreams. Dee discovered that many of her dreams were prophetic as well as confirming gnostic religious views.

We wish to have a variety of views and interpretations; we do not push any particular spiritual orientation. We feel that the world is changing, and that part of that change will involve changes in spiritual beliefs. The dream/spirit realm, we believe, is helping to make these changes by imparting "big dreams" to people, and in other ways, such as crop circle formations, meaningful coincidences, and such.

Personally, I believe the changes will be incredibly positive. There will be a unity, yet with diversity. Tolerance of other views will be a key.

You can find more information on our approach on our Disclaimer Page:

You could help us by informing people about our project and web site. Those interested, could help by sharing their dreams and/or views, or helping to do research into the wide-ranging fields we try to cover.

Best wishes,

Joe Mason


From: Ragy Enayat <>

What do I want to do?

I wanted, for about 15 years, to reach the most effective methodology for understanding, and dealing with the radical accelerating changes we face, and the problems they create in our lives.

What I am already doing?

After selective readings, and integral thinking, depending on critical and creative thinking, I reached the futuristic vision, needed to deal with this changing world that helps to illustrate the future of every human activity, social or economic or political. I reached this vision by: (1) Studying the main continuous indicators of change. (2) Understanding the interrelations between these indicators. (3) Elaborating the futuristic vision about this period of transformation, and the coming style of life, "The information society": its main basis, principles, and ideologies. (4) Deducting the future of any field of human activity: economy, teaching, management, family, democracy, values, and culture.

What do I need?

I need to discuss all this with those who are at the same wavelength. And I feel that NCN is the convenient platform. I wrote five books about my method and ideas, but for my bad luck it is all in Arabic, so I will try with my modest English to discuss this method with any body, within NCN. Ragy Enayat - Cairo


From: (Albinder, Gene)

Here's another idea.

A publishing house, dedicated specifically to the issues of New Civilization. Along with continuing usage of the Web - this publishing house would allow us to create a national and international forum to spread the message of the coming age.

Humanity needs an instrument which would allow it to relate to the world around it as one and indivisible Reality. Employing the concepts, political measures and expressive means of the existing paradigm only makes sense if there is a historical precedence of the benefit of those means with respect to humanity. The viable way to address the problem of evaluating possible merits of the established methods of thinking is to stand outside of the existing paradigm and look at it from the perspective of New Civilization - as if it is already here. Employ a virtual time-shift, if you will. Swithching in this manner a frame of reference would put the advocates of the global change in the archetypal state of mind, where the impossiblity is taken as an axiom and conquered.

Taking the impossible for the axiom is the only way for us relate to impossible as a ground-zero and a condition in which action is targeted not upon the imrovement of the methods, but improvement of the principles. It is the principle, that we are after. Once the archetypal principals of Reality are agreed upon - the concrete methods for implementation of those principles can be considered. The scattered multiplicity of opinions regarding the methods of achieving paradigm shift denotes the lack of Archetype of Reality. We have to find common principle. Not the proposition that requires an endless argument to establish a prevalence of opinion - but the truth, which none of us would be able to refute. Another words - the philosophy of Paradigm, instead of expounding upon the body of accumulated knowledge - would have to derive a common principle which would display such a condition in which Philosophy as pursuit is possible at all. This condition obviously exists, for we wouldn't have the Philosophy otherwise. Similar principles would have to be derived from the total body of knowledge, phenomena of Life as such, phenomena of God as such, phenomena of Love as such, phenomena of Reality as such.

By accomplishing this we will put ourselves in a position of force. Not power - for it is fleeting, but force - which exists in continuum and as such can not be stopped. People, willing to participate in the shift would not have to be confined to this or that "school of thought", "way of thinking" etc. - for they are all valid and existing. Taking the impossible as an axiom will allow people to conquer their greatest impediment - fear.

But there has to be a way to show them that what is thought of as impossible - possible. Those, who can do that, will be the contributors to this publishing house. Ideas - such as zero-point energy, super-consciousness will be presented by those who have built the devices and who have tapped the realm of super-consiousness and got the insights. Imagine a publication that would present a conversation between two angelic beings, for example. Or the working drawings of Reality engines.

This will create an Archetype of Communications. Human genius, unrestrained by dogma, will gradually learn how to believe in itself and will pour out, initiating a domino-effect throughout the world. That is what we need.

We also need money - to buy the presses, to solicit the authors and to promote the publications.

I would love to get in touch with people who have the publishing experience to discuss this idea in concrete terms. The time to change the world is now. If we don't do it - we won't get there. Why not do it now?

On behalf of Hannah Esther - Genesa.


