NCN: New Members, October 1998

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu Nov 12 1998 - 23:33:25 PST

Another month zipped by. I guess my attention was elsewhere and I didn't
post much. But here they are, the new members from October. Welcome to all
of you!

- Flemming


Name: Dubravka Versic
Location: Trogir, , Croatia

 I am a psychologist,right now work as a psychology teacher in
High School.In last few years I am involved in Peace Movement in
Croatia.I've been working a lot with adolescents and their
problems.And I would like to go to study Conflict Resolution
(for my Graduate Studies)

  Well,I am not so sure what I want to say here, but I 'll try:
In last few years I am involved with Peace Movement in Croatia,and
now my tendencies are:take look at today's pretty volent world,and
try to find some ways to make world aroud us less violent.I am very
interested to work with children and youth,beacause I think they
deserve better and safer future.......


Name: Mia K
Location: Tokyo, , Japan

metaphysics, books, spirituality, healing, movies


Name: Michelle Golden
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

I just moved to Chicago from Columbia, MO. I have been in touch
with my personal energy source and its connection with the
Universe for over 5 years, but in these last few months that
vision has become much clearer. I love nature, drawing, water
coloring, writing, talking with others, and volunteering my time
to those in need. My dream is to have a lodge where people ca

I have not felt better than I do now. Every day that goes by I
continue to grow, learning and experiencing life. I believe in
energies of the soul and how we are all apart of the universe. I
believe in our own personal power and how if we get know our soul
we can create beautiful things in this world. What our society
is has done in the past and in the present is not working. I
want to be a part of an alternative, new way, of living. I
believe in a world where everyone can have everything they need,
and can obtain these things in a peaceful, whole way. I know
that I have a reason for being in this world, and everyday I come
closer to realizing what that is. My passion in life is to
spread the word of what life can be if you just listen to your
heart. I have had dream of opening a camp in the mountains.
This camp is to be a place to come a learn a new way of living
for young and old. It is to be self-sustaining, where everyone
uses there own personal gifts to contribute to the whole. Where
everyone is equal and the energy pulls people in, and either
people never want to leave or keep coming back, bringing others
with them. I always believed this was a dream that could not be
reached, but as the days go on I realize that it is attainable.
Mainly because I believe I can make this happen and there are
others who believe this too. And I will create this magical
place of true reality.


Name: Marie Spnnar
Location: Orsa, , Sweden

I like animals and the nature, and I also like to read alot

I have great hope for the future


Name: John Nolen
Location: Alabama, Birmingham, USA

Interested in networking with people in some capacity to help
anchor the emerging consciousness of mankind towards a more
global or universal oneness.Would like to help do this through
many possible avenues, but at this time, I see technology as the
avenue that I am being drawn to pursue. I have a cursory
knowledge of computers at this point, but I work at a computer
training school in which I am being trained to become an
instructor.I am about to start taking networking classes.I am
pursuing this because of the obvious fact that the internet is
helping to bring humanity closer together by closing the
communication gap.People are being exposed to new ideas about
themselves and their realities, which in some sense expands their
consciousness.People can see in multi-media the thoughts of
others which can better enable them to understand other points of
view.I see the external technology of man emulating the inner
technology of consciousness which has been navigated by shamans
etc. for centuries. If man refuses to look inward for truth, and
continues to look outward materially, then bringing about some
form to technology to replicate inner states of consciousness
could help bring man to the same point that these inner states
are pointing towards. I see both paths ending up at the same
Place/space, whether man acknowledges it or not. One instance of
the sort of technology I'm contemplating is Dan Winter's Heart
Link software.I think that's the name of it anyway. I also see
Rave music and the ligting etc. that goes along with it as a
means to get the body dancing ecstaticly and opening up to the
inward consciousness of the individual.Pschedelics may or may not
be needed, depending upon individual. There are many different
ways of achieving awakenment, some are natural or shamanic etc.,
and some are more technological. Hopefully, someone out there
might be thinking the same sorts of things that I'm thinking, and
we may be able to network together in some capacity?

I would like to speak with someone in my part of the world if
possible. It would be fun to bounce some ideas off each other.


