Time for the update on who joined NCN last month. Yes, I know it becomes
kind of long as an e-mail message, but I think it is worth it.
- Flemming
Name: Michael Crater
Location: lewiston, Idaho, USA
Email: mcrater@lewiston.com
A single father of two, active in the Rainbow Gatherings, interested in
relationships, writing, reading, fun, politics and spirituality
Name: Sean Zacharias
Location: l.a., ca., USA
Email: john.1yahshua@netchannel.net
Web: http://angelfire.com/ca/yahshuans/
i like to research and study and create. kept a
colored journal daily since 1977. i'm probable the
only creative artisic journalitist as such. i also
like and play basketball and play pool when given
the chance, i have stayed up on all sorts of news
in general.
there is a universal spirit pattern and a
universal spirit law which rules and guide all
things. there is nothing that escapes the pattern!
it has and can answer all the worlds questions in
peace and in unity. for it is a unity of which i
speak!? this pattern shall shortly be known by all
men in it's simplicity. through all the enlightment
i see here, so far i am very exited to learn and
work with all who desire, and are working for world
peace and unity. sean.
this is great! it has been my desire for this kind of
operation since i was very young? i thought is i could
cure cancer, i'd be doing something! yet realized it
would be a drop in the bucket, i learned later. a plan
follows a pattern, which follows a purpose, a vision.
this may be the place?! i have much understanding to
share with all men! i need help? we all do?! let this
not be a april's fool joke? i am not . peace and unity and
comfort to all men. sean.
Name: Danielle Jackson
Location: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA
Email: DJack8923@aol.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/6548
Spiritual Consultant and Personal Transformational Coach. Channel of
spiritual information and vibrational sound.
Name: Frederick Mann
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Email: f-prime@activist.com
Web: http://www.buildfreedom.com/
Biological/physical immortality; writer; publisher; finding a cure for
institutionalized violence; peme-theory (peme = political meme); living
I am about to launch a project to involve as many people as I can interest
in writing and publishing a wide range of "peme-novels," based on
peme-theory -- see <http://www.buildfreedom.com/tl/tl074.htm>. I plan to
set up a publishing company for this purpose.
I'm also interested in a the creation of an alternative money system based
on the ideas of E.C. Riegel -- see
<http://www.mind-trek.com/treatise/ecr-pem/index.htm>. Some peme-novels
could help promote these ideas.
Name: lee eun jung
Location: seoul, , Korea
Email: ammy@www.anc.or.kr
Web: http://www.anc.or.kr
Academy for New civilization is a Non Governmental Organization
who have been working for the movement for the new century.
Our Activities are focused on 'Newage Science', 'Informative
Society', 'Wholistic spirituality' etc.
I'm working for Publishing 'New civilization Road' in Korean.
I try to introduce your documents and Informations to Korean.
Is there any chance to receive your Publishing paper?
Kindly tell me about the procedure for receiving.
Name: Barbara Bianco
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Email: avatar1@ecentral.com
Web: http://newage.miningco.com
Hi, I look forward to the future. I'm an Avatar and I create my
own reality. I'd love to hear from others with similar beliefs.
Forget me, I'm more interested in getting to know you! Especially
if you care about world peace, spiritual transformation, and
planetary enlightenment. Also, oracles of all kinds!
I work as a Guide for a new Internet "search engine" called The Mining
Company. I am one of 500 passionate people who research and index
websites on a specific topic. We deep dig into the mountains of web
information looking for the gems. My area of expertise is the New Age,
which covers everything metaphysical, holistic, and occult. Yes, it's
a pretty broad topic and it's also a pretty wild time. I welcome you
to my site, but even more, I invite you to share any information you
may have concerning New Age people, events, and trends, especially
those of a global nature.
Name: Drew Hollywood
Location: New Jersey, USA
Email: drewwriter@earthlink.net
Writer, Actor, former teacher, Former artistic director of The
Meadow Theater, a theater for kids. My spirituality can best be
descsribed as pantheism...perhaps wiccan pantheism. but I am
quite comfortable at mass inthe catholic shurch, where I was
raised, at unitarian services or dancing naked by the sea
Name: Tom Christoffel
Location: Front Royal, Virginia, USA
Email: tjcdsgns@shentel.net
Futurist and planner promoting cooperation through regional
community by networking. Interested in the learning
organization approach applied to the learning region. We need
boundaries to know responsibilities. You must cross boundaries to
solve problems. All boundaries are arbitrary. There's only one
planet. Peace dynamic.
