NCN: Projects X

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Wed Sep 30 1998 - 22:59:11 PDT

Alright, here are some more project updates and proposals. Enjoy. And send
in more updates on how your projects are doing, or what you're proposing to

- Flemming


Name: Anthony G C Holley
Area: Arequipa, Peru, South America

Hello there Everybody!

We have a program (Project,) "Paraiso 2000" which is intended to improve
air and water quality, besides "producing" water! (using The Fog Trapping
Method) and needless to say, includes the beautification of our Planet,
for better living, health and peace!
Please, do not take this Ecological S.O.S. lightly. We have, and still are,
desperately looking for Backers, better still, Buyers, for our gigantic
Forestation Program, which will colour green, up to 900 square kilometres
of dry, uninhabited coastal desert land, ranging from sea level up to 1,200
m.a.s.l. Minimum temperature at its lowest, only 8C! (Winter)!

 We would like to transform part of this desert (a beautiful area) into
Woods and Forests, and many other beautiful attractions. At first we
were hoping that our Government was going to let us have the land in use,
for the purpose mentioned, but it seems, that it would prefer us and/or
you! to buy the land from it, which in a way, is even a better idea, as the
land is very accessible, price-wise, this way being , privately owned, and

 We are trying to locate people (A nice, peaceful, healthy, and
entertaining investment for some of our world-wide millionaires? , or
Institutions, Organisations, or even Non Governmental Organisations.
The massive (block) purchase of the mentioned land, could be done through
one of these International Organisations, through Embassies, or which ever
way seems best, for the interested party. The purchasing of the land,
will be all above board! It could probably even be done with the help
and/ or supervision of an Embassy here in Peru.

  Most important of all, we need not have to handle the money for this
Project, as the interested person/people will have their representative
manage the deal (purchase)! "Paraiso 2000" will be in charge of developing
and administrating the Project We need our Project known world-wide,
through: Internet, Television, Cable TV, Radio and the Press! Please help
us. We can be contacted by: E-mail, Post, Phone, Fax and personally at
home! Any person or Institution wishing to be shown the area in mind, is
very welcome to pay us a call, will be only too delighted to oblige.

Yours faithfully,
Anthony G C Holley,
President, "Paraiso 2000".

Instituto de Investigacion para la Creacion y
Proteccion de Bosques , Forestales y Fauna Silvestre
 " Paraiso 2000 "
- Organización no Gubernamental -
Postal Address: Casilla 2034, Arequipa, Peru.
TEL/FAX : + 51 - 54 - 258459
E-mail : pe
Web Page :


From: "jim waters" <>
Subject: Re: NCN: Projects Submission
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 06:31:28 PDT

I'd like to request E-mail and help on my MDiv. Thesis that will result
in a resource book etc..on: The Post-Denominational Church...Emergence
of Small Spiritual Communities...the Churches of the 21st Century. I'm
comming from the perspective of Inclusive, inter-faith smaller churches
that are oriented toward "Creation Spirituality" in short...I'm
searching for invididual's experiences, ideas and any Celebrations,
Liturgies and rituals they could send me for inclusion. Anyone
responding will recieve a copy of the book...due out by the end of this
I'm Rev. Jim Waters, O.M. my ministry is called The Light Sanctuary
the website is at;
I really need the help...I want this thesis to be as inclusive as


From: (Leon Vickman)
Subject: Progress Report, New Civilization Encino

Volume 5, Number 1

 New Civilization is a California non-profit, public-benefit corporation
founded in 1986.

 Home Page: , OR
(please be sure to use the capital letters as shown)
P. O. Box 260433, Encino, CA 91316, USA
Voice mail: 818-725-3775


 The purpose of this Staff/Progress Report is to keep all our volunteers
and other interested persons informed about what we are all doing toward
reaching our eventual goal of providing the basic goods and services and
greatly improved human relations models needed for a new civilization.
To our knowledge, New Civilization is the only highly-organized group
working to make a major positive difference in the way persons relate to
each other locally and all over the planet, by means of a whole systems
approach. We methodically examine and modify the underlying assumptions
that drive humans and their relations with each other and the
environment, using a working model of an actual new civilization
(operating since early 1994) for educational/demonstration purposes.
This continually growing and improving working model educates persons
worldwide via the Internet and otherwise, showing what a much better
world can be like if systematic rethinking is applied.

