Projects V

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Wed Apr 22 1998 - 00:00:40 PDT

Sorry, this one is a bit long, as I included a couple of lengthy, but
interesting pieces. Particularly Keesy's "Civilization" group, and the info
on "The Great Experiment" this Thursday, which quite a few people sent to

Project proposals and reports can take quite a few different forms.
Summaries, visions, calls for action, webpages, campaigns, poetic
expressions. We might develop some kind of systematic way of keeping track
of what is being proposed and what is being done, but until then I guess
we'll need to be open to the different ways it might be done.

- Flemming


From: Natphish <>

   I wanna get some sort of gathering together and all you need to
get in would be some sort of foods. All the foods would go to feed homeless
people. This gathering would help practice living in a community for 2 days
where everyone helps out doing something to get things done, and we would all
be sort of co-dependent, in helpiung out each other, with eating, work, and
entertainment. I am in the CT area........if you would be willing to help
organize this gathering, please email me. M email address is
Thank you :-)


From: Howard Schechter <>

What I'm Doing:
I am continuing to make the world a better place for all animals and
plants and my birdbaths are making quite a splash! As you know, I'm
committed to making beauty in the world and to have everyday things like
lights and statuary nurture and nourish our souls. Perhaps not as
grandiose a vision as ending world hunger but the impact is definitely
happening! (And there's alot of birds out there that are alot cleaner
than before).

What I Need:
I need to have greater exposure for my website and don't know how to do
it. [...]

Are there people out there who would like to sell birdbaths? I think I
could structure a deal where they could make $50 a piece clear money.

Can you help?



From: "El Ra Na" <>
Subject: Save Organic Standards!! Pass it on....]

Subject: Help Save Organic Standards!!

Above is the location of a Public Comment worksheet that allows you to
a Direct comment to the Dept of Agriculture--it is very easy to respond
with this letter-- regarding the proposed organic standards that wants
allow all sorts of toxic and chemical additives along with animal drugs
etc. It also proposes that genetically modified organisms can be used in
processed foods and labeled organic etc, etc.

If your're so led. . . . .won't you take a moment to print the form and
mail in BEFORE April 30? Exercise you Right for Pure and Unadulterated

Light and Blessings,


From: "lloyd kinder" <>

I'm focusing on survival right now, preparing for possible
disasters by raising and storing crops etc. I need info on possible and
probable disasters and I'm willing to share info with others. Andrew
Gause at has the most plausible info that I've found so
far, viz. that govt and big business corruption are going to cause
runaway inflation starting in a year and a half. Others like Richard
Hoagland at are uncovering govt corruption that is
preventing important info from becoming public that would greatly
benefit society, such as free, non-polluting energy technology, etc. I'm
looking at various potential solutions to corruption, one being
informing Americans that income taxes are legally voluntary (they go
toward expanding corruption) as explained at
   As for participatory democracy, I feel that it is far inferior to
unanimous rule, or consensus decision making, which is explained a bit
in articles in The Communities Directory 91 & 95.
   Aloha, Lloyd


From: Abolish Nukes <>

ReCycle, Copy & Pass-It-On - Contact Ten More People
Translate into other languages & post on other Networks...

Fellow World Citizens:

As you may or may not know, there will be an official meeting of States'
parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty taking place in Geneva,
Switzerland from April 27 to May 9, 1998. In addition, many
Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) will be meeting in Geneva at the
same time...

Since many more NGOs, as well as tens of thousands of individual
citizens cannot be present to express their heartfelt opinions, the
following "hometown" campaign has been initiated to make a powerful
statement to all world leaders. To wit, "Create a Nuclear Weapons
Convention by the year 2000 AD that has a definitive timeline to abolish
nuclear weapons from the earth forever."

International Day of Non-Violent Action
Monday, April 27, 1998

We call upon all States to make the following Commitment for a New
Nuclear Weapons-Free Century:
1. End the Nuclear Threat
2. Sign a Treaty to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
3. Reallocate Resources to Meet Human Needs

"Missiles to Sunflowers" Campaign

Action: Organize an action with friends, relatives and neighbors on
April 27, 1998. Plan a vigil, meeting, or other nonviolent action at
your local, state, or national political representative's office to call
for the prompt elimination of nuclear weapons. These actions will be
coordinated with the presentation, the same day, of over 13 Million
signatures from Japanese citizens supporting nuclear abolition to
international governmental representatives in Geneva, Switzerland.