Name: Bob Wondga
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, USA
Email: falcon@iname.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ca/blufalcon/index.html
Computers,Spirituality,philosophers Stone (White powder of
Gold),Kindness to all, transmuting negative energy to positive
energy through compassion as a basis :-). namaste
Name: luis pacheco
Location: panama, PANAMA
Email: pisagrey@sinfo.net
Name: Ronald Olson
Location: Long Beach, California, USA
Email: hr2020@aol.com
I am a philosopher, do facilitating in orgainizations and individuals.
Functioning Naturally for the sake of Living Healthy. I teach through the
Coast Community College District in Orange County California. Vitalizing
and energizing individuals through validating what is unique about them
based upon their specific experiences is my prime interest.
I am pleased to be alive at this time on this planet.
I have spent the past 20 years experimenting, searching for what is
absolutely, actually true and found that this is unique to each individual.
Individuating (Carl Jung) requires collaborators and important to few
individuals I have personally met. I have done over 5,000 assessments over
the past 10 years using the MBTI, and in most, cases, an indepth interview
of how childhood experiences continue as influences influencing adult
behavior. Reconstituting these experiences for the purpose of transcending
"normal" values seems to be a potent process for intensifying one's
potency. Rare do I find individuals who have appropriate evacuators,
confessors or suitable collaborators that serve this worthwhile journey. I
am interested in collaborating with a constituency who are vitally
interested in enhancing healthy living on this planet.
Name: Lisa McCracken
Location: Pgh., Pennsylvania, USA
Email: MysLisaM@aol.com
Contemplative, gnostic, executive level manager, accounting,
single-mom,adventurer, mensa
I would like to contribute what I can (creativity & application)
to the betterment of humanity.
I hope to find out more about the specific goals of the NCN, and how I
might help to achieve some of those goals. I have a "Unified Theory"
of the universe that incorporates the laws of physics (it doesn't
conflict with the established properties, laws & principals). I also
have a project that may possibly solve the water-shortages of the
Hope to hear from you, soon!
Name: Thomas McCarty
Location: , , USA
Email: tjm957@pcbell.net
I want to explore the possibilities of conscious living, conscious
evolution (personally & globally), and connect with like-minded people
in discussion and exchange of ideas that (mostly) come from love
rather than fear. I do believe that we are on the verge of .......
I seem to want to write some sort of dissertation, but of course
that's not the answer for anyone, and certainly is not what I'm
looking for. I want answers, no, I want to know the questions! I want
to share questions and possible answers with fellow seekers. I want to
see and hear what fellow seekers think or intuit, and to feel free to
share my own thoughts, concepts, and possible insights.
Name: Matt Taylor
Location: Kenthurst, NSW, Australia
Email: menn@healey.com.au
I'm 19, and studying Biology/Geomorphology full-time at Macquarie
University, Sydney. I'm also a bush regenerator, and a keen
permaculturalist. My main interests are right livelihood,
sustainable agriculture/living, human rights and
At the present time, I am very inspired to *do*. I only started
to learn about sustainability and the environment about 2 years
ago, so much of this time has been spent in my room reading books
and absorbing vast amounts of information. Right now, I think I'm
more than ready to actually start doing things that are
significant, even if just in a small way. Apart from
permaculture, growing vegetables, etc., I'm also getting more
interested in human rights and politics, though my knowledge of
these issues is quite scant at the moment. Perhaps the biggest
inspirations have been Nelson Mandella's 'Cry Freedom', and
Jeremy Rifkin's 'The End of Work'. However, most of my life
continues to be based around Bill Mollison's book, 'The
Permalculture Designers Manual', of which I am convinced contains
the answers to most problems in this world (or the essential ones
anyway). Enough from me (for now!). I am looking forward very
much to talking to you all...
Name: Daniel Mayer
Location: Sacramento, California, USA
Email: maveric149@hotmail.com
Web: cybergenesis.org
What is going to happen Dave?'
Civilization is now a mere 6000 years old -- in cosmic terms
that is nothing. However, in that 6000 years, we have elevated
ourselves from being hunter-gathers who feared what might be
over the horizon to a potentially dynamic populace who looks to
the future for salvation. In that simpler time, we contemplated
the round arc of heaven and the rough face of the earth. In
order to make sense of what we saw, what we experienced, what we
felt we created concepts of superstition -- of super belief.