Name: Arthur Rosbury-Yoder
Location: Rutherford, New Jersey, USA

Interested in Personal Growth, Liberty issues, Spirit and its
nurturing, contact that makes sense in my life. I am a
generalist, with strong skills in a number of special areas and
an ability to "see the woods". I'm working on actualizing
Thoreau's admonition, "simplify, simplify, simplify".


Name: Stephen Winder
Location: Hamilton, , New Zealand

I have experience in working with people in the area of personal
development and self actualisation. My abilities lie in the area of vision,
creativity, personal and group development, public speaking, teaching. I
am interested in global change and transformation. The tools I use include
time cycle research (astrology), sociological and philosophical.

My hopes are for more effective people networking - for a linking of minds
based on vision and personal experience - for a world based on non
hieriarchical systems of interaction - where we acknowledge our common
humanity and respect the differences.


Name: Mandy Wagner
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

I graduated from UT Austin August 1998, and I am living in
Dallas now, but I plan to move back to Austin in January, or
maybe somewhere else, but definitely out of Dallas. I will be
23 years old on October 13. I love music, and making new
friends. I am interesting in communicating with some people who
have similar visions of the future.


Name: Joanne Young
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I have a BA in English as well as many elective courses in
Philosophy which turned out to be my favorite. I love to read
anything about the new physics and how it relates to our
understanding of the world as well as books on different
religions to compare them. I also write poetry and essays.


Name: Paul Voas
Location: Beaverton, Oregon, USA

Educator, outdoors, reading, communication, awareness,
enlightenment, sports

I have been on a path of self re-discovery for the past 8 years and
aware of this in the last 4. My journey has taken me, not only to
many places in the world, but also inside; though I need to do that
more. I have read many thought provoking books that has helped
guide me to become a more acurate reflection of WHO I am, such as: The
Celestine Prophecy (&Experiencial Guide, 10th insight, Holding the
Vision), Emisaries of Light, Conversations with God, The Holographic
Universe, Everywhere you go, there you are and other books and articles
discussing mind,
body and spirit.

I am also seeking out people who are on a similar path of discovering this
wonderful gift called life; and the possibilities and opportunities it
allows us in this form. After many travels and job opportunities I have
found what I love and what my purpose in this life is; I have chosen
to teach as a reflection of who I am because I want to give opportunities
to others, particularly children, to discover their own path and gifts in
this lifetime.


Name: Douglass Leavy
Location: New York, New York, USA

Show and make love to as many as you can.


Name: Siegfried Kohlbecker
Location: Mnchen, , Germany

I was born in Germany and lived here for 20 years before I moved to South
Africa. Living in Durban and Johannesburg and travelling freuqently
thoughout the country I enjoyed that land. 1976 I went to the USA were I
recide in Denver. 1992 I started to tavel back to Germany were I now have a
second home in Munich. From here I am building a health firm focusing on
physical, mental und spiritual health of the clients. We are in the
progress of acquiring some larger firms in the field and transforming them
to be health companies by educating and changing management.

Out door sports, table tennis, tennis healthy living, reading and writing.

It is my dream to create a global network of people. The name of the
network ist APN= Assiciated Philosophers Network. We have 15 major goals
which I wrte in Jan 13. 1990 in Scottsdale Arizona. These goals describe a
chance of live on this earth towards a more peaceful world and a new
civilisation based on understanding an a high level of spiritual knowledge
and personal freedom.

I believe the the most important asset a human being can have ist health on
all the level of his beeing such as teh informational, the energy and the
physical level.

The presently most powerful people on earth, powerful over the capital and
material resources act very greedy and ciminal and do not want to tell the
truth about the huamn health in order for them to provit from the ignorance
of billions of people on earth. A handful of people are understandings
this and are willing to cause chance, through their personal

I want to help by being superhealthy spiritually, menatlly and physically.

Love to the world and all people on it.


Name: Robert Champion
Location: , , USA


Name: Hedy Muharemovic
Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA

reading, finding things out, music, biking, movies, computers,

am at a point in life where i feel change will be forthcoming in
my life = have always felt i should be helping more in the world
but am getting pessimistic about whom i should be helping

found this website after reading celestine prophecy - am ambivalent
in my feeling regarding their philosophy - feel they have some good
points but went to sleep with a feeling of anxiety after i was done.
thats not normal for me. my life presently is geared toward calmness
and peace. see what will come!