Your action will also be coordinated with other events taking place
throughout the world...
call: 415-995-1991

Please: Inform us of your participation / action / location so we can
pass it along to the governments and non-governmental organizations
gathered in Geneva!
call: 415-995-1991

When - April 27, 1998

What - Your physical presence at your local representative's office,
together w/ as many other people as possible around the world will make
the most powerful statement possible to world leaders that nuclear
weapons should be abolished forever. Suggestion - take Sunflowers (paper
or real); signs; petitions, resolutions; and copies of the Model Nuclear
Weapons Convention with you (see for more info).
If you can't be there in person, be sure to call or write your elected

Why - From April 27 - May 9, 1998 the States' parties to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty will be meeting at the United Nations in
Geneva. The Abolition 2000 Global Network To Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
will be meeting in Geneva at the same time. This is an international
action! Please Participate! Help sign Abolition 2000 petitions and call
or write your elected representatives during this time as well.

ReCycle, Copy & Pass-It-On - Contact Ten More People
Translate into other languages & post on other Networks...

This is a project of Unity Foundation
Unity Foundation is a part of Abolition 2000, a Global Network to
eliminate nuclear weapons


[Forwarded by quite a few people. See also]

THE GREAT EXPERIMENT [to take place April 23, 1998]

Here's the Question:

Can millions of people, focusing their minds on inner and world peace, heal
the world in an instant?

Can we, through scientific and quantifiable means, prove that we are indeed
the creators of the world we perceive, and that by changing our perception,
the world itself changes?

This is "The Great Experiment."

It's time we prove scientifically what the saints and sages have always
told us that we are powerful spiritual beings with the ability to create a
world based on the laws of love, instead of the rules of fear. With the
help of scientists, we are about to put an end to doubt forever.

Two months ago, James Twyman, author of the best-selling book, "Emissary of
Light," was invited by the government of Iraq to perform his "Peace
concert" in Baghdad. The situation seemed desperate -war seemed almost
inevitable, and diplomatic efforts seemed to have failed.

"I was being used by the Iraqi government," Twyman said. "But we had the
same goal: to avoid this terrible war. I was given permission to sing the
Muslim prayer for peace to Saddam Hussein and I wanted the world to join us
in this prayer. Hundreds of thousands of people over the world
participated, and when it was complete, I felt a profound shift in the
energy of that whole region. Three days later, a peace agreement was
signed, something which seemed impossible before the prayer vigil began."

        But The Story Continues . . .

"A week later, I was invited by the government of Northern Ireland to sing
at Stormout Castle in Belfast - the building where the peace talks were
being held. For days, bombs were exploding all around that area. Many
people were trying to interrupt the peace process and it seemed like the
talks might fall apart. Once again, thousands around the world joined us in
prayer, and three days later there was a breakthrough in the talks. A peace
agreement in May now seems inevitable."

The evidence is there - we do have the power within us to change the world.
 Princeton scientist, Dr. Roger Nelson, has measured the statistically
significant effect that focused meditations and events have upon the
earth's energy field. Dr. Nelson has measured these effects during the
GaiaMind Meditation and during Princess Diana's funeral. His studies show
that the greatest effects occur when groups synchronize their focus. During
"The Great Experiment," we will meditate upon specific affirmations in
unison to achieve the power of a singular group focus.

                  WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW TO BE TRUE:

"If enough people join their minds and hearts for peace, we can
heal the world."

"The Great Experiment" will take place on April 23rd at 6:30 PM Eastern
Time ( This would be 10:30 PM GMT ) Please mark your calendars now, and
tell everyone that you know to join with us.

