[NCN] New Members April 1999

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 19:18:53 PDT

Well, I'm in a warm and welcoming mood, after having the pleasure of
meeting my new daughter who were born yesterday morning. Her name is Nadia
Anastasia Funch.

And I'm also happy to meet new NCN members. So, here's the list of people
who joined the New Civilization Network during April, and who entered some
kind of bio info.

- Flemming


Name: Akhil Shahani
Location: Mumbai, , India
Email: akhils@ajaxcom.com

i am interested in any projects that can be done in india. i am more
interested in education. i am quite computer savvy.


Name: Gvantsa Asatiani
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia, Georgia
Email: Gasatiani@homta

Leadership skills, humor, generous, patient.
To live in the world's new order.
Founder of the United Nations Association of Georgia.
Working at the Commercial Bank as a PR.O
Founder of the MAX. Ltd which works in the field of Sexual
education and distribution of the LRC product - DUREX.


Name: Cheryl Mason
Location: , , USA
Email: cmason@midusa.net

interested in meditation, yoga, synchronicity, human potential,
nature. I am an accountant and married with grown children.

Would like to meet other females in my area who have similar


Name: Michael Jackson
Location: , , Australia
Email: wildkid2000@bigpond.com

Into listening to music all the time.....and finding positive
people to learn from.


Name: eric moyer
Location: everett, Washington, USA
Email: ericmoyer@earthlink.net

math, biking, the Cranberries, U2, Computers


Name: Reid Mukai
Location: Mililani, Hawaii, USA
Email: aramcheck@disinfo.net
Web: http://blue.icestorm.com/aramcheck

My interests include hiking, swimming, meditation, the internet,
photography, entheogens, most topics on the Art Bell show, low
budget (usually foriegn) films), and reading (esp. Terence
McKenna, Philip K. Dick, William S. Burroughs, Hakim Bey, and
Aldous Huxley).

I'm a 24 year old male of Okinawan ancestry living on Oahu. I've
been interested in topics of the paranormal and metaphysical
from a very young age, and am still questing for related
knowledge that may help the environment as we know it survive
and humanity with it.

I believe the issues of environment, politics, culture, spirituality
and consciousness are all connected. Raising awareness in each of
these realms in a holistic approach is part of what needs to be done
to save ourselves as a civilization.


Name: Jason Waldroup
Location: Taylors, South Carolina, USA
Email: cwaldroup@hotmail.com

I am a computer consultant currently working in Charlotte. I
have experience in Network Design, multiple operating systems
(UNIX/AS/400/Linux), with a strong background in Telecom/Datacom
(switches, CSU/DSU, communication lines). I am currently doing
web design. I have a strong interest in most music (except
country) and enjoy playing my guitar as well as using some music
programs on my PC.

I have been aware for quite some time of coincidences around me
but have either ignored them or assumed they were just
coincidences. I believe that in the very near future there will
be some dramatic shifts in governmental power and society as we
know it. I am joining this group in order to find others who
think and see the world as I do so I may continue . . . .

Good luck!


Name: Chris Scobie
Location: Christchurch, Canterbury, NZ
Email: resonance_@hotmail.com

Perhaps Later, but truly worldly betterment

yerah, Hi, Keenly interested in resolution of the
Social-ecological-economical system.

Am working toward a local global system to diversify and bring great
integrity to that system. I call my project Resonance.



Name: Dennis McCracken
Location: Suisun City, California, USA
Email: dennis@buildtheworld.com
Web: WorldBuildersCo

After experience as a therapist in community mental health,,
private practice and recently in a large medical center, I've
become increasingly interested on the effects of culture on
mental, physical and spiritual health.I am hopeful that the Net
can provide an information source and communication medium as a
supplementary counterbalance to mass media programming and serve
as a matrix for the growth of a sustainable planetary culture."