This gave us comfort. We were mere spectators in a miraculous
world of wonder that we could not understand nor begin to
comprehend. That has changed. Now, today, at present we have
the power, the Matra to begin to decipher the design of the
heavens and decode messages contained within the earth. Before,
we could reasonably expect to live until the ripe old age of 25,
now we can plan on living into our seventies. Six-thousand years
ago a minor infection often led to death. Back then, we toiled
away most of our daylight hours in the search and production of
the articles necessary to sustain biologic functions. Now, we
largely work for the items which make our life comfortable; not
just possible. This is progress. Now here we are; we stand at
the forefront, the start, of a new millennium. Behind us lie the
chasms of the distant past, before us lie infinite
possibilities. Unfortunately, at our current rate of resource
consumption, environmental destruction and mastery, by brute
force, of the systems of the earth, most of those possible
futures are less than rosy. We have to act. What we need to do
is further develop the two systems which have brought us our
current prosperity; civilization and technology. However, this
undertaking has to follow Buckminster Fuller's design principle
of "simplify, simplify". From a solid foundation, thus formed,
we can further the expansion of progress to all of humanity and
still have a flourishing world ecosystem. This website, and the
community it represents, is a good start. It is a forum, a
foundation of disparate individuals and groups, working toward a
general goal -- the betterment of the human condition. A
Chinese proverb states that a journey of a thousand miles starts
with a single step. Together, we are starting upon such a
journey -- each of us will follow a different path, but we will
succeed. Civilization and technology have brought us a long way.
Built anew and allowed to prosper and grow from a well designed
foundation; these two forces will combine synergistically to
create, as the entity who was once David Bowman said to the
HAL9000 computer utility,
'something wonderful'.
Name: Valery Stepanov
Location: Sankt-Petersburg, , Russia
Email: vvs@aari.nw.ru
Has finished Russian State Hydrometeorological Institute
(http://www.rshi.nw.ru) and Russian Institute of the Intellectual property.
The doctor of sciences in the field of remote sensing. Area of
interests: remote sensing (traditional and nontraditional),
protection of the intellectual property (Especially of
nontraditional decisions)and its economic circulation.
I work as the leader scientific employee in a State science
centre " Arctic and Antarctic Science-Research Iinstitute ".
The chief of a public institution " a All-Russia service of
protection of the intellectual property " - noncommercial
private enterprise.
I hope to establish contact to everyone, who is interested in
realization of ideas and inventions
Name: Anna O'Keeffe
Location: Culver City, California, USA
Email: Wyldengel@aol.com
I am an active member of the Self -Realization Fellowship, a practicioner
of Feng Shui, yoga, massage and meditation. I was born in Youghal, County
Cork in Ireland and have lived across Europe and on the beautiful island of
Maui. Maui! No Ka Oi! I enjoy dancing, singing, acting, writing,
rollerblading, horseback riding, cycling and snorkeling. I am a firm
believer in the Anthony Robbins' method for success and currently work as a
freelance consultant doing public speaking. I love animals, especially
cats and horses, and happily support the Blue Bell Foundation for Cats in
Laguna Beach. My interest in NCN stems from a desire to create a world
more harmonious than the one we are currently involved in. I want to learn
more about NCN and lend my talents to its success. I am currently
residing in Los Angeles (westside) and I am eager to attend the salons I
have heard are held in the area.
Name: Jeff Petsinger
Location: wayne, Illinois, USA
Email: jeffp@megsinet.net
Web: http://www.megsinet.com/jeffp/
organic gardening, solar energy, energy efficient homes, hydrogen
msme in mechanical engineering, minor in forestry, work for a
major communications coporation
Name: Jeremy Normington
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Email: jnorming@martin.cuw.edu
Physical therapy-sports med.
I do party and was a part of a drug culture for a while.i.e.
Coke, speed, acid, heroin, mushrooms,pot,extesy.
3years college soccer.
2years college basketball.
As of now I am on the dean's list and have a cumulative G.P.A.
of 3.5.
I am in the music industry of techno while studying physical
therapy at Concordia Univ. Wis. Music is a powerful thing and
I'm trying to learn everything I can about the production of
it. Not many people think like I do(we do?) here in Milwaukee.
A lot of them do not understand the Celestine Prophecy mostly
because of a fear of the unknown or something. I know that I am
there! I used to think I was just being egotistical until I
read the book. I am finding more and more people that are
THERE, and Thats why I joined. I am 22 years old and am waiting
for the change. I am also a Christian with Jesus Christ as my
Lord and Savior.
