[NCN] New Civilization Projects

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 01:55:42 PDT

Another collection of your projects. A very diverse set of interesting
activities at that.

Note that there is no built-in judgement here, that all of these things are
activities you all supposed to think is a great idea to do. You don't need
to agree.

My point here is rather that each of these projects is something that
*somebody* is passionate about. It is something they're pouring their life
into. In an of itself I think there's something special, something sacred,
about that. And amongst all of you there will be *somebody* else who
resonates with one project or another and you will have a *piece* to add to
it. A piece of advice, a contact, a piece of information, or your full-on
support and participation. That is the whole point - to work with each
other in manifesting those things we feel need to be added to the world.

To that end, the items I'm most happy to pass on in this forum are those
that are clear, brief and to-the-point in terms of what you're doing and
what you are looking for to assist you.

- Flemming


                    EOS - INNERTAINMENT CENTER

From: Jeff Hutner <concept@jetlink.net>

EOS is a planned Los Angeles innertainment center featuring a zen tea
house, global healing foods cafe, theater for one act plays, music,
dialogs with leading edge thinkers, dance space and global bazaar. If
you have a contribution to make, please contact jeff hutner concept@jetlink.com


                       ARIZONA HUMANIST ACADEMY

From: Henry Neal Camp <hugger@uswest.net>

In formation. K-12. Suggestions for curriculum, resources, etc. welcome.
Emphasizing teaching children to think, reason, problem solve, resolve
conflicts peacefully; non-religious ethics. Charter school? Thanks for
your help. Neal Camp


                        Y2K CONSTRUCTION IN ARIZONA

From: Ahna Tafari <ahna58@hotmail.com>

I own 5 acres of debt feee land in northern arizona near holbrook, north of
chevlon lake. I want to build 20 adobe, solar disaster resistant, sturdy
self-sufficient, energy efficient and low maintenance homes on 1/4 acres
each with a 800' well drilled directly from aquifer. I would possibly sell
these 20 homes at a low Y2K investment of not more than approx. 79,999.00 to
$88,900.00 each. I have some commitments from interested peoples that want
to purchase. What I need is preconstruction costs either wavered until
purchases have been made and/or payable at 50% of the cost up front proceeds
coming from the potential buyers as pre-construction commitments to present
for construction. What resources could you provide and/or interested
investors in this project before end of September 1999! PLX contact me via
email immediately with your response! - THXs


                      ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CENTER

From: James Perkins <nuequest@worldpath.net>

 It is good to see so much going on. So many people with many good ideas.
 I think that it is important for all of us to work as quickly and efficiently
as we can. Our time is limited because many changes are coming in the near
future. These will be changes that will reshape our world and bring about
new ways of living and thinking. This is needed in order to save this earth
from total distruction by humankind.

 My wife( a Reiki Master and high school health teacher)and I ( a level two
Reiki practitioner/ and builder) bought a farm in New Hampshire this past
Spring. Our goal is to a. build a center for the teaching and practicing of
alternative health care and b: Learn and teach how to live a sustainable
lifestyle. It should be noted that neither of the above can be accomplished
unless at the same time we learn to live as spiritual beings.
 I would encourage any of you out there who are thinking along the lines of
long range planning and who have not actually begun your new journey, to
stop. Think as though you had little time left to live your dream because
thats all you have, at least in this world as you now see it!

  I wish you all well and good luck on your journey into the new world.




John Szczepanik <john@globalthink.com> created the Internet Community
Center at:


which is a way of networking and making connections. One can add one's
profile and list one's services or business and find other compatible
people to work with or communicate with.



Myriam de Birkes <mimi@blockbuster.com.pe> in Peru would like to write a
book about experiences with angels. I.e. normal people who feel that
they've been helped in their lives by influences from angelic beings. She
would like to be in contact with people who can tell of experiences like



From: Christopher Dunk <114135.22@compuserve.com>

For the past ten years I have been researching the subject of Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome and have helped dozens of people. CFS is a growing
phenomenon in the 'civilised' world. I have created a centre in the Peak
District of England ( a beautiful place to be), where people can come to
get educated on the possible causes of CFS and to get some actual
improvement in their condition. We have a wide range of healing modalities
which really work and I run workshops where people can stay for a week or
so and try different possible solutions in order that they may decide which
might be good for them.

