[NCN] New Members, May 1999

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Mon Aug 23 1999 - 11:28:22 PDT

OK, it has been a while. I kept a low profile for the past few months, I guess.

Anyway, you're receiving this from the main mailing list of the New Civilization Network. The last couple of months nothing has been going on on it, but typically I would send something out on it once or twice per week. Announcements, listings of people's projects or visions, calls for action, inspirational stuff, etc. And what I'm sending you right here is a list of new member entries. Normally they go out once per month. Here you can see what kinds of people are here, and you have an opportunity for connecting up with others with common interest.

If you've forgotten, the main webpage for NCN is at http://www.newciv.org/

And if you have changed your mind and don't want to get messages such as this, just send me an e-mail about it.

- Flemming


Name: sarah alshaer
Location: Belmont, North Carolina, USA
Email: sloraine44@aol.com

gardening, reading, learning from friends and new friends,
creating natural products for home and personal use.

I am excited to be among like minded folks who seek a better
place for all mankind, and no more suffering at the hands of


Name: Nora Amrani
Location: Studio City, California, USA
Email: vibrani@vibrani.com
Web: http://www.vibrani.com

My philosophy is that everything starts within ourselves, and
when we change our Selves we change the universe. My focus is
helping people develop their personal empowerment and
transformation, opening to creativity, the higher power with the
One Source; and channeling, if desired; philosophies of all
cultures and religions; spirituality, intergalactic heritage;
American Indian and Ancient Egyptian and Sumerian studies; I am
a published author in magazines and my book, "American Indian
Women Poets: Women Between the Worlds" available on my website. I
am a Minister, Doctor of Religious Science, Doctor of
Metaphysics, background in healing work, channeling, writing,
theatre, dance. Working to bridge all cultures and integrate
metaphysics/spirituality, and peace, into practical useage in
our society. I believe our planet has more than enough resources
to ensure that each person can have their basic needs met, if
used properly. My hope is that education, shelter, medicine,
clothing, methods of self-sufficiency, food, will be available
for all while living in a respectful, loving balance with planet
Earth. Drop by my website to get to know me better - and let
your wonder wander where it will.


Name: Reid Miles
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Email: RAMiles@megsinet.net

White Magick, Poetry, Reading,


Name: Nathaniel Hunt
Location: Summit, New Jersey, USA
Email: eltruth@aol.com

My interests include anything and everything SPIRITual. I'm just
here trying to heal the hole in my soul. Love music, love books.
I'm of college-age and my dream is to be a writer, and help some
people realize what is the good life. I think we're here to
evolve by taking the vertical learning path.
Peace and Love Always :D

Divine Creation.
I am God.
You are God.
But there's something Higher.
The All-One.
This is only a small piece of the entire Reality Pie.
I sleep to dream.
I like to look at things with a slant.
What isn't being noticed here?
I'm in search of something...


Name: Joan Jaeckel
Location: Encino, California, USA
Email: jjaeckel@whole.org
Web: http://www.whole.org

Please take a look at the Whole.org web site,

Imagine access by all families to tuition-free, self-governing
schools that foster creativity, relationships, and deep
learning. Whole.org is dedicated to politics and commercialism
free education.


Name: Belinda Longoria
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
Email: belinda@io.com

Spiritual exploration, outdoor activities, music.
Data analysis, organization, meeting planning.


Location: QUITO, , ECUADOR
Email: aferrin28@yahoo.com


I am interesting to improve my feelings and my spirit to become a
positive person and also be to able to trasmit others the
message and the experience of the energy and vitality that exist

I always beliefe that there is a universal energy that is related
between all things and humans but y never feel that until I feel
that the celestine profhecy transmite so I never comeback to be
the same becuase righ now I am alreadi alive.

I would like to contact people that want to travel around Peru and
another spiritual place, and also is posible to get a guide to my


Name: Richard Charles
Location: Sydney, NSW, Austrailia
Email: riskardo@onclick.net

Reading The Celestine Prophecy has filled me with curiosity and
a passsion to find out more. What the book has spoken about is
a shift in attitude that I have felt, but not picked up on,
until now.


Name: Priya Sahni
Location: Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Email: fearlesscl56@hotmail.com

My interests are writing, reading, music, karate, and church. I
hope to use one or more of these to help others.


Name: Miguel de la fuente
Location: , , Spain
Email: maf@mad.servicom.es

Estoy sorprendido y expectante


Name: Luana Alika
Location: Ft. Bragg, Ca., USA
Email: luana@walkon.net

Gangaji (Self-realization) + creating reality (ala Seth/Jane
Roberts) + direct communication/gardening with Nature
Intelligence (ala Findhorn & Peralandra) + dream scientist/
explorer + post y2k opportunities + achieving self-actualization
level (ala Maslow) + co-creative partnership w/ God

Here before, here now, here after....


