Here are some more responses, some excellent advice, some projects,
announcements and other good stuff submitted recently.
- Flemming
From: A K Ogilvie <>
Subject: Re: NCN: Organization - responses
Following your query on how to structure NCN, I believe that the
foundations laid down today will be of utmost importance if you see
a future in this (NCN). We should first of all see a clear picture of
the goal (what it is we are thying to achive and why it is we want to
achive it). Then we can plan a course of action to reach those
goals by a set of principles (peacefully, harmoniously with nature
and compasionately). All in all politics and more strongly
economics which controls the society that we live in does not in
any sense abide with any of the principles set above. Hence we
need a totally new way to organise a new society.
A solution? NCN cannot be an economic entity, a profit making
organisation. It also can not be a political movement nor a religion.
It can however be a coming together of hearts not against any one
or any organisations but as a vehicle for the search of truth.Hence
the best alternative I can think of is to post objectives and
requirements on the Net and hope that people will realise the
importance of their tasks (eg to ask for people to donate hardwares
or to kindly ask people to accomplish a set of tasks). It may take
longer, and it may not be easy but it is the right way.
Later! GUSxx
From: Arline Esposito <>
Perhaps by now we have become inundated with the Year 2000, and any further
enhancements of this overworked concept might be lost in the myriad plans,
warnings and celebrations of this truly momentous moment in our personal
histories. I propose instead a two-year organizational meeting of the minds
via our electronic media to plan the future of NCN. I would then like to
culminate this period with an NCN conference to be held in the Midwest (at
some midpoint location between the two coasts) to be entitled "Beyond
Touquet." By then we shall know if we have come to some terrible end in which
case we won't be planning anything, and, if not, it would give us plenty of
time to plan the finances, both personal and organizationally for this type of
endeavor. It would also be in keeping with the business of planning for the
next millenium since in some quarters it isn't recognized to begin until 2001.
Just some musing,
From: <Linda Willows Hartley>
Subject: Re: NCN Organization [from Linda Willows Hartley]
I thank Bruce Baumrucker for a letter which was exceedingly intelligent,
thought provoking and clearly filled with organizational vision. I would like
to add only a few points. I am one of the people who has stood by and watched
the development of NCN, waiting to see what direction and method is taken.
The birth pangs which are being felt now throughout search for direction are
exactly what, in the end, will define it as a true carrier of the vision of
what it was meant to be in its origination. Flemming suffers the conflict
between heaven and earth and that is exactly the passage that our civilization
has entered. Is it not then surprising that the organization feels the
powerful forces which pull it, sway its intention, and challenge it to reach
to higher ground? It seems clear that the organization must operation within
a system of law as does every living body on earth. Then the next step would
be to determine what those natural, not man made laws are. For example; the
law of oneness, the law of reciprocity, the law of interrelationship of all,
the law of reflection, the law of magnetism and so on. If the New Human is
being called forth to participate in the formation of a New Civilization then
it can be understood that each has a counterpart in the other. From these
basic premises and values, I believe that the structure, which is organic in
essence yet conscious and proactively in a state of evolution in nature, can
be discerned. It is like lifting a template out of and artists palate. The
organization needs to move forward as a Civilization, not as a Nation. In
this way, it is the individuals themselves which are responsible for forming
the character of the Body as a whole. It is the productivity of the
individuals which would tithe of free will to the Source for any projects,
programs or initiatives which are born of the Civilization. Since the
Civilization needs immediate resources for the infrastructure it is best to
appeal to several individuals, such as benefactors to invest in the
infrastructure with the understanding of reciprocity at the other end. Thus
the law continues and all are satisfied. The New Civilization cannot be a
business or it will repel many individuals which may come forward. I
recommend the Non-Profit route which does still allow for compensation for a
few officers. In addition it allows for subsidiaries to develop which are
for-profit. So in general, there is much room to grow with this method, even
the possibility of future affiliation as a non-governmental organization with
the United Nations.
