If I ever start feeling a little disconnected or concerned about whether
we'll figure out how to make a thing like NCN really, really work,
compiling this message every month brings me right back. There are just so
many wonderful people here, and so many MORE wonderful people all the time,
that we just can't go wrong, no matter what the obstacles are.
Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Write to each other, have a good time, help
us all invent better ways of doing something together.
Location: christchurch, , New Zealand
Email: OBSERVE-REMOVALS@xtra.co.nz
I look to be part of the earth and to find the energy that comes
from the one! All of us are part of the future as we pass along
our paths to find that thing or idea that each of us finds to be
our own truth
TRUTH ! I have my truth and it is presious to me, you have your
truth and it is presious to you; but my truth cannot be your
truth nor can your truth be mine. But both are the truth to each
of us
Name: Sonny Garney
Location: portales, New Mexico, USA
Email: sonnyg@hotmail.com
I love to read History, mountain bike, hike, ski, and work out.
I am a 28 year old college student that will graduate in
December of 1999. I will graduate with a P.E. degree with a
minor in History and Athletic training. I am a very spirtual
person looking for more insights to improve. I am a very open
minded person that looks into all the different realms of
religion. I am searching for the right one for me and I am very
interested in finding people that are just like me. I am single
and I love to travel. Soon I will be teaching K-12 P.E. and
secondary History. I love kids and I feel that are era is
important, and children need direction. I feel that I can make
a difference in our childrens life, and provide them the
knowledge that they need to enter the real world.
Name: C'Ja Bergfeld
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Email: nevilles@uswest.net
I love to write, poems, songs, and philosphical ramblings, play
guitar, sculpt in wood, make love, go for trips in my bus. I
have some innate abilities for healing that one day I would like
to manifest into this time/space.
I am a seventh dimensional walk-in of a future self. I began
full entry on 8/6/94. It was during the third push when I got
the name C'Ja--which means one who embraces the light and the
So now what? I work as a cabinet designer in Oregon. I
love my job and live in my bus next to the shop. I have great
personal freedom to come and go as I please and to just be
myself. But I am not satisfied.
I feel adrift and looking for a direction to put my
energies, beyond the day-to-day life I live. I know that this
life path is spiritual, but I long to become more fully open with
who I am and share my gifts.
I am new to this web site and group and am looking forward
to connecting~
Name: Tyler Ells
Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA
Email: ells@yourlink.net
Run Cross Country and Track. Wrestle. Like Hiking, Camping,
Kyaking. Like to work with computers and read.
Name: LeeAnn Johnson
Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada
Email: la_johnson@sunshine.net
Web: http://www.accessbc.net
Community and co-operative housing development are work providing
challenge, joy and frustration in my life for 15 years.
Gardening, chi gong and fighting the power of the BC Ferry Corp
are current sources of fun. I have lived in and appreciated
cultures of SE Asia and West Africa.
I unlock my surplus organic garden food by offering it free along
the road in front of my house! Even zuccinis get picked up!
Name: Paul Allison
Location: Sun Valley, California, USA
Email: fsvpwa@pacbell.net
I love people, music, computers, health and healthy living,
jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, and life in general.
I will be interested to see how I can contribute to this
organization and interact with its members.
Name: Paul A
Location: NYC, New York, USA
Email: Loner67@aol.com
My interest are: Spiritual attainment, developing my sensitivity in seeing
more of the subtle energies of the universe, reading, rollerblading, long
distance driving (to nowhere :o)), meeting people with the same interests.
My physical description is:
5'10", 170lbs, single,
Name: David Wooffindin
Location: Rouen, , France
Email: dwooffindin@hotmail.com
Reiki II healer, snowboarder and skateboarder,
nice to come across this type of organisation, these types of people
Name: Yoran Brault
Location: , , UK
Email: yoran-cti@u-net.com
Web: http://www.mygale.org/05/calliope
computing, history, science, religion, celtism
I'm a compute scientist also interesting by celtic & middle age
history. I spent many years in french ocultism exploration
before arriving in UK to found a more healthy way of life.