 If you want a copy of any of the documents mentioned in this
Staff/Progress Report, please let us know, and we will send it to you
for one New Civilization Time Money credit (one hour worked on New
Civilization basic-human-needs products and services earns you one Time
Money credit). If you don't have a Time Money account, we will be
pleased to open one for you.

 This Staff/Progress Report is divided into our Interest Areas=85 areas
that we feel encompass in one way or another all of the human needs of
persons around the planet: administration (within the new civilization),
food, health, space and facilities, learning, finances, insurance,
retirement-unemployment-underemployment, and highly creative thinking.


 We are still seeking additional Board members who will be very active
in the corporation, especially in fund raising and grant proposal

 In the grant seeking and writing area, we are still working on a
story-idea proposal to National Geographic Television=85 a contact CHET
LEWIS has nurtured. Otherwise, most of our grant proposals have been
turned down. We still seek ways to obtain badly needed funds, and ask
that you consider donating to New Civilization 5-10% of any new ventures
or products and services you generate, and include us in your will, so
we will have a continuing source of income, no matter how small.

 We have continued providing administrative services to New Civ
interaction helps us improve the design of our interpersonal relations


 The New Civ Time Money Accounts Summary for January 1-June 30, 1998 is
posted on the finance pages linked to our home page. If you don't have
access to a web browser just let us know and we will email or postal
mail you your account balance or send you the complete Accounts Summary
if you wish. Reviewing this Summary is very instructive, since it shows
how well we are working together, and shows the diversity of volunteer
work and how it fits into the whole New Civ working model.

 JACOB FEUERWERKER, a long time New Civ member, continues to phone in
once a week for discussions covering many New Civ issues, particularly
relating to alternative monetary systems and how New Civ can raise money
operating for-profit businesses. This ties in with our five-year review
ending this year on how we should organize in the future for more
'action' oriented activities to bring about a faster transition to a
truly NEW civilization that is much more intelligent.


 New Civ is very fortunate to own its 9.5 acres (about 3 hectares) of
donated semi-wilderness land near Ojai, California. We recently had an
instructive discussion with one of our Board members, HELEN EVANS and
her husband and New Civ member PETER EVANS, about the possibility of
using surplus top soil from the California Department of Transportation
to help develop the shelf of land near the County road. The issues we
covered included whether the new soil contained any undesirable
chemicals, whether dumping the soil on the land would violate the
easement we have with the County Sanitation District sewer line manhole
covers, and would the new soil violate any EPA-type laws as to changing
the character of the San Antonio Creek, which runs through our land.
This matter was put on hold pending further study.



 One of our members has found that applying a hot-water-soaked wash
cloth to any area of the human body that seems to have a local infection
(nose especially) clears up the problem overnight. Has anyone else had
this experience?


 The script for a possible New-Civ related movie is still being revised
from time to time as we await the advent of low-cost digital video
technology that produces theatrical quality motion pictures. Anyone who
would like to see the script should email us.

 HARLEIGH KYSON continues to explore many aspects of human relations. He
has moved to Long Beach, California, a suburb of Los Angeles, where he
has found a more compatible community that suits his interests. He is
attempting to get better access to the Internet to pursue, among other
things, his work in Interlingua and Esperanto.


  RICHARD STANEWICK has continued to submit many valuable news items and
articles again in this period! Richard has located the author of the
article in Econews, Larry Schlussler of Arcata, California, titled
Eco-friendly and Battery-less. The article describes how the author has
been driving his 1982 Ford truck without a starting battery. Instead, he
uses a 150-farad capacitor that stores enough solar energy to start his
very large truck engine. We plan to contact Larry soon to see if he can
provide us with information on how to build a prototype of the capacitor


 By the end of this year, we will have been operating our present "Model
One" and variants for five years. We have begun discussions about what
we have accomplished and what yet needs to be done. Part of this
discussion has been to list out and consider numerous models of somewhat
similar organizations: Some of these are:

  1. The Gaviotas community in Western Colombia (GREG WRIGHT alerted us
to a new book on Gaviotas, which has inspired much talk about what is
the best model for us to follow). CHARLIE BENSINGER has also been
inspired by this book, which was discussed briefly during his visit to
Encino recently. CHARLIE has done some wonderful work with hydrogen fuel
for home heating/cooking and also is just completing a new book. It
sounds even more exciting than his last one.

  2. The Visa Card model, which was submitted to us by new members
ARIANE SPADE and LEONARD SPADE. Both of these talented persons work as
management consultants for business organizational matters, and also do
excellent work in community organizing near the Encino area. They feel
the way Visa Card International reorganized to make a more cooperative
venture sends a message to New Civ.