The diverse groups of thought and reason with the Civilization can be thought
of as Tribes within the One Tribe. Each individuality could find the area
that suits his or her abilities and expression. In this way, there is not a
feeling of warring nations within the One. It is more like villages within
the Civilization. I hope that this letter proves clarifying and not just
another in the legion of points of view. Thank you Flemming for allowing the
forum for us to fathom the New Civilization and its counterparts, our world
and ourselves.
Linda Willows Hartley
From: "Carol M. Liege" <>
Subject: Re: NCN Organization [from Bruce B.]
Some practical ideas to chew on....
I. General Funding.
Suggest you find a non-profit with similar objectives (if you don't know
one, check with the Council on Foundations in New York, DC, or on-line) that
will act as "fiscal sponsor" for now and has the abillity to take credit
cards. Then put a traditional brief proposal on-line to members with
Mission Statement; Background (paragraph); Goals & Objectives (list of
five); Approach (few paragraphs about how you intend to accomplish goals);
Key People (paragraph on Funch, others); Timetable; Budget for, say, a
year's operations. Solicit memberships, supporters, patrons, contributors,
whatever to charge fees or send a donation to address given to support
general purposes of the organization. If you have trouble with proposal,
the Community Foundation wherever you are should be willing to help you. If
you don't get any contributions or paying members, you need to rethink this!
2. Foundation/Think Tank
The same sources above should help you formulate plans for a
Foundation/Think Tank, and find someone willing to be a fiscal sponsor as
you incubate the idea. You need only three people to form a new 50l(c)(3),
and it's been my experience that it's best to Keep It Simple and start with
just three, bringing in others to review, comment, input, revise, etc. as
you have something to work on -- like Articles of Incorporation, By-laws,
the IRS exemption application that are required. One way to get this
rolling might be to identify your physical location and ask for volunteers
from your area who are able to form a master-mind group (see Napoleon Hill)
and bring in "higher intelligence" by physically getting together with you.
Group reports or minutes could also be circulated for review and comment;
those with interest would begin to emerge by their participation.
3. New Civilizations
An initial project of the Foundation might be to create a website linked to
research or thinking relevant to formulating new ideas. Have you seen Joe
Firmage's THE TRUTH posted this past week? The World Future Society,
Partners for Livable Places, Enterprise Foundation, Library of Congress,
Ashtar Command, Lightworkers, USAID, DOD UFO Office and UN Development
Programme are a few places that come to mind as possibly having interesting
material on new civilizations -- and I'm really ignorant. Is there a
definition of "New Civilizations" around?
4. Democratic Operations
Circulating planned actions for review and comment seems democratic enough
for most occasions. It's inclusive, but allows work to proceed. No one
ever erected a statue to a committee -- if you are to create some structure,
someone has to make decisions with others' input. If there's controversy,
you can always invite a vote. Once you have your own 50l(c)(3) foundation,
you can act as fiscal sponsor to other's projects, too, responding to their
proposals. Again, a practical start would be a group in your own
neighborhood to brainstorm with......
5. A Coin in the Air?
A benefit to tossing a coin when uncertain is that you frequently know,
while it's in the air, how you hope it will come down -- heads or tails --
thus identifying what you really want to do. Perhaps my ideas, above, are
like that -- they will help you know what you want to do, whether consistent
with my advice, or the opposite. Whatever, I wish you luck in your venture.
Carol Liege
From: Coleman Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: NCN: Organization - CW response
>From: Adam Pollock <>
>Subject: Re: NCN Organization
> Ok people, enough stagnation. I am cutting to the chase, yes yes,
I know, who am I and all. Well, my name is Adam and I am 15, shocker.
Hello, *handshake* now on to business. People, you all have great visions,
I do to, nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. The thing is,
if you do nothing to act on it, you have wasted more of your
personal creative energy...
Dear Flemming & All NC Members -
Reflecting on 15-year old Adam's response/astute observation above:
I Agree Whole Heartedly. What distressed me as a bonafide
"Dreamer & a Doer" = Last Year I e-mailed you twice about
a Special Pre-Millennial NCN Concept (non-profit) Event
(A Mega-Production - "Dreamfest'98" in Middle-America),
to benefit the World -
Environment, Peoples, Cultural Unification etc.
