[NCN] New Civilization Visions #29

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Sat May 22 1999 - 14:43:54 PDT

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                      Issue 29, 22 May 1999 \ /
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It's been a while, but I think it is time for some visions of various sorts.

- Flemming


       ** Peter W. <flogthedolfin@hotmail.com>, Indiana **

Simple, just be happy. The idea that everyone will be happy at once is an
absurd one. We are all different and thats what makes us so special. We
have the ability to have different lives and thoughts. So I propose, be
happy, realize that physical is only that. No one can take away the impact
that a person has had on the souls of those around them. This impact that
one has on those around him or her will also effect oneself. In reality,
there is no reality. We are all just here to be thoughts in each others
thoughts. Be happy and the world will become a new civilization. Maybe
not for everyone, but for yourself.


      ** Chris Bobst <sporck@earthlink.net>, Central Ohio **


     With the combination of virtual reality and the web there will arise a
new breed of people that exist solely in cyberspace. Initially these
people will use the new technology to indulge their desires and emotions
that otherwise would have to be suppressed to function in "real" society.
They will be dubbed escapists and be ridiculed for their lack of
socialization. Without the burden of consequence this new breed is able to
remove all its inhibitions. Within this group there would be no disease, or
physical violent actions toward one another. There will be aggression but
the consequences will be relatively non-severe due to the lack of physical

           This period of aggression will slowly decline upon the realization
that it has no justification in cyberspace. This is no such thing as
property so squabbles over property will cease and revenge will be limited
and ineffective in cyberspace.

           As the new breed becomes accustomed to its new environment it will
learn to manipulate it far more efficiently that the real environment.
Their existence is no longer in a reality in which humanity is ultimately
at the whim of their environment, instead the new environment is catered to
the individual. With this new mastery the mind will begin to awaken and
function toward its true potential.

           With a growing number of members the new breed has rendered the
automobile and traditional time and space obsolete. Our consumption of
goods slowly begins to decline toward the necessitates to survive and
maintain maximum efficiency in the "new reality". Manipulation of the
senses will allow every sensation to be customized to the individual’s
tastes. Traditional society will


     ** Chris DeGetmon <cdegetmon@hotmail.com>, Michigan **

The vision of a world of radical egalitarinism and radical amazement
at the wonders of the Earth comprised of astonishing diverstiy. A world
where people come together for mutual support, understanding, sharing
a common goal to achieve peace, harmony and love!

Such a vision assumes the ability to let go of personal agendas,
judgements and control. To let Spirit move in and through people and
express whatever manifists in the moment.


   ** Wanda L. vonSeeberg <Litlfethrs@aol.com>, CT, USA **

I see a united people using their various gifts to create a civilization of
rainbow people. No difference in race, sex, age, etc. Possibly in Canada,
or at least high ground. A place where new discoveries are used for healing
not destruction. A place where children can grow up safe and secure in
their future. A place where the combined talents of all create one mind and
one accord saving mother earth not destroying. Where all creatures great or
small, are one in spirit. I'm working on a book based on this vision I've
had all my life and open to any and all help. Thanks for your much valued


  ** Jeff Allen <Jeff_a6@hotmail.com>, Simsbury, Connecticut **

When I sit down to envision a future for humankind, I first think of the
past. I look at our existence as a planned progression of an attempt to
manifest love and divine consciousness in a physical form, on a physical
plane. We are at a point in our lives, as a whole, where we need to
understand where we came from, Why we are here, and Where we are going. It
seems that there is a polarization of belief concerning our fate. Either
the end of the world is coming and we are all damned with no hope of
salvation for human life, or we will climb out of the hole we have dug for
ourselves and prosper with the help of our creator and each other. I am
not a religous person, I am a spiritual person. I am a firm believer in
God, or a higher power. I feel every person on this earth came here by
choice with a purpose and an intent to play their part and make a
difference. This pre-meditated physical life is forgotten once we arrive,
and our goal is to remember. We are surrounded by doubt. We are
surrounded by fear. Look through the surface physical trivialties and see
people for who they REALLY are. Who they were before they were faced with
this challenge of faith. Our progression is coming to a turning point,
affected by thought and energy. The mere act of positive thought has a
tremendous impact and will benefit human-kind. The same can be said for
the flip-side to that coin. All of the people filled with hate and
dis-belief, who are so sure of our demise, are actually causing it with
their lack of faith. If one can tap into the universal energy which feeds
or soul creating our reality, then it can be understood just how much your
thoughts affect life. Love thy neighboor. Love is more important than
alot of people realize. If we all stopped and looked around once in awhile
we would see that we are distracted. We wake up go to work, come home
watch the news, and go to bed never wondering why we are doing this. Why
are we here? Are we to just accept the fact that our mislearned mission is
to go to school, make lots of money, and get lost in a career and never
stop to inquire about what is really important, why we are really here
doing what we are doing. I see a future where people are working TOGETHER
as a race to achieve a higher goal and understand the higher purpose of why
we are here. A future where eminating love and compassion for others is
commonplace. As I said we all have a purpose for being here. Every single
one of us plays an important part in the divine work-in-progress of the
never-ending story. Please send me your thoughts and comments. Thank you
for your time.