Hummm, what can I say more ? Death is only fruit of bad
education ;-)
Name: Laura McNerney
Location: Franklin, Arkansas, USA
Email: bonlady@hotmail.com
I am a horticulturist,and am interested in botony, the worldwide
propigation of rain forest species of trees, medicinal herbs,
phytopharmacology, bonsai,archiology, anthropology,organic
gardening,deep diversity, higher understanding through mystical
experience, and occult study, harmlessness, goodwill, and world
cooperation. I am also a strong advocate of individual
creativity, property ownership, enterprise, and responsibility
for ones immediate area on the Earth. I am Native American in
heritage, a professional artist, and art teacher to children
from kintergarden through junior high school.
Name: Neva Howell
Location: Pioneer, Tennessee, USA
Email: Moon_Lodge@angelfire.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/tn/moonlodge
I am a visionary author, wellness counselor, and creative artist dedicated
to the monthly practice of Moontime Isolation for prayer, renewal and
visioning. My husband and I co-facilitate gatherings at our home. "A
Place of the Heart" is our newly formed nonprofit corporation. We both
travel to share with interested groups, our experiences in walking the
Spirit Path.
I share a book of visionary information, concerning the challenges
(physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) associated with spiritual
acceleration due to the influx of Divine Feminine energies that began
flooding the planet in late 1995-early 1996.
I hope to educate women of every race and culture, to the universal
importance of monthly retreat and prayer during the menstrual cycle. It is
a sacred time of increased receptivity and spiritual power, and every woman
who has a cycle can increase her connection to Source with this simple but
profoundly powerful practice. I want to emphasise that I do not teach this
practice, nor do I represent myself as any kind of authority on traditional
Moon Lodges. I practice a blend of spirituality that includes but is not
limited to The Good Red Road and have found that this blend works for me.
I simply share my experiences with women who want to know more about how
this practice might work for them.
Name: Malcolm Blackmore
Location: , , USA
Email: mblackmore@gn.apc.org
Local Economic Development, Co-operatives, LETS, Housing, general
"sustainable development". Long involvement in politics, national
and local, both "institutional" via UK Labour Party, and many
community development projects. Despite Labour Party connection,
politics are pretty heavily shaded green/communalist.
Currently part time carer for infant daughter, doing postgrad
work at Oxford Brookes University Planning School, some IT
freelancing and Tech Writing. Health and energy a bit limited by
health problems brought on by exposure to OrganoPhosphate
pesticides when a lad working on farms, so have paid first hand
for the growing abuse of environment by multi-national
Name: Sheila Levinsky
Location: Ashland, Orgeon, USA
Email: levinsky@jeffnet.org
interested in crafts, art, computers, nature, rocks. Right now I
tutor math (sometimes), do rock projects (mosaic designs on
furniture and jewelry boxes from smooth stones). I read a lot,
never watch television, and wish the world were a better place.
Name: Angela Mutti
Location: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Email: angelamutti@e-net.com.br
I want to know persons in all the world.I'm medicin, dermatologue, looking
for the great.
The new life, the union of all the sprits in a loved world - this is I search
Name: Mark Siegmund
Location: Twentynine Palms, California, USA
Email: siegmund@thegrid.net
Web: http://members.tripod.com/~Tetworld/+index.html
Name: Marilyn Grow
Location: Pine Grove, California, USA
Email: azoth@volcano.net
Age: 75 Reiki practitioner, artist, writer (non-professional)
activities: part-time computer work: newsletter production,
secretarial work. I am very interested in transformation,
meditation, living a spiritual lifestyle, honoring myself and
others, being fully alive and loving.