James Twyman has been invited to sing the peace prayers from the twelve
major religions at the United Nations building in New York on April 23rd.
This presents an unparalleled opportunity for us all. Dr. Doreen Virtue,
best-selling author of The Lightworker's Way, and Gregg Braden, geologist
and author of Awaken to Zero Point, join James in conducting this
incredible experiment. Authors, entertainers, and other celebrities, will
participate by sharing their vision of "a world transformed by love."

Here's how you can participate:

1. Tell everyone you know. Share this with everyone on your mailing list so
that everyone can participate. Feel free to print this out and make copies.
 The goal is to get as many people as possible focused on this meditation.

2. Begin preparing your spirit and mind for the event by spending a few
moments in silence everyday. This will help build the energy.

3. Join at least one other person for the vigil on April 23rd. This is an
experience to share. "Where two or more are gathered."

The Format of the Meditation:

We are asking everyone to follow this simple format during the meditation.
As scientific studies at Princeton University show, the more focused a
group meditation or event is, the stronger the effect.

1. Opening:

Begin with this affirmation, said with great power and committment:

     I am an Emissary of Light.
     I extend this Light to all beings, in compassion and love,
     knowing that they are one within me.
     this moment the world is healed -
     and I along with it.
     I will it - and it is so.

2. Then spend five minutes creating a sound (such as "Om") to carry the
spiritual energy and vibration. This can be done with a single tone or by
singing a song such as "Amazing Grace."

3. Spend five minutes in silence allowing your spirit to receive the light
and love which you yourself extended to the world.

4. End with this prayer:

     "It is done!
     I am one with all - and all is healed.
     Let love reign where fear once was.
     I accept this for myself and for the world.
     I am an Emissary of Light now and always. Amen"

Then, with reverence, bow your head and thank God for this grand
opportunity. The universe gives thanks to you for being part of this great

If you have any questions regarding this Great Experiment, please write:


Also please visit the website for the latest updates: [AND SIGN PEACE

Visit Gaia's Garden at


[and this forwarded by Bartonian Metaphysical Society]


Announcement to all Planetary Kin:

Please note that the "Great Experiment," April 23, 1998, Planetary Moon 20,
occurs as the top line of Codon 49 "Revolution of Time," Stage 13 of the
"Revolution of Telepathy," which on the Dreamspell Calendar is Blue
Electric Eagle, the 16th Galactic Spin Anniversary of the original Harmonic
Convergence, which was also Blue Electric Eagle, August 16, 1987!!!

In the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, this Harmonic 14 is coded by Codon
11, "Dynamizing," (traditional I Ching, Hexagram: "Peace"). Please
participate in the Great Experiment to fulfill the "Revolution of
Telepathy," first year of the 16-Year Telektonon Cube of the Law. The
synchronic order is singing resonances of overwhelming power! For those
who do not yet understand or know of these things, just tell them that
precisely 16 sacred calendar cycles (Tzolkin) of 260 days each have passed
since that first Harmonic Convergence. The TIME has never been greater for
the power of Peace On Earth!

(The foregoing statement is a contribution from the World Thirteen Moon
Calendar Change Peace Movement in support of "The Great Experiment.")


[This is submitted by Keesy <>. It is from his home page at]



. . Do you have good ideas for improving society? Perhaps in economics,
politics, business, religion, civics, or family? Or
maybe in science, education, culture, language, technology, standards,
government, or some specialized field?

. . Would you like to see those ideas adopted?

. . Would you like to join with others in implementing those and other good
ideas for the advancement of human civilization

. . Or would you simply like to live comfortably and peacefully in a
delightfully trouble-free, modern rural garden city with
good friends and loving family among industrious and sympathetic neighbors
of your own kind and choosing?

. . If so, then you belong in Civilization.Org, the only organization
dedicated to the immediate realization of all good
civilized ideals and desires.


. . What is civilization? Civilization is simply an organization of mature
adults working together to achieve their life's
ambitions in the most efficient and desirable ways possible. In
civilization, citizens routinely order everything they want
from industry and society, then arrange their social systems to assure that
everyone receives what they ordered, exactly as
they ordered it, at the lowest possible cost.