(all explained in the e-mails to you)
requesting that you air it on our NCN e-mail column.
Notice of it never appeared,
& I received no response as to why or why not (??).
As is obvious on my 75-page WWWebsite at URL:
I've devoted my life to Helping Create a New Civilization:
As Producer/Director of the World's First Production of
"Jesus Christ Superstar"; Program Director of the July 4th
1986 Dedication of "The Statue of Liberty" in NY
for the Smithsonian Institution; Director/Coordinator
of Opening Ceremonies of Olympic Fest'94 in St. Louis,
& 1996 International Olympic Games in Atlanta;
"14-hour Sierra Club Ozark Mountain Music Benefit"
to benefit the Environment, & much more.
Like astute 15-year old Adam,
my 55-year old self,
is concerned that
NCN may be simply a theoretical device -
but does not support
those of us who are "Dreamers & DOERS".
Color me concerned -
Coleman Wheeler
NCN Member
Coleman Wheeler <>
Uh-oh, sorry Coleman! I certainly hope NCN can facilitate those of us
who're both dreamers and doers. We need better ways of being a
self-organizing and distributed network, though, so nothing much has to
depend on whether I'm paying attention or not. I still get 400+ e-mails per
day, including many announcements of events and classes and websites. I
obviously don't and can't pass it all on. So, if you mean for something to
go to the NCN main list, please mark the message fairly clearly as such,
preferably in the subject line.
- Flemming
From: Jana Dixon <>
Hi Guys I have a web site at
Here you will find articles on regeneration of ourselves and the planet.
This is a visionary site where we can find support and ideas on how to
move forward in the raw revolution. In future the site will be set up
for conferencing and brainstorming. There is also a place for you to
connect with others for lifestyle/romance/projects, however you can only
load your information as yet. I will keep your info until the search
functions are up.
Hope you will come join in this raw sprout as it takes off into
effective regenerative action. (How to become more sane in an unsane
See you there. J
From: "crazy owl" <>
Subject: EmergencyResponseProposal
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 05:31:28 PST
love allove is allive
Hello. I am one of the members.
I am now stepping into the full light.
I am asking for your immediate assistance.
I am organizing a Surprise Valenines Splash in S.F.
The last Valentines Day of the Millennium
for the U.S. to show that we love ourselves and everyone else too!!!
this as a show to start Noon Saturday through Dawn Monday to do
something "phat" and tangible for 7 generations, world peace, seed
saving sanctuaries and world televised.
my e-mail is
This is our opportunity to jumpstart the 1999 movement to sustain
love through the whole year.
I have lots of friends including professional musicians and speakers
but I can use all contacts now for Valentines is about 2 weeks away.
I have done this kind of thing before.
From: Jeffrey Courion <>
Subject: Season for Nonviolence
Dear Friends:
Passivity is an obedient seed of violence. Passivity ultimately becomes a
pained voice whose yearning for transformation cries to be heard. Pain denied
leads to suffering.
Nonviolence is courageous disobedience to passivity. It is compassionate
action with the deeply focused intent of satisfying the heart's yearning for
individual liberation from pain and suffering. When individual liberation is
shared collectively it leads to evolution.
It is in this truly democratic spirit that I ask you to share the gift of
yourself with others by somehow participating (no matter how small) or
creating your own gathering around furthering the active awareness and
practice of nonviolence. And as a special request, I ask that you consider
sharing your participation by involving a young person you know.
If you choose participation, I invite you consider the following events
<A HREF="">A Season for Nonviolence - 1999 Los
Angeles</A> .
With spirit and in community,
Jeffrey Courion
"Within Ourselves Lives the Real Story"©
Bringing People Together Toward Wholeness, Meaning and Community
Through Storywork and Storytelling
presentations ð workshops ð facilitation ð mediation
Jeffrey Courion
phone & fax (310) 273-3354
From: Alyce Santoro Jacquet <>
Please visit the GLOBAL OM PROJECT website at
The GLOBAL OM PROJECT is an effort to get everyone on the whole planet
chanting OM, meditating, or praying for one hour beginning at NOON GMT on
DEC 22, 1999, and again on JAN 31, 1999.