Briefly - I have concluded that the problems of CFS are caused through the
immune system being devastated by various pollutants, mostly Dental Amalgam
 By poor or inadequate nutrition and metabolism. By chronic lack of Oxygen
in the tissues. By low magnetic fields, and by consequent stress
conditions. Most people who come here are really ignorant about these
factors. Many have been fed the idea by their medical doctors that nobody
knows what causes CFS and there is nothing known to help them. Some have
been fed drugs which made them into zombies or made them climb the wall.

We address these issues with Detoxification and Oxygenation using Oxygen
and Ozone therapy (Used since the beginning of the century with no known
detrimental effects - contrary to what some people would have you believe).
 With magnetic therapies. With relaxation into Delta brain states where the
body is enabled to heal itself. With breathing regimes which address the
cellular oxygen balance. With simple but effective auditing. With
nutritional supplements. With electronic Zappers which kill the viruses
and detrimental bacteria. And with FUN. The whole thing can be a very
pleasent experience. Giving people useful data is very empowering for them
and they can then take up anything they want to and run with it. The whole
purpose is to put the person back at Cause - and withouth crippling them
financially. I have much more data for those who need it and a website
currently under construction. That's it about MY THING for now. Best
wishes, Chris.


               ONE DAY IN PEACE, JANUARY 1, 2000

From: Steve Diamond <ommm7@rain.org>

Dear Flemming and friends at new civilization network:

I am always amazed by the diversity and the universality of the people and
projects involved and loosely linked with new civilization network.

I have been working with many others around the world to spread the simple
thought: "one day in peace, january 1, 2000!"

Imagine 24-hours with no violence, on the battlefield, in the neighborhood,
or in the home, on january 1, 2000, a mere 119 days away as i write this
letter to you.

Our project has been and is a 'thoughtwave' campaign. based on the simple
hundredth human principle, that if enough humans get this thought at the
same time, it will become a reality.

I think we're succeeding, though there's no way to tell just yet. i wonder
if my fellow friends who are part of new civilization network would like to
echo this call: "one day in peace, january 1, 2000!" pass it on...

Best wishes to all, and please visit: http://www.oneday.net there you will
see the children's book that bob silverstein and myself co-wrote, now in 19
languages, including hebrew and arabic, and most recently in chinese!

steve diamond
"one day in peace, january 1, 2000!" network
let's move this message into the new millennium....



From: Aleksandr Koreisha <alkor@mailcity.com>

Project "The Universal Ontologically Knowledgeble Date Basis".
       (1 000 000 000$ For The Page).

    A content of the Page "The Ontological Civilization" on the Internet
(http://pages.whowhere.lycos.com/community/alkor/index.html) would be the
foundation for creation of the Universal Ontologically Knowledgeble Date
Basis (UOKDB), which will surpass other date basis on the Internet by its
efficiency and it will give income which will considerably surpass initial

    The Page contains the Universal Ontological Model of Society (UOMS) and
the Universal Ontological Model of Culture (UOMC). This knowledge velue is
equal to joint civilization velue because of these models define necessary
and sufficient conditions of civilization survival.

    The Universal Date Basis (UDB) will be to carry out three functions:
first defence level is information function, second defence function is
education function, third defence level is cognize function.

    Therefor the UDB would haven't any date basis equal to onself. The
truth is

    These suplements will been added by buyer desire:
1. "The Invitation to the Civilization of the XXI-century. Society. Culture.
2. "Taming of the Minotaur or How to Perfect Ourself and Our Intellect".
3. "The puzzle of velue" from sociological point of view. The
intellectual-labour velue theory.
4. The Generalization of the Newton moving equation. The new conception of
physical nature of inertial forces. Popular.
5. The Generalization of the Sady Carnot's conception or farewell with 2-nd
basis of thermodynamics.


