NCN: Volunteers Needed, Donations, Virtual Corporation

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Mon Jul 06 1998 - 23:42:22 PDT

                       NCN WEB PARTNERS NEEDED

I'm looking for a few good people who would like to be part of a team that
will update and maintain the NCN website, and hopefully take it to another

I have sofar been doing that alone, with the result that a bunch of things
aren't being updated. Links are old, important postings to this list aren't
being uploaded, the programming is cracking in its seams, list archives
aren't all working, the graphics are what they've been for a long time, and
I am stressed.

So, I'm looking for several self-motivated individuals who are skilled in
one or more of the following, and who are willing to volunteer some of
their time:

- Simple webpage creation and uploading
- Advanced web design, javascripting, PHP, etc.
- Graphical Design
- Animation in Flash or Shockwave
- Digitization and encoding of audio and video
- CGI Programming in Perl
- Database interaction, e.g. mySQL
- UNIX database administration

If you're learning some of this, that's fine too. Any help is appreciated,
and there will probably be somebody around to help you with what you don't

There's no pay for this, so the satisfaction of doing something useful,
innovative, cool and world transforming, needs to be motivation enough.

- Flemming


                              NCN DONATIONS

OK, to get more specific, I would like to cover the connection costs for for the next 3 months, and then not have to bother you for a
while. My total T1 connection costs are around $700 per month, and let's
say 1/2 of that is for NCN services, so $350 x 3 = $1050. So far this month
has brought in $230 in donations.

A bunch more people have offered to supply services to those who send in a
donation and who choose to take advantage of it. Don't get too used to
getting something immediate and tangible back, though. These are generous
and special offers to stimulate some quick fund raising at this point.

Some of these offers are for one item only, some of them are repeated for
multiple donations from different people. Check with the donor of the
service or item whether it is still available. And, again, don't take
advantage of these unless they truly are valuable to you, and that
motivates you to donate for them. And, of course, these offers also tell
you that here are some good people who have services to offer you that you
can pay them for, independently from this fund drive.

- Thomas Pitre, Ph.D <> will donate an hour of editing
or on-line searching and compilation to anyone that donates 20$.

- Susan Prout <> will make a donation of one angelic
portrait to someone who makes a donation of $30. See

- Lawrence de Bivort <> of The Evolutionary Services
Institute will, for a $500 donation to NCN, analyze a member's business
plan. The member will receive a written analysis of the plan, an assessment
its strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations on how to proceed. Normal
price: $3000.

- Keter <> will translate your favourite images into
cross-stitch patterns using Cross-Stitch Designer software. Up to 8"x10"
(20x25cm) images will be translated for a donation to NCN of $20 each.
Submit your images as a .bmp, .gif or .jpg file (at least 300 ppi
resolution) via e-mail, or e-mail for the postal address if you need
scanning service. Be sure to include the following information: - your
name (as you would prefer to receive mail), - address, - telephone number,
- finished size of image area desired, - Aida cloth or stitch gauge (in
stitches/inch; sorry, the software only handles inches), - whether you
will be stitching with Anchor or DMC floss,
- any details (French Knots, outline stitches) to be included. No
guarantees of delivery dates. If you have a deadline (such as for a gift),
include that information also and every effort will be made to meet your
deadline. (Allow at least 6 weeks, please!)

- Wayne Skews <> will donate 10 masks in sterling silver
for a donation equivalent to the price listed at

- Jeff Hutner <> of Evolutionary Ventures will donate a
total of 10 one hour Quantum Leap sessions in which he will assist members
in articulating their business goals, suggest ways they might reach them,
assist in developing a plan and make networking suggestions. He normally
charges $100/hr for the sessions and would be willing to work with 10 NCN
members who make a contribution of $40.

- Anita Sands <> offers a palm reading for a 5$
donation to NCN, a Tarot reading for 5$ or a Chart (natal horoscope) and
analysis for $25. Past life regressions for 50$. Over email you can have a
year of MAP OF THE MONTH to your mailbox, for 25$ Some of her clients pay
360$ for that last service.

- Jeff Gordon <> will donate an email conversation
on 'alternative health' matters to any NCN member who'll donate $20 or
more. Jeff is not a doctor, but one of the sysop team for Natural Medicine
forum on CompuServe, and operator of Well Now(sm) Health Information Service

- Diane Dornbusch <> will donate one set of fine
oldfashioned handsewn napkins and placemats to one person who donates $20 or
more. The placemats have mitered edges and are quilted, the napkins have
nicely finished rolled edges.

- Teresa Hawkes <> will donate an altar piece
for ceremony or meditation for a donation $35 or more. See They're laminated and the images are
mounted on triangular mattes, with hand painted borders, decorated with
semi-precious stones (sea amethyst, obsidian, carnilian, seed pearls,

- Dave Hartley <mail92358@POP.NET> will donate up to an hour of Internet
search services for a donation of $20. He'll search for whatever is on the
net about a subject of your choice, and he has a great deal of expertise in
qualifying the leads and finding you exactly what you need.

Addresss for donations:
Flemming Funch, 7448 Oak Park Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91406, USA.
Cash, US checks, or international checks in $ drawn on a US bank will work.

- Flemming


                        VIRTUAL CORPORATION

The above list obviously shows that there are NCN members offering unique
and valuable services and goods. And there are of course many more of you
who have something to offer. There is a project in progress of working out
how to create a virtual corporation or a business network that might
facilitate that your services or products are made available in a
sustainable and rewarding way.

If you're seriously interested in the development of this project, join the
ncnbiz-l mailing list. Send a message to: with the
message 'subscribe ncnbiz-L'.

Also, this brings up the idea of having a barter network or local exchange
trading system or a gift economy that facilitates the exchange or donation
of services without necessarily going through national currencies. More on
that later.

     Vision is the art of seeing the invisible. - Jonathan Swift

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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