A couple of more project entries.
- Flemming
From: "Joe Claxton" <jbc@jclaxton.force9.co.uk>
Subject: The Project Zone UK - sane and healthy contracting for all!
Here is news of our project in the U.K. For several years I've been an
I.T. contractor working alone, driven headlong by deadlines, working in
way out strange places, living on the road, in guest houses, hotels and
all the rest. This year myself and a friend realised that there must be
lots like us on the road all working and living under the same situation,
sufferring the loneliness and boredom or having no-one to share the
triumphs with. Hence 'The Project Zone'. We've formed a basic umbrella
company so that all costs and intellectual and social resources can be
shared. This means we can keep in touch using pagers, email, internet and
so on for mutual self-support and technical backup.
We're hoping to make a difference in several ways. The first is that life
on the road is more than just about money. Its about the ideas you can
pick up and share and pass on. Secondly, its about spreading the news
about good companies that have sensible and rewarding, people oriented
workplaces and helping these companies to stay ahead of the mindless soul
destroying automaton corporations that many of us have to deal with.
Thirdly, its about spreading the innovative, SANE, I.T. strategies
and methodologies and about meeting up to have some FUN!
If anyone is interested in joining in, or adopting the model for their own
countries (maybe they are already and can give us some insights as we find
our way along this road), they can visit us at
http://homepages.thefree.net/dtp/tpz.htm or mail me at
jbc@jclaxton.force9.co.uk. Yes we are a business but one which is run for
the benefit of the members and customers alike.
Yours, Joe Claxton
From: Vicky <vicky@vicky.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 16:19:43 -1000
Aloha Friends,
I am back from India...early.
I was only there for 5 days, spent 3 days traveling and returned
home. I was complete with my lessons and am now back
implementing what I was guided to create.
I am inviting all of you to participate with me in this creation,
in whatever unique way is yours. If you are not giving the gift
of who you are to yourself and others in a way that absolutely
feeds your soul 100%, this may be the vehicle that you have
been waiting for. This may be the true purpose for which you
and I have been drawn together.
My goal is to create heaven on earth in the new millennium.
The focus which I received in India was is to lift the whole of
mankind, Indians, Africans, Americans, all countries alike,
by mass education through the Internet.
This project will start with the children. We will put computers
with Internet connections in every village on this planet and
start waking up all of these young minds, hearts and souls.
After being exposed to the unbelievable existence that
millions of Indians accept as normal, I have decided that
the only way to assist in a big enough way to shift this entire
planet is to facilitate the revolt of people at a soulular level.
My goal is to assist them in lifting themselves by their own
realization of what they have been willing to settle for vs. what
is actually in there and out here for them to be, do and have.
We can't change their beliefs, but they can. We can't change
their governments, but they can. We can't change their lives
but they can.
Individuals can cause this shift from the inside out. Our job
is simply to wake them up. Our mission is not about pity.
It is about empowerment.
Can you imagine the change in these unconscious, emotionally
dead children after just one month of exposure to life as we
know it through the Internet? Can you imagine the light and life
returning to their eyes as they gaze at what great love and good
exists out in the world which they were totally oblivious to? Can
you imagine the shake up as every cell in their bodies start to
come alive with hope and possibility where it has never existed
We can shift this entire planet through the information highway.
It's already been happening in parts of the world. Now, it is time
for us all to get connected.
Part of this plan will include a world spiritual center to be built
here in Hawaii with others to follow around the world. Details
about these centers and their connection to the big picture will
Another piece of this shift is the gathering of all of the worlds
greatest teachers, healers and spiritual leaders here in Kona for
a summit to be held in November of 1999.
The planning for the summit and for the first spiritual center is
already underway.
It is time that we shift our attention to life, love, living and bliss
and stop settling for all of the dis-ease, survival and lack of
integrity that we have been willing to accept.
Let this percolate in your soul. Let your mind run with it.
What is uniquely yours to give?
What will be your part?
What will feed your soul to the very depth of your being?
What connections do you have, software, hardware, or
otherwise who could play a part in this global transformation?
Would you like to travel globally assisting others?
Would you like to be included in the summit?
Who are you and what are you really here to do?
Let this first letter fill you with joy, excitement and hope.
Write me and tell me how you want to play.
This is not just a grandiose plan. It will come to pass.
I don't waste my time just talking. I create and manifest
and have fun doing it. I'd love for you to join me.
We are creating heaven on earth in this new millennium.
This is my beginning and it could be yours.
Let me know your thoughts.
Aloha 'Oe ~ With My Love,
How big of a game are you willing to play?
This is your life. Are you really living it?
- Vicky
"Quote For The Day"
Share the inspiration! Take a moment to forward this message to
a friend. Love is free and great to pass around! To subscribe to
this free daily e-mail message, simply e-mail quotes@vicky.com
with subscribe in the subject line.
From: Lyndall White - IamShe Planetary Linking Cards -
Group work to build a better lifestyle for us all.
Each individual resonates to a particular group vibration and I would
like to help those of like mind link together to build a
better life for themselves and the planet. As a mediating vehicle for
this purpose, I have created a number of different
Linking Cards at http://www.onthenet.com.au/~iamshe/Welcome.html for
use as visual icons. People who would like to
form a group to work together through meditation can register by
choosing a card and emailing me. I will over time
compile a newsletter with results of that meditation work (visions,
thoughts etc. sent to me by participants) If desired I
can also put each member in contact with others who have chosen the same
As an adjunct to this work I would also like to link those in similar
fields of work together so that they can prosper from
each others special abilities. Example . musicians linked with
promoters etc. Wholesale suppliers with retail outlets,
Artists with galleries etc. If you would like to add your speciality to
this list, email me with the following information
which I will place on my web pages.
Please send the type of heading you would like to be placed under
(i.e. musician, writer, wholesaler, manufacture, etc.)
Short explanation of your speciality:
Web page address:
Email Address:
Phone or Fax number:
Contact address:
Blessings to you all
-- Link the World IamShe Planetary Linking Cards http://www.onthenet.com.au/~iamshe/Welcome.html-------------------------------------------------------------------
o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \ o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o
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