Name: jamie nicol
Location: hilversum, , Netherlands
Email: j.nicol@cable.a2000.nl

to self-build eco house in france, perhaps in cooperation with
others sharing skills and resources. i am a fiction writer with
a background in psychology/philosophy/journalism. married to
anne with young son felix.


Name: Mary D'Aiuto
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Email: mdaiuto@sas.upenn.edu

I enjoy theater, both performing and watching, swinging,
reading, walking, and bicycling. I'm currently an adult student
at University of Pennsylvania.

Your Temperament is Idealist : NF
Your variant temperament is Champion : ENFP


Name: Laura Lagana
Location: Eastchester, New York, USA
Email: FaithnLove4ever@yahoo.com

Writing, Being outside, Dancing, Going out, Reading

I am young and I feel that there is more that I can do to help
evolve a spiritual wave. I love people and I am going to school
to be a social worker, yet I feel trapped when I am being fooled
into certain games of society.

If any others have any wisdom or encouraging ideas that they feel
younger generations may need to help grow in the right direction,
please feel free to share your ideas with me. I am always ready and
alert to help myself and others around me with the help that I get
from others. Peace!


Name: Jonathan Skinner
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Email: north71736@aol.com

Magick (in all its form), Love, and the ability to change the
world. I am intrested in any organization geared toward bringing
positive change, and expanding human conciousness. I am apt at
researching and am also up to physical exertion if need be. I am
free to work through the millenium because that is what I must do

I am a dreamer given a beautiful reality to create. I was first
apprenticed to magick at 14 by a spirit and have been self taught
after that. I seek to bring people togather and celebrate the glory
of humanity. I have dedicated my life to the cause of peace and self
expression. My dream is a society where the inhabitants can express
them selves freely and live in harmony with the planet around them.
Needles to say I have been frustrated with the society we have
settled into and am actively dedicating my life to changeing it. If
anyone has any projects there working on in the area of spirituality
I'm up to the task.


Name: Manuel Brugat
Location: , , USA
Email: nmrsignal@aol.com

Electrical Engineer, working in the medical device service business. Love nature, love people, and would love to help make this world a better place to live. Also love nudism, God made us nude, why should we use clothes then?


Name: charles hineline
Location: , , USA
Email: clh@cwix.com

Learning about and expressing views of being. Interested also
in finding harmony with Motherearth for Mankind's continuing
successful co-existance with nature and each other. Interested
in the premise of NCN.

thank you for all your efforts to bring another level of
enlightenment to humanity's awareness and hopefully to fruition.
We have risen from the atomic muck and are reaching for the brilliance
of the stars, and maybe, just maybe we somewhere along the line, will
discover what it is that makes the journey a worthy pursuit. The
purpose of life is to perpetuate its essential physical being, the
meaning of life is to support the continued perpetuation in order
that it will be possible to sustain the fundamental definiton of the
phenomenon of being we call life. Meaning beyond the realm of the
infinite universe is analogous to anti-matter, might we say anti-
meaning. This cuts to the core of creation, for with out the state
of absolute nothingness which necessarily preceeded the existence of
physical matter (atomic muck), the anti-matter (anti-meaning) state
of contridiction preceeding the physical flux of physical creation
therefore borne the idea of meaning. Simply stated, meaning is
relative to being, being is the result of the contridiction of
absolutes holding the center stage. The meaning of life is a human
construct, it is not relevant beyond the reach of our imagination.


Name: Steve Edmonds
Location: , , USA
Email: fivestair@hotmail.com

skateboarding, mountain bike riding. I like to hang out with my friends.


Name: Wanda vonSeeberg
Location: Danielson, Connecticut, USA
Email: Litlfethrs@aol.com

I have a vision of a rainbow tribe, mixed ancestry, beliefs, etc
living in harmony in the far off future. I hope to write a book
on such a civilization.

Only through caring for each other and mother earth can humanity
survive what is or might be ahead.

My studies w/The Mayans in TX follows along the lines you speak of.
Only when people work together for a better future will it work.


Name: Anthony Tross
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Email: atross@yknet.yk.ca
Web: http://www.hail.icestorm.com/yukon/


Name: Jaime Bravo
Location: david, chiriqui, panama
Email: oasis_108@hotmail.com

Hi my interest is the energy, i have taken lessons of transmit
energy, it's really work, i love, so my field is the energy

i like people, i like to share opinions with people.


