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Issue 27, 1 November 1998 \ /
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Time for some more submitted visions of a new civilization. Note that these
are just that - visions - and you don't particularly have to agree or
disagree. Submit your own entry and lets hear what you envision.
- Flemming
** Aaron <arybar@yahoo.com>, Northwest United States **
Picture harmony as an actual premise for the goal of society.
Picture peace as the underlying goal of our collective purpose.
Yet it is hard to not feel that either is possible with the
destructive nature of mankind. I think there is an amazing
beauty that falls in with the human spirit, the ideals of
brotherhood, and helping out your fellow man. but if you asked
me today if the lessons learned in the fallacy of war by our
forefathers has tought us any lessons, I would probobly laugh in
my reply. So where then is our vision of the future, where is
our colloquial lesson of fate. Ask not what we would wish our
future to be, but how we will make of it tommorow. Yet most
likely it is easier to wish it away on killer asteroids, or
plaguing biochemical warfare. It is easier to find ourselves
lost in the greed of mankind, than embellishing on her finest
qualities. If you did ask me though standing outside a homeless
shelter where a small underfunded group of volunteers practically
gave away there time so that a group of lost souls did not
have to sleep on the sidewalk on a cold december evening what
I thought about the future of mankind I guess I would have to
think in my reply. For in the lond run it may be technology that
takes us to the next level, but it will most likely be the lessons
learned in kindergarten that will be the salvation of mankind.
The truth is that the future is really set on a few short paths,
there are those that place no faith in greed of the mankind as a
society, and those that lay all of theres on the technology, and
new inner peace that sweeps us all. Yet the truth is that mother
earth has survived many organisms before us, other creations of
an organic nature that have plagued her beautiful land. Pollution
though it may be a biproduct of human consumption has and always
will have reprocussions from the delicate system that we rely so
greatly upon. I see a future then that has two simple paths.
Either we learn to rely upon each other and deal with the
simplistic lessons that miraculously fit through all folds of our
existance, or continue on through the paths of ignorance that
very narrowly seperate us from our forefathers and the plagues
they too have brought upon this land. For in our reality, or
occasionally the lack thereof it is the decisions that do not
seperate us from the organisms before us that are the very fabric
of mankinds demise, and the only true seperation from the greed
of mankinds own visions is the very semblance of calm and peaceful
measure brought out in the equal good of us all.
** Michael Caine Cassidy <cainecassidy@hotmail.com>, Louisiana **
I am President of the recently established Caine Cassidy Foundation. We
envision the future civilization as a culmination of all species,
religions, and social classes, all cooperating in order to overcome the
threat of a governmental, economic, and technological blitzkrieg. We are
philosophers, magicians, seers, vampires, poets, thieves, tricksters,
builders, and politicians. We envision the overall acceptance of the goal
of cooperation in the name of strength and prosperity in the post-Millenium
** Gene Albinder <genesa@best.com>, California **
Let's call the society, - Pioneers.
Those People, who aren't afraid.
Who aren't ashamed of occasional tears,
Who don't need Artificial aid, -
To Undedrstand, that Love, - it the Essence
Of All Creation, - and Life's acclaim, -
Is the achievement of Soul's Luminescence, -
By selecting appropriate aim.
Fear, - is also a part of Creation, -
S/He who creates it, - determines its State.
Fear contributes to annihalation
Of those, who're scared to face their Fate.
Those, who chose the way of compliance,
And forgot, what it's like - to Live.
Who turned adultery, - into science, -
And Science, - in disbelieve.
But you can count now by the millions,
Those who still want to make it Great.
Those, who _know_, - how to share opinions, -
Those people, that aren't afraid.
And, you know, all fear notwithstanding, -
It's not that fear, that guides our Path.
We know how to Love, - and to be understanding.
We conquered reflex, - and we're right in our wrath.
We Love you so much, that to speak, - is to alter
The very Essence of Love, - that is why
We give you our Souls, consecrated on Altar
of Heavenly Grace, - in the Glistening Sky ;)
Accept, - and Behold. We have no greater treasure
To offer to you, - THAT, - is our sacrifice.
Our Souls, - are our worth, - and the ultimate measure
Of what _we_ consider - the Ultimate Price...
One day, - I am going to have my own theater. "The Pioneer Society" -
complete improvisation of everything. Including the administrative roles.
My people would just improvise their roles, - and whomever gets to do the
best improvisation, - gets to perform in the theater.
But, - before I can have such a theater, - I apparently have to learn a
thing or two. Otherwise, - I'd already have it, right? ;)
So, guys. Are we going to Live? Or are we going continue looking for
confirmations to what we already understand quite explicitely?
