Here are some excerpted responses to my "New Civ Revisited" post and to the
"New Era" post from Orya. There are lots of responses, so I can't post all
of them here, but I forwarded more to the ncndiscuss list. And these are
mainly the ones that sounded like they could be meant for a wider audience,
not just for me.
- Flemming
[Btw, I'm doing upgrade work on the server over the next couple
of days, so web service might be down for a few hours in that time. Mailing
lists shouldn't be affected]
From: (Gabe C Wagoner)
Subject: RE: New Civilization Revisited
Although I am a new member, I strongly believe that some action needs to
be taken to get the ball rolling once again. Maybe we need some sort of
group effort, a big meeting in the summer perhaps. I agree we need
something, and I'd like to be part of the action. And not only do we need
something, the world does also. The end of the millennium is approaching,
and people need to realize that it is not the end, but only the beginning
of the evolution into 2000.
Subject: RE: New Civilization Revisited
I totally agree with you. We haven't been able to self organise ourselves.
Let me suggest a way. Ask all members to spell out in a word, or a para, or
at most a sentence, what they are most interested in. Organise these
responses in main themes, and sub themes; and send it back to them. Ask them
to suggest changes. Revise, and refeed. Do it a few times. Then people
interested in a theme, or sub theme can discuss among themselves and
crystalize their view and actions. Then onwards, they are on their own.
I am willing to volunteer in the process of organising.
From: jonwill <>
Subject: Re: NCN: Budget
An alternative to member fees is donations. Set the organization up as a
non-profit and seek funding, and donations. Also advertising may raise
funds. Geocities gives away free web pages and services in order to have a
large network to make money from advertising. Geocities recently had an IPO
and raised some big money. NCN could raise substantial funds from both
donations and advertising. The network would remain free to the public, yet
still have a budget to implement actual programs for better world projects.
A win-win situation.
From: "Jorge Figueroa" <>
Subject: Re: New Civilization Revisited
I wish to congratulate you on the vision you have had for NCN. Your
original ideals are a viable alternative to the way we have been doing
things in this decaying old civilization of ours and give us hope for a
better future. Please do not let the organization become beaurocratic or
profit driven. That would be no different from the old civilization we want
to leave behind.
Let it be among other things, a vehicle for coordinating- and presenting
creative work. In reply to Orya Matrix, may I suggest, the baby is
already born,( NCN )and we are all trying to nurture it. No doubt in time
it will grow into a very handsome project from which all mankind can
benefit. What we need at the moment is two or more Flemming Funch (
maybe we can clone a few replicas ) It would be very unfortunate if he
steps down. Let NCN continue the way it is. It is growing into a wonderful
Let's continue to put forward our ideas and projects and in time it will
all come together.
From: Myrna Casebolt <>
Subject: Re: NCN: New Civilization Revisited
[...] I have found that the concept of dialogue is a
good way to get to where we all seem to say we want to get.
Cooperation, collaboration, ways of dealing with illusions/allusions of
power...struggles, etc.
A colleague who actually may be a NCNer, started a network on line where
people can subscribe and talk with one another. There are fees charged
depending on the question or response involved. If we could get to a
point where we can operationally define specifically and exactly what
our purpose is...then it seems we can be in a better position to
determine the ways in which we can go about achieving that purpose.
From: "geoffe haney" <>
I am an eager participant in the NCN in the sense that I await email and
then try to figure out the scope of where the earth is orbiting toward.
I have often wondered if you would ever engage the idea to have a
conference of members or interested individuals to meet head to head for
some mind exchange and well just a all around good time to know there
are others out there that are interested in the causes set forth by NCN.
I think it would be a grand idea and possibly an out of body experience
of energy put together by the NCN followers. It is just a thought and
one I would be very interested in. Thank you for continuing the emails
it is more helpful than you can envision.
From: Futurist <>
Subject: Re: NCN: New Civilization Revisited
If we are to build a new civilization as proposed by Flemming Funch (and
many others, each from their own perspective) it seems that we must first
learn from the mistakes of the past in order to avoid making the same
mistakes over and over again. Part of the problem and opportunity is that
history and historians are rarely objective about what has been observed.
Clearly, the subjectivity of the historian is based on his (or her)
environment. How can we be wholly objective if we lack the understanding of
the self and its interrelationship with the culture and society that
nurtured it? Is it possible to separate ourselves from our conscious and
unconscious biases and predilections? If we are unable to fully understand
the self can we at least control our subjective likes and dislikes in order
to create a new social contract? Please let me know when this dilemma has
been resolved.
From: John Charnay <CharnayJ@ARCLA.ORG>
Subject: NCN: Announcements and Projects -Reply
I am interested in facilitating networking among NCN members in LOS
From: (Kathryn)
I would like to suggest a Booklist. A SHORT one, filled with
all sorts, perhaps on the main web page under Suggested Readings, maybe
connected with a "Pick-YOUR-Newciv-TYPE!" mini-test, to intrigue the
fun-lovers amongst us.
From: Christine Cheryl Jeffrey Hall <>
Subject: RE: New Civilization Revisited
What NCN has created is a fantastic venue for like minded people to share
their ideas and provide inspiration.
I think that too many of us expect things to 'happen' from others. What
your message and another message I received today has reminded me is most
people want change to occur, but we are not self committed to making the
change happen. We can all conceptualize a better world but unless as
individuals we begin to make a change, it will not happen as a whole. This
is why we are so good at blaming our governments rather than getting
actively involved ourselves. By making a monetary 'donation' and setting
up government, we are only repeating previous mistakes.