Name: Nicholas Bryan
Location: Vancouver, , USA


Name: Mikael Lund
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

I am open and interested in cooperating with people who wants to add to the
overall well-being of this beautiful Planet Earth and all of her Kingdoms.
I am interested in new mad science witha heart and a desire to return to a
harmonius relation and understanding of Nature.
I am also very interested in solving problems in the agricultural field and
achieve more knowledge in this

Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love~
Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us
living love~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us
living love~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us
living love~ Always us living love ~ Always us living love ~ Always us
living love~


Name: Scott Keels
Location: Horse Shoe, North Carolina, USA

Architecture, Design, Technology, Business, Landscape
Architecture and Gardening, History, Transportation.

I have spent the last 3 years co-founding an aromatherapy
manufacturing company. During the last several years, I have
become much more aware, and have spend alot of time seriously
contemplating so many of the ideas relating to the new
civilization. I am an idealist, and I am very interested in
talking about, expanding upon, and otherwise communicating about
the great changes and potential of humanity.

I believe that we are living in a facinating time, that humanity is
poised at the beginning of a great transition into a world of
equality, freedom, peace and prosperity unlike any other time in our
history. I most want to know what will we find most valuable in this
new world, and what humanity will direct it's efforts toward. As each
generation adds to human knowledge, which is increasing
exponentially, we grow closer to the generation that knows only love,
peace, freedom, etc. in abundance. To wonder what they will do, what
that generation will create is what facinates me most often. To know
that we have not only a chance to create that world, but to see the
results a few decades hence is inspiring, profound, and enobleing.


Name: Molly Lafley
Location: Huntington Beach, California, USA

too many to list in 400 characters...but I am a professonal
astrologer and the ocean..the love the for it in joy:):):)

come and ask me....I love sharing.....

more to say...hmmm...choose to live life in joy and


Name: mick and judie wellsw
Location: , , USA
Email: ghostdancer1111@hotmail

spiritual chats

any person who would like to talk about aliester crowley and
what is happening to this world

i would like to see this world be at peace


Name: Airie
Location: Vsters, , Sweden

I work as Shiatsu-terapist and esoteric healer. My belowed Mark
is exploring Bioenergy by Aranowich and reiki. We have both
completed a course in Avatar by Harry Palmer. We are also
interested in planetary work in other ways, eg we only buy
ecologically treated food.

We look forward to establishing new contacts and to get more
information about the planetary work others are engaged in.


Name: Catharina Morn
Location: , , sweden

i like to read, talk with people, learn about other ways of
i work with unemployed people and try to learn them how they can
improve themselfs.


Name: satara sun star
Location: , , USA

want to take a more active part in all the changes that are going on.
want to help to make the transition to fifth dimension frequency.


Name: Ben Randall
Location: , , Australia

Senior Manager - Projects, Construction,
Development, Oranisational Change.

Successfull in business and career
Strong sense of family & Community Importance

Like to travel,Read

Imperatives need to change without forgetting or denying the past
conditioning that makes us what we are.

If we could make our prime motivation the atainment of a World
free from unhappiness then we could move on.

The Next major move must be towards providing assistance and Aid
to those that need it; what better measure of success for us all
than a happy world. The definitions of success, attainment,
reward, good business and alturism may need just a minor shift

In the context of some slight adjusments (or more honesty) in our
value systems this would be the greatest war ever, the biggest
business ever, the greatest feat of human endevour.

I wouldn't mind some shares!


Name: j weinstein
Location: brooklyn, New York, USA


send more info about your organization by email or otherwise
thank you


Name: Clyde Grauke
Location: Garland, Texas, USA

Ph.D. Counseling Psychology. Changing careers toward training
areas. Doing outplacement workshops. Interested in imagery as
route to communication with Higher Self. Interested in spiritual
synthesis across time, cultures, frameworks. Fairly proficient
with computers and graphic art. Pisces.


Name: Arun Patki
Location: New Delhi, 110003, India

I am a working Scientist in Information Technology area
in India with interest in Homoeopathy, Astrology, Indian
classical Music and Holistic system of Medicine.

I am also interested in topics like Outer Space Civilization,
Ecological aspects of Information Technology Revolution.