. . Civilization is thus the embodiment of that wise old adage: "Ask, and
you shall receive. ...Don't ask, and you take your

. . If you would like to join a global organization whose only purpose for
existence is the full realization of all your personal
desires and those of your fellow members, then please apply below. Many
good members are needed if we are to achieve
our common goal of a better, happier, more sensibly productive and humane
life for all.

. . No special skills are required. The benefits of civilization can be
readily achieved through a simple two-way,
agent-directed communications network. This can be readily launched from
the Internet and expanded later into satisfying
personal networks.

. . The total absence of any mass two-way communication system anywhere in
the world is the primary reason why
contemporary societies are so uncivilized. Numerous one-way communications
networks do exist, but no two-way

. . Civilization.Org will provide that missing direction.

                          Benefits of Civilization

. . After a global two-way communications network has been established
between thousands and eventually millions of
responsible adults, they can begin improving all elements of their societies.

    1.... They can redirect existing manufacturing and construction budgets
to the planning and construction of durable
       energy-efficient cities that will be designed, occupied, and managed
according to the wishes of their citizens.
    2.... They can organize trouble-free economies that will respond
efficiently to consumer desires while supplying
       businessmen with secure long-term customer orders and their workers
with guaranteed lifetime self-employment at
       high market wages.
    3.... They can sponsor a World Standards Committee that will develop a
world scientific calendar; a universal
       phonetic alphabet; a thoroughly defined world language; a rational
system of weights, measures, and numerals; and
       a basic world religion.
    4.... They can negotiate Global Citizen Agreements that will
effectively limit world population; distribute land and
       minerals equitably; eliminate air, water, and land pollution;
abolish war and crime and their causes; democratize
       political constitutions and practices; and organize international
and local events without commercial influence.

                             Network Connection

. . If you would like to join such a civilized network, you can begin by
applying below. You can also begin circulating these
pages among your mature friends and e-mail acquaintances, and offer to
organize them as local cells in this future global
Civilization. You can post this article in your local newspapers,
magazines, newsletters, bulletin boards, and Internet
newsgroups, and build a Site that will serve as a local rally center for
your civilized neighbors. You can compile e-mail lists
of your online neighbors from published e-mail directories, and post them a
brief message acquainting them with this site
and your plans to advance its objectives locally.

. . Your submitted data will be forwarded to available Network Agents and
to appropriate committees. If you volunteer to
serve as an Agent for select clients, you will be contacted by Agencies
with open memberships.

. . After you have selected your agent or agency, you will be efficiently
connected to all Civilization members around the
globe and to all their friends, relatives, neighbors, commune members, and
business associates whom they represent.

. . This organization process parallels the technical process by which your
computer was initially connected to the Internet.
Your ISP Servers correspond to our Network Agents. Your Corporate Intranets
correspond to our connected Committees.
Your Internet Hubs correspond to our Network Agencies. And Civilization.Org
itself corresponds to the WWW groups who
register Internet connections and guide their administration.

. . The difference between the two processes is that civil organization
produces a truly productive, two-way communication
system between millions of sincere active citizens with an extensive range
of practical and cultural interests. Technical
connection alone produces only impure, unsafe, severely limited,
potentially dangerous publican communications with a few
unknown, unscreened, generally suspect, often juvenile, and occasionally
fraudulent predatory strangers. This leaves
mature Internet citizens as isolated as they were before from the millions
of their good Internet neighbors around the globe
and even those around the block.

. . Through Civilization.Org, a massive two-way global communication media
will become an immediate practical reality,
not merely a fanciful theoretical possibility.

. . Currently common folk find little reason to obtain e-mail addresses or
to tour the Internet's chaotic, spam-filled,
virus-infected, publican newsgroups or its innocuous homesites. After
joining Civilization, they will soon discover many
productive ways to employ this ultra modern communications media.

. . After you are actively connected to The Network, your official address
will be changed to that of your Agent. He will
convey your ideas systematically to all interested members and influential
outsiders, reply in your name to their
agent-tabulated responses, inform you of his negotiated progress, and
forward draft agreements to you for your final
approval and execution.

