Projects VII

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 01:28:11 PDT

These are some assorted projects and project proposals and ideas.

- Flemming


From: "Bruce A. Baumrucker" <>
Subject: Community Strength Brief

3800 Vista Oaks Drive, Suite 105 June 18, 1998
Martinez, CA 94553
925 229-4105 Fax 229-4956 Bruce Baumrucker Director

COMMUNITY STRENGTH is an educational research organization whose mission
is to strengthen the community through gathering and sharing information
on community activities, possibilities, resources, and unmet needs.

Our Purpose is to support individual and community cooperation and
self-reliance through the following activities:

* Identify and network people resources to form an alliance of those
engaged in strengthening community. Create a Community Data Bank.

* Research relevant information and make it available to the community.
Create information products and services to assist this process.

* Demonstrate and enable an uplifting approach for developing solutions
to current and future community needs.

* Support and Participate in Community Strengthening Projects: Disaster
Preparation / Crisis Prevention; Community Data Banks; Micro-Credit /
Micro-Entrepreneurship; Integral Health; Isolation Solutions (Individual
and Organizational); Investments in Youth; etc,.

* Catalyze locally owned and operated economic and service activities in
each aspect of the community.

* Encourage and Recognize corporate activities supporting local

* Support technical and social innovations that can contribute to
community strength.

* Link up with other communities in educational and supportive ways.

* Invite and welcome all members of the community who wish to
participate in this project.

* Contribute to the science of cooperation, self-reliance and
compassion. Promote awareness and appreciation for whole persons, whole
systems and whole earth approaches and their regenerative possibilities.



(Other Communities, Countries, Global patterns)
10. OTHER...
Because this activity is to be easily duplicated by others should it
prove useful, it is formed as a Fictitious Business Name organization.
This is much easier to create and operate. Community Strength is
envisioned as being economically self-sustaining through creation of
information services, educational presentations and workshops, and
through consulting activities.

Community Strength is currently seeking people who wish to participate
in this project. Please call or eMail:
Bruce Baumrucker, 925 676-9268
Michael Anne Conley, 925 284-2804,
Sergio Lub, 925 229-3600 Extension 101,
Thanks go to those who have been helpful in developing this project:
Richard Miles, Don Marks, Marcus O'Connell, Cheryl Abraham, Flemming
Funch, Michael Anne Conley and Sergio Lub; Michael Schuman's recent
book GOING LOCAL has served as a catalyst for this project; and
Buckminster Fuller has been a continuing inspiration for the last 30
years. -BB


From: (Nicholas Albery)
Subject: Individual and community preparedness for Y2K possible social

For New Civilization Network members interested in individual and community
preparedness for the social catastrophe that may result from the Year 2000
computer bug, the Global Ideas Bank, which is a sub-division within the New
Civilization Network, has initiated an online brainstorming/message board,
where readers can rate the ideas submitted, using Intermix, one of the
places Flemming recommended in a recent e-mail.

If you would like to help get this Y2K debate going within NCN, go to:

With best wishes, Nicholas Albery <>
The Institute for Social Inventions   |  Tel +44 [0]181 208 2853
*also* The Natural Death Centre       |  Fax +44 [0]181 452 6434
20 Heber Road, London NW2 6AA, UK
ISI/Global Ideas Bank is at
NDC/Funerals info:


From: "Frazer Kirkman" <> Subject: New civilisation

Hi everyone, I can't stand it any longer, this civilisation I mean. I am in DESPERATE need of some help. I am looking for a intentional community. I am dedicated and feel I would be a valuable asset on any team.&nbsp; Is there any one out there, any where in the world that knows of a place that meets or even comes close to the following criteria: Nb. These are not in any particular order Drug free Vegetarian/ Vegan if possible/Breathairian if possible DEDICATED TO GROUP/SELF DEVELOPMENT A learning and teaching environment A loving caring environment Technologically creative Academic (science/arts/drama/maths/inventive/psychology/language/sociology/etc...) fitness, sports and games orientated Self sustaining (grow own food/produce own furniture-buildings-electricity-computers) Uses mimetic programming to improve members abilities Open minded (to all religions/to science/etc..) Dedicated to improving the standard of living for all on the planet Open to change & experimentation Strive to be materially successful, by creating over abundance so it can also support others If their are not any out their I would really like to start one with a group of people. If you practice any form of transformational therapy or like learning, producing, teaching or playing please write back. Desperately yours Frazer Hainsworth Kirkman


From: "Telesis Foundation" <> Subject: Telesis Foundation

This project is somewhat in resonance with your recent mailings regarding "teams".