       ** AsTheEagleFlies <mgi19@idt.net>, Central USA **

It's on the home page: http://members.aol.com/Decatalyst


** Sonoran Sunsets <sonoransunsets@yahoo.com>, Tucson, Arizona **

<a href="http://www.sonoran-sunsets.com/chronicles.html">
Sun Chronicles</a>


 ** Pascalle Sweerts <kosmoss@xs4all.nl>, Amsterdam, The Netherlands **

Please, have a look at our website. http://www.xs4all.nl/~kosmoss
The Politics of Consciousness: Information Communication Awareness.
I hope you will enjoy. Sincerely,


 ** John Chalinder <panloki@bloomington.in.us>, Bloomington, IN USA **

Please check out http://www.kiva.net/~elf/ for a Mars project
dear to my heart. I've known these people for almost a decade,
and can guarantee they are totally serious.


        ** Tom Osher <bagelhole1@aol.com>, SF,Ca USA **

In 3-6 months, many, many people will be aware of the dangerous potential
of y2k. It might almost be appropriate for panic. I don't see anything that
will be in place by then that will be a real contingency for the worst-case
scenerio. However, if this list of cheap, simple, funky ways and ideas for
self-sustainability both for the indiv. and the neighborhood were developed
by then, there would probably be many, many people willing to make the
effort to implement them in the short time remaining and panic would be
alleviated. I am not a tehnical person, I can't learn all the ways in time,
the ideas must come from the handy people, not me. So. . . . .

        Do you think this plan is worthy to mobilize around?

Gentle people, I hope you find these ideas worthy of supporting: First of
all, I would like to assume that you are up on y2k. But, if you are like
many progressives, you may be asleep at the wheel on this one, I hope not.
In any case, please be so kind as to indulge me for a moment, for I have
found much on the web which supports the premise that can be found on the
state of California y2k web site, that there is the possibility for
infrastructure breakdown (i.e. no electricity, etc. for an indefinite
period) and hence contingency should be implemented with this in mind.

With this possibility in mind I would like to assert that the best, the
most comfortable contingency that I can imagine would be self-sustainable,
self-reliant, neighborhoods globally and locally before 2000. This is the
funky, cheap, simple type of self-sustainability, not the deep ecology or
the bio-regionalism, or anything that would take years to implement. This
is a comprehensive self sustainability that would be more fitting for
contingency for infrastructure rupture such as y2k presents. Something that
could be done before 2000. It is a daunting challenge, but who is to say
its impossible.

The stakes are so high, with the possibility of martial law/chaos on one
side, and the other possibility. . . Imagine, if you would, the worst-case
scenario does occur and we in our wisdom had the foresight and the
diligence and the creativity to implement self-sustainable neighborhoods
comprehensively and globally in time. The safety net would be available for
everyone and everyone would experience the liberating and healing effect of
community based on mutual co-operation and after a month or who knows how
long of living this way, without money, the people of the world would see
the absurdity of ever returning to the former way of injustice, waste,
destruction, exploitation, and corruption that we have all had to endure
and which has so degraded and compromised everyone's existence. Thus the
world would be transformed in one fell swoop, possibly. Its just a
possibility, of course. But is it not worth mobilizing all those who could
help in creating an ever-improving list of ideas that are cheap and simple
for sustainability? Would your organization be interested in playing an
instrumental role in getting this ball rolling? This once in a millennium
opportunity is very fleeting, there is only 13 months left. There is a
certain urgency, if we are not to miss this and head into y2k with little
but an ever deepening sense of panic. If for some reason you don't agree,
please let me know why. Yours in hopeful collaboration,


websites: www.y2knet.com www.artrans.com/msg/toc.htm
www.co-intelligence.org www.year2000.com

Vertical gardening: Make a column out of chickenwire and tarpaper or
cardboard about 3 1/2 feet high, 14²diameter. Hold a 4² diameter pipe in
center and fill with sand and stones (for watering), fill the rest of the
area with good soil. Cut 3² slits around the outside thru the wire and
paper in a spiral pattern. Insert seedlings in slits (40-60). Can be used
on sidewalks, balconies, roofs. Sizes are arbitrary. 4 or 5 should feed a
family plenty of vegetables, plant about 2 weeks apart to keep a steady

Local gov¹ts. should be asked to bring grains from the silos across America
where they often rot every year and store them in accessible places for
neighborhoods in your city. Now the food produce problem is solved.12/21/98


   Send your visions to ffunch@newciv.org for future newsletters

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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