Imagine the effect of the vibration all linking us togther, eliciting a
sudden leap of consciousness. THE NEXT PHASE OF EVOLUTION. The internet can
help us get the word out...if we all begin spreading the word via email and
by posting announcements on our websites, and by talking to others about
this in person, we'll have time to prepare ourselves before next year's New
Year's Eve.
Please cut and paste this message to your email signature:
Please join
Encourage Everyone
on Earth to CHANT OM
Beginning at 11:30am GMT
on December 22, 1999
Subject: Re: NCN Organization
here is my proposed NewCivCon-stitution:
1) Do what thou wilt, shall be the limit of the law
2) Harm no others
3) That which you would have done unto you, then thus do unto others
4) Thou must not alter the consciousness of another without prior consent
5) Thou shall allow others to make manifest their own consciousness destiny.
Right. Well, it might be worth a chuckle or two...
Jim Allard
Subject: a poem
falling snow
deep footsteps
disappear suddenly
in falling snow
as if nobody
has ever been here
(not even the chinese)
today is a new day
new moon new snow
soft and cold
yesterday I did find your shoes
and your left hand
tomorrow I might find
the rest of you
still singing
under the snow
last year we had no snow
we were all here
even the chinese
the guns and the blood
and our unborn children
lied naked on the ground
driven out from the sacred wombs
unborn and already gone
and the year before
the same
just another valley
what was her name?
she was also singing
"I know a better fellow
He is not yellow..."
and then she fell
there was no snow
but soldiers
living ghosts
full of fear
shouted like burning dogs
what to do
when they come for you?
how to talk to burning dogs
when they don«t even know
they are burning?
what to do
when they come for your children?
questions questions
but only one answer
we are living in the land of snow
but instead of the white silent peace
we have the chinese
we have asked for help
every year
these last forty years
but people elsewhere
in other countries
don«t seem to understand
the answer they give us
"Tibet belongs to China"
makes them to killers
and responsible for this genocide
but to be a distant killer
doesn«t seem to bother them
maybe they are the hollow men
with heads and hearts full of hay?
their words are digging
our graves
(in western style)
and year after year
we fill the holes in the ground
with ourselves
(for western reasons)
what to do
when the words come for you?
we have also one answer
Tibet was an independent country
now it«s occupied
we know, we are born here
and we are still here
under the falling snow
the rest of us
Ritva Nybacka 29 Jan 1999
WEB WONDERS: Y2K in Education--compiled by Carolyn R. Pool and Arun-Kumar
Have you had your Y2K flu shot? Are you beginning to worry about your January
2000 paychecks--water supply--social security or other benefits--bank
accounts--travel plans--grades--school schedules--test scores--WHATEVER? Here's
some practical help, for educators and others who see bugs in their future.
of these sites are counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds to when
the clock strikes midnight and brings in the year 2000.
U.S. Department of Education Year 2000 Project
The Department of Education has a five-pronged Y2K approach: awareness,
assessment, renovation, validation, and implementation. Sounds like a new
teaching strategy, doesn't it! But this is war, folks, and we must
eradicate the
Anopheles mosquito, er, the Y2K bug. Interesting to note the "contingency plan"
in case systems cannot be fixed in time. Check out the statement about Student
Financial Aid applications. Open a "Readiness Kit."
Year 2000--Education Y2K
Though we endorse no products like those of Solutions Services software, check
out the simple steps this company has provided for everyone concerned about the
Y2K compliance of home computers. Try the Year 2000 Rollover Test; maybe it'll
save you from having to buy a new computer!
Y2K Home Page--CIO Council
The General Services Administration of the U.S. Federal Government has set up
the Federal Gateway for the Year 2000. Here you may find out what the country's
Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are doing about the bug for citizens and
consumers. Go to the Year 2000 Conference, see what the President's Council has
planned, and search for other related federal sites. By poking around, you may
even find out the percentages of compliance of various federal offices near
Y2K for Kids
Same site, second verse: This is mainly informational (and mostly text), but
there is a way for kids to ask questions and get answers.