Dennis is a staff member of the psychiatry department at Kaiser
Permanente Medical Center in Sacramento where he practices
individual, family and group psychotherapy. He also operates a
private practice in Fairfield, CA. In various settings he
designs and teaches classes for staff training and public

I'm interested in working with people to:

Develop holding environments that nourish and grow capable
citizens at all stages of development

Provide access to knowledge needed for generating, evaluating
and bringing to the public arena information necessary for
policy development.

Improve the quality of public discourse in ways that restore a
sense of hope and efficacy in political and social action.

Develop ways to discuss values, moral and ethical choices that
transcend polarization and personal attacks, and to discuss
plans and decisions on their merits and consequences rather than
on sound bites and ideological or dogmatic pronouncements.

Foster dialogue between persons from various religious and
spiritual traditions around common human interests arising from
their co-existence on a planet with limited resources.

Disseminate knowledge of media literacy and critical thinking
skills to enable citizens to evaluate the countless petitions
for their money and allegiance.

Develop and disseminate educational tools that: 1) enhance
citizens' abilities to understand the complexities of our
current situation, 2) enable them to demand adequate
explanations from policy makers regarding policies they advocate
and to 3) assist them in grass roots and global political

Foster development of art, music and multimedia communication in
elmentary shool, higher education and lifetime learning.

Encourage the development of entertaining and informative media
packages for the general public that supply necessary
information to make informed voting choices, improve the quality
of life, and encourage participation (contributions of time,
effort, and talent towards the improvement of the local and
planetary community).

And finally and most important, develop a network of
collaborators, from the public, private and business, government
sectors to accomplish all the above.


Name: Nisa Zain
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email: ms_nisa@hotmail.com

I love to travel, dancing , reading and surfing the net .....music is also
my passion and love being near teh sea .... swimming , snorkeling and scuba
diving ............
Live life to the fullest .... thats my aim......


Name: R. Gordon Zyne
Location: Mt Olive, North Carolina, USA
Email: rgzyne@exchange.moc.edu

Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Planning of
Mount Olive College.
Hospice Chaplain
Ordained minister
Very concerned with spiritual issues, dying issues, higher
Space travel, science, the arts, technology

Peace, higher spirituality, the evolution of humankind as God


Name: Xian Williams
Location: austin, Texas, USA
Email: xian_23_@hotmail.com

bhuddism, chaos theories, quantum physics and mechanics, fractals, numbers,
music, art and graphics... im presently a stage hand doing lighting and
electrics for theaters and live music venues

my biggest dream is to be able to know and understand everything, my plans
are to persue this to the farthest point i can...


Name: Shiona Phillips
Location: Glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom
Email: comm@shiona.free-online.co.uk

self-development, holistic living, shamanism, astrology, ancient
cultures, past lives, organic gardening

Interested in connecting with others who may be considering
purchasing land around Spirit Mesa for creation of a community.


Name: Carrie Creamer
Location: , , USA
Email: lil_Carrie_bear@yahoo.com

my hopes for the future are for the world to be a better more peaceful place.
I also hope to have my own practice someday for natural healing...y'know
the usual :)


Name: Dennis Geib
Location: , , USA
Email: dgeib@hotmail.com

AmeriCorps, teacher, ultimate frisbee, politics, German, Spanish


Name: Jackie Leve
Location: LA, Calif, USA
Email: flutterby@danyi.com
Web: http://www.killerbutterfly.com

Hi! I am Jackie BUT i prefer Flutterby.
I am a writer, have been for 30 years. Poetry mostly as well as
editorials. I am I have studied up to Rieki II and am interested
in being a Rieki Master.
I have a lot of hope for the future if we just pull together and
work on it!!


Name: Gary Zamis
Location: , , USA
Email: Gzamis@aol.com

My career skills are in the area of finance/accounting and my
personal interests are in the sciences (biology, physics, etc.)
I can also be quite useful with a set of tools if there is a
need for hands-on help and troubleshooting at any time.