The Telesis Foundation for Applied Memetics is a Chaoist, occultural thinktank and activist network. It is new, so it is not so very "actist" yet. The scope of ambition for the project, however, is vast.

Several Ministries have been conceived to facilitate activity. These are the Ministries of Magick, Gaia, Eros, Space, Liberty and Culture. Currently, the Ministry pages at the Foundation website consist of links to information and resources. The idea is that as the network grows, these Ministries will become semi-autonomous "cabals" which will create networks in their individual domains and coordinate the flow of activity and information through the Foundation.

The Amenta Outreach Manifesto, the primary document of the Telesis Foundation, contains ideas and strategies which may be employed and adapted for use by groups only loosely affiliated with the Foundation, or even by totally independent cells.

Everyone is invited to read and consider the Manifesto. If they resonate with it and are interested in activism in one or more of the Ministry domains, they may contact the Foundation via the e-mail address below.

Thank you.

Telesis Foundation for Applied Memetics


From: "Brent N. Hunter" <>

I've got an idea. I have recently started a non-profit organization "Spirit Rising 2000" to perform civic and service-minded duties within online communities (first in The Park and then I plan to offer these services for no or low cost to other online communities). I believe that cybercommunities will take root in the real world. In fact, I am already starting to see this at The Park. People are getting together all over the world at "Park Gatherings", in groups of anywhere from 5 or 10 people to nearly 100. These gatherings have spontaneously occurred since 1994. I believe eventually spirutally-oriented communities like ours will take shape ever more concretely in the real world, especially as real-world communities/governments fail to meet the needs of the people. Therefore, I plan to submit grant applications to the George Soros Foundation and to the MacArthur Foundation, both of which are specifically set up to fund community-minded activities. I don't even know where to begin that process nor do I have the time right now but the process has in fact begun, because I've started to think about it and therefore to manifest it. Please keep this idea in your mind in your travels since I believe we might eventually be funded by these kinds of organizations (which, in my experience so far, would be infinitely better than receiving money from venture capital firms!).

Namaste, Brent


From: Gideon Elad <>

Is there anyone from Athens Greece on this list so that I will be able to connect when I come to Athens on July 20th? Gidon Elad


From: Gene&Svetlana Albinder <> Subject: business proposition

Let's base our infrastructure upon the valid working economic model - the only one we know to work at present - capitalism. But with a twist. We all know that we would be much happier, if we could earn a living, while contributing to this very worthy cause - New Civilization. So - let's create a virtual company - call it "New Civilization Enterprizes, Inc." ( or whatever other name or legal form we choose ) - and agree to sponsor and promote only those products and services that bear NCN participation on them. Example; organically grown produce would be sold through supermarkets - members of the NCN. While this may be a difficult idea to implement at first - we can create a virtual "employment" agency of sorts - where the NCN members post their resume's and the description of what they can contribute extra-curricularly - community action, contacts, special skills. This data would be accessible to the NCN members only. When we need to, say, create public awareness of a particular event taking place in a specific area - we call upon NCN members, living in that geographic region with a specific task, outlining the desired action - and we pay that member for his services. If he happens to be a programmer, for example - we put him im touch with NCN-member shops that need qualified services and are hiring or we allow that member to bill those companies and groups, involved in the specified projects. The groups determine the rate they are capable of paying, post the summary requirements of what it is they need, and wait for the skills to announce themselves.