Here is a big question that I have right. I am about to start
graduate school in the fall. I have an opportunity to use my
(our) new realm of understanding to reach more people. A friend
of mine, who is conscious, is going to film school. Fullpoint
school in Orlando. It starts in July and is a twenty month
course that costs 48,000 dollars. We want to do audio and film
that will help people to see what it is all about. I do not
even have enough time to go into details but call me if you
wish. Back to my question. Is there any kind of grant money,
scholarships, or loans through this group available. I need to
get some money to do this. And yes you are the only source I
have gone to. I know I have some cash and I can take out some
loans, but my parents cannot afford to help me. If you cannot
help but you know someone who can PLEASE PLEASE let me know. It
is a dream we have and I need to see it become a reality. Thank
you for time Jeremy (414)291-0238
Name: Felix Schaad
Location: Horeke, Northland, New Zealand
Email: schaad@igrin.co.nz
Web: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2796/
We are a Swiss couple that emigrated to New Zealand in 1982. It
was part of our spiritual mission in this life, to discover the
lost scriptures called 'The Teaching', to edit them and to put
them on the Internet. All other things about ourselves do not
really matter. If you want to know more write to us!
The Teaching is the account of a woman who could leave her body
and travel into the thought world. There she gained information
about the purpose of the physical plane and about mankind on the
path towards the fulfillment. The result is a gift to mankind
and can be downloaded from our pages free of charge.
Name: Tammie Fowles
Location: Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Email: fowles@mindspring.com
Web: http://sageplace.com
I'm an author, psychotherapist, wife, mother, daughter, sister,
and friend who abandoned a life of too much financially and not
enough emotionally and spiritually. I love the vision of NCN
and would very much life to offer my support.
Name: Dorothy McLeod
Location: , , USA
Email: dorothy@jps.net
Single, 53yo woman, teacher, pet-sitter, also interests
in computer-based businesses. Enjoy meditation;
seeking spiritual answers; hiking; love all pets
I'm a curious person and realy enjoy all the great information
on the internet. NCN sounds really interesting. I'm looking
forward to exchanging ideas with the other members
Name: Thomas Fielder
Location: Anaheim, California, USA
Email: tjfielder@earthlink.net
Interests: science and technology, Scientology, creative
writing, science fiction
Abilities: nothing unusual
Job: running the Transgenic Mouse Facility at UC-Irvine
I hope to make some lasting contribution to the world, beyond "merely"
living a productive life and raising my children well. I hope to
handle those aspects of my personality that seem to prevent me from
achieving my full potential in life.
Name: Michelle Kicken
Location: Galloway, Ohio, USA
Email: Moohala@aol.com
I am 37 years old, married with two small children. I am currently
studying herbal medicine and Kinesiology. Interested in Organic Gardening.
I am interested in connecting with others sharing likewise spiritual
The just finished reading "The Celestine Prophecy" and it made a lot of
sense to me. Now, I have a whole new way of looking at life and I am very
excited about it. I am currently looking to live in the country where I
will have my own woods and be able to experiment with growing my own
organic food with projected energy. I would love to communicate with others
who are working their way throught he insights as I am just beginning and
need lots of support and advice along the way.
Name: lizzie tuckey
Location: , , Australia
Email: natkins@nra.com.au
Why are we here?
Name: Lawrence Sayre
Location: Santa Rosa, California, USA
Email: lsayre@pacbell.net
I am a fourty one year old baseball umpire born in San Francisco
Calif. I found that the book has changed my life and the way
that I look and the world around me. I am looking for people
that have the same interests and are willing to discuss them in
an open manner.
Name: Frank Gerryts
Location: Twickenkam, Middx, UK
Email: frank.gerryts@saudibank.com
Web: http://www.inner-resources.demon.co.uk
I am a Master Practitioner of NeuroLinguistic Progammming and of
Time Line Therapy. I use these skills in providing business,
along with a background in psychology and Information Technology.
Interests in mind/body connection, Zen, juggling and language.
Name: Scott Showers
Location: Ithaca, Michigan, USA
Email: snlshow@mach7.com
I enjoy reading,bicycling, flying, skiing, and most
others types of outdoor activities.
It is refreshing to find like minded people that would also
like to make planet earth a better place for ourselves and
our children.