I am looking for an outlet to promote the truth of the unity of
the Universe (versus the "conquer the Universe" culture of our
Western civilization.)


Name: Malcolm Miller
Location: St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Email: millerm@claven.fanshawec.on.ca

Have been a psychologist/teacher for 30 years and am still struggling to
make sense of the world and my purpose in it. Am most attracted to Taoism
and Zen as belief systems but am still attached (consciously and willingly)
to this reality of Abigail (daughter,15), Nick (son,10) and Catherine
(wife). Continue to come back to Quinn's question about "saving the world"
and what I can do to understand better how to move from being a "taker"
(participating in the destruction of the earth as we know it) to a "leaver"
(an earth in ecological balance) .


Name: Shekhar Mishra
Location: New Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA
Email: shekharmishra@hotmail.com

I'm an acoustics consultant specializing in high end sound
systems. My interests include... outdoor sports, world cultures
(currently studying celtic, viking civilizations), psycho-
acoustics.... mind machines and their use in creating/
understanding paranormal phenomena.. esp, etc. Music (more so
psychedelic music) and related places like clubs, discos,etc.

Love to meet new people and get to know them..... looking
forward to meeting interesting people here!


Name: Ford Perfect
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, USA
Email: Thalmighty@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ms/AuntJemima

I am a person of many names. AuntJemima, NetBoy, NuM0del#15,
Omega, Swedish Chef, one for each of my attitudes.
A large influence on my life has been Marilyn Manson and what he
has tought me throught his music. I enjoy computers very much and
also intersested in Radio, Astronomy and Cosmogony.

Do what YOU want to do, not what someone else wants you to do.


Name: Tamo Willsat
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Email: shambhalagem1@geocities.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/5637/ShambhalaGEM.html

I am intrested in All aspects of personal and planetary
empowerment and liberation with an emphasis on the "spirtual"
dimensions. I am intrested in working/playing with peope whp are
infected with the radically positive insanity characterized by a
willingness to question every aspect of life and live by thier
highest truth regardless of the norms of culture. I am especially
intrested in working/playing with people who are open to using
all congruent means necessary to create a empowered world (this
includes but is not limited to Entrepenureals skill, technology,
and Magick. I am cuurently focused on using Y2K as a gateway for
global transformation

My whole life, since I was 5, has been centered around trying to find
a deeper truth then the obvious and to end the suffering I saw by
helping people actualize thier deeper wisdom nature. I think
individual empowerment is the main key to global empowerment.
Disempowered individuals can not manifest empowered structures.


Name: Pascalle Sweerts
Location: Amsterdam, New Hampshire, Netherlands
Email: kosmoss@xs4all.nl
Web: http://www.xs4all.nl/~kosmoss

Please, have a look at our website. http://www.xs4all.nl/~kosmoss
The Politics of Consciousness: Information Communication
Awareness. I hope you will enjoy. Sincerely,


Name: Thom Wilkerson
Location: San Jose, 95112, USA
Email: thomw@webtv.net

Esperanto, history, current events,
multi-cultural/international contacts,
[esp in the NCN-Esperanto community]

bachelor, gay, 46yrs, living in San Jose,

I am curious to know why so little importance is placed in NCN on
international communications, ie overcoming language barriers. As an
Esperantist, it would appear that the International Language Esperanto
would be one of your top priorities to further your goals of a new
international or non-national world culture.
I tried to click on to the one minor mention of Esperanto listed on one of
your webpages-and the link proved invalid. May I suggest using
<www.esperanto.org> as a useful URL for this link.
I would enjoy hearing from any NCN Esperantists in your group or your own
views on this topic.
thom "neniu"


Name: Myriam Urrunaga de Birkes
Location: , , Peru
Email: mimi@blockbuster.com.pe

