These are the listings for people who joined NCN during August. Or, rather,
those of you who entered some information.
Some entries temporarily got wiped out during the month because of a hacker
problem, but they should all be back now.
Welcome to the New Civilization Network all of you!
- Flemming
Name: Bill Black
Location: Paisley, , Scotland
I am 50 years old born and live in Scotland. I work in the social
care field managing a number of houses for people with profound
and/or complex learning disabilities.
I have a social work and management qualification and I am about
to start a course in person centred councelling next month.
I have been working with a system of person centred planning for
people who cannot communicate their needs verbally and I am very
interested in areas around choice, values, options in life in
I have a daughter of 22 and a son who is 18 and a 3 year old
Name: Karen Brandon
Location: Apple Valley, California, USA
Metaphysical and Anthrosopophy spiritual interest, Scorpio, born in 55,
female, thin, vegetarian (organic when possible) diet, elementary teacher,
single parent not in a relationship, advid reader, walker, gardener, like
the outdoors, white water sports, ocean kayaking, cc skiing, traveling.
Moved from Oregon to the high desert of Southern CA recently for my job.
No tv in our home. Looking towards living in, or organizing, an
intentional community. I am struggling to adjust to where I currently
live, though I'm trying to make the most of this new experience. I'm
certainly not place bound and hope eventually to teach in a more
alternative setting, possibly a Waldorf school. I welcome e-mail exchanges.
Name: Eileen Meister
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Family & Community Social Worker.
Very interested in any and all positive energy ideas to
counteract this "show me the money, swim with the sharks, look
out for number one and die broke" atmosphere.
Name: Roy Parker
Location: SASKATOON, SK, Canada
Retired Physics Teacher
British Army Three years - Kenya -Scotland
Teaching in UK
Teaching in Saudi Arabia
Teaching in Canada
Married for second time
Have three kids grown up
Retired but active
Speak some Swahili Arabic French-Make Newsletters for groups
Interested in life!
Not to easy - but just stabbing at this - I am a Leo!!
Having come to retirement I have lots of energy left and cannot just
I have a spiritual dimension but I am weary of religion because I find
it can hamper free thought. That there is 'another' dimension I am
fairly convinced and yet there seems no real proof. There also 'seems'
no real proof for the heliocentric concept of the universe in the same
way. I think we just beginning to understand what everything is all
about - and yet perhaps we are as far from the 'truth' as we ever
were. However I find eastern religions - Yoga - Taoism - Alternative
medicine as well as scientific approaches to life and being
I want to develop a life-style - Yogic contemplative - complete
vegetarian ( vegan) self supportive ( emotionally) and really enjoy
the remainder of my life. I have been working for people and with
people and I find the competition for power just nuts.
Inner peace - getting in touch with some power that will help change
my life - in a logical and understandable way - not gobble-de-gook
means - not being manipulated to make money for someone but being
prepared to help a cause.
I am also seeking a means of being helpful to 'others' I am having
difficulty in selecting a charity but I continue to work on this
concept of 'what it is I can do bets' to help society.I am a leader -
organiser - not from some inner need but because it just seems to be
something that I do fairly well.
Roy Parker
Name: Buz Stuart
Location: Bellevue, Washington, USA
I am a student doing a Master's in Transpersonal Psychology with
the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Calif. Active in
the Women's movement, Beijing 95. Work yearly at the UN on the
Commission on the Status of Women. Do spiritual direction, and
am vp of church women united in the state of WA/IDAHO. Married
to a Prof. of Anthro from India, six children and 6
grandchildren. Camping, expressive arts, reading, singing and
having fun.
Name: Kari LeVay
Location: , , USA
Please come visit our Interstellar Life site for more info!
thanks for the opportunity!
Name: George Glover
Location: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Interests include: Programming, network design, AI, Open Source
Software Philosophy, and general philosophy pretaining to freedom
and government.
Name: Tom Dyer
Location: Sacramento, California, USA
I am interested in Symbolic Logic, Cosmology and grandchildren. I have
college degrees in Chemistry and Mathematics.