One way or another, - we will be free. But if we understand that Freedom, -
it would feel a hell of a lot better if, upon reaching our destinations, -
we alreadey knew what if Feels like - so that we don't have to go back and
continue the education. Don't you think?
Gene Albinder.
** Roger <beefcake@hotmail.com>, USA **
In my mind's eye, I see a world free of the bonds of capitalism as
well as every other economic system known to man. I see a smaller
population that extends farther into space every year. I see free, or at
least affordable, health care for all. I see less violence than now. I
see people waking up to their creative abilities. I see people who can
think for themselves without having to refer to books. I see less control.
I see people working together. I see people being kind to nature,
coexisting with it instead of living apart from it. These are the things I
see in my mind's eye.
** Jana Dixon <jananz@sprintmail.com, Santa Barbara, CA **
The future of humanity is built on our individual desires, vision and
capacities. The sum of our individual mature acts will make the difference
between a world headed for disaster and a world headed for species self
actualization. All we need do to assist in our evolution is to get out of
our own way and stop killing ourselves and the planet. We need to maintain
a deep understanding of Life, ourselves and Nature 24 hours a day, every
day of our lives. This recovery of the authentic spirituality of Earthsoul
is absolutely essential to our survival. We are literally being forced to
discover our inner potential and the nature of Kosmic-function through the
critical neglect of our past. As our mistakes play out they become plainly
obvious when our suffering becomes acute.
With increased love and consciousness we can now turn from rebellion to
assist life on earth and be co-creators in our own evolution. With our
higher capacities of mind we have the vision-logic necessary to transcend
the old paradigms that lead to endless suffering. As we find out “what
works” our growth, our hope and our faith increases exponentially. And as
we move away from “what doesn’t work” we can forgive our past and recover
our gratitude for life. With this return of biological gratitude our
nobility and grace is restored. Thus our meaning and purpose become
obvious, as once again we are “plugged” into the Kosmos. No longer will we
feel separation from God, the painful rift within ourselves, and between
ourselves. We will become progressively free.
As each soul is curiously encountered, explored and cherished creative
genius is found in every corner of the world. A perpetual renaissance
flowers in which Kosmic design is increasingly made evident in its infinite
forms. Grand cities arise which feed the mind, body and soul and only give
back to the earth, never harming. Pollution and rape of resources are
unknown and cannot even be conceived of as an option. The energy and
nutrient cycles of Gaia are restored and maintained at a high degree of
fertility. Abundance and high productivity are the very nature of the
economy and so starvation and poverty are wholly absent. Animals, plants,
people and the earth are treated with equal respect and reverence.
Diversity of life, mind and soul is central to humanity’s spiritual
understanding of the nature of the Kosmos. Ecosystems are managed only
through using the “ways of nature,” in nature’s time frame and using
natural resources and Life systems. Thus the whole world will becom!
e permaculturalized. When this happens both the earth and her people are
at last allowed to become self-cleansing and regenerative. Morbid
accumulations of toxins and the consequent encroachment of disease are
invariably overcome. Medicine shifts its focus from the repair of failed
systems wrought by ignorance and abuse to the proactive enhancement of
already perfect health. Exploitation in all its forms is forever banished
to the past. Instead regeneration becomes the guiding principle in the
psyche of Humankind leading to ever accelerating evolution.
Psychological health is so sublime that the barriers to communion are
dropped leading to an increasing telepathic, empathic race. Even space and
time become less resistant to the penetration of consciousness. The
noosphere, the Earthmind, will at last be intact and will become
increasingly blissful as wholeness is evidenced. Lovers will find each
other without dally, resistance or folly. The children which will be born
from such perfect unions will exhibit gifts beyond our conception. Within
each generation huge advances in consciousness and behavior will occur. The
fight between good and evil will become so obvious to everyone, that choice
between the two will not even be an issue. For one and all will naturally
“do the right thing.” Killing in the name of God, lust or greed will never
again be seen on earth or any other human colony. War will seem as foreign
to us as our lemur-like beginnings.
Consciousness will forever grow to look at the Face of God with ever
greater reverence and honesty. We will fearlessly reveal all our dark
secrets and heal from our unconscious past with fierce determination to
bring on our glorious vision. And we will let the future unfold as the
greater design for life in the universe intended. We will get out of our
own way...to let ourselves be.
I can clearly see the possibility for an enlightened civilization through
the marriage of three systems of knowledge: Permaculture and Raw Foodism
and Wilberism. Permaculture is the most advanced system of sustainable
agriculture, planetary management and ecological design. Raw Foodism is the
cutting edge understanding of health, regeneration of enviro-energy systems
and providing an integral foundation for spiritual growth. Wilberism or
Transpersonal Spirituality is the most wholistic and inclusive intellectual
perspective which allows healing from the tragic human history of
divisiveness and persecution. If these three “evolving disciplines” were
globally implemented we could jump to the next quantum level of
civilization within our lifetime. I am doing my best to synergistically
use all three in my life and to network between the groups to help others
see the benefits.
