Welcome, welcome, new friends and members of the New Civilization Network!
It is an exciting time.
- Flemming
Name: Pete Nicholls
Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire,, UK
Email: Pete@honeycomb.org
Residential social worker with play education qualifications,
particularly interested in developing future studies network to
encourage a broader recognition of the importance of potentials
planning (thinking about the possible futures so we are more
The 70/80's saw the growth of spiritual therapies as a
replacement for a loss of theological belief and as a counter to
the alienating processes of modern life. One of the symptoms has
been stress and though many of the solutions to this have
provided support, comfort and recuparation in the long term we
need to solve this by 'educating' for the future. The Honeycomb
Project is a small part of the network of new organisations
promoting this idea and discussing how we can try to prepare
people for life in the future.
Name: Dave Kenyon
Location: DeWitt, New York, USA
Email: dnkenyon@mailbox.syr.edu
Consultations in personal and organizational growth.
Instructional design and development.
Using music to effect positive growth experience.
Body-Mind-Soul: integrational healing
I seek like-minded others with which to commune, network, design and
co-create positive futures.
Name: Loraine Powell
Location: Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
Email: webmistress@themedialab.com
Web: http://www.themedialab.com/tcp
Name: Robert Wohlfahrt
Location: Hinterbrhl, , Austria
Email: rwohlfahrt@csi.com
Profession: Pilot. Interested in Literacy (mostly german authors, I like
Hermann Heese best)
I like endless discussions
Name: Adam Pollock
Location: K., Florida, USA
Email: pollock@phoenixat.com
I am 14/m/florida and I have read the celestine prophecy and the
tenth insight. I am pagan/new age/a bit of christian. I am very
interested in all of the above as well as roller coasters,
nature, tornadoes, writing, art, music and the like. I also like
architecture, engineering and the like. I can sing to music and
cause rain and wind, so far as i have tried. I am intuitive
Please people for the love of your selves and others, read those
books. I am so into promoting them and I am pretty sure all
though not 100% correct on my Birth Vision. Anyone with help
please do. Also any pagans, new agers, and the like please email
I want to chat. many blessings! Also look at my birthday and
please help me understand why there is that coincidence. ALso,
did anything in James redfeilds books really happen, or did he
just learnt the insights adn write a story around them. Please
tell me he expirience at least some of it!
I am only a teen so I am probably not able to meet anyone yet but don't
worry i will! i would really like to discuss these things with someone
who understands and is living by the insights, i really wanna help the
Name: Mick Henry
Location: Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom
Email: kafd1@sussex.ac.uk
I run a self develpment group in Brighton called the Positive
Living Group. We have been running since January 1998.
I work at the University of Sussex actually in the Department
where Prof H Kroto discovered Buckmister Fullerene.
General interest include Remote Viewing, Celestine Prophecy, and
have used Philis Krystals "Cutting the Ties that Bind you."<B
We are all on a journey, mine has gone down many roads. Recently
read Mutant Message Down Under and thought it fabulous. It does
not matter if it is not all true, it's the ideas that are
I am a Quaker, a Chemist, a Genealogist, am doing a degree in
English with the Open University, and I love myself and life.
Love to you all
Mick Henry
I am also a reader of Nexus Magazine. Really, you all should
subscribe and read the real news stories, not just the crap that gets
served up to us each day in the daily dialogue of disasters and
We all need so much to empower ourselves and be free. Everywhere I
look I see others with hidden agendas, wanting to manipulate usually
by guilt.
We need to love, that is all.
Mick Henry
Name: Jamie Burdett
Location: , , United Kingdom
Email: jburdett@stlukes.co.uk
Work for the advertising company of the future, trying to bring
people to their senses through integrated brand experiences and
hopefully enable them to really open their lives and live their
I will be trying to dedicate my life to getting the message that life
is so much more than currently exists, to as many people as possible,
using new forms of communication such as interactive advertising and
the web. We now have the capacity to turn away from a competetive
Darwinian method of evolution and embrace the Gaiaan philosophy; that
all living things are interconnected and need each other, whether we
are bacteria creating oxygen or the owner of a multinational. The
future is about inter-connectivity and inter-dependance....we have a
lot of work to do!