Name: Beverley Sowers
Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA
Artist, Astrology, Plants, Animals
Name: J.C. (John Clifford) Armbruster
Location: USA
J.C. works as a hazardous waste inspector/technical assistance
expert for the Washington State Department of Ecology in Lacey,
Washington. He gives ten workshops a year to more than 900
people whose businesses 'generate' hazardous waste. He is an
accomplished technical writer and editor, specializing in
environmental documentation.
J.C. is a member of Deschutes Cohousing at Tumwater Rock. With
17 current households (as of 8/7/98), the goal of Deschutes
cohousing members is to build a socially sustainable community of
30+ households on 4.2 acres of urban 'infill' area in Tumwater,
Name: Alyssa Sturgill
Location: Philippi, West Virginia, USA
I'm a Christian, New Age, Buddhist, Hindu, werewolf, webmaster
hippie. Ok, have I got your attention yet?
Well, what I usually say is I'm a sixteen yr. old female, and an
old soul. I'm a Christian, but I integrate many Eastern
philosophies and things of general weirdness into my belief
system. I meditate, and I build websites for a living.
I am a "new" hippie. Hippie-nes is a state of mind, and I've
definitely got it. I'm involved in various environmental and
peace causes. I graduated at age thirteen, but do NOT say the "G
Word" around me. Though I'm sure you won't believe me, I
honestly believe that I am open-minded about all or at least
most things. My totems are the wolf and the tiger.
May Peace Prevail on Earth,
Name: Dick Andersen
Location: Berkeley, California, USA
I am coordinating the formation of "Earth-Oneness Circles". Such
Circles will practice meditations and engage in other practices
that will accelerate the shift from our current fragment-identity
state to the Earth-Oneness Identity state that Humanity is
currently moving into. In the Earth-Oneness State, we will
experience deeply and continously that we ARE the entire
Planetary Soul, encompassing all Earth Beings, and NOT the
separate fragment mind/body identities we currently think we are.
Making the transition to the Earth-Oneness state is critically
important for all Earth Life because the way we currently
maintain our separateness from one another creates increasing
external chaos and internal unhappiness for all Earth Life. By
contrast, as we shift to Earth-Oneness Identity, we will all
experience more and more the Unlimited Happiness that we
inherently ARE. What's more, only from this Earth-Oneness state
will Humanity be able to truly cooperate for the Global Good. I
have developed a form of meditation that helps us in making this
Global Identity Shift. The Circles I am forming will begin
experimenting with this form of meditation and will co-creatively
modify it as necessary. Please contact me if you are interested
in joining in this Great Work of manifesting Earth-Oneness.
Name: Penny Carter
Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
I'm interested in Computers, Music, Reading, Writing, and
Teaching. I'm looking for a group with common interests,
especially in creating harmony, love and peace in the world.
Name: Lamar Burke
Location: USA
Knowledge is powerful, lack of knowledge is expensive. I dream of
knowledge that is shared willfully and lovingly to the benefit of all.
Name: Jiri Ehrlich
Location: Usti nad Labem, , Czech Republic
Mathematics, physics, technology, computers, philosophy. I have
maybe one life only and I want to find an aim of our life. I
am hard working but I know that nice job or money only is not a
Divorced, 36M, live in Czech Republic.
Searching new friends.
Name: Peter Cheevers
Location: United Kingdom
have 2 degress philosophy/independent fillm
thinking of PhD
interests writing postgender and post human current areas of
Name: Vanessa Petz
Location: , Ontario, Canada
Travel, writing, reading, philospizing
I am very excited to have found this web page on the internet. I feel like
my quest for a new civilization a religion of good and open energy is
forming with a small group of friends. We like to seperate our selves
from civiliazation and meditate. I know that I can't change the world but
that doesn't bother me. babysteps
Name: karuna kumar
Name: Elias Calva
Location: , Mexico city, Mexico
Electromechanical Engineering student, love everything about WWII
and all related human courage and people making use of all
abilities, natural and spiritual ones.