World is a beautiful piece of ALMIGHTY'S Creation and
we all should realize this.


Name: Justin Rosenberg
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Developing expertise in risk management - typically for
corporations, but I am exploring opportunities to implement our
system for Government entities.

I have also been trying to find who/what is at the cutting edge
of stimulating a global spiritual transformation. Your, or
should I say now, our site appears to be nearly there.

I would like to join or start NCN projects in Australia,
including the NCN Salon and am very excited about the NCN
Foundation. I'm looking forward to the Quatum Leap - We all
deserve it!


Name: Bani Sodermark
Location: karlstad, , Sweden

Lecturer in physics, interests, books,music, walking

I would like to make the world a more sensitive and interesting
place, where all could talk to each other without fear of being


Name: Brendon Connelly
Location: , , USA

I work in human resources, specifically retirement benefits. I
enjoy reading, surfing and learning. Married one year, no kids.


Name: Julie Kearns
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

I am an adult educator working in student affairs at the
University of Calgary. The focus of my work is program
evaluation because feedback loops are critical for organizational
and personal learning. My work is shaped by a feminist
philosophy. I believe institutions of higher education are
perpetuating a Carteasian/Newtonian view of the world and yet are
very futre depends on new ways of thinking which are based on
relationship, inter-connections and an ethos of nurturance and


Name: Rui Vaz
Location: Hochspeyer, , Germany

Professsional Military Officer, Accomplished Skydiver

I envision the possibility of building a multi-million dollar
wind tunnel at the EXPO98 Park in Lisbon - Portugal with 80 or
90% financial assistance from the EEC. How can I raise the other
10 or 20%? The tunnel would pay for itself in no time. The
revenues from such a tunnel could be used to fund projects,
research or think tanks working toward the improvement of our


Name: Adalgisa Porto
Location: Santo ngelo, RS, Brazil

I like the nature, people, study about new ideas. I work with Human
Resources and I am studying MBA.
I love to travel, to know new places and persons. I have already traveled
to Europe, USA and Canada.

I simple want a better world to live. I believe tha's possible to do
something, each one has a big mission. We live under the same sky, but we
don't have the same horizons, some person sad. But we can do something for
a better horizon for everybody.

My dream is study more and more, to get knowledge about many things in my
My dream is to know good persons around the world, to have good friends all
the world.
My dream is that everybody have a better world to live, and that we have
peace, like John Lennon wanted.
My dream is that the people wants to preserve the earth, for our childrem,
our animals, to ourselves..


Name: Chris Jeffrey-Hall
Location: , , Australia

I am a mother of two hoping to start a home based part time
business. I have just read The Celestine Prophecy and am now on
to The Tenth Insight. I am realizing that I want to learn
more and try to incorporate these insights into my everyday
life. I am hoping to meet like minded people here in Australia
and throughout the world.


Name: Ramunas Noreika
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA

I'm 38 year old male, retired from the Air Force.My life is filled by my
training in the martial arts. Hobbies and interests are highly varied. I'm
try anything once, if I like it I'll do it again. Life has to lived to it's

The time is coming for all to join in the evolution of mankind. It is time
to put all petty fears and jealousies aside and work at moving forward to
the new life that awaits us.


Name: Milena Galbraith
Location: santa fe, New Mexico, USA

profession-holistic transpersonal psychotherapist
30 year conscious idiosyncratic spiritual path
long -time interest in ecology/earth matters/eco-building and green
architecture/intentional community/human developent/ civilization building


Name: Peter Lakbar
Location: Malm, , Sweden


Name: Rob Stone
Location: Telford, Shropshire, United Kingdom

I have been interested in sprituality for some time and long to
see a change in world views toward such. I am an active
clairvoyant medium and have regular conversations with the spirit
world about how they are helping to bring about a new form of
awareness. I am also a professional fantasy artist.

I would like to encourage anyone interested in learning about
spirit to do so. There are so many places and organisations
around now to help those who wish to develope their natural
abilities. I have been naturally clairvoyant for most of my life
but I didn't realise it until about two years ago, I just thought
I was a little nuts. I was very sceptical at first but I joined a
development group ran by a medium called Joe Wilcock. He taught
an awful lot about communication with the spirit realms and still
does. I have taken a number of services in my area and look
forward to doing more in the future. There really is a spirit
world folks, I would never have believed it myself had I not
accidently stumbled across it myself. If you would like to know
more about developing these kinds of abilities please feel free
to contact me.