Name: Ray Higgins
Location: Rogers, Arkansas, USA
Email: rhiggins@arkansasusa.com
Web: http://members.tripod.com/~innerseed/index.html
Age 64. Househusband. Gardener. Mystic. Roman Catholic elder.
Teach new Catholics how to get closer to God. Pioneer. Lived 2
blocks from Haight St. in 1966. Gurdjieff System S.F. 1966-1967.
Connected to guidance. Subud S.F. 1967-1969. Maranatha
Christianity Orange County, CA 1969-1974. Family man 1974 to
present. Rogers, AR. Six children. Friend of God. Friend of
Name: Anthony Aiya-Oba
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Email: aiyaoba@msn.com
Web: OriginofSinging
Poet-Philosopher, originator and advocate of Nuclear Logic: (The
principle of reconciliation of irreconcilables)-the self-creator
and equator of All in all. Author of "Adam Was An Ape"(poems)
and "Elements of Nuclear Philosophy".
science and religion have both revealed to this generation of
humans,that we are all of the same Cosmic family of;God the
father, God the mother, and God the child, in which everyone is
the Child.....
All of human history has been shaped for ill or good, mainly, by
belief,the point therefore is what to believe,because,false belief
begets foolish behaviors.The world needs a new belief or
understanging, because, understanding is the greatest gift.The way
foreward is better understanding of the oneness and smallness of
humanity , considering the fact that, the whole universe is all about
the dance of intelligence through time and space.
Thanks, New Civilization.
Name: Victoria
Location: , California, USA
I am very pleased to see such an organization as this. I've wanted to do
something to contribute postively to the world and my fellow man, however,
I haven't discovered what it is that I feel would be productive. I am
hoping to find ideas that I can connect with through this organization.
Name: Katie Hernandez
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Email: kthernandez@hotmail.com
Freelance technical documentation specialist, tech writing,
illustration, CAD. Also graphic design, typesetting. Adding web
page design soon.
Member of ICOM (Illuminated Congregation of Melchizedek). Visit
our web site at http://www.basilica.demon.co.uk. The Aims of
ICOM are:
AIM 1: To work towards a new form of society, based on mutual
trust and sup [sorry, the program cut it off. -Ed.]
We need to work together. All of us. Individuals and
corporations and networks alike. I am co-founder of two
Degrees (special interest groups) within ICOM, one of which is
called the "Far-Seers" and includes members who are interested in
science and technology, especially as it will affect and help to
shape the future of our society. The other Degree is called the
"Plume of Ma’at" and was formed in recognition of the power of
the pen -- in whatever form -- to shape the future.
I am willing to lend my talents wherever they may do the most
good, as I firmly believe that the strength of the new society we
work to build is to be found in mutual trust and support (Aim 1).
That means sharing by definition. For that reason, all that I
will be doing will be based on the idea that the more I share,
the more will be shared with me in return. If we (collectively)
are to compete with one another in the future, let it be a
competition to see who can share the most.
You will be hearing more from me as I think you NCN has much to
offer, and I would like to think that I can offer as much to you
in return.
Over the past several months, as I have investigated and begun to make
contacts with the many small networks which share so much commonality
of insight and purpose, I have been impressed not only by the fact
that so many have come to roughly the same conclusions at the same
time, but also by the fact that the 'train of thought' appears to be
rapidly gathering momentum. That we are coming together on this --
whatever it is -- is no longer a question, it is a certainty. What
remains uncertain is whether this upwelling of energy and creativity
can be properly channelled into action which will benefit all, or
whether it will expend itself like a wave upon an empty beach.
I would see no further wasted potential: my work is therefore
directed to see that we conserve as much of this blessing as we can,
in whatever form(s) we can. We must not disperse our energies through
divisiveness or senseless competition. I believe many of your members
share my sentiments, and for that reason, I am happy to join with your
organization to further those ideals we hold in common.