I am living in Lima Peru. My first language in Spanish , but also
speak English, because I'm married with an American man ... to
write I'm not so good.I can read or speak ... so let's try in
He sido músico durante la mayor parte de mi vida y profesora de
música, trabajo mayormente como terapista. Durante toda mi vida
he sido guiada en aspectos esotericos, durante mi recorrido por
esta vida me he abocado a auto perfeccionarme y tratar de hacer
un mejor servicio a los que están a mi alrrededor. No pertenesco
activamente a ninguna escuela esoterica ni iglesia ... pues creo
que todo está interconebtado y no puedo, ni debo ser sectarista.
Estoy muy dedicada a los estudios y practicas esotericas ...lo
ultimo que estoy haciendo son estudios y practicas basadas en LAS
intentando poner en practica todos los aspectos estudiados y
vividos en el transcurso de mi vida en este tiempo.
He hecho regreciones a mis vidas pasadas y estoy escribiendo un
libro sobre
ello ....
Es por eso mi interés en comunicarme con gente que este conciente
de que estamos en la entrada de una nueva era y que hay que dar
un paso definitivo para evolucionar en otros niveles y colaborar
con la evolucion de, este, nuestro planeta.
Me gustaría mucho y lo necesito , inscribirme con ustedes para
poder continuar con mi auto perfeccionamiento y a la ves estar
conenctada con personas afines.
Aca en Lima, somos varios los interezados.
Agradesco mucho de entemano tu ayuda y espero tus noticias. No se
que mas datos sobre mi puedas necesitar


Name: Ron Surface
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Email: rsurface@olp.net

Interested working as a global person, new thought, etc.


Name: petar petrov
Location: Sofia, No, Bulgaria
Email: p_petar@yahoo.com

I hope It will happen!


Name: Armando Popa
Location: , , USA
Email: romanus12@yahoo.com
Web: http://armandopopa.webjump.com

I believe in Love as the answer to all questions. Lennon
said: "All We Need is Love"...


Name: Kuthumi John Peniel
Location: Shelby, MI., USA
Email: kuthumijohn@voyager.net

I Be Kuthumi John"of"Peniel(as per Prophets Edgar Cayce-Paul
Soloman-Linda Gibson, and others) Entered Earth-Gaia Sphere 12-
21-1936 9:30am-Muskegon,MI.-The year of the Rat!!-//Mayan "Blue
Magnetic Hand", an Archer!!!Some of KUTHUMI'S Embodiments,known
and unknown, are Rudolf Steiner-Joseph Smith JR.-Nityananda
Prabu-Shah Jahan-St.Francis-John Zebedee-DAVID-Pythagoras-
JacobISRAEL-ENKI,and many more and inbetween!! In this
Here"N"Now Experiance I AM THAT IAM John "of" Peniel HIS
Embodiment--thus--Kuthumi(KootHoomi)John "of" Peniel, about to
Explode upon WWW with the "New Order Of Things"-I AM with
UUUUU's LIGHTWORKERS!! Will be Singing to the World With
not this a "Strange Act"- the WWW and all!!!What a way for
HUMANITY to become aquainted with Eachother!!!
Kuthumi John"of"Peniel
P.O. Box 142
Shelby,MI. 49455 (soon at ADAM-ON-DIAHMAN,MO.)
(616) 861-4982

This site is Fantastic!! I AM visiting with my Aged Mother at
Shelby,Mi.-Go and see her twice daily in nursinghome! Putting
together (http://WWW.Firstborn-Outlaw.com) Website!!Been traveling
around world on WWW-so I've seen a lot of site's!! I hope that
I&I&I's Website will be of this Quality, and to be linked with you
and others samelike!!! I do like to chat and answer any questions as
to what this "MOVEMENT" IS?
Koot Hoomi Keoni


Name: Christina Hines
Location: Stratford, Connecticut, USA
Email: Honepants@aol.com

I try to be a very loving and spiritual.People say they feel
warmth from me and are at totalease in my presense.