I'd like to meet people interested in stuff like the Celestine
Prophecy, travelling and adventures, believing in coincidences
and human power, I am trying to improve myself spiritually
I meet a british guy in Zipolite Oaxaca Mexico in June 98 he told me
about the celestine prophecy, and I began to found somewhat the
Iluminations by myself in a strange way, I would like to keep on touch
with interesting people in order to feel more coincidences from people
all around. I love stores and History about WWII.
Name: Cameron Maxwell
Location: Bulleen, Victoria, Australia
I am heavily interested in the practical and experimental side
of electromagnetic so-called "over-unity" devices and bio-
magnetic devices. I have always been disgusted at the state of
our dog-eat-dog social system, with a particular hate for
uncaring corporations. I am also a vegetarian. I play many
musical instruments for relaxation.
The world can and AND WILL be a better place for humanity.
Name: Mitchell Eismont
Location: Franklin, Pennsylvania, USA
I love to write poems short stories.
Anything. I play basketball. I know a
lot of herbs!!
I am 18 i want the youth to grow more
artistic and read more. Its hard to get
things started. The celestine prophecy is
like a bible to me!
Name: Joy Goins
Location: Mannford, Oklahoma, USA
An internet friend suggested I join your site. I am clueless as to how I
can help. I am an extremely simple minded person. My major interest at
this particular time (1998) is to achieve a level of "Harmony," in my own
home with my children and husband.
I choose to not comment on my abilities at this time due to the fact I am
totally unsure of myself.
If someone should read this and only from what I have been able to
share.....come to the decision that I have no purpose here, I would not
mind being told to search somewhere else.
Thanx for reading this.
Name: Brenda Tucker
Location: West Hills, California, USA
I'm busy with the education of two children, one who has been
labelled highly-gifted. I enjoy reading, spiritual living, and
meeting new people.
Name: eric seibenick
Location: waimanalo, Hawaii, USA
Horticulture, landscape teacher
I recently caught a PBS program about voluntary simplicity and I'd
like to learn more about having and doing less...
Name: Pattianne Perry
Location: , , USA
I am a writer, mother and friend, interested in joining with
others to help make this world better for us all. I firmly
believe that each of us makes a difference. If I can use my
writing skills to help attain this goal, please contact me.
My quote: "Your heart is your biggest asset. Don't harden it. Use
There is always more to say, but never enough time. If you want to
converse with me, please feel free to send me an e-mail. Please just
be sure to say that you are responding to this posting from the NCN
Name: todd de laurence
Location: NEW YORK, 11978, USA
interest in depth psychology, parapsycholgy, altered state of existence,etc.
Name: N. Wayne Gowdy
Location: Brookfield, Connecticut, USA
Longterm AIDS survivor with a personal ministry to others living
with the virus, and to those not yet infected. Advanced Reiki
Practicioner. Firm proponent of "the Insights."
Name: Alexander Chislenko
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Russian immigrant, born 1959, spend my time studying and
admiring the world and thinking up grand-scale futuristic
scenarios and knowledge processing tools. Always looking
for collaborators in advanced projects. Current interests
include transhumanist philosophy, software agents, reputation
brokers and automated knowledge filtering, hyper-economy
(see my page for details).
Name: Matthew Costner
Location: Cherryville, North Carolina, USA
I am an intellectual person who likes to question the truths of reality. I
also like to read and study philosophy. I am a nature person, I love to be
in the woods, especially the mountains, hiking. I am a student of the
soul, always yearning to learn about the world that exists which we cannont
If reality was stark and true to itself then no questions would exist,
without questions there would be no answers, no opinions. We would not be
who we are. Without chaos there is no individuality. We must accept the
chaotic nuature within and without; we must find a balance between complete
chaos and complete form, for infinity lies between them always changing.
Without infinity there would be no hope, for we are neither the greatest
nor the smallest, yet we have the ability to be either. Let us learn from
all and grow in our experience.