I welcome your comments and questions. How else can we get to know
one another? :-)
Name: Gordon Harry
Location: Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
Email: ggharry@ix.netcom.com
I am an agapologist, ie I am a student and teacher of the Science
of Love. I write and lecture and teach and exemplify
unconditional Love and Respect to all, similar to the Ancient
Mariner. I can change the bad attitude of anyone in a very short
time. In short I am interested in showing all people
how to base everything they are on Love and Respect. Very easy.
My mission is to share with and encourage all people around the
whole world to love and respect themselves ever since I was
taught to do so in 1980. I love myself as all words and their
opposites and as a result I consider myself an honorary member of
all religions and of no religion. In this love, I can relate to
all people and can integrate and reconcile all apparent
contradictions in philosophy and religion. My heroes are Christ,
Mohammed, Buddha, Moses,etc, Tom Jefferson, Thoreau, Abe lincoln,
MLK, Herman Hesse, Van Gogh, Kant, Heraclitus, Hermesianax,
Confucius, Abelard, William James, STC, Shakespeare, Gandhi,
Emerson, Bahaullah, Viktor Frankl, Einstein and anyone who
believes in love: in effect my hero is the common man.
Belief in love means that I only hate the misuse of hate, and so
haters who misuse hate for any word are included under my
umbrella of love in order to teach them how to properly use both
of their faculties of love and hate for themselves and so for all
others. That is how I know that you are on the right track for
you include everyone, especially those who can tolerate
differences: those are the lovers.
Let me close which some quotes that illustrate my philosophy:
If you have a nation of men who have risen to that height of
moral civilization that will not declare war [in hate] or carry
arms [in hate] for they have not so much madness[of hate] left in
their brains, you have a nation of LOVERS, of benefactors, of
true, great and noble men. Let me know more of that nation..
That's RWEmerson.
The law of love..governs the world. MKGandhi
Love your neighbor, God and all as yourself by first loving
yourself as your neighbor, God and all: JChrist
With malice towards none, with love towards all:Alincoln
For love's sake, a word that loves all men,..let us lose our
[l]oaths to find ourselves, or else:WShakespeare.
In the garden of your heart, plant naught but the rose of love:
that's Bahaullah.
It is the quote from Jchrist that led me to find and understand
all the rest.
Thanks for this opportunity to express myself. I hope that I have
not bored you. But I really love to write and expound about
Unconditional Love and Respect.
Love you more.
PS: for 'Spilt' in the personality test, Please add another to
Wow! I can say more:
My greatest desire and dream and hope is to teach the world, ie each
person in the world to love and respect by teaching, writing, holding
seminars in every possible media. I will do it for free for it is the
most important thing ever. It is the paradidm change we all want by
which to solve the present and future source of all the problems we
have and can ever have: the problem of hatred for itself.
Only love can conquer hate,[For hatred does not cease by hatred at any
time: hatred ceases by love-this is the eternal law. Pali canon] that
is, only love can eliminate the misuse of hate: we misuse hate by
hating any word and its opposite. When we love ourselves as every word
and its opposite, we have the proper paradigm, the ideal paradigm for
our inner reality, which inner reality is the reality by which we
understand outer reality!
As within, so without: Hermesianax.
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter
their lives by altering their attitudes of mind: William James.
Love conquers all; let us too surrender to love. Virgil.
Name: Brian Barrett
Location: Yakima, Washington, USA
Email: BrianRB@Wolfenet.com
GWM age 27. would like to learn more on spirituality as a whole.
have read The Celestine books and love them. would like to make
new friends. very much into past lives, OBE's, and other related
topics. friendly, open-minded and sincere.
My hopes are for a world of peace and understanding. where everyone
has a place. a world full of people with the desire to expand their
minds and end all negative traits. my goal is to learn more
spiritually and to learn the reason why i am here. i would love to
learn more about my past lives and increasing my pshychic ability. i
would like to meet like minded people with the same interests. My
dream is to find my soul mate while I am young enough to enjoy him! My
goal is to learn to see energy and learn to incorporate this into
myself as well as incorporate energy from nature, and pass onto to
others in need of an energetic "boost". very much into The Celestine
Prophecy series and would like to learn more on this topic.