I am currently striving toward a goal that will allow me,
financially, to concentrate more on helping others improve
their way of life and in turn they can also help others in
need. This however will take a cooperative effort of like
minded people.
Wow! how my priorities have changed in just a few short years.
Name: Jade Star
Location: , Arkansas, USA
Email: jadewolf@division-x.org
Raising and caring for wolves, music, raising herbs and vegies,
camping, canoeing, reading, writing, good movies, traveling to
non tourist area of the country, weight lifting (I am not buff:)
just getting healthier), dancing, computers, discussion groups
where people are open minded. This list could get really long
because there are so many things I enjoy. These are jus
I have spend several years working in positions related to
environmental reform and public education on environmental
awareness. I have worked in corporate positions and in politics
also in non environmentally related areas. I owned an Internet
Server Provider until a few months ago and I am currently working
for an alternative newspaper and several other fun interesting
things. I am enjoying the greatest adventure of all.....life!
Name: John Charnay
Location: , , USA
Email: CharnayJ@arcla.org
Want to connect with fellow Los Angeles residents....
Name: Douglas Hamilton
Location: Falkirk, , United Kingdom
Email: magicka@globalnet.co.uk
interests: science, metaphysics, history (and prehistory),
music, SF&F literature and cosmology.
activities: reading, walking, music, internet, and discussion of
diverse topics
Name: Sue Thomas
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Email: thomas@gwc.maricopa.edu
I am interested in sustainable living and agriculutre. I like
hiking, camping, and traveling. I feel being a vegetarian I am
making a conscious choice daily to save the planet and also my
health. I love living in the Southwest. I live in Phoenix, but
New Mexico is my favorite state.
Name: Roman Koffer
Location: , , USA
Email: Zockerbox@Hotmail.com
My ID-Name is MrBlack because I am a fan of Millenium the series from
Chris Carter, and this site is about the Millenium.
And I must say that my English is not good because I am from Germany.
Name: Eric Kunkle
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Email: raenstal@technologist.com
computers(programming, gaming, etc.)
reading(variety of topics)
project i already had an idea for would be
to find old computers, fix them up, and give them to
disadvantaged persons to learn to use.
cost of old machines is low as it is ...
also, find old versions of software to use
Name: David Pettit
Location: Canoga Park, California, USA
Email: visionaryart@earthlink.net
Web: http://www.visionaryart.base.org
I'm Interested in truth, beauty, vitality, life extension,
theories of whats going on in the cosmos, on the planet, in
history, what is a person, visions of the future, how to help my
fellow humans become more utopian in their thinking, habits,
material usage and politics. Hence my website's contents.
Name: Jim Hugues
Location: , , USA
Email: highlan875@aol.com
spiritual enlightenment
abundance creation
Name: Kim E Smith
Location: Angier, North Carolina, USA
Email: meijha@mindspring.com
nothing really special except the desire to find out more about
myself and connect with my inner spiritually, which I'm finding
is a mystery to me. Maybe talking with others will help me find
it. I'm learning about Meditation currently.
I was brought to this page thru Celestine Prophecy. I'm of the
thought that if I can interact with others of like mind, I will find
out more about myself...
Name: Scott Widdifield
Location: San Clemente, California, USA
Email: scottw7@home.com
Web: http://members.home.net/scottw7
Name: Martin Watson
Location: , , Australia
Email: kantaka2@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.users.bigpond.com/kantaka2.htm
Professional Gemmologist/Jeweller and diamond grader.
Commercial Yacht Captain, SCUBA Instructor and Lifeguard.
Ex-Theravada Buddhist monk and teacher of inter-disciplinary
Dharma studies.
Name: Rob Gillies
Location: Edinburgh, , UK
Email: rob.gillies@mcqueen.com
Enjoy:- Relaxing, Thinking, Walking, Reading, Having a laugh,
Seeing my friends.
Name: Stevia
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Email: stevia@gte.net
Web: http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/stevia
ods,Sprouts,MLM,networking,Web Surfer,child by nature,and Master of Self
Love Yourself.........And Pass it On! Let's Chat, write, connect, network,
play, heal and co-create together.......Forever !
You and I Are One
Name: Lelia Griswold
Location: Freeland, Wa., USA
Email: lgsoul@whidbey.com
Web: http://www.wholeliving.com/soulhome
Spiritual Transformation, Relationship Healing, Yoga, Meditaion,
Dance, Nature, Walking on the Beach,Light & High Vibrational
Attunement, Evolving From Codependence to Real Love, Cocreation!