  3. Mondragon cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain. BILL HOLDEN's
postal-mail discussion group has explored this and many other models in
the last 15 years.

  4. The Auroville community in India. JON STEVENS visited there a long
while ago.

  5. Arco Santi in Arizona (Solari).

  6. Christiana in Copenhagen (Flemming Funch grew up nearby).

  7. Synanon (now defunct)/Phoenix House drug rehab models.

  8. New Alchemy Institute(now defunct) solar greenhouses (bioshelters).

  9. Findhorn in Scotland. LOIS ARKIN attended a conference there

  10. Curitiba, Brazil, a model city that encourages for-profit

  11. Los Angeles Ecovillage run by LOIS ARKIN and many volunteers.

  12. Farilones in the San Francisco area (GREG WRIGHT donated a book on
their Urban house.

  13. Prior and present egalitarian communities

  14. New Civilization Network (of FLEMMING FUNCH)

 The New Civilization Encino Home page: or


Subject: Community "X" Project

It seems clear that our world is approaching a time of great change.
Y2K, Earth Changes and War threaten a collapse of our current money
based society and infrastructure.

It would be wonderful, if society as whole found a way to survive this
coming crisis, however it seems clear that greed and power are our
primary motivators. History has shown that these two atributes have
always been the ultimate cause of a civilization's destruction. This is
because everybody wants freedom. But in our society, freedom is limited
to those with wealth and perceived power, while those who remain are
slaves to a dream which seems impossible to realize. Truly, those who
are in power, do not enjoy freedom, as they two must expend great energy
keeping that power and asserting it. People in power ensure that those
below them stay where they are. That is why most people make just what
they need to survive.

There is no reason why everyone, should not have their basic needs
(food, shelter, clothing), met. If everyone's basic needs were met,
there would not be as much crime or suffering, more time could be spent
on more meaningful pursuits; such as science, spirituality and art.
Content people do not resort to criminal behavior, content people do not
become violent and content people do not need to escape through drugs.

Although we do not want a catastrophic change, it does not appear to us
that it can be avoided. We feel it is vital that preparations be made,
to not only survive this change, but to ensure that the mistakes that
led to, or assisted in the demise of civilization are not repeated.

I would like to organize a team of individuals, who will prepare to
survive the coming changes, with the ultimate aim of gathering to form a
new and better community after the changes have occured. We would spend
what little time we have left gathering equipment and expertise which
would 1)ensure our survival and 2)develop a cooperative community, where
money and perceived power do not exist. A community where all members
have their basic needs (Food, Shelter,Clothing) met. Where all members
work for the continued development of the community, not their own
individual ambitions. By eliminating singular positions of power within
the community's structure and the need for the accumulation of wealth we
hope to deter yet another repeat of history.

Our community will co-exists with nature and eachother in peace. The
community structure would be as such that we would not be dependant on
one individual to rule or guide us. The will of the entire community,
would guide us.

We have an outline as to how this community would be structured, as well
as what we feel we would need to survive. The project would be
organized in the following stages:

1)Primary Team Development: where interested individuals would make
themselves known and offer their services. Individual team members would
then take on responsibilities as to research, survival strategies, and
community structure organization. The team would meet, via internet
chat room, on a regular basis for briefings and discussion.

2)Preparation: Where team members, while developing their own survival
kits for their families, also take time to research the survival needs
of the community. The team would also at this point decide where the
team would meet, in the event of a crisis. As well as develop an action
plan for setting up the community, including individual responsibilties
and jobs.

3)Community: At stage three, a catastrophic change has occured, and the
team has met at the agreed upon rendezvous point. Using the plan which
our team will have developed, the chaos will be organized into a
purposeful community. (Assuming the changes are not so great as to make
survival impossible.) Community members will have aquired and donated
equipment and supplies to this end.

We are seeking community minded individuals who would be interested in
forming the primary action team. We feel we would need at least 7 to 10
individuals to start. We will not be asking for money, only time. Team
members will want to build their own surivival kits, the contents of
which will be discussed during our initial meetings on the net. Certain
pieces of equipment (or how to build them) will need to be aquired, and
certain team members will take on the responsibility of this research.
When a catastrophic crisis occurs, it will be assumed that team members
will donate what they have to the community to ensure our survival.

In the new world, individuals and single families may not stand a
chance, however a cooperative community does. If you feel you are
willing to support this project and perhaps become part of the action
team, then please contact us.

Community "X"


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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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