My plans are to become a director of theatre and teach youth who are high
school and college age. I love studying in college learning about all I
can and I just want to make it. My dream and desire is to find a special
woman who will be with me throughout my life and share with her the joy of
my experiences. I hope one day I will have funding for a few of the
inventions I have planned and that my life will be more stable than it is
Name: Ron Hale-Evans
Location: Kent, Washington, USA
You can visit my home page for info about me. There you will
also find the Center for Ludic Synergy (with its focus on the
Glass Bead Game and the emerging philosophy of Ludism), the
Positive Revolution FAQ (how to spin the planet on its axis
without spilling a single drop -- of blood), the Hexagram-8 I
Ching Mailing List Page, the home page for the State-Specific
Name: Jeanie Windsor
Location: USA
I'm thrilled to find a group that has a philosphy like my own. I look
forward to learning more,
Name: White Owl
Location: Mt Shasta, California, USA
Astrology (Vedic and 30 other systems), Broadcasting (Radio &
TV), Computing, High Fidelity loudspeakers, Internet, Media,
Medicine (Ayurvedic, Herbal, EI/MCS), Metaphysics, Music, Native
Ways, New Age, Survival, Video
I consciously woke up at the age of 3 months. Spend 7 years
meditating on Astrology. Have written books and taught classes
on Astrology, Taro, I Ching, Co-counseling. Want to do couple's
counseling and workshops. Would like to leave a legacy of
personal communication tools and techniques, and living circles
of sharing and acting.
Am presently looking for a Medicine Helper with media background.
Name: Lyndall White
Location: Southport, Queensland, Australia
I love art, music, astrology nature & peace.
Name: Becky Richardson
Location: Galivants Ferry, South Carolina, USA
Married white female, age 48. 3 children, all of whom pursue
careers they love - a teacher, a trick rider, and an athletic
trainer. Now if I could just decide what I want to do when I
grow up! Medical transcription is my trade. I work at home.
Hobbies are myriad, because once I have done it, it bores me.
Guess I'd better to go the long message.
I hold two paradigms in my mind regarding the future: 1)The
earth will tilt on its axis and civilization as we know it will
be destroyed. It will then be dog-eat-dog, survival of the
fittest. All internet connections will be lost. 2)The earth
will continue on its merry way. About 20% of the 97% will
connect in overwhelming agreement and simply declare established
the new civilization that they have created.
#1:Earth tilts, etc.: The overwhelming first need of the
surviving members of mankind will be food. So, who remembers how
to grow it, store it, etc. Where will the seeds/stock animals
come from? The second need will be shelter, and in a climate
different than what we started with. I have always been
fascinated by basic shelters - caves, tents, huts.
#2:The earth continues: Quite frankly, that scares me worse than
the prospect of a cataclysm. I am really ready for a new meeting
of founding fathers. Our current systems (world-wide) are beyond
fixing -- they just need dumped. I believe in, and practice,
civil disobedience -- but I do keep my head down.
I am but a single strand, almost invisible in the universe. I
wish to join with like-minded strands, that we may combine our
strengths and our purposes to create a civilization for the
betterment of mankind and for the betterment of earth. I would
like to make physical contact with at least one person in my
area, so that in the event of a catastrophe I would not be
totally disconnected from my new civilization!
Name: Erling Fryde
Location: Malm, , Sweden
Good work!
Name: Amy Chisholm
Location: Redcliffe, Qld, Australia
I am hoping that this membership will help me find the way in
this crazy world we live in!!!
All my schooling life I had religion shoved down my throat, my
school's indirect motto was: if your a sinner you go to hell, if your
a saint you go to heaven. Thats too black and white for me and way
too narrow minded. The Celestine prophecy has given me a new path to
walk down and making a lot more sense. I am glad that there are
other people in this irrational, illogical crazy world that are
thinking and realising just like myself. Please forward any
information to me that will help make the light even brighter!!!