I would like to have an avenue to express my feelings, reactions,
desires, etc. within the framework of a group of people who may be
aware of the changes that are coming up for all of us at this time,
and perhaps gain inner strength to withstand these changes and to
actively do my part to help others in some way. I sometimes
experience grief, fear, depression, even though I know that I am here
to experience trust, faith, and be aware of my true nature through
whatever these changes may bring to all of us, and indeed, me
personally. I say, we all need to network and grow strong and
unified even though we may be very different personality-wise.
Name: Pamela Lee
Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Email: plee726507@aol.com
Married, 2 grown children. Interested in spiritual growth, Atlantis, Egypt
and pyramids, planetary mysteries including geophysical and astronomical,
etc., etc.
Degree in Spec. Ed., work in architect/engineering marketing.
Name: Dave Troupe
Location: Toney, Alabama, USA
Email: dave1203@mindspring.com
Web: http://dmt-enterprises.home.mindspring.com
I am 16. I am a major computer freak. I have extensive
abilities in the Internet and online community. I create
internet pages for friends and family. I have read Celestine
Prophecy under my own will and agree with its views for tomorrow.
Name: William Prebendarcik
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Email: chimera@aljan.com.au
I am a third year psychology student; I like reading, gym; my
interests are metaphysics, and things "spiritual".
Email: pro.mo@bmts.com
Since I was a very small child, I have been interested in esoterica. At
age 3(!) I began thinking about life and death and the phrase "What if the
dreaming were the waking, and the waking were the dreaming, and when we die
is when we really wake up." came to me at that age. My quest for life's
answer and spirituality is profound, on-going, and as necessary as
BIO - My college education prepared me for life as a broadcast journalist,
a profession I did persue for 12 years. However, right now I am engaged in
the business of creating graphic art, leading personal power development
workshops, and writing a novel. Happily married, my motto is "Love,
serenity and JOY!".
I hope to leave the world a much kinder place than it was when I arrived in
1947. There is so much work to be done in such a short time. However, I
am hopeful, and the signs are good, that the Critical Mass spoken of in CP
is at hand. Almost every 3rd person I talk to (and I appreciate that I
live in a different world than downtown LA eg.) has read CP.
Name: Ray Davis
Location: Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Email: radman2@worldnet.att.net
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ks/raywritten
Password: ABNER1
Live and work in the Kansas City metro area in the USA. I write
poetry and am working on a book idea. I learn what I can from my
life experience each day. I am 33 years old and single. In my
spare time I write and record affirmation and visualization
tapes for friends and develop simple webpages for small
businesses. I enjoy sports for fun and as a diversion.
I have long been attracted by Eastern Philosophy, in particular
a rather personal form of Buddhism I have developed for myself.
I enjoy studying all forms of philosophy, political and
religious, to glean what might be gained to help people see the
world that is possible for all of us. I have long been drawn to
ways in which modern technology, ancient spirituality, and the
modern concepts of freedom and individuality might be combined
to develop and emergent paradigm for a new world.
Name: Pat Allen
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Email: Pattois@aol.com
Artist, writer, co-director of Open Studio Project, inc., author of Art is
a Way of Knowing (1995) Shambhala, working to create ways to make art and
writing available for personal and social change.
The Open Studio is just beginning to create a website so I appreciate
seeing yours and getting ideas and just connecting with like-minded
individuals. Thanks.
Name: Karon Degner
Location: Mertens, Texas, USA
Email: kdegner@jenkens.com
Legal secretary and single mother of four trying to live the
principles and assist others on the journey.
Name: Tim Watson
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Email: Teedub@MSN.com
Interests: Physical & Spiritual universe, preservation of the
natural environment, energy systems, spiritual places of
interest, quantum physics, history & evolution of spiritual
Interested in exploring more of the concepts/insights outlines in the
Celestine Prophecy, particularly the control dramas we must get past
in order to fully appreciate the energy around us.