Name: Ravi Talwar
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Email: talwarr@blr.vsnl.net.in
aged 62, engineering qualification, businessman, married with
three daughters, good organising abilities, take part in social
organisations, play golf a lot, very much interested in improving
quality of life for everyone on this planet, wish to work on
ideas for curbing over-population, writing abilities.
How does one improve the character and caliber of the masses of
Would like to work with others.
Name: Louis` Toorenburg
Location: Kaikohe, Northland, New Zealand
Email: kaurimaze@hotmail.com
Web: http://members.xoom.com/amazelou/index.htm
Hi, my online name is kauriNZ, I live in the Hokianga area of
New Zealand, on 20 acres of land, which we farm organically. We
are members of the WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms)
Organisation. On our property we operate a crafts shop called
"Labyrinth Woodworks" here we make a lot of crafts ourselves
including BrainTeasers Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles, I also do
woodturning, mainly in kauri, a beautiful NZ timber. We are also
in the process of building a new cafe called the "A Maze Inn"
here one will be able to enjoy doing a large variety of puzzles
while enjoying good food, coffee and other refreshments. We are
situated right next door to the Kauri Forest and a beautifull
walk starts from near our shop and cafe. Here one can see gaint
kauri trees and a big waterfall. So hello to every one, if you
want more information about our world check out our web page,
you will also find many interesting links here.
Name: Habib Rose
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Email: habib@thegarden.net
Web: http://www.thegarden.net
Name: Maureen Brogdon
Location: Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Email: merlyn@hypmedia.com
Web: http://www.instantweb.com/~merlyn/lair
Mother. Artist. Trained in NT Admin, and very interested in Web
Design and Development. I don't follow any particular spiritual
path, I am a seeker, I find truths in everything. What I
believe, I believe deeply. What I think, I express. What I
know, I share.
Name: Calvin Behr, Jr.
Location: Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Email: Cbehrjr@aol.com
I am a Captain with the Huntsville Fire and Rescue, I am interested in
Space Exploration and Ocean Sciences, I have been a member of the World
Future Society for many years and am interested in the future of mankind.
There are several areas of man's future that need exploring and I hope
through dialogue with other members I can get a feel for where others think
we are headed and possibly where to direct our energies to be most
Name: Takara Shelor
Location: Palomar Mt., California, USA
Email: dolphin@thesolareclipse.com
Web: http://www.thesolareclipse.com
dolphins, personal growth, spirituality, tai chi, mayan calendar,
frequency, Taoism, writing, health, nutrition, relationships, essential
oils, empowerment, mastery, energy
The Solar Eclipse is primarily focused on increasing frequency. We offer
training, products, and services that aid in physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual well-being as well as trips to swim with wild dolphins. Our
mission is to make a positive uplifting difference in the lives of others
and aid them in finding the beautiful, powerful, magical beings they are
inside. Takara, one of the co-founders, is a writer and offers many of her
materials through this site.
Visit our site and read about the courses we offer. We are interested in
teaching world-wide and would love to discuss teaching at your location.
Name: Jim Whitescarver
Location: , , USA
Email: jim@njit.edu
Web: http://www.njit.edu/~jim
I am looking for volunteer work on-line
Name: sandra Hillier
Location: auckland, , New Zealand
Email: sgajh@kiwilink.co.nz
being creative, medition,music,reading
my hopes are to have my family being more positive in this new
begining,dreams are to have more positive people in this world
Name: darius dariusz
Location: , , USA
Email: darius101@hotmail.com
Untranslatable into words; like Czeslaw Milosz I, Dariusz, also;
I chose my home in what is now, in things of this world, which
exist and, for that reason, delight us. (CZESLAW MILOSZ-NOBEL
PRIZE for LIT. 1980)
I think it should be a motto for the page.
Name: Kathy Gandee
Location: Weidman, Michigan, USA
Email: 347KLX2@cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu
I am currently a student of social work, and I am interested in
networking with other people in working toward a positive future.
Although my present focus is on creating love, peace, and a sense
of community in my own back yard, I hope to extend my energies to
include a larger social focus in the future.