President Clinton on Y2K
A description of the problem in plain English: "We're not just talking about
computer networks, but billions of imbedded chips built into everyday products.
And it's worth remembering that the typical family home today has more computer
power in it than the entire MIT campus had 20 years ago. An oil drilling rig
alone may include 10,000 separate chips."
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
A good place to look for Y2K info is on the Web pages of computer software and
hardware developers, such as Microsoft, Apple, IBM, and Cray. Here at the SBA,
go to "Major Corporations Get Ready" for a current list of corporate Y2K info
online. Maybe you'll find a good vaccination here! And even though institutions
of education aren't exactly "small businesses," they may find helpful tips at
this site.
The Y2K News Magazine
Articles from all over, about every imaginable aspect of the bug, from health
care in Florida, to religious perspectives, to the compliance of Social
Security, to hoarding of food and guns, to a reality check from "experts," to
"Online Help" from the *Dallas Morning News.* If you still haven't read enough,
you can subscribe to this service and receive updates in your e-mail.
Year 2000 Information Portal
Yes, Virginia, there is a Y2K dot com. And here it is, jammed like a microchip
with useful info, including some sites we've already listed. Find a Vendor
Directory, link to the Y2K site, and go to Y2K Q&A. Law Center
For the legal beagles among us, here's help. "Legal risks include the potential
for breach of contract suits, class action litigation, tort exposure, statutory
exposure, customer fraud exposure, and directory liability suits." The site has
an archive of articles, including "Year 2000: A Bonanza or Time Bomb for the
Accountant," "International Tax Consequences of Year 2000 Fix Costs," and
"Australia to introduce Y2K 'Good Samaritan' law in February."
British Computer Society Year 2000 Resources
This is not just any set of links; the society is serious, including "BSI-DISC:
DISC PD2000-1 (A Definition of Year 2000 Conformity Requirements)," and "IT2000
The National Bulletin Board for Year 2000." On the latter site
(, you can discover and join a Y2K users group in
your area.
Millennium Salons
Join the conversation, facilitated by Bill Dale; get your vaccination; be
bug-free. The bywords here are shared resources, tools you can use, and no ads.
Carolyn R. Pool (, an associate editor of ASCD books, is a
regular contributor to this and other ASCD publications. Arun-Kumar Tripathi
(, is a research scholar in the
Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany, and a volunteer in
the Global Learn Day Project held recently (
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ASCD is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education association located in Alexandria,
Va. We are an international organization, although the large majority of our
members are in North America. We have approximately 150,000 members, most of
whom are K-12 educators. Our members include principals, teachers,
administrators, curriculum specialists, superintendents, professors, students,
Benefits of ASCD membership include our magazine, *Educational
Leadership*, and
two newsletters, *Education Update* and *Curriculum Update*. ASCD also produces
books, video and audio tapes, and other publications on education
topics.(Not to
mention an online newsletter.) We also provide professional development
training. Each year we hold a huge Annual Conference. For information on
ASCD, visit <>. Or send e-mail to <>.
This online newsletter includes short items of interest to people who care
K-12 education (including early childhood). We cover topics of continuing
concern to ASCD, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, technology,
equity, diversity, and maintaining strong support for public schools. Previous
issues can be viewed and searched at by clicking on
"Publications" at the main menu. This publication presents a variety of
viewpoints. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily
official positions of ASCD.
Copyright 1999 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Kindest Regards
Arun Kumar Tripathi
ARUN KUMAR TRIPATHI, C/O Braun, Luetgenholthauser Strasse 99
My short bio at
Volunteer cum List Manager on Global Learn Day II Project
Join GLD-II Workshop at
Internet Correspondent for WCE:
Member, World Association for Online Education:
Prominent EDSURFER titled by TCWORLD:
Internet in Education:
E-mail: <>
Research Scholar, Internet Search Expert, Department of Statistics
University Of Dortmund, EDRESOURCE Listserv Moderator
Distance Learning Lists Moderator
MEMBER, IEEE Computer Society:
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