Name: Horacio Drago
Location: El Bolson, Rio Negro, Argentina
Email: drago@bariloche.com.ar
I design and build small wind electrical generators and small
hydraulic micro-turbines. I live in a very fragile natural
system, in the Argentine's Patagonia, which may be destroyed by
human incompetence. I think together we can save the earth,
beggining at the smallest things.
I am only one more within the critical mass. Limits are only
within our minds. We live in the universe that we can imagine.
Hope we can...
Name: Robert Kincheloe
Location: Bainbridge Is, Washington, USA
Email: kinch@w-link.net
Retired Elec Engr/educator. One-time antinuclear activist. Int
in cooperative living, downsizing impact on earth, solar power,
individual empowerment in social decisionmaking, consensus
process, nature, travel, scuba,...
Some life experiences:
30's: as child, great depr'n, many moves.
40's: educ,electronics,6 yrs navy WW2 (no combat).
50's: grad school,electronics rsch,mtneering,flying,start family.
60's: engrg rsch, kids,spiritual awakening, help found save-the-
world gp (later Beyond War, now Fdtn for Global Community)
70's: Educator;explored spiritual disc.& intentional communities,
travel, failing marriage.
80's: educator, anti-war arrests, windpower project, IRS battle
90's: electric & solar vehicles, retired, joined cohousing group
Name: Selim Uzunoglu
Location: Bornova, ZMR, Turkey
Email: selim@fenfak.ege.edu.tr
I am lecturer at univ. I teach biology. I have long interest
about the future of the world. I am also interested education
Name: Patrick Jordan
Location: Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Email: patrick@antistatic.com
Web: http://www.antistatic.com
Name: Nuzhat Kazi
Location: Hyderabad, Sind, Pakistan
Email: nsk_1955@hotmail.com
Asian, female, 42 yrs, fair complexion, 5'.2" height, slim, brown
waist length hair, 20 yrs experience as educationist, 5 yrs as a
healer: reiki level I & II and Silva Mind Graduate.
Name: Melanie Pahlmann
Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA
Email: inspirit@bewellnet.com
Web: InspirationPress(forthcoming)
At the present time, I am in a wonderful
graduate program in psychology. The
topic of my thesis is "The Therapeutic
Influences of Purpose and Creativity,"
which asserts that to the degree we are
motivated by a sense of purpose in our
life, and creatively pursue that purpose,
we augment our psychological health.
Similarly, if our life is meaningless and
directionless -- without purpose -- the
"symptoms" of psychological discontent
tend to set in.
I intend to be an educator of the life-
giving properties of a value-centered and
purpose-directed life. Joseph Campbell
talked of following one's bliss. I would
like to begin with that principle and
ground it in the practical exploration of
discovering what that is. The result is
very empowering, and a kind of bliss can
be found there.
Thank you for creating this wonderful site
and service. I know what kind of work and
dedication are involved in putting a project
like this together.
I hope in the future I can add more
information as a member; my vision for
participating in the new civilization is
continually changing in subtle ways, as it
becomes more clear and refined in my in-
Best wishes to you all, I look forward to
being in community with you.
Name: Gaye Rutan
Location: Glendale, Arizona, USA
Email: grutan@syspac.com
Rural and Agricultural Real Estate Appraiser,
MBA from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA with a concentration in Ag
Volunteer Coordinator for the Arizona Livestock Show.
Organic Gardening, water and soil preservation.
Environmental and agricultural concerns have traditionally been
confrontational. Rather than cooperative. I think there can be
an integrated whole for both viewpoints. I also feel very
strongly about agricultural integration within urban areas.
Agriculture with little or no "...cides" can be fully integrated
in today's designs and landscaping in urban areas. Instead of
parks and grass belts, more appropriate would be growing belts
for food, fiber etc.