Name: Nina Bivona
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Email: abivona@bigpond.com

Italian living in Australia Lecturer in Social Sciences. Just
become sixty. Interested in innovative solutions to todays world
problems especially working to eliminate world hunger and foster
world peace


Name: Emery Engelhorn
Location: Prairieville, LA, USA
Email: angelhorn@msn.com

Spiritual Enlightenment, Answers to the questions of the cosmos,
The truth about human origins and ancient history. Where we are
going as humans in the future as our abilities grow increasingly


Name: Ricardo Toffoli
Location: Porlamar, N.E, Venezuela
Email: rtoffoli@lettera.net
Web: http://www.geocities.com/athens/cyprus/6030/rtoffoli.html


Name: Mac Boy
Location: , , USA
Email: svaljak@yahoo.com

hallo to all macedonians.Please join here...


Name: Antares Numi*On
Email: Antares@tm.net.my
Web: http://www.xlibris.de/magickriver/

Born January 7, 1950, in a small town called Batu Pahat, in the
southern part of the Malay Peninsula. Spent an intensely
stimulating year in a New Jersey high school as an exchange
student between 1967-68. Acquired a taste for literature,
theatre, music & film ~ but ended up working in advertising
between 1970 & 1977. Became a freelance communications
consultant while indulging my passion for musical & theatre performances
until I quit the city in 1992 to live in the jungle, where I
befriended & later married into the aboriginal Temuan tribe.
Since then I view my main work as Earth Guardianship, planetary
healing & anchoring multidimensional options on the physical
plane. Am I a Light Worker? Well, I've never been into Heavy

I've been monitoring evolutionary events on this planet since I
first started waking up with an electrifying jolt in 1969 at age
19. At that time I was thought Heaven on Earth was going to
happen in a week! Now, 30 years down the linear timetrack, I
realize that 3D spacetime events unfold through freewill
consensus ~ which gives everyone on the planet adequate space &
time to experience & integrate their own individual initiations
& to fulfill their own unique missions & visions. What a tremendous
era to be incarnate in this sector of what Bucky Fuller calls
"Scenario Universe"!



Name: Pope & Cassy McElvy
Location: Otto, North Carolina, USA
Email: pcmcelvy@dnet.net
Web: rbcglobenet.com/treeoflight.asp

Nature, meditation, hiking, family, gardening, nutrition,
business/marketing, play, musician, artist, photographer.


Name: Tereese DeMetz
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Email: serendipidy@hotmail.com

Coincidence is what brought me here.


Name: Rama subramanian
Location: Chennai, TamilNadu, INDIA
Email: samanvaya@vsnl.com

SAMANVAYA means harmony in sanskrit. We are a group of
consultants working towards holistic, sustainable solutions.

Interested in getting to know international effortsin systems
thinking and implementation of holistic systems.


Name: Ken Patterson
Location: , Georgia, USA
Email: cavalier67@hotmail.com
Web: members.xoom.com/_Cavalier

Computer Science major graduating end of 1999
Interests are many and varied

"Love, Clear Intent , and Sense of Humor are Powerful Ingreients
Coupled with Reverence, Compassion, and Inspiration
They Can Make All the Difference."

- Barbara Marciniak


Name: Yasuhiko Kimura
Location: , , USA
Email: kimura@twilightclub.org
Web: http://www.twilightclub.org


Name: meredith myott
Location: , , australia
Email: lunarlove77@hotmail.com

percussion freak.relishes the simple things in life,understanding
the concept of unconditional love and a strong desire to concur
all evil and let love rule.


Name: Ermanno Monti
Location: Torino, Italy, Italy
Email: priscill@iolpro.it

Laureato in Matematica
Sono presidente del Centro Nuova Cultura e Nuova Civiltà la cui
attività è ispirata ai testi dell'Agni Yoga di Elena Roerich ed a
quelli del Maestro Tibetano di Alice A. Bayley

Già la denominazione del vostro gruppo mostra assonanza con
quella del mio; è mio interesse capire se anche Voi traete
insegnamento dalle medesime fonti.


Name: Michelle Jackson
Location: Medina, Ohio, USA
Email: sjacks0523@aol.com

Enjoy reading, nature, horses, gardening


Name: Michael Pushard
Location: Newport, Maine, USA
Email: pushard@telplus.net
Web: http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/michaelpush/child.htm


Name: Dara Brooks
Location: Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
Email: dbrooks@jmcp.com

I am currently working in the field of advertising. I read the
Celestine Prophecy when i studied in Australia in 96. I was
totally intrigued by the book and recently have resparked my
interest in the insights. I am going through a period of self
doubt, trying to figure where I fit in to the world. I am
completely restless and feel like much is missing....