Name: Karen Crane
Location: Lynnwood, Washington, USA

Earth based spirituality; marketing for small business, with
particular expertise in the New Age Marketplace; writing poetry
and non-fiction; developing ideas; reading poetry; exploring
ways to teach love and respect

Very interested in contributing to a sustainable culture based
on love, fair energy exchange, and living joyfully.


Name: Donna Frank Hofstaedter
Location: New Britain, Pennsylvania, USA

Personal interests include: art, poetry, photography, writing,
women's issues, personal growth, education, and protection of
our environment and natural resources.

If you want to know more about me just visit my Web site at It is a personal statement of my values,
hopes, dreams and aspirations.


Name: Donald Breeding
Location: , , USA

women, computer, the exploration of our minds, bodies, souls, and
the begining of all and the force of all, God.

Everything has a begining; I feel that God reached out to man and
 due to our sin, we misunderstood what God was saying, the
confusion was sin, or the Devils' interference, since the mind is
the battleground. Our faults caused us to misunderstand God, our
creator ( Creation through evolution, simple for a God whose days
are not like ours... He even says so.). Everything started in
love, God wanted a people to love Him because they wanted to.
Genesis tells of how we were created, and if you read close
enough, how we were supposed to live, and why we look like we do.

    We didn't have a penis or a vagina yet. Adam and Eve only
noticed they were different after they ate the fruit. Prior,
they had dominion over all the animals, they did what the animals

    Why is it that of all the religions, with all their
similarities, there was only one where the God came back, and if
the same God tried to reach everyone, by sending his son, he
proved which religion had it right.

    I believe in Christ, and I believe how He meant "depart from
me.. for I never knew you." God wanted a people to love him
because they wanted to. I also believe in the Qui and Yen -
Yang. God made us with this brain for a reason. maybe we were
limited to only 10% of our brain for a reason, and why is the
tithe 10%? coincidence, I don't think there is such a thing with
God. I see no contradictions in life, I see missed connections,
sometimes you just need to be turned,as if a combination lock to
a safe, the safe being the other 90% of your brain. And a better
understanding of God, and a love and Relationship with Him. But,
if the Bible, which is the only book written obout God comming to
life, dying, AND RISING, while fullfilling 100% of the professy
for that time in His Being. Therefore, I don't feel too bad
about obtaining knowledge, limited, of other religions, if
something is appealing, I look at it more, BUT the Bible is my
final authority...just more liberal and getting past the B.S.
that surrounds it.

    I want to lift up God and I want to get to the point He
created us for, to Love Him, and live as we were meant to. The
Bible says, of life, "and they will have it more abundantly."
It's not supposed to be boring but judge the motivation and test
it to your concience.

    As I say I be lieve in the Bible, and just as sure as: There
is a beginning, There is an End!

    We don't always return to where we started, thus there is, as
originally there was no sin, two ending up points. One
Experiencing all forms of love, happiness, and joy. While in the
other place there is existence with not a drop of love, pleasure,
or hope of salvation.

   The bible, the stars,our bodies, they all tell a story of
begining, and point to the "narrow road" if you know where to
look. for wide is the way to death and narrow to heaven.

    Let love rule and Love will follow, for:

There is an END, Comming soon! (to a theatre near you) ;)~


Name: Larry Cooley, Jr.
Location: Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

I want to live and work towards a world where love is everywhere and
a positive attitude is easily found.


Name: Brandy Snow
Location: Bowling Green, Ky., USA

I am a champion idealist in every sense. I am currently in
college studying to be a teacher. I would like to look into
environmental education. I am an avid reader and artist. I enjoy
reading Richard Bach, James Redfield etc.... I have always been
interested in eastern philosophies and in "keeping mentally
fit." In my many reading adventures I eventually stumbled across
'Illusions' which lead to the rest of Bach's books and so on
until I found 'The Celestine Prophecy.' These books have brought
focus to my life and I have shared these books with many others.
My goal is to be able to share my thoughts and the thoughts of
others on a much larger scale.


