NCN: Projects VIII

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Tue Sep 08 1998 - 10:36:12 PDT

One of the main purposes of this main NCN mailing list is to be a vehicle
for the announcement of projects that you're doing, or that you want to do.
You can put out a call for collaborators, or you can give us a report on
how your project is going.

I try to gather a few of these kinds of announcements at a time before I
send them on, so don't despair if it doesn't seem to be going out right
away. But also, please mark your messages clearly if you want it to go to
ncnmain, so I don't overlook them.

- Flemming


From: "Lawrence H. de Bivort" <>


A couple of years ago, I had the great privelege to be involved in the
creation of the Children's Bill of Rights. (It is posted on NCN webpages.)
Since then, I lost my wonderful partner in that effort, and have been
unable, emotionally, to come back to it.

The CBOR is the seed of a much larger and I believe quite important
project. Two days ago, I received an email from a 4 1/2 year old, asking
if he too could ratify the Bill. A month ago, I received an email from the
editor of a student HS paper who wanted information on the CBOR for a
story he was writing. I didn't had the spirit to reply.

I am looking for 2-4 people who would like to work with the CBOR project
and have the talent to do so. It is a wonderful project (the Bill was
drafted by over 650 students from around the world) and deserves to fly.

Please reply to my personal email address:


Lawrence de Bivort


From: Vim Toutenhoofd <>

Flemming wrote:

> Establishing economic systems that reward social behavior
> and that aid people in seeing the results of their actions
> might be instrumental in growing a new civilization.

> Noticing and understanding the fallacies in economic
> structures that are rigged to materially enrich a small
> elite and to discount many human, spiritual and
> environmental values, might produce insights in how to
> leverage those systems towards something more generally
> empowering.
> You can't avoid economics, even if money is of no concern to
> you. Sure, you can choose to use your energy without any
> regard to whether it is producing what you really want or
> not. But what does that prove? Not paying attention to the
> feedback doesn't get the economic factors to go away.
> The fact remains that you're more likely to find or build
> what you really want if you pay attention to the
> circumstances you're in and you deliberately choose the
> approaches that are in alignment with them or that are
> leveraged on them.

To me this seems very much in tune with the scientific
discipline called Behavior Analysis. I invite anyone who would
like to approach culture design from a scientific perspective to
join a discussion group, which will almost certainly be renamed
"Virtual Walden". Currently it is called "Virtual Community".
You can join the discussions by joining InterMix at On the Discussion Groups List click on
"Virtual Community" (under Collaboration). (InterMix runs on a
server which, I believe, shares a T1 line with the server on
which NCN's software runs.)



Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 17:15:49 -0500

For those interested in communal living and conerned about Y2K
write to

Check also
that is for Utopian Ecovillage Network

Also search for FIC and FEC
Fellowship for Intentional Communities and
Federation of Egalitarian Communities.

there is also an Intentional Communities Directory both online, and a
hardbook copy that you can order from East Wind Community at
HC3 Box 3370
Tecumseh, MO 65760

Peace, love and enlightenment, Apollo Comito Magus Sanctvs


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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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