Regards Amy Chisholm
Name: Sarah James
Location: Laurel, MD, USA
Resigned from Federal Civil Service after 23 1/2 yrs -- knew
that it was time to move down the path to what my mission is; am
a visionary, catalyst, agent of transformation, passionately
devoted to the knowledge that everything we need we have access
to -- and sharing that information with others.
Flemming's "writings" have been shared with me by Ginny Rodgers,
President of Brightside Media (connected to Flemming by Ed
Elkin, who is on Brightside's Advisory Group). I have been
particularly impressed with the sense of balance contained in
the writings -- whether bringing calmness to the Y2K hysteria or
in his writings on the evolution of organizations. I am looking
forward to communicating directly with others of like mind and
Are there members in the Washington, DC area that would like to get
together in a "forum" setting, similar to what Flemming does in LA?
If there are -- let's see if we can "organically" connect and amplify
our creativity.
Name: Joe Harrington
Location: Portland, Maine, USA
My interests are Transformational processing and research in
different modes of consciousness and life phenomena, as they
relate to spiritual evolution and growth..
Name: Jacky Sutin
Location: Port Dover, Ontario, Canada
Sharing our energies is the way....
Name: annika borggren
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
I am interested in learning as much as possible to make my
journey through life fascinating. I would like to create works of
art will make people think about a need for a change in the
world. However, now I am just beginning to tap into my
creativity. I would like to make myself whole.
Name: Duncan Brown
Location: Taupo, , New Zealand
Hi. I live in Taupo, New Zealand. I have a passing interest in metaphysics,
play a bit of piano, bad golf and create wooden masterpieces out native
I'm male 32. Married with 2 wee girls aged 2 and a bit and 8 months.
My wish list is simple
-A world without War
without hunger et al
Name: julia berry
Location: ballarat, victoria, Australia
artist,writer,musician...nurse(off duty and into inner healing)
Interested in communicating with like minded individuals ..
I won't be too long over this as other commitments are on the
immediate agenda..look forward to hearing of some of your
thoughts on this wonderful and complex creation we call life!!!
Name: Julie Lanning
Location: Colo.Spgs., Colorado, USA
I am simply a homemaker. I paint & sculpt. I am a creative person...I am
interested in animals &, children, nature & travel
I am interested in making this world the very best. I believe that a
persons abilities are only limited by their own fears. I work each day to
be my highest self. I would like to make positive changes in the world!
Name: Anne Keller
Location: Auckland, , New Zealand
I am 49 years old with two boys aged 9 & 19. I have a desire to
live in the country, and be reasonably self-sufficient, using
permaculture methods. I enjoy writing, photography, reading,
gardening and exploring the great outdoors.
I've been a city bird for far too long, wistfully dreaming of living
in the country. I can't pluck up the courage to be alone. This last
because I haven't been lucky enough to find companions who want to
work with the Earth. I had a dream/nightmare in 1979/1980, which
haunts me. About an apocalypse. I feel I have to do something soon
about it. But what?
Name: Karen Cunningham
Location: USA
music, books, movies, metaphysics, good jokes...friendly people
Name: Mark Cook
Location: Poulsbo, Washington, USA
I am 35. Married. My wife and I have an adopted son (5 years
old). I enjoy getting out in nature, hiking, and have a passion
for gardening. I'd like to learn a foreign language (Russian,
German, and or Spanish, for starters). I currently work as an
Admin Asst. for an investment banking firm.
Someday, I hope to leave my office job to devote my time to
horticulture and assisting others with gardening.
I'm very new to working with the internet. I've had some difficulties
with my e-mail. Hope I'm not doing something wrong but simple.
I look forward to talking to other members and looking at the site in
the future!
Name: Jana Dixon
Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA
Artist, writer, permaculturalist, researcher, rawfoodist, budding
visionary, bodyworker, looking for like minded people to work on
transformative projects.
My work is who I am, here is excerpt of my query letter for my
book I am to publish: There is a simple fact of nature that human
culture as a whole has consistantly overlooked. This one
oversight is so fundamental to life that our ignorance of it
undermines our health, progress, evolution and survival. On
realizing and changing ourselves to obey this natural law we can
begin to more deeply understand ourselves and the Kosmos. Only
when the first principle of life is fully understood and acted
upon can we begin to live up to our authentic spirituality and
reap the fruits of the full spectrum of our consciousness.