I am married and have two grown children, who have been my most
valuable teachers in life. I have returned to school to seek a
master's degree in social work. I believe I am an activist in
the making; I have so much to learn. I have spent many years
reading and thinking about a society that is evolved enough to
support people from all countries, creeds, races, and lifestyles.
It is so easy (and beautiful) to imagine such a world, but much
more difficult to translate into reality. I look forward to
connecting with others who are interested in working toward a
more sustainable environment and a loving and tolerant society.
Name: Suzy Quintana
Location: Kaufman, Texas, USA
Email: quintana@airmail.net
Am an RN working in home health. Raise medicinal and
ethnobotanical herbs/plants. Also raise Tennessee Walking Horses.
Like to read, quilt, and do genealogical research when there's
Name: Douglas Fisher
Location: Bastrop, Texas, USA
Email: def109@aol.com
Name: Claude Danis
Location: Saint-Liboire, Quebec, Canada
Email: danisc@ntic.qc.ca
Gardening, psychology, chemistry, music composition
Name: Carol J. Kenel
Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Email: cjkenel@tccrime.com
I'm the Program Assistant for the Crime Prevention Resource
Center. I'm the "handle it, handle it" person. I work part-time
for the Fort Worth Police Department as the Citizens On Patrol
Liaison. I volunteer on various non-profit boards throughout
Tarrant County, Texas ranging from the Re-Leaf Urban Forestry
Council, to the Texas Youth Commission Advisory Committee and
many in between.
My son, Chad is in College at Old Dominion University in
I want to learn as much as I can.... I'll let you know when you've
told me enough.... (NOT)
Name: Aleksandr Koreisha
Location: Odessa, Ukraine, Ukraine
Email: alkor@mailcity.com
Web: http://www.peoplecity.com/community/alkor/index.html
My interests are in phylosiphy and ecology
It is my duty to inform upon you that more than 20 years ago the
process of global change of a type of our civilization has
started on the territory of the former Soviet Union. The
structure of Society and its Culture in the form of Universal
(essantial) Models has been opened and has become the
driving-force of this process. Practically, it is transition from
the still existing PHENOMENOLOGICAL (literally:window-dressing)
civilization to ONTOLOGICAL (essantial) civilization. The
phenomenological civilization coincides with the Epoch of wars
and revolutions, while the Ontological civilization coincides
with the Epoch of Global Evolution as CONSEQUENCE OF DELIBARATION
I hope to have many contacts with people all over the world .
Sincerely yours,
Aleksandr Koreisha
Name: Josh Leibow
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Email: josh@mtscom.net
I am a male 15 year old who goes to Milken Community High School 1600
Zeldin way. My interests are tennis, golf, scuba diving, and flying. I
read the Celestine Prophecy when I was 13 and since then I have been
interested in the New Age. Just recently I have decided to work and save
up money to go on a trip to Peru with one other person. I am interested in
science and hope to one day be a doctor, possible in the practice of
Alternative medicine.
I want to learn as much about the coming millenium as possible
Name: Tony Medina-Taoyen
Location: Bayamn, Puerto Rico, USA
Email: uito@worldnet.att.net
Born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Educated in the States, Ph.D. in
Transactional Psy. Work as consultant in Transpersonal
Psychotherapy. Have written many articles, and a book
"Undressing and Reconstructing Realities" in Spanish. Working on
two others which I expect to publish by the end of this year and
beguinning of next. Airplane pilot for more than 40 years. Ex
buddhist monk (31 years ago). Willing to help in whatever way I
can. Glad to be a member.
I am writing a book (in Spanish) about Spirituality Without
Religions, and that will be it's title in Spanish: "Espiritualidad
Sin Religiones", any help, comments, leads, etc. will naturally be
deeply appreciated.
Name: Dante Richardson
Location: Arl, Virginia, USA
Email: daimus@erols.com
Web: erols.com/daimus
My interests are Philosophy, Classical
Music, Athletics, Poetry, Mac Computers,
Medicine and Science
For this group my major interest is in
discussing what I will term Terran Technology.
