You are receiving this on the main mailing list of the New Civilization
What appears here is mostly updates on different NCN activities, projects
people are doing or proposing, collected visions, administrative stuff, and
occasionally my own philosophizing or presentation of New Civilization
NCN is continuously in the process of discovering what more it can be. I'm
personally continously searching for how I can best assist NCN in being
what it is meant to be. Which I don't claim to know in advance. I'm mostly
concerned with how we can establish an infrastructure that can work for us,
and I act as a facilitator once in a while.
If you want more interactivity the first stop is probably the NCN
Discussion list. You subscribe to it by sending a message to with the message 'subscribe ncndiscuss-L'. It is a
rather open mailing list without any very clear focus, so pretty much
anything can appear there, and it isn't always harmonious.
There are an assortment of other mailing lists. The active ones at this
point are the regional ones: the US North West list (send 'subscribe
NewCivNorthwest-L' to, the South East Asia list (send
'subscribe NewCivSEAsia-L' to, and the Russian list
(send 'subscribe NewCivRussia-L' to And it is the
New Civ Foundation list (send 'subscribe ncnculture-L' to, the TeamNet list for coordinating team activities
(send 'subscribe TeamNet-L' to, and the Sprawl list
for development of an electronic infrastructure (send 'subscribe sprawl-L'
NCN is certainly also very useful as simply a networking forum to find
other people in. That's in part why I send out the list of new members here
every month. You can also do searches and listings of other members in the
"Member Lounge" area at
I've just updated the database backend for the member directory. That means
at this point that those searches work much faster than they did. I.e. it
takes a couple of seconds to do a search, rather than a few minutes like
This will also form the basis for many improved online services, but more
on that later.
NCN also has a web chat room off of the main webpage at
For the techies amongst you, I just moved the NCN and World Transformation
websites to another server with more capacity, running Red Hat Linux 5.2.
The member database is now stored in MySQL, accessed with Perl. I plan on
making more dynamic webpages with the PHP scripting language. ... And I
could still use some help with all of that.
All the mailing lists are still running on the trusted old server that Max
Sandor set up in the beginning.
Anyway, this was just a little update to break the recent silence. Stay
tuned to this channel - the story is still unfolding.
- Flemming
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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