NCN: Projects IX

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat Sep 19 1998 - 19:57:04 PDT

Here are some more projects and proposed projects. Send in more!

Note that, although I prefer not to be in the position of censoring what is
passed on here, what I'm looking for in this context is not just an
announcement of a webpage you have or a book you've written. There are
other places for that. All member pages are listed automatically from the
NCN pages, and I occasionally compile a list of books I know you guys have
written. And if we're talking generally good ideas and visions I put that
out in the New Civ Visions newsletter. As to projects, I'm looking for well
defined activities, usually done by a group or meant to be done by a group,
with identifiable aims and a clear focus.

When you send in a submission, please decribe the project so that the
message can stand on its own. If you just say: "See my website", or "Its
all in my book", I have to do the work of selecting what material to pass
on and I might not get around to it.

- Flemming


From: Cecile Mills <>

I have access to free used pallet wood and would like to market a teaching
unit and kits for vermiculture composting to be used in elementary schools.
Perhaps even school lunch food waste might be composted but certainly
papers and children's contributions of lettuce, spinach, and rice would be
sufficient to start. <g>

This project presents the concepts of Permaculture, recyling,
sustainability, systems, and soil complexity.

This project would entail these activities and more:

research of the market and funding
design of worm bins, advertising, instructions, and instructional unit
production of worm bins, advertising, instructions, and instructional unit
marketing and sales

I have done some preliminary research.

Cecile Mills


From: "Derek Brownlee" <>

A Volunteer Economy group has been meeting here since March, and our goal is
to start a volunteer economy in Prescott, AZ. More at

This would be based on the Time Dollars concept, extended with win-win
accounting principles. Since adults have difficulty with these ideas, I've
also presented them as Kids' Currency pages at

Derek Brownlee


From: skywalker <>

Dear Flemming,
Your entire home site is excellent! Who would you suggest we contact that
are interested in helping us care, and get up and running, a physical piece
of property that presently is being care for by group consisting of a
handfull. It is in an inconspicuious rural farm setting. The property is
dedicated for use during the transition, for the preservation of the values
and culture of the civilizations of the world, so that children of this
generation who may be dislocated for a time by geophysical, geopolitical,
or even Y2K disruptions, might have a living cultural heritage library
intact, whereby they may reconnect to where they came from, even if it no
longer physically exists. They will know who their parents and grandparents
were and what they stood for. They will be able to have some concrete
basis for a sense of self worth, and the Hope to go on as stewards of the
new civilization, which they indeed will become.

You are a person who understands the meaning of life mission, so I gather
you would be able to relate to the above, even if you do not entirely agree
with the drastic level of transition. In fact, there are enough
civilizations on the verge of extinction at the present time, in need of
such a resource, aren't there! I would welcome your response, if you so
care to write.

Most sincerely,

Bruce Sky Walker


From: Alyce Santoro Jacquet <>


The FREE LOOP is a year-long, cross-country, inspiration-gathering/exuding
art happening. Two artists will travel the back roads of the United States
in an intricately-painted 1963 VW Panel Van, documenting in drawings and
words all they learn about life and the things we humans have in common.
Much of the artwork created during the trip will be made available in a
very unique virtual sketchbook ( ) and in a printed
travelogue 'zine. The FREE LOOP was inspired by the idea that art ought to
be available to everyone, not just the usual upscaly urbanites (who are
very nice, too, but who tend to have an unfair advantage when it comes to
having access to beautiful things to look at). The FREE LOOP will bring
artwork out of the studio (the "art world") and into grocery store parking
lots and downtown squares (the "real world") where it can be seen (and
hopefully enjoyed) by many people who wouldn't ordinarily make a point of
visiting a gallery or museum. The trip is funded by Rhode Island State
Council on the Arts, by donations from corporate sponsors, and through the
sale of subscriptions to the FREE LOOP printed journal.

The goal of the FREE LOOP is to meet and connect in person with as many
people as possible. We would love recommendations from others across the
country who know of positive, healthy sorts of venues where the FREE LOOP
Bus might make an appearance (could be anything...a conference, a farmers'
market, the parking lot of a health-food store, a country fair, etc.). We
would also greatly appreciate suggestions from everyone and anyone on "must
see" spots in the United States...places of great natural beauty, energy,
wonder. There are "feedback forms" you can fill out at our website, or you
can write to us directly at Thank you so much in
advance for your help!