. . To maintain direct communications with Civilization members, you may
post on membership rosters your e-mail,
homesite, and postal mailing addresses, and include your biographical data,
statements regarding your personal interests,
objectives, principles, ambitions, and criteria for unsolicited mail. You
may also participate in monitored Civilization
newsgroups and titled chat rooms to acquaint members with your personality
and ideas and to attract personal friends,
followers, comrades, leaders, and associates.

                            Committee Objectives

. . The technical elements of Civilization require development by numerous
specialized committees. The most important of
these are described below. You may join these as either an active member or
as an auditor who monitors committee progress
and occasionally submits ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, volunteer
labor, and moral encouragement.

. . If no active committee yet exists for your city or special interests,
you may form these and serve as their founding

CIVIC Committees

. . The foremost characteristic of civilized people is their desire to live
in their own ideal self-governing cities as sovereign

. . Like business, family, culture, and Life itself, civilization is
cellular. It requires whole organic cities designed and
populated with select disciplined citizens who cooperate in the performance
of their civic duties as determined by whatever
generic and regional civilizations they choose to belong. This means that
civilized people must merge their exclusive homes,
offices, factories, and farms into whole, organic, self-sustaining private
cities that are equally as exclusive.

. . For these reasons, all Civilization members are required to join at
least one civic committee whose objective is the
formation of civilized communities and the construction of ideal cities.

. . Everyone should welcome this requirement since trillions of dollars are
currently budgeted for the construction of
short-life buildings, homes, products, and vehicles that have no enduring
value or purpose. This extravagance squanders
not only our precious time, labor, genius, and indeed our very lives, it
also consumes countless cubic kilometers of our
limited oil, gas, and mineral resources. When these reserves become scarce,
urban conglomerates will become cold, dark,
deteriorating slums with few viable rural alternatives for their billions
of hapless denizens.

. . This disaster will not befall those sensible folk who wisely redirect
their communal budgets to the construction of
modern, durable, energy-efficient, population-limited cities. These will
require little petroleum for transportation, trade, or
electrical power generation, and none whatsoever for space heating and
endless reconstruction. And what little petroleum
and minerals will be required for their next thousand years of operation
will have been reserved for their exclusive
consumption by global civil contracts.

. . These dedicated reserves will reduce still further what little
petroleum is made available for extravagant urban

. . The promotion of new civilized cities is one good way for sensible folk
to locate oneanother on every continent. It is also
a good way to promote global civilization as a sure way for civilized
people to guarantee their comfortable survive through
the coming energy crisis and the difficult future that lies beyond for the

. . Questionnaires supplied by the Objectives Committee will probe the
detailed civic desires of Civilization members. These
will be accompanied by inspiring architectural renderings, luxuriant site
models, and three-dimensional floor plans prepared
by the Architectural Subcommittee.

       ARCHITECTURE SubCommittee

       . . This professional subcommittee will suggest numerous conceptual
designs that will fulfill the civic
       desires of member as summarized by the Objectives Committee.

       . . These designs will embody the requirements of a non-commercial,
self-governing city as specified by
       the Economic and Civics Committees. As far as possible, these will
incorporate the symbolism of
       civilization and of the religion, culture, character, and
personality of their charter citizens.

       CULTURE SubCommittee

       . . This subcommittee will collect and suggest various cultural
elements for early adoption by the city
       planners and citizens of planned communities and cities..

ECONOMY Committee

. . This will be the key committee whose energy, wisdom, perseverance, and
substance will determine the height to which
Civilization will rise and the breadth to which it will expand.

. . Like the specialized organs of the human body, every civilized city
needs to operate its own independent internal
economy. Each citizen must therefore know how to operate a
direct-labor-exchange economy before they can properly
design, finance, build, occupy, or manage a civilized city or community.

. . While the principles of civilized economics are few, simple, concise,
and rather obvious, these different perpendicularly
from primitive market economies under which most people were raised and
indoctrinated. To gain competence in operating a
civilized economy, traditionally indoctrinated businessmen, workers, and
consumers will need to practice civilized
economics within existing market environments. The ability to finance
future cities without money will largely depend upon
the success of these integrated direct-labor-exchange economies.

. . For these reasons, all Civilization members are required to participate
in at least one local civil economy.