So I say to all of the people who are interested in a New Civilization that
it isn't good enough to intellectualize the concept, we must live it and be
committed to it to make it work. Now, instead of preaching myself and
waiting for the rest of you to do my work for me, I had better get off my
self righteous butt and do my part.
From: Melanie Milanich <>
Subject: Re: NCN: New Civilization Revisited
I'm sort of thinking that you need to get some volunteers to lead different
subgroups. That everyone in NC should belong to one of these subgroups
of his/her choice when he/she joins or at some point along the way. These
leaders would then advise and suggest challenges to the people in their
groups. We are too large for a "working" group. I don't want to get involved
with a lot of unfocused discussion, but I would like to feel I belong to a
group with some problems to solve or research, some questions to answer and
goodwill to spread and encouragement to give. Maybe everyone needs to reply
to some type of survey or questionnaire to be able to categorize interests and
then assign groups based on answers.
From: Orya Matrix <>
Subject: Re: A New NCN Era?
I knew I was touching a nerve in the first NCN New Era message. I have
recieved a bunch of personal responses as well as some posted responses
too. I am not on the discuss list yet so I am pass this via Flemming for
The one thing I wish to say is this: I have no answers for your queries.
I had no intention of being the focal point of this discussion nor do I
have an NCN political agenda. I read Flemmings message and I responded
openly and honestly from the heart. I have some ideas and I expressed
them in the most basic terms. But by no means are the etched in stone or
a message that represented the only way it could be. I had hoped it
could be a trigger to create a vehicle that may result in some positive
growth for NCN. Perhaps something even grander.
The other thing I wish to suggest is, if this topic has triggered you in
a positive way then follow your bliss and formulate that into a useful
suggestion and pass it along to the rest of us. If this topic has
triggered you in a negative way then, then I suggest you respond with an
alternative suggestion rather than just flaming me, or whoever, for
bring up the discussion.
With that said, the remaining point I wish to address is this is a very
tricky issue. The journey will be filled with a variety of obsatcles.
Please be open to the possiblity that whatever your personal biasis may
be, an opportunity exsist for the potential that attractted us here to
manifest into something grand and magnificant.
From: "Neva Howell" <>
Subject: Re: NCN: New Civilization Revisited
I joined new civ because it seemed to align with what we believe here at
our spiritual center--that we are all related and the only way we can help
ourselves is through reaching out and helping others. that no one really
wins until we all win.
i am one of the people you wrote about who is already working at this fulltime,
and would have no time for a new civ that required a great deal of structure
and organized effort. for me, it has been of great value as a connection tool.
it has taken me quite a while to find time to read the directory (and i still
haven't read it all) or to write a connection letter. now that i've taken
those first steps, i plan to re-read and connect on a more personal level, with
those Relatives who might benefit from what we are already doing. in this way,
i will be of service.
i see new civ as a place where i can post a need and get it to spiritual people
who might be willing to help. i see it, also, as a place where people can
connect with me and give me the opportunity to fill a need for them. it is
good. it is enough, just as it is. changing the world is not my goal.
walking in balance and love within my own space is enough of a challenge. yet,
i believe if enough of us walk this way, the world will change. aho. mitakuye
oyasin (lakota sioux prayer--we are all related)
From: HAROLD <>
Subject: Re: A NCN Era?
The only way I would be prepared to pay a subscription to NCN, If it was
paid to a local NCN group. Which was affiliated to NCN. In a decentralise
structure. Otherwise I wouldn't be a member of NCN.
From: "Ron Adams" <>
Subject: Re: NCN: New Civilization Revisited
[Mayan Dreamspell calendar, concerning NCN's date of birth]
I found out some interesting things with the date March 13, 1995, when NCN
was born.
That year was a Victory Year, Year 3, White Wizard, in Mayan Prophecy.
The date was Blue Spectral Storm, Kin 219
Here is the affirmation:
"I dissolve in order to catalyse, Releasing energy.
I seal the matrix of self-generation with the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled."
This was during a Red Moon Wavespell. This year is Red Rhythmic Moon.
I see a couple of things here. If NCN was born to liberate us from the old
world civilizaiton, then things seemingly not working according to old world
standards actually could be in alignment of New Civilization Paradigm
This liberation is probably worth dialoguing.
If NCN is to be guided by its own power doubled, then liberating from the
old civilization paradigm is very important.
I would be happy to continue this dialogue with you and others.
From: David Zimmer <>
Subject: Re: Purpose of NCN
You might find the following definiation
of<> TheTransformation Network of
interest. It is the only way that I have figured one can get out of the way
of their own creation.
Subject: Re: NCN: Announcements and Projects
I don't want to bring anyone down, or cause any grief...but...(you knew there
was a but coming, didn't you?)
A lot of the talk that has been floating around the ncn for *?* how long now?
is based around the question of when will it all come about? What will it take
for everything to come about?
It is in my sad experience that enormous change comes when the absence of
options is present. Ask any alcoholic. You have to "bottom out" before you can
work your way up.
This, I feel, is what it is going to take. A total crash.
Thus, the best thing that could happen for the NCN is the Y2K bug NOT being
worked out. If we can supply a paradigm after the whole thing falls down, help
people, show through example a better way, then and only then can a real
change come about.
That is why all of the plans and networking and "dreaming" is so vital and
important. If we don't have a better system in place when the oldciv
collapses, then we might as well seek out another Hitler, because that is what
people will look for.
Subject: Re: NCN: Announcements and Projects
New Civilazation is a great concept! We might as well accept the fact that
things are going to change.
The New Millinium will bring many surprises! Many of us will have to learn to
live differently. A New Civilazation indeed! Hopefully it will not operate
as this old one has for the last 2000 years. To consider a New Civilazation
is just that! To consider things in a new way! Think about it!
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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