Working cocreatively in a small group
I agreed in 1984 to join the Planetary Transition Team. Ever
since I have been developing my craft , Relationship
Transformation, and allowing my Spirit to transform and dissolve
my ego into the true love that is the core of all of us
I am deeply, deeply grateful for how the Christ Within me is guiding
me to the right places at the right times as a whole new life is
opening and unfolding here in Seattle after moving out from the East
Coast. I thank God for the natural beauty here everywhere, loving
friends, opportunities to do the work I love to do and to live in
planetary awareness as I act locally.
My message is gratitude--how much we all have to be grateful for once
we open to, follow and obey the loving guidance from the Christ
Name: Shawn Ulam
Location: Roseville, California, USA
Email: shawn573@hotmail.com
I want to learn as much as I can. I'm a very unbiased person to
about everything. I also love to meet people and learn their
different point of views on life.
Name: Gerry Smith
Location: Borger, Texas, USA
Email: gandg@infinitytx.net
Web: http://www.borgernet.com/gandg/
I am a just turned 49 year old female Pacific Islander from my
mothers side, who is a "Happy House Mouse" because I love Win95
and discovered this fascinating world of cyberspace, chats,
making web pages, and avenues to new interests via the net like
yours the "NCN"! I am married to a wonderfull man who gave me
this PC and hooked us up to the net, and who is my soul mate!
Name: Edward Varney
Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Email: evarney650@aol.com
Formerly Pres. of Strawbale Builders, Inc., Engaged for the last 6 years
building homes utilizing the waste material, straw. 18 structures built, 10
with permits. Currently VP for Santa Fe Alternatives, Inc, with the
emphasis on ALL new technology to eliminate conventional req for old growth
lumber, and to give more than lip service to the concept of energy
efficiency. The effort to mainstream the techniques (ie: remove it from the
exclusive domain of the "touchy/feely" alternative world) and create a new
interest in more than just cost in the building of a "home", have revealed
themselves to be more difficult than expected.
Name: Ingrid Gustafson-Hollis
Location: , , USA
Email: hollis@gateway.net
sustainable societal changes, sane life, protection of planet, visionary
change free of ism's, land base for all, intentional communities, loving
protection of fellow humans and all beings.
My hope is a sane world where all beings are respected and cared for in a
loving way.I like the idea of not trying to fix what obviously is not
working, but creating a new culture that can be sustainable, sane,
respectful, whole.
Name: Brooke Schooles
Location: Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Email: lilbubba@aol.com
I like to be creative in any way possible but am only most creative when
its been bottled up or oppressed for a long time. I am obsessed with music
-- anything. I write for the arts and entertainment section of my school
paper..(West Virginia University)...and I especially like writing and
drawing. Usually I combine them.....my favorite word is "blah" and I love
to read about different religious ideas.
Name: Wouter Van Heerden
Location: Somerset Wesr, Cape Town, USA
Email: max_wax47@hotmail.com
I like PC GAMES and I like making games and surfing the web !
I would like it If you could send me some pictures and stuff to my e-mail
adress !
I hope to be able to prove that Aliens exist, because I think they do !
I would love to become an architect and a computer programmer !
Name: Gary Barnes
Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Email: sojisan@fls.infi.net
Web: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/1042
Spiritualist, poet, and cyber surfer. My site promotes love,
light, and lightness.
Name: J.P. Sandst
Location: , , USA
Email: jsandst@concentric.net
Physical Therapist - specializing
with manual therapies; abounding
outdoor activities interests, very
much enjoy learning about life.
just interested in what other people
in the world's philosophies are
about life... as i know i have my
Name: Robert Clark
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Email: robc12@juno.com
I'm interested in assisting the efforts of anyone working to help make the
world a better place. Currently, I'm working as a cab driver here in
Portland by day, at night I play with computers; hardware, not software;
I've assembled 4 since I started this a year ago.
Name: Tom Sawyer
Location: , , USA
Email: djbarr@whidbey.net
Drummer for The Disassociated Grocers
Name: Soo Ching Lim
Location: , , Singapore
Email: soo_ching_l@hotmail.com
Interested in discovering new ways of work and organisation.
Especially as a result of utilising new technologies.
Name: Miklavcic Dejan
Location: Beograd, Serbia, Yugoslavia
Email: jandearc@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu
Student of organisational sciencies at Belgrade
university..hadding to computer engeneering.Close interests are
philosophy,psychology and mysticism.Deeply into environment
issues(GREENPEACE,PETA...),hadding desperitly to some better
world,if it isn't late yet...
