NCN: Local Events

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Fri Oct 09 1998 - 03:50:56 PDT

NCN is not just about interacting online. It can be very fruitful to
participate in local face-to-face events in your area, or to arrange them
if they aren't already there.

I haven't done the New Civilization Salon events in Los Angeles for a few
months. Mostly because they're too successful and I have trouble finding
places that house 150 people at a time. But I hope to get them going again

Steve Habib Rose <> from The Garden virtual community
has been very instrumental in starting activities in the U.S. NorthWest. I
was in Seattle last month for the combined New Civ Salon / Garden Party,
which was wonderful.

Habib has put up a page for events in that area. Take a look if you're
around there, as there is stuff going on in the next few days:

Habib has also volunteered to maintain a list of local new civ oriented
events in other areas. So, send him a message if you're arranging local
gatherings, salons or meetings.

Of other local gatherings I'm aware of, I believe Trudy Schuett
<> has salon events in Arizona:

Dwight Stone <> is a contact for American Renaissance
Alliance Citizen Salons in Los Angeles:

Leland Stewart <> and the Unity-and-Diversity Council
arranges UDC General Assemblies in Los Angeles:

Let Habib know if you're involved in other regular local events that you
would like to announce.

- Flemming

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