. . This requirement should be welcome by all since a civil economy will
complement everyone's current market

              Businessmen will work under lucrative long-term customer
contracts that will assure their lifetime
              enterprise success.
              Workers will enjoy stable lifetime job security at double
their current wages in the occupation,
              project, and location of their choice.
              Investors will be guaranteed abundant rewards for all their
invested time, labor, substance, and ,
              Consumers will obtain everything they desire at very low
prices direct from manufacturers.
              Pensioners will enjoy savings secured against inflation,
business recessions, currency
              devaluations, stock market crashes, bank failures, and
government defaults.
              And everyone will be delighted by their immediate liberation
from currency handling, government
              regulation, income and sales taxes, debt collection and
litigation, borrowing and investing, and all
              those other dreary financial, legal, and marketing chores.

. . Organizing civilized economies is a good way for civilized neighbors to
locate one another and to promote civilization
among those billions of market-weary businessmen, consumers, workers,
regulators, judges, and politicians.

. . An article describing this modern type of moneyless, consumer-based,
direct-labor-exchange economy was published in
the United States Congressional Record and a leading state bankers
association magazine. It was presented to the United
States House Of Representatives by the Hon. Carlos J. Morehead as the way
to cure America's chronic economic ills.


. . The second distinctive characteristic of civilized people is their
sensible desire to cooperate in the adoption of common

. . The Standards Committee will coordinate the activities of several
specialized subcommittees and work to assure a broad
dissemination of their products.

. . The promotion of global standards is another good way for civilized
people to locate one another worldwide for the
immediate adoption of sensible global standards. It is also a good way to
promote civilization among inveterate publicans
who thought they already lived in a civilized society.

       CALENDAR SubCommittee

       . . One of the simplest and easiest of all global standards to adopt
is a standard calendar. The Calendar
       Subcommittee will develop a sensible scientific calendar for early
adoption by all Civilization members.
       They will compose a descriptive justification for its universal
adoption and promote it among publicans as
       an interesting novelty and decorative conversation piece and as a
uniquely attractive media for their
       commercial advertising.

       . . Prominently displayed at offices, homes, and factories, this
World Standard Calendar will signify the
       progressive character of its owners and introduce civilization to
those who inquire into its significance.

       . . All members are expected to use this calendar in their official
correspondence and, where appropriate, in
       their publican correspondences as a second (parenthetical) date.

       ALPHABET SubCommittee

       . . Another global standard that can be readily adopted is a World
Standard Phonetic Alphabet.

       . . With the aid of professional type designers, the Alphabet
Committee will develop the fonts of a new
       symbolic alphabet that will represent all the sounds commonly spoken
in world languages. These characters
       will be broadly reviewed to assure wide acceptance. This alphabet
will coordinate its symbolism with those
       developed by the Language and Religion Committees and the best
features of existing graphical alphabets.

       . . When completed, all members are expected to use this alphabet in
their Civilization correspondence.
       New computer applications and keyboards will be manufactured to
reproduce these new fonts.

       . . The characters of this alphabet will be used to spell each
member's final selection of an exclusive
       Civilization Name.

       LANGUAGE SubCommittee

       . . The most distinguishing characteristic of the human species is
their ability to communicate complex ideas
       over time and space through spoken words and written characters. To
be effective, these words must
       convey singular meanings commonly understood by both speakers and

       . . To develop an easily understood definition for all words, the
Language Committee will employ three
       specialized groups. Together these will compose a World Standard
Definary Of The Human Language.

       . . The Abstract Group will define all abstract human concepts using
a system of commonly understood
       symbols and their combinations. These will be assigned numbers and
symbols that can be easily applied to
       local languages by existing national language academies and by newly
formed Civilization committees. The
       design of these symbols will be coordinated with those developed by
the Religion Committee.

       . . The Naming Group will systematically apply names to common
objects and abstract concepts to
       produce a universally acceptable World Standard Language.

       . . The Symbols Group will systematically develop complex symbols to
designate abstract human
       concepts to explain graphically their components and to abbreviate
further the time, effort, and volume
       required to communicate human ideas.