Life isn't nearly as surficeal as it seemed to me before and as
it seems to milions of people around the world.Life isn't a peace
of shit as many are ready to say,blaming everybody else for their
terrible destiny...We are surrounded by amazing signes,and those
who learn to read them are in possibillity to start meeting the
real life...which is the reason of our living..as i belive...we
are supposed to go back where we belong..on the right way.And we
passed very,very long way to have what we have here,and we could
and should use it the best possible way.Thousends and millions of
wise people have left most prescious views of life and reality
right there in their books.Ancient phylosophers,mystics and
religion headings have written down their experiances,and i find
it very sad that many of us ignore their incredible minds,hadding
for short-lasting ,material things...I hope in New Civilisation
is possible to find some wise and reasneable people who are ready
to follow the light...
Name: Dirk Cotter
Location: Auckland, North Island, New Zealand
Interests - reading, writing, fitness, religion, long walks, enjoying nature
Abilities - work as a Business Analyst and Systems Tester
Activities - I see being an author as being my life workand am currently
working on my first novel (have had poetry published in the states)
I have joined this organisation in the hope of finding other people with a
like minded view on the world. I am 23 and to a lot of my friends my
ideals, aspirations and hopes for the world seem pretty far left of centre.
I have only just recently become 'spiritually awakened' myself after
reading James Redfields The Celestine Prophecy. This book fired me as no
other has and even managed to combat a strong sense of cynicism that i
think all of my generation now wear like some sort of protective coat.
Though it has been a short time since i started to actively persue some of
the Insights in his novel i feel as if i have come further on my journey
than i have for the last twenty two years of my life. I hope that thorugh
this organisation i can go further and help others on their own journey as
Name: Chris O'Byrne
Location: , , USA
Email: cobyrne@mindless.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/6033/
My main interest lies in education and the radical reform of
education. I am working on several ideas within the main idea of
building community.
Name: Ronald Bolender
Location: Mount Vernon, Ohio, USA
Email: rbolender@mvnc.edu
Studying quality of life issues at the macro and micro levels of
Collect items related to (a) Coca-Cola and (b) Victor Victrola
Name: Vladimir Zolotarev
Location: Borok, Yaroslavl reg., Russia
Email: zlm@dlc.edu.yar.ru
Web: http://www.uta.fi/FAST/EGEDE/abin.html
Synergetics, coevolution, deep ecology, distance education,
information society;
Microcosm Integrated Concept development;
Alter Civilization (New Culture);
Automated biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems
Global networks
See the web-site.
I vizited Global Forum'94, Lake Baikal, Amur River and so on,
reading many books on eastern/western philosophy and religions.
My practical/spiritual experience leads me to the global
thinking and action for the Earth and Humanity coevolution.
I am searching for global partnership and support.
I have a great deal to say to you and humankind, but my time in
Internet is limited.
Please contact me via e-mail.
For Earth,
Name: Dorri Jacobs
Location: New York, New York, USA
Email: endespair@aol.com
Web: ENDespair:Hope&HealingtoTransformtheWorldofWork
Certified mediator, workshop facilitator, skillful presenter, available for
programs. Internationally published journalist and business writer for
grant proposals, newsletters, articles, books, etc.
The ENDespair Project seeks affiliation with related groups for mutual benefit.
"We're in the midst of great social upheaval. People feel frustrated,
angry, anxious, angry, hopeless about the future, unsure of their next
move. While some profit, others struggle to survive. Dissatisfaction with
the status quo can be a powerful force--sharing our dreams, values,
feelings, spirituality and unique ways of over- coming obstacles will
channel energy in a positive direction." DJ
The ENDespair Project provides coaching, mediation, professional training,
employee programs, consulting services, public forums, emotional &
spiritual counseling, support groups, research, writing to inform, inspire.
Creating a coalition of concerned groups and individuals committed to
transforming the world of work.
Name: Neal Camp
Location: , , USA
Email: hugger@uswest.net
Interested in microbusiness, self help programs, evolution, world
cultures and commerce, crosscultural programs, how the mind
works, world peace.
Originally from tri-state area of PA,OH,WV, I have lived in AZ 28
years. Graduate of Syracuse Univ., major in world religions,
minor in journalism. Have worked in Viet Nam and Thailand.