Technology that is simple, natural,
replenishable and or resembles the natural
environment. Examples; Cotton & silk as
fabrics, Solar & wind energy, Housing with a
subterranian portion to aid climate control,
Computers, Ceramics, Organically grown
foods Using natural predators to control pests.
stone, crystal etc.
Name: Julie Kermode
Location: Kardinya, Washington, Australia
Email: juliek@execom.com.au
My main interest is travelling, seeing the world and all its
different cultures. To me life is about personal experience
rather than material possessions. I enjoy reading, anything and
everything, hence my profession as a librarian. I don't see
myself as having any exceptional abilities, though I do speak
basic Japanese.
Apart from travelling, my best times are when I am enjoying good
company, excellent conversation(even when it gets a little
heated) and a decent pint of beer.
Travelling is what opened my eyes up to the problems around me.
Living in Perth most of my life leads you to start believing that
that is what life is all about. Perth is so sheltered and cut
off, even from the rest of our own country.
Name: Frances Miller
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Email: princessfran@hotmail.com
I'm interested in so much I am never bored!
I enjoy spirituality. I read the Celestine Prophecy and am hoping to start
a group or something related to the ideas in the book. I love to connect
with people and learn more about almost anything. I also love to dance,
read, walk and conversate with different kinds of people. One day I hope
to be a force in getting this world to be a more loving, open and honest
I do not always have acess to a computer. So if there is ever a program
where this organization mails information, that would be great. I am
excited to find NCN!
Name: Deborah Gilmore
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Email: Celtica@info2000.net
I am an Anthropology major with a minor in History, mainly interested
in the study of evolution and Ancient cultures. I strongly feel I
have seen and lived all eight of the insights without reading the
book the "Celestine Prophecy," and the ninth answered my question of
how to reconcile science and spirituality. I am consciously evolving
already and see my children doing so, but we have no one to share
these feelings with and would really like to meet others with the
same feelings and beliefs.
Name: Oleg Zoubtsov
Location: Astoria, New York, USA
Email: OZ_11@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/OZHome/index.html
Name: Lorraine Jarvi
Location: Prescott, Arizona, USA
Email: ljarvi@primenet.com
Philosophy (especially anthroposophy),
psychology, teaching, writing,
community development.
It's time to get serious, folks!
I and my family are interested in pursuing
community development with a willing
group. We understand the tremendous
challenges involved, and are willing to do
the personal consciousness-raising work
necessary to make progress, but have had
problems finding other groups/individuals
who are not prioritizing task-orientation to
the exclusion of the necessary
interpersonal work. It is also hard to find
groups without charismatic or guru-style
leadership. Both of these well-worn social
tendencies make progressive community
development difficult if not impossible.
Where are the people with which to do this
important work of reinventing community?
Name: Edmond Frank
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Email: tagcoach@ix.netcom.com
Web: http://www.SHIFTCOACH.com
My mission in life is to teach the truths of my heart through
writing, coaching, and creating things of beauty in silver and
An author and personal coach, I live by the philosophy that,
bottomline, I am the creator of everything in my life. Too, it's
my responsibility to determine how I feel about and view
everything. If I don't like something in you, I must look for the
reason within me. This is quite a responsibility, yet it
liberates me from your expectation. I am free to be exactly who I
am, without need to be who you would want--only who I want.
Selfish? Yes.... but always on a positive vein, when coming from
a space of love. We all have our own life to live. The only truly
functional way to do it is to be selfish--and at the same time,
come from a space of love. All of Mankind's worries and war, come
from a place of attempting to force someone else to live/believe
as he, and making them responsible for his own bad feelings when
they won't. We only have our own life to live, it's not possible
to live someone else's. Controling yourself is critical, someone
else, is impossible--except temporarily at the expense of a lot
of pain, strain, and constant effort in your life. I make my
living teaching others to apply a few simple techniques in their
lives--to simplify, tie up loose ends, complete hanging
relationships, plug the leaks that drain their energy, set up
boundaries with others where necessary to keep safe, and honor
the joys of their heart with action in their lives.