We can start small - like designing an NCN shop - an internet-based store, that would sell arts, crafts, NCN parafernalia - mugs, t-shirts, jewlery, non-perishables etc. over the net and the proceeds from that store would go to a) those who produced the stuff b) to the NCN fund - to actually create the financial basis of some sort from which to contemplate more daring things.

I am willing to take on coordination and communications with the people that think this would be a good idea. Creation of the store is mostly painless - once the inventory is there. We already have a customer base - the cost for creating a killer web site can be subject to the business arrangements between the NCN and the artists, who can contribute graphics - the store engine itself and all the back-end is already there. Maintenance of the store would run about $400 to $1000 a month - adding new graphics, maintaining the inventory, filling orders etc - the routine stuff. What needs to be taken care of is the incorporation costs, setting up merchant accounts and all the logistics. Once that is done - the store can be operational in days. Considering that most of us know how to use email - the word of mouth can be generated overnight - literally. Within a year we can have working capital for some other, more ambitious projects.

If anyone wants to discuss this - my email address is:

Cheers, Gene.


From: Ron Adams <>

Hi folks. My project is with education. I want to link up with those of you who are alternative teachers. My project name is Oasis Mystery School. I teach Metaphysical Occult Arts and Sciences. I believe that experiential learning is more affective learning tool. I want to inspire people to wake up, to get turned on by discovery again, to realise that they already have those answers inside themselves. How many lifetimes do we keep needing to get degrees for our soul skills? ( A little metaphysical humor). Let me know your ideas. You can visit my 2 web sites:

Ron Adams Visit my web site OASIS MYSTERY SCHOOL "" --- Visit my web site QUAarts "" Free Art Contact me for information, classes and readings. On Line Chats available.


From: (Bruce Peret) Subject: TeamNet/NCF Focus commentary idea

I was reading thru the NCF and TeamNet descriptions, and got an idea.

What I would like to propose is an extension to the "Project Reports" of the various TeamNets.

NCN already has listed a number of "foci" on which it is building. Each focus has an associated set of problems and non-conventional ideas that go along with it. For example, the recent posts on genetically engineered food would fall under the Agriculture focus.

I would like to suggest you add a "Commentary" section, that links the various NCF foci with a problem/idea, and the various TeamNet responses to that problem/idea:

NCF Focus --> Commentary Response <-- TeamNet A Response <-- TeamNet B Response <-- TeamNet C

Or, from the TeamNet point of view:

Team --> Response to Commentary A --> Focus Response to Commentary B --> Focus Response to Commentary C --> Focus

This has three benefits:

1. When viewing from the "Focus" point of view, you can obtain a wide range of ideas and solutions to the commentary, posted by the various Teams.

2. When viewing from the TeamNet point of view, you can get a much better idea of what the Team is about (their World View), by the comments made on a wide variety of topics that they have replied to.

3. "Project Reports" from the various Teams are broken down into smaller, digestable chunks regarding specific issues, rather than a conglomerate of ideas presented in a single file. This would help people focus on their particular interests.

I would also suggest that the posting of commentary and responses be both formally prepared, and moderated. The NCN TeamNet contact could be used to moderate responses from their particular Teams, so we don't end up with flame wars, as occur in the e-mail lists.

What do you think?

Bruce P.


From: Len & Libby Traubman <>

Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue --------------------------------------- Here on the San Francisco Peninsula, our 5-year-old Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group is preparing for its 75th meeting. We are learning to change strangers into friends, "enemies" into partners, working in concert to initiate concrete projects to help people and move the public peace process forward, here and overseas. We believe this kind of relationship-building may be the missing step in the peace process. If others are interested in beginning such a group where you live, we hope you will contact us, and we invite you to visit our Web site where there is more about what we've been thinking and doing.

Libby and Len Traubman 1448 Cedarwood Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403 Phone 650-574-8303 Fax: 650-573-1217 E-mail: Web:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead


From: Gregory Wright <> Subject: WORLD MILLENNIUM SOUTH POLE SWEEPSTAKES: A Proposal

7 June 1998


First off, you might be wondering, how does one particular person get to enter the year 2000 and the new Third Millennium ahead of everyone else?:

By standing, sitting or squatting on the Earth's South Pole at the moment the year 2000 is born on the International Date Line! (And perhaps stretching a bit in the direction of longitude 180 degrees.)