       . . The Meanings Court will offer judgments on submitted scenarios
and apply to these the most
       appropriate descriptive words. Although Definary definitions will
leave little doubt about the meaning of
       abstract words, professional judgments will help to settle semantic
disputes and to counter misleading
       publican propaganda.

       . . The Language Committee will cooperate with the Education
Committee in preparing language courses
       and word quizzes that will promote popular literacy regarding
abstract human thoughts. All members are
       expected to respond to official word quizzes and to use this defined
language properly in all their

RELIGION Committee

. . The third distinctive characteristic of civilized people is their
desire to know the truth in all circumstances so they may
wisely adjust their actions accordingly. The objective of the Religion
Committee will be to determine the fundamental truths
regarding the Meaning and Purpose of Human Life.

. . Like all complex engineered creations, the human body has its own
correct usage and intended purposes. The Religion
Committee will study Life to determine these divine purposes and develop
logical conclusions based on common

. . The product of this committee will be a Basic World Religion that will
instruct people on the fundamental Meaning and
Purpose of Life and the role that civilization has in satisfying that
purpose. This will help guide people through life and
confirm civilized people in their wise choice of a civilized life.

. . All members will be required to register their personal religious
beliefs and moral principles so that their fellow citizens
may judge their character and intelligence and adjust their social
relations accordingly.

. . Civilized people can locate oneanother through the promotion of this
basic religion among publicans and urging its
adoption by those publican churches that have no religion. Proselytizing is
a good way to encourage more people to lead
religious lives and to join those societies that espouse compatible
religious principles.

. . The products of the Morals and Agreements Committees will aid people in
the proper daily application of their normal
religious instincts.

       MORALS SubCommittee

       . . The fourth distinctive characteristic of civilized people is
their personal Codes Of Conduct. Usually these will be
       motivated by a religious perception of the Meaning and Purpose of Life.

       . . The Morals committee will organize these principles into
Comprehensive Moral Codes that will clearly indicate
       the correct moral response to every social, personal, and familial
situation. This code will be presented in matrix
       format to allow verification of each postulate through comparative

       . . Civilization requires of its citizens an official periodic
expression of their personal moral codes. These frequent
       expressions will reinforce their convictions and persuade their
neighbors of their intent to abide by these. All
       Civilization members are therefore expected to formulate their
personal moral codes and to register these for the
       edification of interested members. This determination will be aided
by the efforts of the Morals and Language
       Committees and by the standard multiple-choice questionnaires
circulated by the Objectives Committee.

       . . These freely proclaimed principles are the civilized equivalent
of publican Oaths Of Office and Oaths Of
       Allegiance to flags, documents, office buildings, and personalities.
Any violation of these proclaimed principles
       would be the equivalent of a violation of a publican oath and would
elicit an similar social response.

       . . Soliciting official expressions of personal moral codes is a
good way for civilized people to attract principled
       publicans to civilized societies that espouse similar principles.

       . . Promoting popular adoption of comprehensive moral codes, and
urging their adoption by those publican
       churches that have no morals, is a good way to civilize publican
societies and to persuade their clergymen and laity
       to convert to civilization.

       AGREEMENTS SubCommittee

       . . The fifth characteristic of civilized people is their
willingness to make and keep agreements on social issues with
       other civilized people. To be mutually agreeable, such agreements
must be based on impersonal principles. These
       principles will usually be derived from personal moral codes and
religious principles.

       . . The two most fundamental social issues that require immediate
global agreement regard and fertility and the
       equitable distribution of land and resources. Other essential issues
involve standards, pollution, war and crime.

       . . In cooperation with the Religion and Morals Committees, the
Agreements Committee will prepare detailed Global
       Citizens Agreements on all major issues and distribute these to
members through their agents for their
       signature-approval. Once signed, members are expected to arrange
their circumstances to assure their ability to
       honor their social agreements.

       . . Publishing Global Citizen Agreements in public media is a good
way to locate civilized people and to enlist the
       cooperation of publicans.

POLITICS Committee

. . The sixth characteristic of civilized people is their willingness to
work together to protect the civilizations they form and
the cities they build.