Name: Kathy Wetherington
Location: Englewood, Florida, USA
Email: kmw@ewol.com
Web: http://www.mcmedia.com.au/voices
Voices in the Wind is a drama based on the real life of an
Aboriginal family. It is a story about Koorie(Aboriginal) women
and their survival despite poverty and prejudice. The author
uses her grandmothers life to illustrate how the matriarch is
the cornerstone of the family unit. While the play is
predominantly factual, historically, it contains a universality
which makes it appeal to Koories and non-Koories alike.
The play gives an excellent insight into the Koorie (Aboriginal)
life from the 1950's to 1980's and beyond. The story raises
issues of social justice: health, education, housing, and
employment. Containing other associated themes such as; young
deaths by natural causes, dislocation of men and children from
their environments, their families and their friends, kinship
structures, stereotyping, racism, discrimination, violence,
relationships, injustice, disempowerment, authority, and hope.
This educational resource is appropriate for upper junior high,
high school and college level. It is the 1996 Drama Victoria
award winner for excellence in drama and theatre education. It
is appropriate in the areas of history, english, and health as
well as drama and theatre. We welcome you to check out the web
site at http://www.mcmedia.com.au/voices and take a broader
look at what this educational kit has to offer. Please feel
free to email with any questions you might have. Our kit is
offered on a free 14 day trial approval as well. Thank you.
Name: Thomas Pitre
Location: Sequim, Washington, USA
Email: tpitre@tenforward.com
Web: http://www.tenforward.com/homepage/tpitre
Educator, Trainer, curriculum developer, farmer
Please visit my homepages and associated links to read about my
farm, classes, etc. My resume and list of publications are
linked therein.
Name: Janet Harwell
Location: , South Carolina, USA
Email: myrrh@scsn.net
Web: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/2732
Name: Tjipto Yuwono
Location: , , Indonesia
Email: tjipto@feui.link.net.id
Right now, I'm doing some research in theoretical physics for my master
degree. I always interested in alternative thoughts particularly in
philosophy, religion, and science. In the nights I play blues and jazz on
my guitar, thinking, dreaming, and solving some physics and mathematical
I am living in a country - Indonesia - which is in great trouble. We have
some racial riots recently, the economics is down, and people becoming
poorer and poorer. I would like to say that my people desperately need a
whole new paradigm.
Name: benjamin chirez
Location: mxico, d.f., mxico
Email: mictlani@yahoo.com
Nacido en la ciudad de Mxico,estudie la carrera de ingeniera
qumica.Edad 60 aos.Inters en ciencias,filosofa,arte y
medicina alternativa.habilidades en msica,dibujo
artstico,direccin tcnica en plantas de proceso
qumico.actividades actuales-bienes raices.
Deseo ponerme en contacto con personas de México que pertenezcan
a NEW CIVILIZATION NETWORK y desarrollar actividades benéficas
para la comunidad.Deseo crecer y mejorar como ser humano.
Name: Joe Dilsaver
Location: Cygnet, Ohio, USA
Email: murat125@hotmail.com
Web: http://expage.com/page/raveculture
Name: Convergence Association
Location: St-Sauveur, Quebec, CANADA
Email: shadb@homemail.com
Web: http://www.promodistinction.com/cap/
Name: Patricia Raynor
Location: Youngtown, Arizona, USA
Email: PRaynor430@aol.com
Web: http://www.lightafire.com/Home.html
Healing of the mind, body, energy and spirit has been my life goal. I'm a
"how do you do that?" sort of person, so I've looked for ways to, not only
heal myself, but how other people can do the same healing. What I've
thrashed through for years can help others. I want to share that.
It's been a lonely quest up to now. Finding sites like this brings us all
together. We may not all agree, but we're all sure thinking, experiencing
and learning. Together, we can change anything.
Name: Cecile Mills
Location: Watsonville, California, USA
Email: seaseal@got.net
Educate, Empower, Subvert
Educator working on ending pesticide
use; creating organic farming sanctuary;
assisting with N.A.D.A. program of
acupuncture for recovering addicts.
Name: Donna Williams
Location: Okeechobee, Florida, USA
Email: dcw49@hotmail.com
I like the beach, camping, nature
I am a 28 year old female. I have been married for 10 years, I have
three children all girls.