For thousands of years there have been sects of people who have
achieved full health on a diet of living foods. Now it is high
time for the rest of humanity to realize the secret of life—that
“Life comes from Life.” Phoenix Rising, Regeneration of Bodymind
and Earthsoul aims for a marriage of the art, science,
philosophy and cosmology of Life. Phoenix provides a wealth of
information on how to purge the body of unhealthy toxins from a
cooked diet and replace them with the vital energy and nutrients
of living foods. Phoenix Rising presents a practical program to
regenerate the body, restore the environment and raise
consciousness through increasing compassion for all Life and
sensitivity to lifeforce. In Phoenix Rising we learn that
degenerative disease, mental and emotional dys-ease and
environmental abuse are all caused by an original crisis of
perception. Immeasurable suffering, in our time and in future
generations, can be avoided if we learn to face the root cause of
our suffering. The problems facing us today are infinitely
complex, but if we attend to the underlying cause the answer is
relatively simple. There really is so much more to be gained in
human wellness and full creativity than in the industry of
sickness and suffering.
I am building retreat/educational centers for regeneration of people
and globe using raw food/permaculture and Nature. I need partners,
especially ALIVE visionary-super sensitive ones.
Name: Maria Cortez
Location: Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
I'm in the communications profession. I write, dabbles in photography,
loves nature and spends time communing with nature. I love children and
would like all of them to live and grow in a world that's free of strife
and hunger. I find joy in a baby's smile and children's innocent remarks
and questioning minds.
I agree with the principles and ideas behind this "new civ " movement,
especially with the diea that all our efforts, no matter how small, can
make a difference in building a better world for us and our childrend and
the suceeding generations.
Name: Stephanie Allen
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Writer, speaker, educator, ex-lawyer
Interests include humor, funerals, learning
Have a company that delivers keynotes and training using humor. Content
areas include performance evaluations, listening, self-improvement,
customer service.
Also offer a workbook and workshop on creating your own funeral or memorial
Name: Barbara Gibson
Location: Lifford, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Cake Artist and University student (mature but not quite past her sell-by
date!). Married with three children - ages 20, 17 and 13.
Having just discovered the site, I think I'll wait to read some more before
throwing in my 'tuppence worth'. Typing with speed is NOT one of my fortes!
Name: Jonathan Stitt
Location: Winterport, Maine, USA
I am interested in all things environmental, wolves, reading,
camping/hiking. I am a network administrator for a small
environmental college in Maine. Learning all I can!
I seek harmony w/ Mother Earth, I want to help build a community
of like-minded individuals who won't continue to rape the earth.
The group I propose will be Earth Rangers who will restore and
preserve the knowledge and skills of living in balance w/ the
natural world while still allowing for technology.
Name: Carol Mulraney
Location: Culross, Fife, UK
All New Age stuff - very open minded. Enjoy talking to/hearing
from anyone with New Age interests.
Location: Florham Park, New Jersey, USA
my interests are music, reading, sports playing & watching,astrology,health
and nutrition
I'm a single mother of three children ages four,thirteen and fifteen.
Each of my children have a different father and we have never lived with
any of them. Sometimes it's difficult but I do have help from my mother.
I have always had dreams of belonging to a small community of people who
all work and live for the common goal.To get away from the non-thinking way
of living that prevails in this society.I think in my situation, being a
single parent, it would also be helpful for my children.
Name: Luca Jordan
Location: Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia
improving life through electronic communication/ programming/
robotics/ string theory/ free education for all/ forensic
science/ tattoos/ a good cocktail on a tuesday afternoon/ Master
of Fine Arts (photomedia) graduate
Name: Craig Camplin
Location: Gretna, Nebraska, USA
I have a master's in English and education and my wife and I currently have
our own business, "Teamwork for Success," which locates employment, does
job coaching, and task analysis related to people with disabilities.