Name: Karen Hill
Location: Cortez, Colorado, USA
Email: chai@fone.net
I want to bring the world to the path of light
To share love we share light and to share this with the world
will I believe bring peace to the world
Name: Lou Carter
Location: Waterford, Connecticut, USA
Email: lcar@erols.com
Web: http://www.levcos.com/change.htm
A drummer, tennis player, poet, and dog-lover.
Assists clients on matters related to learning, knowledge
management, and sales-force automation.
My father always says, "Keep it simple and short." He also
always used to call me a little pisher when I was younger. BTW,
in non-yiddish language that means, "little squirt." So, I guess
you have learned two things about me so far, 1. My dad has
taught me a great deal and 2. I like to take advantage of my
knowledge of the Yiddish language.
Here's something short and simple from young mensch such as
myself. I have a passion and spirit for connecting with others
through Information Technology and dialogue and re-starting and
starting-up organizations. I am both a mechanic and an artist.
I've held positions at Gemini Consulting, Paine Webber, DH Blair
Investment Banking Corporation, Connecticut College, Miller
Communications, New England Cable News, the Don Imus Show, and
The Levine Companies.
I love my dog Elroy, my significant other, Malti, and my family.
I have been educated at several academic institutions including
Brown University, Connecticut College, Harvard University,
American University, and the National Training Labs. My degree
is in Economics and Government, as well as several other courses
that allowed me to self-design my education: Defense Conversion,
Judaic Studies, Music, West African Drumming, Organizational
Behavior and Development, Management, Education, and Adult
Learning Theory.
Well, I guess I didn't learn to be too short when describing
myself, but I have confidence that you'll forgive me.
Feel free to drop me an e-mail sometime at:
Name: Jim Harmon
Location: Ravenna, Texas, USA
Email: jharmon@netexas.net
Web: http://www.netexas.net/trinity
Rev. Jim Harmon CSH, Advanced Spiritual Healing technology, developer of
the Trinity Table. Trinity Center is dedicated to the advancement of
applied spiritual healing knowledge especially for professional healers.
Name: Michael Cassidy
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Email: cainecassidy@hotmail.com
My name is Michael Caine Cassidy, and I am President of the recently formed
Caine Cassidy Foundation.
The Foundation, like myself, is open to all religions and lifestyles, as
long as these also are just as open-minded.
The Foundation consists of many different groups: vampire, wiccan, voodoo,
even Christian. I myself am an agnostic vampire, which can be quite trying
at times. We are constantly on the lookout for future members for the
Foundation; if there are any interested, do e-mail me and let's talk.
Name: Jorge Figueroa
Location: Opononi, , New Zealand
Email: amigo@igrin.co.nz
Enviromental issues.....teaching Spanish Language at local School
I have read a book called Conscious Evolution recently...by Barbara Marx
Hubbard....no doubt the best book I have ever come across...I am very
interested in everything to do with the improvement of mankind and saving
our planet.
Location: WPB, FL, USA
Email: jktauro@msn.com
Name: Tina Mischke
Location: Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Email: twinsouls@m1.sprynet.com
Web: http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/twinsouls/
Polaris Publishing produces an on-line metaphysical, spiritual,
and paranormal newsletter called THIRD EYE NEWS. We are always
taking submissions. We also provide free classifieds and links
for like-minded sites. Visit the Polaris Page for the New Age
at http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/twinsouls/
Polaris Publishing evolved from a lifetime of hobbies and
interests into a business. You will see a reflection of my
experience and passions in the Third Eye Newsletter, the
crystals and geology items, animal wisdom, and an underlying
Native-American theme.
I hope you enjoy the many pages of information and pictures.
Remember, this site is evolving constantly. I am always adding
new items and we publish the newsletter every other month.
I would like to quote the following song by John Sebastian to
give you an idea of how I feel about our wonderful Mother Earth
and all creatures present.
>From "Link in the Chain" by John Sebastian.
Now, the whale he sings at the bottom of the sea,
But he comes up to breathe like you and me,
And that's when he meets the whaler with the deadly aim.