Alyce Santoro & Jean-Paul Jacquet
tel/fax: 401.274-8402


From: (eva becker)

I am a senior citizen in Florida for many years have felt that there was
a great benefit in shared housing and living arrangements for seniors
and have tried to interest my friends in building our homes jointly so
that we could share services as we get older but have had no success in
the realization of my dream.Now as a senior citizen living in Florida
with my family and belonging to a senior group consisting of 500 members
+ I find many people expressing the same idea.We love it here and would
like to remain in our surroundings but would like to create a community
where we could continue living and share expenses and services.Please
keep me informed of your plans since we need all the help we can get on
how to proceed from here.If you have any senior groups among your
members please feel free to pass or post my letter.
Thanks a million and God Bless Your Undertaking.


From: maireid sullivan <>

Well, Flemming, I don't know if my projects quailify for your project
guidelines. But I am one of those people dedicated to serving the higher
good through my music. It works!
I am supported in my work by its ever growing success.
It is a simple but beautiful creative expression and enterprise that
gathers like minds and hearts into resonance and gives support to the
circle of people it has joined together.
I don't know if you are even familiar with my musical life and my writings
but you can hear and read a bit about it on my website.

Lyrebird Music & Publishing
PO Box 2087, Hollywood, CA 90078


From: (Jonathan A. Reich 630-790-2258)

On Tue, 8 Sep 1998 10:36:12 -0700 Flemming Funch <>
>One of the main purposes of this main NCN mailing list is to be a
vehicle for the announcement of projects that you're doing, or that you
to do. <

        Flemming, it occurs to me that our list may be interested in my
booklet on using the Jewish High Holidays in the Liberal Congregation
(i.e., Jewish High Holidays for Non-Jews). It is newly revised and
reprinted, and is 41 pages.
        Now just $12 (U.S.), postpaid, it has materials on both Rosh
Hashonah and Yom Kippur, some thoughts on atonement, two singable Jewish
hymns - words and music, some readings, prayers, and liturgical material,
service outlines, Religious Education lesson plans, a sample sermon, a
detailed bibliography, and more. Checks may be sent to me, Jonathan
Reich, at PO Box 4944, Wheaton, IL 60189.
        If anyone wants to have one NOW, i'll send you one out while your
check is on the way. Just email me back.
                 (Rev.) Jonathan Abram Reich


From: (Mitchell Eismont)

I would like to tell you about my website.
I beleive that the youth of today needs to get into art more instead of
drugs and all that.
I got a webpage for poets of the x-generation.
Pleaz take a look at it.




The NCN TeamNet is a collection of team activities that any of you are
creating or participating in. The idea is to provide a snapshot of what is
going on in each group, including listing information about the team in a
consistent way. See the list of currently recorded teams at:

The idea is that a team would consist of at least 2 people. That is, it
isn't just a good idea, but it is something that several people are working
on in a focused way. If you're representing a team that isn't on the list,
fill in the questionaire below and I'll add you to the list.

- Flemming

-- Team Questionaire --

* Group/Team/Organization Name:

* How many members in your team:

* (Optionally) What are their names?

* What is the purpose of the group/team:

* What kind of group is it? (Commercial, activist, social, spiritual,
educational, research, non-profit, community, etc.)

* Does the group have a legal organization? (corporation, non-profit,
association, etc.)

* What do you do?

* Who is the (a) representative or contact for the group?

* What is your role in the group?

* Where does this group meet?

* Is this a Virtual or Face-to-Face team, or Both?

* Do you offer any services or assistance or products to others?

* What activities are you as a team available for?

* What are you as a team looking for?

* How do you make decisions? (democratic, hierarchy, consensus, etc.)

* How are you funded?

* Is the group open to new members?

* What are the criteria for team membership?

* Webpage or other contact information:

Below is a new entry ...