I love the ocean, spend alot of time at the beach
Name: Larry Mason
Location: Carolina, West Virginia, USA
Email: LMwyred@aol.com
Math teacher HS & college, Cross Country coach college, enjoy biking,
tennis, reading, speaking to groups of young people and adults. I have
been trained to do workshops on teamwork and leadership by Senn-Delaney
Name: Heike Hinsch
Location: Tonbridge, Kent, United Kingdom
Email: hhinsch@ibuk.bankgesellschaft.de
I am looking for a like minded person - interested in spirituallity
and growth, as well as the 9th and 10 insights to exchange thoughts.
I would like to find this human in the UK. Can you see if you have a
member in the UK to put me in contact.
Many thanks
Name: Patricia Cota-Robles
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Email: PattiCR@aol.com
Web: http://www.1Spirit.com/eraofpeace
I am a counselor, author, teacher, student and Lightworker. I am committed
to helping Humanity remember that we are magnificent Sons and Daughters of
God on Earth, during this Cosmic Moment, to help this Planet through the
most wondrous Transformation in the history of time. My new web site is...
www.1Spirit.com/eraofpeace. Please join us if you feel the heart call.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to teach self-empowerment classes
to Awakening Souls in the former Soviet Union, Ireland, England, Africa,
the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Canada, Greece
and throughout the United States. I am delighted to say that in every
corner of the World Humanity is Awakening to the Truth of their own God
Reality. The number of Awakened Lightworkers on Earth is LEGION. Our
Victory in the Light is assured. There is no turning back. Thank YOU for
all of the Light you are adding to the World and thank you for volunteering
to be here now.
Our web site...www.1Spirit.com/eraofpeace... has many articles that share
the information pouring forth from the Divine Heart and Mind of God and the
Realms of Illumined Truth. This information is designed to Empower and
Enlighten us during these glorious, but challenging, times. Enjoy!
Name: Kriengsak Niratpattanasai
Location: Bangkok, , Thailand
Email: knirat@mozart.inet.co.th
Web: http://www.mcb.co.uk/apmforum/columns/thai.htm
Interest in movie, music - Fusion jazz, classic, rock. Abilities teaching
and coaching adult to improve the management skills. Jogging and writing
internet monthly column. Enjoy helping others to improve themselves.
Biography - Kriengsak Niratpattanasai
Kriengsak Niratpattanasai has been with Kepner-Tregoe (Thailand), Ltd
since 1994 as Marketing Director/Consultant. He is responsible for
designing, selling, delivering and providing consultation around
Kepner-Tregoe Technologies.
Kriengsak has worked with a number of leading corporations in Thailand,
Cambodia and Singapore. Recent client interventions have been with Seagate
Technologies, Telecom Asia, Thai Farmers Bank, National Petrochemical Corp,
Thailand Tobacco Monopoly, Colgate, Amway, DHL Worldwide Express, Nokia
and Citibank.
Prior to joining Kepner-Tregoe, Kriengsak’s management experience included
Ericsson Communication, Citibank, DHL and The Mall Group in the line of
sales, marketing and general management.
In addition to his consulting responsibilities, Kriengsak is active in the
community. He is past Chairman of the Marketing Management Group, and a
former Director of, the Thailand Management Association (TMA). He is an
Instructor for MBA and Executive MBA programs at Thammasart University. He
is also the columnist in the Asia Pacific Management Forum, "Thailand
Tales" <http://www.mcb.co.uk/apmforum/columns/thai.htm>
He is the Marketing Adviser to Swedish Thai Chamber of Commerce.
Kriengsak holds an LL.B. degree from Ramkhamhaeng University.
Name: Joeni Jones
Location: Port Orchard, Washington, USA
Email: seacret@synergycorp.com
Web: none
Neuro-Therapist (use of hypnosis and tone to effect healing) Light
Sound Therapist (use of light and tone to access right /left
brain synapse) I am currently building two 3D virtual worlds.
They are called Lumière and Peace, and can be accessed thru
Active Worlds. I occassionally do set design, make-up set design
and other visual effects on Films or video's and some live
theater. I love to laugh, to feel and to share.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o
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