Visited Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Cambodia, Canada, Cuba, Mexico and 32 of the 50 states. Deeply
interested in promoting understanding among different cultures
and tolerance of individual differences.
I hope that someday everyone will understand how the brain/mind works
to arrive at answers, decisions and opinions.
Name: Pete Wagner
Location: Boise, Idaho, USA
Email: sage2@cyberhighway.net
i have just resently gotten online at home, so that is for the moment, my
main interest. music, reading, the outdoors/fishing/camping, "puttering in
the yard", and people, are all interests of mine. i write creatively in
mostly business/sales capacities, and have been in sales/marketing most
recently. i enjoy stimulating people's minds to consider the possibilities
of what they can be,
i'm just another free soul. who i am is where i am right now
re: personality test
just remember that, no matter how far you think you've gotten in your own
development/progression, you can only go so far without bringing others
along with you. and we are all connected to each other, whether or not the
path others take is the same as ours or not. and the destination is the
same for us all.
i still believe that loving your enemy and turning the other cheek conquers
all. it blows their minds!
take care,
Name: Olusanya Bey
Location: Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Email: wu-chi@mailexcite.com
Web: http://members.wbs.net/homepages/r/a/b/rabbitsun.html
I am a service provider for developmentally disabled adults. I am
interested in all spiritual traditions because I recognize them all as
unique manifestations of Universal Harmony. I am involved in the struggle
for the recognition of the sovereignty of all indigenous peoples. My
strongest ability is remaining open to Spirit.
I'm just one person striving to heal my relationship with the inherent
godliness in myself, seeking others of a like mind and spirit to share in
the experience of universal harmony.
Name: David Lake
Location: Topeka, Kansas, USA
Email: djlake@ix.netcom.com
I enjoy studying the different world religions, I have found that a common
thread exists in them all. I'm a Freemason and enjoy listening to Art
Bell. Good philosophical discussions are always welcome.
Name: George Wolford
Location: Cotter, Arkansas, USA
Email: wolford@eni.edu
Web: http://www.eni.edu
After departing a successful career as a real estate developer in
California with a limited education, George Wolford met mid-life
crisis with a return to school and a yearning for a more
altruistic life style. He selected Clincial Psychology and in
the process of earning he doctorate, he aquired a disparaging
attitude toward both the educational system and the health care
system. Two years of internship in rural Arkansas cemented his
thoughts about the problems with managed health care and lead him
to utilize his business background to improve the educational
delivery system globally. He is currently President and
Chancellor of EarthNet Institute, a newly formed degree granting,
non-profit, distance education university.
Dr. Wolford is a reknowned speaker and teacher on a variety of
subjects. He has made presentations to groups as diverse as the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, American Psychological
Associations Annual Conference, Arkansas Prevention Institute,
Mid-South Summer School of Addiction Studies, and at the
University of Hawaii. He has practiced psychology in a clinical
setting, developed real estate and taught widely. Additionally,
he was the founder and Executive Director of three organizations:
the San Diego Mens Center, Stability Training and Recovery
(alcohol treatment facility), Wolford Research Group, all in San
Diego. He served on the Board of Directors of the Maui County
Chaper of the National Mental Health Association, founded the
Maui County Chaper of the National Counsel on Self-Esteem, and
served as Regional Coordinator for the National Psychology
Advisory Association. He has authored two screening instruments
for neurological damage in both children and adults and has
conducted extensive research in Community Based Asset Planning
Groups, empowerment and community building. He is currently
developing multi-lingual, multi-point video conferencing formats
to deliver education to Third World countries.
Dr. Wolford received his Bachelor of Science in Chemical
Dependency (Magna Cum Laude) and Master of Arts in Counseling
Psychology from National University in San Diego, California and
his Doctorate in Clinical and Community Psychology from The Union
Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio. Further training includes prenatal
addiction interventions, school based prevention strategies, and
cross-cultural psychopathology. He is also an experienced
trainer in the Johnson Model of Intervention. He is an advocate
of honesty and simplicity as under utilized healing forces. He
encourages all to engage in self examination to discover their
own motives, passions and assets.
Name: Janet Mackley
Location: Watervale, S.A., Australia
Email: janmack@rbe.net.au
Web: http://www.rbe.net.au/~janmack
I am a retired primary school teacher who enjoys computing,
especially the internet, writing to penpals, 60's and 70's pop
music and classical music. I'm particularly interested in
alternative health issues and new age philosophy, such as the
Celestine Prophecy.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
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