Now, I wish just once in the time that remained,
That he could speak up in a voice so plain,
Slap his tail on the water like a hurricane and cry,
'Don't kill me, I'm a link in the chain.'
I believe very strongly in Global Community. I am trying to get lots
of links and contributors to my newsletter. Why, you ask, start
another newsletter? I don't feel any competition with all the other
New Age sites and I know there are lots of newsletters out there
already. I think it's all great. I love the free enterprise nature
of the Internet and the ability to reach people anywhere and
everywhere. My best abilities for more than 25 years have been
getting information, writing, and producing newsletter-type
publications. I guess I'll stick with what I love best to spread the
word and help raise consciousness. I need your help though so please
submit articles and stories! THIRD EYE NEWSLETTER
Name: Sue Thornburg
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Email: sue@galstar.com
I'm interested in positive energy people, conscious evolution,
and pizza. Not necessarily in that order. <grin>
Name: Timothy Heinse
Location: Troy, Alabama, USA
Email: theinse@trojan.troyst.edu
Web: http:www.geocities.com/~cityoftroy
Retired US Air Force Master Sergeant, married, 2 kids, son - 23,
daughter - 21. Full-time student (Senior) at Troy State
University, majoring in Social Science, minor in Geography, plan
to get my Masters in Geography/Global Information Systems. Wife
of 24 years is professional truck driver.
I hope for thoughtful use of new technologies to improve the quality
of life for all people. I recognize that modern isn't neccessarily
better and that my values aren't everyone's. We must communicate,
and that means to "listen" as well as speak to each other. Good luck
with the organization.
Name: danielle cossett
Location: Corrales, New Mexico, USA
Email: WuChiME16@msn.com
I am mostly interested in what is REALLY going on in the world
as the Earth changes and approaches the millenium. I am involved
in an intensive school of higher consciousness and just want to
keep informed.
Name: Ross & Carole Janes
Location: , , Canada
Email: ross@quicklinks.ca
Musician and Motovater, firm believer in a better life we once
I work for the I.P. "Quicklinks" in Lindsay ON, aprox. 1.5 hrs
from Toronto. The owner of this business has been a good friend
for many years, and is the person who suggested I read
Celestine. My wife has also read the book, although I have not
yet completed it, (I also work nights as a cook). I am very
excited that there is this kind of organization going on, I was
begining to think that John Lennon was incorrect in saying 'but
I'm not the only one'. Lets see where it goes!!
Name: David Cayford
Location: , , USA
Email: jiva20@hotmail.com
hello,my interests are wide and deep,i have kept current on the
sub-%0ajects ,alternative renewable energy;especially
solar,also,vegetarian%0anutrition,finally becoming a firm believer in
veganism as the optimum%0ahuman diet.i have always had my nose in a book ,i
love learning,after%0amy basic needs to be warm and dry and fed are met my
thoughts turn to%0alearning,analyzing,synthesizing data into my emerging
worldview which%0ahas always been a love of Nature.i am fascinated by the
forms that%0aLife takes,there is such beauty in lifes<including
ourselves>struggle%0aagainst Entropy in the mailstrom which is Time the sum
can be greater%0athan its parts if the individuals will to stay
Name: Michael N. Mac.
Location: London, Lambeth, U.K.
Email: gbs_99@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/Catwalk/4219/
Interested in Music, New Spirituality, Green Politics and
Computing and Technology. Like Sci Fi films and many other
things too numerous to mention.
A new spiritual awakening is occuring in human culture an awakening
brought about by ?????????????????????????????????????????????
Name: naveen varshneya
Location: new delhi, india
Email: swastim@hotmail.com
eveoling self and helping people with therapy like past life
regression, reiki, meditation and analysis
Indian, 30 years old, married, going to be father soon (i am
excited), engineer by profession came through tough life and
started getting insights after doing reiki and then things began
to flow. Have read extensively and developed myself well with the
art of living in abundance, effortless actions and following
dreams and intutions. past life regression has helped me a lot. I
welcome all of you to share your experiences with me. I have very
rich experience base and i know i am not alone.
