Re: NCN Organization [from Bruce B.]

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Tue Feb 02 1999 - 19:27:24 PST

From: Bruce Baumrucker <>:

We are in a Copernicum Shift of World Views and seeking to operate in
both worlds. First solo flights of lizards might have been something
like this, many tries with few successes. But it can be done. There are
examples of success, Bill Shore's Share Our Strength comes to mind.

But some of us don't want to just do a specific thing in the new way, we
want TO CREATE A GENERAL TOOL which will support many others in doing
their specific new things.

This requires of people who operate the current game plan, who were
raised to think in linear ways, to make a major shift in the fundamental
ways they organize their world and their lives in it - a shift to
thinking of massive interconnectedness, complexity, order through chaos,
self-organizing systems and of wholeness and whole living systems.

Or maybe there are others who see things as differently as we. Maybe a
means can be created to attract them.

Enter Flemming Funch and his idea of an internet association of these
new-perceiving people. So now there are 3000 members who have identified
themselves as feeling a kinship with this.

The Seed Stage is behind us, the initial thrust into the sunlight and
into the earth has shown great promise, yet the stored nurishment of our
individual and collective selves is becoming insufficient to support the
living system we are becoming. The time is now to examine our leaves and
roots to see what can be drawn from the social environment that will
sustain this noble venture.

re Finances - Short Term: I would INVITE the membership to donate,
knowingly not tax deductable, some funds to help you continue to
maintain momentum. You ask and some will respond. (Members could receive
recognition as contributing time, talent, and/or money.)

I think specifics would be helpful here. You could outline something
like a 5 point agenda of projects, with anticipated budget needs. Then
give periodic updates on progress being made, who the point person is,
who team members are, etc.

Some projects you have identified:

How to turn NCN, OR A BRANCH OF NCN, into an income producing entity, a
sustainable economic endeavor. (This seems to me a fundamental

Examine the benefits and drawbacks of profit/non-profit organizations,
some combination, potential alliances, etc. (Possibilities: Create a
business network amongst us; Create directories of products and services
available, win-win systems making it viable to bring each other
business; Create a common online LETS system and barter system and gift
giving system; etc,.)

NCN as a whole needs better infrastructure. With that I'm mostly talking
about computer software and virtual collaboration facilities. We need
better member database features, better ways of grouping together,
setting up conferences for specific subjects, recording one's
activities, organizing one's projects, listing one's events,
publications, projects, articles, etc. I do have a vision of that and
the skill to develop it, but I'm only one person. I so far haven't
succeeded in engaging anybody else in getting serious on this, and
haven't had the free time to get very far with it myself. It either
takes financing or a lot of dedication to the result. Or somebody coming
along with an existing solution that we can adopt.

I can envision a relatively small number of very focused and
knowledgable people functioning as a foundation or think tank bringing
new civ PERSPECTIVES, principles and approaches to the world. If
financed by grants it could produce studies and plans and knowledge
databases for the common good. If financed handsomely, it could manage
projects bringing viable new solutions to the world. Or, if not
otherwise financed, it could act as in a consulting capacity, being for
hire by companies or governments to help study or implement new kinds of

If we must live up to our ambitious title of a *New Civilization*
Network, we ought to develop some ways of practically organizing
ourselves and making decisions. Along the lines of: If we were the
people of Earth and we needed to organize ourselves to make the
decisions that are needed and to develop the agreements that guide our
interaction - how would we go about that? Would we vote, elect
reprentatives who meet in councils, or what would we do?

Incidently, Flemming, I am also working with associates on some of these
same projects for the work I am doing in Community Strength, and I
wouldn't be surprised to learn that others are too... I wonder if it is
time to move from networking for awareness and understanding - to -
Network Organizing in new, socially constructive ways. Is this already a
special interest group?

Flemming, it is my understanding that the way NCN got going in the first
place was that you took the initiative and did it. I think that may be
what it is time for again, for you to reach deep inside yourself and see
if something new is seeking to express through you again. In my mind,
you are the holder of this vision.

Your good friend,

Bruce Baumrucker

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