Since the International Date Line passes only through ocean and no land surface except that land between the coast of Antarctica and the South Pole, only those affluent folks aboard ocean liners weaving back and forth across the Date Line on Millennium Night, and various Pacific Islanders and tourists scattered about the first time zone west of the Line, will be in the 2000s in the new millennium's first moment and hour of existence -- but all of them either at some distance to the west or in imprecise (and moving) points in the vicinity of the Line.

But no one could be closer to the time-space action, methink, than one who is splayed out over the South Pole itself within the Amundsen-Byrd Station's geodesic dome enclosing the southernmost point of planet Sol 3 as the leap second or two elapse between the final instant of time belonging exclusively to 1999 and the first instant of 2000.

And if the world, acting through the United Nations or a world agency such as UNESCO, "officially" declares that spot ground-zero of the new millennium and the person on it the official initial entrant into the next calendric thousand years, then that individual _will be_ the first person to enter the 2000s!

The purpose of this exercise, besides some nifty millennial symbolism and one more media angle on an already media-drenched Millennium NightDay, is the propagation of some money to serve one or more of the many vital needs and tasks to which humanity must address itself very seriously and very soon to make that new millennium a decent, and hopefully wonderful, time-place to live for itself and the rest of sentient creation.

I suggest that the Millennium Gateway World Sweepstakes -- or First In The New Millennium South Pole Sweepstakes -- or whatever this global fundraiser be called -- seek to raise monies from every continent and country, perhaps under the auspices of the UN Environment Programme, or the U.S. National Science Foundation (which administers the Amundsen-Byrd Station at the South Pole), or a consortium of environmental NGOs, for the likes of a "Millennium Biosphere Fund." Or an Antarctic Biosphere Fund. Or a Global Greenhouse/Climate Change Mitigation Program. Or for the Global Environmental Facility set up at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.

Or perhaps for a World Microenterprise Loan Fund to benefit women and their families worldwide. Or maybe a World "Miniloan" Fund to support rural village- and urban neighborhood-scale eco-development projects. Or perhaps to generate funds to support family planning and population stabilization activities worldwide.

The international organizers of the World Eco-Millennium South Pole Sweepstakes easily will find a suitable important global purpose to which to apply the millions of dollars, pounds, pesos, francs, marks and yen that this contest will raise, since there is no shortage of global needs screaming for attention and monetary inputs.

After, of course, the air fare, boat fare, and overland Antarctic travel of the lucky winner and his traveling companion or two are paid for -- and those of the lucky second-place winner, who will enjoy the privilege of sitting or squatting on the Pole exactly 23 hours later and being the official last person out of the 1000s!

The South Pole events on Millennium Night -- Day, actually, since the southern extremity of Earth will be continuously daylit on this occasion -- will make a most fitting geotemporal photographic "nodal point" of the previously proposed World Millennium Snapshot ( see the column entitled "Millennium Holomorph" on the Virtual Reality electromagazine site, at <> ) for a description of another novel Millennium-marking event).

By the way, for those calendrically fastidious types who will protest that the turn of the millennium will not occur until the end of 2000, let me suggest that the Millennium South Pole Sweepstakes be run a second time. We'll raise more money for the Millennium Biosphere Fund this way, yes?

I invite recipients and readers of this post to consider any ways they can help this potentially very beneficial "fun-raiser" to happen, starting with bouncing and networking this proposal to international agencies and organizations, and corporations with the credibility and capability to organize this contest on the necessary global scale, and to news organizations. Organizing of this effort would be necessary by late 1998 at the latest; the Millennium is breathing down our necks!

Gregory Wright WORLD MILLENNIUM SOUTH POLE SWEEPSTAKES 14161 Riverside Drive, #3 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 USA

+1 (818) 784-0325 voice +1 (818) 981-6835 fax

<> until further notice <> after about mid-1998


o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ / * * \ o-------o----------- -----------o-------o

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