From: "Ritva Nybacka" <>

Hi Fleming,

Is there any "Free Tibet" group at the NCN? It would be nice to get rid of this old problem!

with best regards (ran 57) Ritva


From: Tom Roark <>

As part of the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society (MRES), I'm involved in organizing the seventh annual Solar Regatta. On Saturday, May 30, twenty teams of senior and junior high school students will pilot full-sized, solar boats, that they have built on Island Lake in Shoreview Minnesota (this is suburban St. Paul: just south of, and visible vrom 694, between 35W and 35E--exit 43B).

MRES has a number of similar projects--our Solar Home Tour (as part of the American Solar Energy Society), demonstration projects, a quarterly newsletter, and collaboration with groups with similar missions--but the Solar Regatta is the real eye-grabber.

This is an event that demonstrates the realistic and viable ways that we can incorporate renewable energy into our lives--after all if kids can do it, why couldn't grown-up lawyers and engineers? At the same time, it gives teenagers the opportunity to learn about solar power, hull design, propulsion, deadlines, funding, teamwork, and more.

Tom Roark


From: Helen & PeterEvans <>

We feel, Our Life is Our Love is Our Work, and are exploring a new civilization through our relationship. It's a very personal "core" belief. Just as we spoke this summer, grand projects are not necessary for "participation" in a new civilization, solo work, or relationship work through love is also part of the whole. We feel our projects emerge as creations and fulfillments of our relationship. Our very life together takes on the dimension of a new paradigm of living or loving and of relating. Within the above context we are seeking Haven. It is our "project" now.

for those of you who say this is personal and does not affect the world, I suggest everything we do affects the whole. This may also broaden the scope and stimulate the discussion as to the definition of what a project is, do we help ourselves first, then others, etc.

So, Flemming, in response, can anyone help us?


Do you know of an older home that is perhaps in need of repair, or may be vacant for an extended period of time and needs some tender loving care and attention.

We have recently moved to the area in search of Haven. An idea has been suggesting itself to us and it is...."there is a home in distress and it is perfect for us." "Distress" may mean that it is abandoned, needs repair, or perhaps it merely means the current owners do not fully appreciate its uniqueness, or the remoteness of its location,or recognize the structure as a conventional home because of it's original purpose or prior use, for example a church. While we don't at this very moment have the funding to purchase a home, we do believe the universe works in creative ways and that we have many options for acquiring our Haven, including, but not limited to:

-- housesitting (we've done this in Washington, DC and British Columbia, Canada) -- exchange of repairs/renovations for accommodation. -- lease with option to purchase

Who are We

Both of us had thriving businesses of our own and long term marriages in our "prior lives of two years ago". Then transition came upon us full force. In the midst of the turmoil, we found each other, first as friends with common situations, and now as husband and wife continuing this grand adventure of life. It is indeed a dying of the old and a renewal, it's learning to walk, to run, to love, to live life fully.

Peter is an certified journeyman carpenter, owned his own residential, custom design/build, construction/renovation business. Articles have been written about him calling him the "dream builder" because he made his clients' dreams for a perfect home come true. We are well qualified to do repairs or renovations on any home. Helen had owned her own marketing business for 12 years and is very talented in all areas of promotion.

We are moving into other areas, expanding our talents, and this is a process that is taking some time, two steps forward, one step back, then a change of direction. Our biography now is:

"Brought together electronically, remaining together romantically, Helen and Peter have joined forces synergistically in a way they describe as "Our Life is our Love is our Work".

They combine their talents and energy as Potentials Global Consulting. They express their "way in the world" as authors (forthcoming book, "Unsafe Love"), as sculptors ("Moment of Recognition", bronze), as workshop leaders (Life Focus: Revealing Your Personal Truth) and as a Creative Catalyst (co-creating positive solutions with organizations, groups, businesses, etc.)

On October 5, 1997 they married."

We have accomplished much in just two years, first by shedding the legalities and encumbrances of our prior lives and then by beginning anew. Our book had been signed on by a small publisher in Canada however they are experiencing financial difficulties. We have facilitated workshops in Canada but have not yet established our network here in California. We are "in process", and we are finding it a great, wonderful adventure along the way.

We are also trained hospice volunteers, practitioners of therapeutic touch, students of the Science of Mind, project directors for the design and contruction of a model eco-house here in Ojai, Peter is a member of Mensa, and Helen is on the Board of Directors of New Civilization, a California non-profit corporation.

So you now know something of who we are. If you own, or know of someone who owns the home we are seeking, we are open to many options. Please contact us, and thank you. We're reaching out to the universe through your eyes and ears.

Blessings, Helen and Peter


o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ / * * \ o-------o----------- -----------o-------o

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