I love people and I want to see this world turn to the light
energy that everything puts out and needs to survive.I need and
love to pread love and give lots of hugs.The hugs also include
trees.T also love animals.


Name: Steven Davey
Location: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Email: stevendavey@hotmail.com

love life, music, women, mum, dad, bruz, talking, singing,
writing, drawing, laughing, joking, smiling, breathing,
exercising, seeing, hearing, knowing and being.
I like to do them all regularly(:

Please smile(;

every time i see the first star bright, or cut a cake, or pull a
wishbone etc. i wish for peace love and freedom.
i hope that we all can have that someday(:


Name: Jean Aya Schiff
Location: Sedona, Arizona, USA
Email: aya@sedona.net
Web: http://www.starwheels.com

1985, Santa Monica, CA - 1999, Sedona, AZ. A vision was given,
received, nurtured and is now, in turn, gifted back to the world
as a contribution to the new galactic civilization emerging on
planet Earth.

Inspired by a spirit vision in 1985, artist Aya has created a
line of higher-dimensional mandala-temples, called the
StarWheels. The vision was of a hyper-doedcahedron": 12 series
of 12 = 144 StarWheels to be shared with the world as "living
holograms", thus helping to synergize colors, sounds, sacred
geometries and ceremonial dances into the Celebration of Who We

Shanti Shanti Shanti - Peace & unconditional Love on Earth


Name: charles mcgee
Location: , , USA
Email: aka@aol



Name: Julie Williams
Location: , NSW, Australia
Email: myson@zip.com.au

I work with people with an intellectual disability which has led
me to desire a world where all have opportunity to be happy.


Name: Peter Atkinson
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Email: peter.atkinson@sheridanc.on.ca

Military Intelligence, Astronomy, Space Sciences, Bio Sciences,
Urban Planning, Advancement of Mankind, International Politics
and Policy
Currently a college student studying Marketing with a year of
General Science under my belt.
Involvement with Student Union for two years
Minor military background with Canadian Forces

 Intentions are to assist with the peaceful advancement of mankind
wherever possible to do so in a constructive manner.
 To become one of the first MARS colonists
 To create and finance a international university or college
 To assist with the development of northern areas within Canada and
Russia as long as they do not damage the environment
 Currently changing addresses and will pass on ASAP.


Name: Susan Drudi
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Email: ladyliz@nsccux.sccd.ctc.edu
Web: http://nsccux.sccd.ctc.edu/~ladyliz

I will come back and write this at a later time. I have to do my
homework now!


Name: James Anthony McKenzie
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Email: MagickBlueTwo@excite.com

Spend most time teaching and studying various yogas (hatha,
kriya,sidda)Music therapy, celtic shamanism, peace of mind/self
help counceling. I am a published poet, and currently waiting
for the release of my first book of poetry. I write articles for
the local free press paper SpiritLink. I am finishing my degree
in Comparitve Religion/holistic health. I have a degree in Fine
Arts. I am an explorer and an investigator. My magor goal is TO


Name: Newsom Will
Location: Pride, Louisiana, USA
Email: bambam71@webtv.net
Web: http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/bambam71/

   I am 29. I like people who want to
better either themselves, or their
friends, or both.I love all types of
music.I work in refinery as a
boiloermaker. I hope to open my own
buisness soon.


Name: Nick Smith
Location: Oswestry, Shropshire, UK
Email: nicksm@lineone.net

Ex-journalist, now partialy disabled, but still alive and
interested in eveything.

I sailed a yacht from Amglesey to St Peterburgh and spoke to the


Name: shane baker
Location: page, Arizona, USA
Email: RBaker7500@aol.com

hiking ,rock climbing ,river rafting , spending time with my family

I don't have a computer of my own could you please send me things through
the mail


Name: Raymond McConkey
Location: , , Canada
Email: rjsm@zensearch.net

Question # 1:

Will James Redfield-The author of "Celestine Prophicies" and the
Tenth Insight ever create another book?


    o o
   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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