These are a few announcements. Some of them a little old. Sorry about that.
I usually save up a few before I send them out together.
Lots of responses came in from my last post and from Orya's. I'll post a
summary message tomorrow with some of the ones that appear intended for a
group audience. And I'll forward some of those to ncndiscuss as well.
- Flemming
From: Steve Habib Rose <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 07:33:51 -0800 (PST)
My main focus these days is trying to bring people together within their
regions. See the Regional Networking for Transformation page at
I'm trying a LOT of different ways to do this including:
o Setting up discussion lists for different regions as the opportunity arises:
NewCivSEAsia-L, NewCivRussia-L, NewCivNorthwest-L
o Establishing Regional Networking Contacts in many places around the world
o Running Regional Connections Searches to identify potentially interested
people in targeted parts of the world
o Organizing events to bring people together (particularly in the Northwest
U.S., since that's where I live -- but if you're interested in organizing an
event elsewhere, let me know!)
o Working in collaboration with other groups and networks both on and off the
If YOU are interested in helping bring together "cultural creatives" within our
regions and communities, please let me know so we can explore working together!
Also, The Garden homepage at leads to hundreds of
Internet resources for people, groups, communities, and networks involved in
transformation. Check it out!
Host of The Garden
ICQ: 7649155
From: "Barry Pittard" <>
Subject: Naadis of India
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 18:33:06 +1000
I am an Australian social worker, writer, and researcher and broadcaster.
I have also taught for two years at the Whitefield college of Bhagawan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba, and spent several more years in India as a volunteer
working among the poor. When not engaged in work among orphans in south
India, and my writing, meditation, etc., I take an interest in the Naadis
(predictive or prophetic writings attributed to sagesof various ancient
traditions - Agasthyar, Vashistha, Brighu, Shuka, and others. You may in
turn know of persons of strictest integrity who have a keen interest in,
and experience of, these often stunningly accurate documents -
accurate even so far as giving (as my own extensive first hand researches
have put far beyond any reasonable doubt) a consulting person's name or
names, parents' name or names, and other details. At this stage of my
interest in the Naadis, I have in mind:
1. Networking everywhere possible - where possible by email -
with those who have a genuine interest in, and knowledge about, the naadis.
2. Establishing a list of persons, from both India and beyond, of great
and undoubted integrity, and distinction whatever be their profession or
trade, who are happy to answer my research questions relating to their
experiences of their Naadi readings.
3. To gradually interest open-minded scientists, scholars and other
intellectuals in these extraordinary documents.
4. So as to safeguard the integrity of these great documents, to spend
ample, reflection and consultation before publishing anything substantial
in book form, articles, the Web .... Perhaps, I may initially write
something and put it up on the Web so as to generate some further interest
and dialogue about the subject - especially where people of spiritual,
rather than crassly materialistic, bent will be most likely to view it:
e.g., Spirit Web.
5. Compile a list of the location of all collections of naadis of various
traditions - e.g., Vashishta, Brighu, Suka, Agasthiaya, Kousika .......
6. Your ideas and inspiration ...
Barry Pittard
From: Paul Tifford <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 20:57:47 +0100
Subject: Re: NCN: Projects XI
New project fyi:
We have established a new listserv,Action NOW!,at the address:
Action NOW! will be independent and open "to all people of good
will". It will allow those persons to take action on social issues in the
U.S. such as pornography, anti-Christian
art,abortion,politics,discrimination against minorities,as well as the
broader issues of peace,conflict resolution,justice and harmony among
peoples throughout the world.
Action NOW!,as it's name implies, will provide activists with the
tools needed to immediately contact "the powers that be" and let them
know,in no uncertain terms,that we are fed-up with their in-action,or
worse,opposition,to our social concerns and the needs of the
dis-advantaged,whether they be children,women,the un- and
under-employed,the immigrant and refugee,the racial minority,the
war-torn and ravaged and so on.
In order to make our petitions -and,if necessary,demands known,action
letters will be prepared,dealing with immediate and current needs and
solutions.These letters will be available fo Action NOW!
members to sign and send to the person(s) who can effect change,be it
the President and his Cabinet,Senators,Representatives,Heads of State
and U.N. members,Governors,Mayors and Councils,Corporate and Government
Addresses will be provided so that all that will be necessary to send
such Action Letters will be,say,the choosing of one's particular Senator
or Congress-person,Governor or Mayor,etc.,and 'signing' the letter and
sending it off.All letters will be archived and available to the public
at large.
Membership to Action NOW! will be made available to
the entire Internet community and anyone will be able to join by filling
out a Membership Profile and choosing a PIN or Password.
Individual members will be encouraged to formulate their own letters on
issues of their concern which they wish other members to sign-on to and
"It only takes a few people,working together,to change the world".
With this motto,we are launching Action NOW!
To reach Action NOW!:
Archives are at:
-- Wishing you Health,Happiness,Peace,Love and Bliss,now and always.Paul Tifford : Action NOW! : URL: Archives: H.P.:
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From: "Stephen Winder" <> Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 16:04:47 +1300 Subject: Announcement for your newsletter
I am a philosopher, astrologer and seer based in New Zealand/Aotearoa.
I would like to announce that I am putting out a free newsletter which aims to bring wisdom, information and astrological perspectives to your email box in these times of transition.
This FREE monthly newsletter is dedicated to the understanding of the time cycles of life, both on an individual and global level.
Subscribers are invited to contribute to the newsletter their viewpoints and insights in regards to personal and global transformation.
If you would like to receive The Universal Processes newsletter, send me an email to be on my mailing list.
Together we can make a difference, not only for those who we are in contact with today - but for the generations to come.
May we connect in heart and spirit
Stephen Winder Email =================================== Universal Processes New Zealand.
Specialising in Life changes, Relationships, Personal empowerment and Transformation. =======================================
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From: Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 08:01:23 EST
Hello to all at NCN,
I am personally involved with delving into the issue of adoption. I feel there is a great need to a change to be made. Many of our states still continue to keep birth records closed...this leaves the adopted adult totally in darkness of knowing his original roots. Too many are left feeling empty in regard to the inner longing to know their original mother. Too many original mothers are out here waiting to be found. The silence is overwhelming. Maybe it is not for me to actually participate in changing the current laws.....maybe, just personal journey is to help bring the original mothers "out of the closet" and help them to know they are not alone.
Am I totally off base in regard to my personal feelings of how to make this world a better place...if we can?
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o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ / * * \ o-------o----------- -----------o-------o
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