I am looking for lot of people around the world to come and share the
experience, take help and give the same.
I believe that honesty to self is more important than loyalty to
Name: Stephanie Relfe
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Email: health@microworld.com
Web: http://come.to/health
All things metaphysical, advanced technologies, aliens, wealth,
alternative health, personal development.
I have a 3 1/2 day seminar called "Health, Wealth & Happiness"
where you'll have a lot of fun learning what they don't teach
at school or university - in super leaning style!
Name: Richard McQuerry
Location: , kentucky, USA
Email: ramcqu00@pop.uky.edu
Economics and finance double Major
interested in social and economic evolution theory
would like to see concerted effort into a real goal
I am a student set to graduate in May98 from U of Kentucky with a
double major in Econ/Fin and plan to persue a Masters form the same
I spend my time in between classes looking for sites like this one I
want to see what all is out there in terms of people who want to see
an actual evolution of our outmoded societal and cultural modes.
I am just being introduced to a lot of the stuff going on though and
don't know where to start, if anyone would like to e-mail me at
ramcqu00@pop.uky.edu feel free
I like discussion and light arguement about relevant issues
Name: Avievah Bezilla
Location: Tecumseh, Missouri, USA
Email: avievah@hotmail.com
My name is Avievah - When I recently asked what my main mission
or earth was i heard "bring hearts closer" - "bring hearts
together" - there is nothing that I'd rather do...I live in an
egalitarian community in the beautiful magical Ozarks. We have a
visitor program, and I urge you to contact me... - lots of love -
Dear family of friends...
I love you not knowing you physically... i love you because you
care... i love you because you remind me of myself... i love you
because God created you and me in her image which is magnificent and
we start seeing it in the mirror of our heart, and our physical eyes -
we start seeing our incredible power to shift the steering wheel into
a more evidently loving earth - my hopes dreams and desires include
treating each other the way we treat each other when we are under
seige, knowing that each life is precious, treating each other as
delicate flowers which we are, treating each other the way we'd like
to be treated ourselves in our deepest and most profound dreams...
I embrace you in my strong arms - lova ya - avievah
Name: Carlucci Menconi
Location: , , USA
Email: Vanderbuilt2000@yahoo.com
Futurist, Creative, Artistic, Inventive, Idealist,
Business Oriented, Business Planner, Resourceful
Current tasks involve the study of the healing arts.
Now planning to create a non for profit Healing Center where
we place the top healing methodologies and practitioners from
around the world under one roof to heal the top 10 diseases that
plague the earth, and offer this gift to all people whether they
can afford it or not. We are implementing a self sustaining
funding program to afford this endeavor.
There just isn't enough space for hopes and dreams.
This Forum just may alter the course of life for many people, and on
the other hand, it may just leave it the way it is. I hope that
the passions within each of us travel beyond our hearts and
minds into action. Perhaps this Forum will now or in the future offer
the propellant or excellerant for interaction of ideas into acton. God
Bless you.
Name: Darrell Ginese
Location: Worcester, MA., USA
Email: Machupicu0@.com
hello all people of earth. i seemed to have stumbled upon the new
civilization network and i am quite happy with what i have seen so far.
individually and collectively we hold the power to make life as beautiful
as we can imagine. human rights, equallity, freedom, responsibillity, world
peace, bridging science and faith to a point of concensus and truth. we all
will go down in the history books as all humans before us have, lets do our
very best and be strong while we are here and let it be written that human
beings did care, they did try and they accomplished miracles.
as a youth growing up in america today i have seen the extremes of our
reallity unbalanced with a dilated scope of vision. the fine lines between
reallity and truth. some times trying to make the world a better place to
live in seems impossible and hopelessly draining. thou it seems when i look
within myself when i feel down that it is usually something about myself
that needs to be addressed and dealt with. anger, depression and
missdirection clouding the possibillity of obtaining whole truth. we are at
diffrent levels of our lives yet we are the same at the roots of being,
this silently unites all groups, all societys, cultures and stereotypes
through out all of time. when this is recognized and respected on a wider
scope, fair and possitive solutions to many problems we face today may
become clear and prepare us for whatever other obstacles we have yet to
overcome as a human race. take care,be strong and shine bright.