Name: Karen Voght
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

President and founder of Pre-school Wellness, Inc. and Wellness Inc.

Authoring pro-active protocol guide called ImaginAction:BodyMind Skills for
BodyMind Smarts.

My work centers around creating a new World of ImaginAction.
It is based on the innate intelligences of early childhood pretend play
behaviors as essential skills for life long creative learning and

I am looking forward to this.

Thank you


Name: Barbara Basine
Location: , , USA

I'm interested in discussing personal sovereignity as a way to
bridge to the new age.


Name: nicky khan
Location: , , USA

I am a homoeopath,nutritionist,reiki healer.fond of cooking for
friends,enjoy doing taichichikung,reading books,world
politics,discussions on mind sciences,learning new age subjects.


Name: Amanda Butcher
Location: Spokane, Washington, USA

I am here to reflect and engage in conversation about how to
make the world a more loving place. I am here to support myself
and others in making changes in our own lives to move this global
transformation into reality.

I am a budding outdoorswoman. Having grown up on the plains, I
am overwhelmed with the possibilities each new season brings in
the Northwest. I am so thankful to be awake and alive and seek
only to be more so.


Name: Mimi Neighbors
Location: , , USA

Have been an active songwriter for 23 years. Very interested in
the realities of the unseen world as they unfold before us. Have
strong "psychic" ? insights i.e. consistently receiving thoughts
about particular circumstances that take place within 15min to 1
hour after the thought enters my mind. This has been happening
more frequently in the last year.

I am a simple minded person who believes my soul and personality
are difinitive of who I truly am. I do not attach worth to my
"humaness" but rather seek to overcome it through the development
of spritual freedom and growth from within. I believe to speak
we must first learn to listen to the small voice that guides us
in our hearts and act on that wisdom. Only then will we be able
to be united in spirit and open the door for radical global


Name: Andre Cremers
Location: , , Netherlands

celestine prophecy, 3d-animation, making music, waiter,
mountainbiking, wildwatercanoeing

This my first time I'm trying to make contact with someone on the
net!!! I'm a rookie. If you have any tips,comment, suggestions please
contact me.


Name: kat brown
Location: Austin, TEXAS, USA

will fill this in later after a few dialogues.10/29/98

10-29-98 Greeting! While web browsing, found the Transformational
manuals; "dialogues", "paths", etc. All fitted seamlessly with
previous studies, 40 plus years of interests, university work, life
experiences. Began seriously reading/studying, just finished up
"dialogues," and realized that group work and practise is what I need/
want. Newciv will doubtless have online classrooms, somehow this is
one realm where physical attendance is likely essential.

Uh, I AM ready to leave Texas, where is a good spot to participate in
learning this transformational-transactional/nlp-ish NEATOJETS
communication mode? Truly---Kat Brown, info in members' file


Name: Paul Justus
Location: Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA

My main interest centers around the development of small sustainable
communities using the design philosophy of R. Buckminister Fuller and
others like him. I would like to help organize a project tobuild prototype
models of "Buckyvilles" , rural and urban villages or town/neighborhoods
that are affordable, yet more comfortable than current standard American
living conditions. Such "

Just a few notes:
I am interested in communicating with anyone interested in developing small
(5 to 10 thousand people) sustainable communities using beneficial
technologies -- especially technologies that mimic natural systems.

Other interests:
Hiking/ canoeing in the Ozarks
video production
my dog Charlie who looks alot like Benje
A limited amount of politics
talking to other former Peace Corps Volunteers
Working with a regional land trust
Reading books like Home From Nowhere, mostly non-fiction but am open to
recomended novels.
Honest humor and having fun


Name: Alfredo Azula
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA


Name: Mark Martinsen
Location: , Utah, USA

Mark is a teacher, philosopher, artist, designer, poet, writer,
naturalist (ethnobotanist).


Name: David Camara
Location: Sierra Bayamon, Puerto Rico, USA


Name: Mike Tanner
Location: Bantry, Co.Cork, Ireland
Email: para@tinet

Trying to do what I am here for.
Currently manufacturing a health product and working with a
healer also teaching paragliding-yoga and self regulation

I am currently build a house for us in the West of Ireland in a great
location and will then convert a mill for use as a place for people to
come and share their experiences so that we might all benefit.


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  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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