. . Although politics is not needed within or between civilized cities,
civilization does require civilized politicians to deal with
outside authorities and their subjects. A central political committee is
required to organize these political activities and to
direct the democratization of their military processes.

. . These objectives will be achieved through the efforts of three

       CIVILIAN Congress

       . . The Civilian Congress will be the official interface between
civilized voters and the military parliaments,
       congresses, state legislatures, and city councils of those nations,
provinces, and cities that host Civilization

       . . Civilian Congressmen will be elected individually by
participating voters to present their individual desires to
       ruling military legislatures on all social issues. The Objectives
Committee will provide Issues Questionnaires to aid
       members in expressing their political wishes. This civilian
representation will be offered to all publican voters.

       CONSTITUTION SubCommittee

       . . This Committee will compose Civilian Constitutions for those
political entities with significant numbers of
       civilized voters. These will be submitted for their official
adoption as the civilian counterpart to their imposed
       military constitutions.

       PARTY SubCommittee

       . . The Party Committee will organize, register, and administer
political parties for interested members and voters in
       each of these political entities.

       . . Since civilized political activity could redirect trillions of
dollars in publican budgets to the construction of
       civilized cities and their defense, political activity should be
regarded as an essential civilized activity until
       civilization becomes universal.

       . . Agents will routinely direct the political activities of members
in the normal course of their daily civilized lives.
       The Political Committee will lead this concerted effort to determine
the best policies under current political

       . . Promoting civilized political parties, candidates, and platforms
is a compelling way to locate mature civilized
       people among the polling public.

       . . For these reasons, all members are expected to participate in
the activities of at least one civilized political party.


. . The administration of a large network requires individual and group
efforts coordinated by central and regional offices.
This administration, guidance, and leadership will be provided by the
Membership Committee and its local branch offices
and subcommittees.

       COMMUNICATIONS Subcommittee

       . . While the Membership Committee will serve as the eyes, ears, and
brain of Civilization, its sensory and motor
       nervous system will be formed by its network of Civil Agents. The
Communications Subcommittee will supervise
       this basic agent-directed communications network and expand it until
it provides all the communication, news,
       education, and entertainment desired by ordering members.

       OBJECTIVES SubCommittee

       . . Locating all members with the same interests and desires
requires an extensive standard membership
       questionnaire. The Objectives Committee will compose this
questionnaire and maintain a current tabulated record of
       member responses to it. Totals will be publicized for the guidance
of committees, agencies, and members, and the
       edification of outsiders.

       EDUCATION SubCommittee

       . . The seventh characteristic of civilized people is their desire
to extend civilization to all people of the earth and to
       future generations through educational institutions. This desire is
likely to be motivated by religious desires to raise
       all humanity to their full human stature as sovereign adult human

       . . To educate people quickly on the entirety of civilized wisdom
requires a series of professionally prepared
       capsulated instruction packets that utilize modern communication
media. The Education Committee will develop a
       progressive series of video tapes and interactive computerized
courses to explain the functions of civilization and its
       advantages. Books, novels, magazine articles, motion pictures, and
stage plays will dramatize its proper application
       in daily civilized and publican life. These will be made available
to all members and to public schools and
       broadcasting media.

       PROMOTION SubCommittee

       . . Civilization will progress slowly until many millions of
civilizable folk have been offered memberships in
       civilized communities and educated in the their nature and
operations. This mass promotion can be readily achieved
       through existing social groups, advertising media, and convenient
Internet newsgroups and home sites. All
       members are therefore expected to be active in at least one local or
regional promotion committee.

       . . This effort can commence with team postings on Internet
homesites, chat rooms, and newsgroups with threaded
       responses. This effort will develop proficiency in explaining the
functions and advantages of civilization. Monitored
       local newsgroups will aid these efforts and allow expansion into
pleasant personal networks. The central office will
       coordinate this global promotion campaign to maintain its high
quality and accuracy.

                            Applying for Membership

       . . If you would like to join a civilized network like this, please
advance to our Membership Application page. Here
       you can register your e-mail address and few of your civilized
desires, interests, and ambitions.

       . . This will be the first essential step toward their realization.

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