Name: Zlata-Ana Todorovic-Grce
Location: Burnaby, B.C., Canada
Email: zlataa@hotmail.com

Family Of Light

I want peace to my country,
Peace for Kosovo people,
Peace for Serbian people
Just Peace


Name: Katrine Hirshals
Location: , , USA
Email: troldsoo@hotmail.com

I'm a girl from Denmark, who's just read the Celestines Prophecy.
I find it extremely interesting, and I just can't get it off my mind.
What i really need now, is simply just someone or something to
explain it to me, because if it's really true, which I hope, - then I
want to be totally involved....
I guess that what I'm trying to say is, that I really want to know
some more...


Name: Kitty Harper
Location: Creswell, Oregon, USA
Email: kittyharper@yahoo.com
Web: http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/bnfl/562

I'm a writer/artist on an incredible spiritual journey. I've
achieved inner peace, the ability to love unconditionally, and
the desire to share what I have with those around me if sought


Name: Valerie Demorest
Location: , , USA
Email: tallystar@excite.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/~tallystar

set your course by the stars...not by the light of every passing


Name: Brian Fredline
Location: Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA
Email: Fredline@rhtc.net

     Hmmm, what does one say about one's self? I am a married
male, 34 and father of a son and four daughters. I look at the
world and see rampant greed, selfishness, deciet and
wastefullness on an unprecidented scale. Our cities are an
excercise in inefficiency and technology that could improve the
lives of billions is supressed by a handfull of short-sighted
     Whew! That being said, I now look for people that share a
larger view of how things COULD be if we would but try. I would
like to see a world more like that of the United Federation of
Planets. A world where education and medical care are available
to all, where a man is rewarded for his labor and a woman isn't
thrown out into the street just because times are hard. I would
like to see a world where people are free to live as they see
fit, free of "Imperial entanglements". I would like to see
cities become more free-flowing in design (see Arcosanti at
http://www.arcosanti.org/), a merger of natural and synthetic.
     Although we use our computer extensively, I feel that there
must be a line drawn between man and machine, lest we become the
machine. "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance
is futile."
     I belive in polygamy and the right to form relationships
based on love, honor, respect and mutual understanding. I also
believe in Jesus Christ as the risen Son of God. I also belive
that babies and children are a precious gifts that should never
feel the pain of abuse or neglect. A man should never lay a hand
on a woman in anger or treat her as anything but a cherished
friend/ companion.
     Well, that's about the size of it. If anyone wants to chat
about anything you've seen here, feel free to do so.


Name: Miguel de la Fuente
Location: Madrid, Spain, Spain
Email: maf@mad.servicom.es

I want contacts in spanish that live in Europa

Creo que una nueva civilización es necesario que se desarrolle recuperando valores que la Tradición del Conocimiento siempre ha representado.

La actividad fundamental debería ser el reconocimiento de los miembros de esta forma de sentir la realidad


Name: Rosie kaplan
Location: , , New Zealand
Email: crucible@xtra.co.nz

A Course in Miracles, co-creation data bases (Network New
Zealand.) Positve News on network prime time TV. WOVA

I live on Waiheke Island in New Zealand.

Earlier this year I, at last, closed down a glass slumping
business I bought 3 years ago, the first 2 years were the hardest
years of my life, the business was a financial failure and I, at
the time equated it with personal failure.

Last year I hit such rock bottom that I was thrust back into A
Course in Miracles.

I am currently creating a role for myself as a public speaker to
sound the planetary wake up call that I have, at last, heard. I
speak well in public, people engage when I speak, I make them
laugh and I feel I have something to say.

I have discovered, to my excitement and joy, Barbara Marx
Hubbard's Conscious Evolution. I came to the understanding that I
wanted to set up a New Zealand version of her co-creation/Future'
s room concept. I am currently joining a North Island group who
are have created a fledgling co-creation organisation for New
Zealand. It is called Network New Zealand and will eventually
have the facility to scan for, map, connect and communicate about
social and technological innovations and what is working in every
field of endeavour in New Zealand. The list of areas is too
extensive to note here. This network will enable us to all see
what people and organisations are doing towards a safe and
positive future and thus become more effective through
collaboration. My role in the group is, as of writing, undecided
but we anticipate it will include promoting it through my public

I have a goal of creating a minimum of 5 minutes of the prime
time news hour being devoted to positive news, and will be moving
on this.

I have a long term goal to create a progressional Spiritual
growth and meditations book. Although there are many spiritual
growth/meditation books on the market none seem to actually
progress over the year.

So, as you can tell, lots and lots of ideas at the moment but
nothing very concrete going on!


    o o
   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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