** Keith Moor <addict@hiaddict.com>, Oklahoma **
I would like to see where you can call into your VCR over phone to set the
vcr to record something at certain time if you forget.
** Mark Simkins <kitwolf@aol.com>, California North **
I am writing to you because I have seen the success of your mission and I
would like to share mine with you! I'll simply start by introducing my
manuscript THE AWAKENING CEREMONY in a short letter. The title says it
all... The fundamental statement or central idea of my manuscript describes
the multiple doorways that lead to higher values of existence - that can be
uncovered as rules of operation occurring in a universal nature! The full
view of universal nature is beyond most theories of rational thought. It is
a place called Earth 3-D, simultaneously it is Ultra Dimensional or
The doorways are elusive and, while most humans are alive, not
everyone discovers a realistic path to the higher dimensions. As a rule,
most people are asleep to the function of the doorways. Unwittingly, all
psychics and most UFO researchers study the strange and puzzling rules of
the doorways. It appears that many of these doorways are located only in
very personal dreams or carefully structured meditations but they are,
nonetheless very real! The doorways exist outside of the three dimensional
and outside of ordinary logic and in another as of yet undefined definition
of "there." Sometimes, excited by creativity and/or serendipity, we
stumble into one of these doorways and our senses are aroused to such a
profound degree that our lives are forever altered. We walk a new path. We
may be abducted! Perhaps we experience a profound form of Kundalini. We are
** Ulrik D. de la Cour <ulc@dreamstorm.com>, Denmark, Europe **
-- This is an artistic culture where all utilities are works of art. There is no assembly lines creating hundred, thousands or millions of alike products. Still there are cars - all different ofcourse. Computers, and clocks - all different ofcourse. But if it's not possible - then there can ofcourse be accepted anormalies - if the products is necesarry that is.People should work - but they should work as they please - if possible.
** Adam Pollock <pollock@phoenixat.com> **
Project Idea One : A New Age Clinic This would be a place for recovery, exploration, attunement, discovery, learning and growing. I wish it to focus on such topics as physical health - yoga, aerobic excercises, physical ability clinics for working with souls of all ages. I would wish it to include easter and western philosophies. Yoga, Accupreassure, Prayan(breathing)Aerobic and Anearobic workouts, physical counseling(evaluating what is needed, desired, what it will take for both to be reached), cleasing education(the use of herbs, natural mixes for shampoos and all, skin cleansers, Herbalism for the internal matters, how to deal with infections, cuts colds all that, using the mind and the aid of nature. Mentally(spiritualy/emotionaly/intellectually/etc) I would like it to provide luxury, beautiful landscapes, i would like it to encompass secret caves and groves and wells where you could go and hide with yourself and nature for a while, I would like it to provide scheduled classes on meditation, psychic skills, hypnotism, self and other self healing, visualtion, astral projection, wiccan/pagan/shamntic/etc courses, a library for books and writings, musical sources for all types of people for inspiration, creative outlets especially(clay work, painting, sculpture, musical instruments, all things that can help a person get what is desired), a large food garden and all so that most of the food eaten most vegetarian, will be grown by the people who feel they may be of service to the rest of the world by working there. There would be workshops on relationships, on child birth and care, on raising a family, on using your abilities to get what is needed, and not what is falsely thought to be needed. There would be cultural eduction on all sorts of stuff, do you see my plan? I wish this to manifest so much, although right now I wouldnt be able to do it for some reasons, But i so wish to see this before I am back in the spirit plane.
Project Idea 2: I think that the great pyramid was built by alien beings as a tool for healing the earth sphere, and can heal a person, that is my beleif. So I think if we can gather enough people and get the permits(although no one really owns the pyramid) and they all meditate around it, or "tune" it back in someway its purpose may start the healing again, i think it would raise lots of positive enregy around the world.
Project Idea 3: Adults should listen to kids more, we should be taken seriously. Anyone who thinks they can help, listen to a kid and find out what the real meaing of his/her words are.
** falcon <user@fu23.dialup.seanet.com>, seattle **
** Nicholas Hood <nicholashood@direct.ca>, Vancouver, Canada **
The new world will be a tough place with many conflicts between those who want to keep the old ways and those who want to build the new one. Man will slowly gain sovereinty over his own life, if he has the money. Man will be reponsible for himself and his family. I look forward to the future. When these canibalistic governments fall and I am left alone.
Chech out the Vancouver Manifesto at:
Send in more visions to ffunch@newciv.org
o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \ o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o
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