I am also interested in music, reading, and geneology.
I hope to see a world where anyone has a chance to live without the
constraints of a jumbled economic system; where a person's main goal in
life is to help others, deriving personal satisfaction from that rather
than a paycheck.
Name: Karyna Orellana
Location: Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
rock climbing, fashion, reading, mountain climbing,fluent in
spanish,english, french and learning indonesian,love cooking when
i have the time
i am presently a fashion design teacher/fashion show coordinator.
posted in Jakarta for two(2)years been here 6 already. born in
El Salvador, emmigrated to Canada lived there for 14yrs, which
makes me 1/4 of a century old!lived in ottawa and studied and
worked in Montreal.
Presently trying to keep the energy level i had in Canada up, as
i came here in the spur of the moment and w/out a thought of how
i would like it if at far its an interesting experience.
Name: Tameala Pollock
Location: Irving, Texas, USA
I am intensely interested in such topics as esoterism, ancient
civilizations, astrology, numerology, channelings of masters and
archangels, feng shui, origins of religions, Greek, Roman and
Egyptian mythology, Hermetic Doctrines, Past Life Regressions,
Hypnotism and have embarked on an intense self study of all of
I am thrilled to find an organziation such as this on the
Internet because it confirms what I have recently begun to think.
That we can change the world if we change our minds. I knew that
it could start with a small amount of people and that it would
grow. I was raised to believe in reincarnation but never talked
about it to anyone because it was generally not accepted by most
people I knew other than our home.
I have noticed more and more people becoming aware and it is not
as quiet as it used to be or perhaps I have just finally fallen
in with the right people. Whichever it is, I am extremely happy
about it and I want to make my contribution to helping to bring
the rest of the world to its awakened state of consciousness.
When I was younger I always had this feeling that there was
something important I was supposed to be doing. Something,
something, something. I couldn't remember, I had forgotten. But I
knew that it was important, and that I was different than most
people around me if only in the things I thought about. I'm
starting to remember now and I believe that getting in contact
with the New Civilization Network is a huge step in the right
I am new to this area (spiritual enlightenment) of the Internet
as I have previously been in the business opportunities or
entertainment circles. I am in awe at how much information there
is that I have previously been missing out on. I am here now and
ready to meet and associate with people of like minds.
Thank you for reading this. I ramble sometimes.
I am hoping that together we can bring about a serious change in the
ways things are going presently. It reminds me of a story in the Old
Testament of the Christian Holy Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. If
there are found enough people who are righteous and who believe the
world can be saved. We can do it together. I don't have many answers
yet but I am seeking to get them so that we can return to the Light
and All That Is together. Not until every last soul is awakened will
our lightwork be over. We need all parts to complete the whole.
Love, Light and Laughter to you All!
Name: Vincent Scholze
Location: Wageningen, , Netherlands
Poet, philosopher, artist and nematologist. Student at the
Wageningen Agricultural University in the Netherlands. Other
activities: helping, loving and sharing with brothers and sisters
so we can live together the life like God meant it, the True
Name: Nicolas Manteris
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
some interests: music, computers, creativity, reading, animation,
learning, self-help, hypnosis, meditation, art, writing,
entertainment, comics, movies, etc.
Name: Robbie Broom
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Interests are nature, spirituality and healing, reading, music,
animals, teaching/lecturing
All I can say about the write-up of this organization is WOW. I
used to be in corporate world as Manager of Employee Relations
and left to develop my practice as a Spiritual Teacher &
Healer. I continue, however, to care very much about our world,
business, and the business of healing all.
Name: Allison Elton
Location: , , Australia
I'm interested in gardening, permaculture, biodynamics
Name: Rich Green
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Name: Kemal Aydin
Location: Somervill, New Jersey, USA
Interested in reading .. topics include psychology, character
analysis, self-help, psychcolinguistics ... Music ... show
tunesm sound tracks
Name: andrew russkii
Location: balashiha, , russia
warrior on the road KNOWLEDGE
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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