Location: Seoul, South Korea, Korea
Government official for 13 years, interests:human itself, human
societies and fucture, new civilization and diverse curtures,
playing piano, listening classical music and jazz.
I don't know who you are.
And I can't see you.
But I always think of you.
Because I know you have the same reason with me why you are here
in NCN. I feel very hopeful because you are here with me.
When I found NCN in the internet at first two years ago, I was very
pleased and even astonished. After joining in NCN, I was very proud
that I was a member of NCN.
Though I couldn't participate more positively, it was a big pleasure
for me to receive Fleming ffunch's mails.
Now I expect same pleasure again.
And I will do my best to do anything as a NCN member.
Name: Len Matiowsky
Location: Yarker, Ontario, Canada
Email: matiowsk@post.kosone.com
I work with the Canadian Government as an instructional designer.
I have followed the new age movement for over four years now and
I am increasingly more aware of issues that the world is faced
with. I want to make a difference!
I believe the world is changing but sometimes things need to get worse
before they get better. I think Neale Donald Walsh said it best in
his book, "Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue", "Sometimes
you have to be who you aren't to recognize who you are."
Over time I have noticed that people are becoming more spiritually
aware of who they are but don't necessarily know what that really
means. What I hope to do with my life is help those people discover
who they truly are...consciously! Give them back that sense of
childlike curiosity, hope and joy in the moment. Many people are so
focused on making a living, making their millions, with little
consideration for making a life, that they are
suffering....needlessly. It's unfortunate that that is also the focus
of our government leaders. Big business is big business. They are
satisfied before society is. In fact, they have much to say about how
society should be run. The government tends to listen since tax
dollars are so strongly tied to industry.
Focusing on human evolution, not material wealth, I believe is the
answer. I'm not saying that material wealth is bad but I am saying
that if we were to focus on our own evolution and that of those around
us, material wealth, if that's important, would naturally follow. LLM
Name: Carol Dowling
Location: Gympie, QLD, Australia
Email: presf@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.spiderweb.com.au/~presf/
Name: Sarah Hahn
Location: , , Australia
Email: sarabella2@hotmail.com
I am interested in the new age movement.
I really loved reading the Celestine Prohpecy.
My life was dramatically chaged by this.
I currently study at University.
I am willling to assisst this network for the good
of all!
I want to experience more uplifting experiences as I did when I read the
Celestine Prophecy.
I would like to meet like-minded people. I want to find true happiness and
love from life. I want to help
others find this also. I would also like to help those less fortunated
than myself.
Name: Adam Davis
Location: Lawson, NSW, Australia
Email: jadamdavis@hotmail.com
Twenty five years as a Spiritual Teacher of Spiritual
experiences. They cause rapid change in a persons consciousness.
No teachings or dogmas, just direct Spiritual experiences that
change a persons perception and they see things about them
differently and more positively. This is my only work.
I seek others wanting change, knowing such change must first
start within the individual.
Name: Billie Sommerfeld
Location: Chico, California, USA
Email: Billie4SNR@aol.com
Graphic Designer and Printing Business
Owner. Very active in Soroptimist
International... World's largest service
organization for business and
professional women.
I have always been on a spiritual
journey and am delighted to find others
to share and work with. I know that self
change is my work but I feel that by
linking up with others who are also
working on self change will bring
healing energy to the planet.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
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