From: Dorri Jacobs <>

* Group/Team/Organization Name:
        The ENDespair Project: Hope & Healing to Transform the World of Work

* Who is the representative or contact: Dr. Dorri Jacobs, Founder and director

* How many members in your team:
        Only me, until there is a budget --so far I am doing this all
singlehandedly--which was not my original vision-- I get exhausted,
discouraged, can not afford it financially or emotionally--but
the work is exciting also a group of Advisors, who are called on for their
ideas, suggestions, etc.--building a coalition

* What is the purpose of the group/team:
        The ENDespair Project is a charitable project of The Institute of
Sciences, a 501 C-3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. Our mission is to
discuss downsizing, increase social responsibility, bring hope, heal despair
and promote change.

* What kind of group is it?
        "laid back" activist for psycholgical and social change, spiritual,
educational, research, non-profit (through the Institute of Noetic Sciences,
its fiscal sponsor)

* Does the group have a legal organization?
        Only thru its sponsor(IONS acts a s a conduit for grants and
donations )

* What do you do?
        Activities focus on awareness and communication to develop a collective
consciousness: public events, talks, workshops, support groups, counseling,
research, writing articles, the Web. The ENDespair Project is building an
informal coalition of citizens concerned about working today, who pledge to
continue a dialogue.

        See forthcoming public program on October 25 in NYC--"A Community
Forum About
Work: An Afternoon of Awareness and Action" at TRS, 44 E. 32 St, 1-5:30 p.m.

Additiional information:


        --Socially responsible donors (investors would be nice, but there is no
financial return at this time) to contribute to this visionary project

        --Individuals to join the ENDespair Coalition--send in a pledge to
our dialogue about working today--numbers count!

        --Visitors to the ENDespair web site (http//

        --Collaboration with other groups to co-sponsor and plan public
mutual fundraising, etc.

        --Technical assistance--people willing volunteer their time and
expertise in
fundraising, promotion, etc.--if you find a way to get us funds, you will be

        --Later--on my wish list: A place in NYC--centrally located--in
manhattan--subsidized, of course--to be a "drop in" center where individuals
can come when they are feeling fragile--to find others, a suite of
rooms--small room for one-on-one counseling, a lounge area, a room for support
groups/larger meetings. Could be availablepart time-- one or 2 days a week.

Upcoming event:

Tell your friends and colleagues:

the ENDespair Project invites you to
A Community Forum
About Work

October 25, 1998, 1-5:30 p.m.

Join with us during the 1998 Jobs For All Season to reaffirm
President Franklin Delano Rooseveltâs 1944 State of the Union
message and his vision of a society built on economic security,
with adequate income and a useful job for everyone.

        - Find useful resources
        - Obtain information
        - Discuss your views
        - Raise questions
        - Develop insights
        - Get a new perspective
        - Gain coping strategies
        - Share feelings

Hear from pioneering groups that give hope
to working and unemployed people:

Foundation for Ethics & Meaning-NY, Humanist Movement-NY, National Jobs for
All Coalition
(NJFAC), NJFAC Artists, The Employment Project, The ENDespair Project and
Working Today.

Program Highlights:

Living with Economic and Psychic Insecurity; The Up Side of Job Loss; Your
Legal Rights;
Working in the New Economy: Portable Benefits; Faith & Economic Justice;
Making Retirement a Reality; Creating Social Change: Ethical, Humane,
Rewarding Work for All;
Music provided by Sharon Perez-Abreu and Ray Korona.

at TRS, 44 E. 32 St., 11th floor between Park & Madison Ave., New York City
Pre-registration suggested
$15 in advance, $25 at the door
An additional tax-deductible contribution is sugested for those who can afford

Please send your check, payable to The Institute of Noetic Sciences,
c/o 784 Columbus Ave., 1C, New York, NY 10025.
Scholarships on request for those in need.
ENDespair is a charitable project of the Institute, which is a 501 C-3
non-profit organization.
ENDespair sponsors: Lifebridge Foundation, NexusGuide, individual donors.

The ENDespair Coalition is an informal alliance of those concerned about
working today who pledge to continue a dialogue. Our aim is to raise
public awareness, increase social responsibility , heal despair and prepare
for change. E-mail:
Dr. Dorri Jacobs, Founder and director
The ENDespair Project: Hope & Healing to Transform the World of Work


If you're not aware of it already, check out the New Utopia website at:

New Utopia is a new country being built from scratch off the ocean floor in
the Caribbean.


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