                         CHRISTIAN MINISTRY IN GHANA

From: pastort@gppo.africaonline.com.gh

P.O. BOX 36



With respect in the name of the Almighty,we this day wish to introduce
ourselves to you,in the same sence of searching for assistance and support
from God fearing members of you Camber and country as a whole.

We are a budding Christian Ministry in Ghana, evangelising the southern
part of the country and the rural areas where our fathers are
primitive,pagans and lack the teachings of the Bible so as to bring mankind
total redemption and eternal peace.

We want an organisation to support so that they assist us for the expansion
of the Ministry. Our future aim is to evangelise the rural areas where they
are mostly pagans,establish Bible school to train pastors and also
establish a school for the street

As it happens to all ventures, start-up of everything commences with
difficulties,and in our case,since the question is not commercial,enhanced
by poverty of our country's masses, we are then compelled to solicit
assistance from outside.Hence our humble
appeal through you.

Presently,we are faced with the question of:-
Transport,Generators,Amplifier, Microphones,Loudspeaker, Musical
INstrucments,Tape Recorders,Cassettes,Kits Food for the needy, Video deck
and Video projector.

In this regard, we need assistance both in cash or kind to enable us fulfil
our desire for the Lord. It is our strong prayer therefore that this our
humble appeal shal receive your kind and favourable consideration, and look
forward to massive reponse f
om you within a short course of time to save many souls on this continent
of Africa.

I shall be very grateful if you will accept us and tell us your mode of

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we remain with many thanks to your
generous efforts.

Yours faithfully,

(Senior Pastor)


Norie Huddle <nhuddle@intrepid.net> is a very inspiring lady, and the
author of "The Butterfly Book". If you don't already know it, please enjoy

                       THE BEST GAME ON EARTH

 "Some day, when we have harnessed the power of the sun and the waves and
gravity, we will learn how to harness the power of love. And then, for the
second time, we will have discovered fire." -Teillard du Chardin -

Consider that life is a game which we play by rules, working toward goals.
The immediate playing field is the planet Earth. As we have been playing the
"life game" so far, our goals and rules are not usually stated
consciously--and, indeed, they often conflict with the goals and rules of
other people. The result is confusion and conflict--and wasted time and

Consider that if we consciously agree on a few basic goals and rules, we can
introduce a new "life game" which is much more enjoyable and effective for

Consider that each of us has gifts which we want to contribute, and that we
can do together what none of us can do alone. And that by cooperating, we can
multiply the wealth and be more fruitful in our efforts. By cooperating we
can be better stewards of Earth.

Consider that telling the story of how we are doing it, and inviting
participation from those who hear and see the story being told is one of the
most natural ways to spread the "fire"....which will, indeed, end the world
as we have known it.

And consider that we call this "The Best Game on Earth."

The goal of The Best Game on Earth:
To create peace, health, prosperity and justice universally on Earth by the
year 2012.

The rules of The Game:

-Speak the truth.
-Acknowledge the truth when others speak it.
-Come from love and respect.
-Leave the trail better than you found it.
-Expect miracles.
-Do what gives you joy and create joy in what you do.
-Be generous with who you are and what you have.
-Be a good friend and teammate.
-Clean up your messes, learn the lessons and move on.
-If you have an idea for how to improve The Game, share it!

Throughout history, in every part of the world, there have been people who in
some fashion have played The Game--but have not known they were playing it.
Today, too, many people and groups are playing The Game, at least to some
degree, but most of us haven't known it. By naming The Game, agreeing upon
new guidelines for working together, and consciously focusing on achieving a
positive set of goals within a clear time frame, we will all benefit.

In one sense, it is time for a "global show-and-tell" about who is doing what
and about what needs to get done. Imagine for a moment that we are sitting
around a global campfire telling the stories of how we are engaging in
healing the Earth. This time, it is the "cool campfire" of television, and we
are sharing our work--our "love-in-action"--with other brothers and sisters
in our global village.

By pooling our collective wisdom, knowledge, expertise and talent, we will
progress more quickly toward the goal--and make the process more enjoyable
for all of us. Television, telephones, radio, print media, computer networks,
short-wave radio, fax machines....we will use all of these tools and more for
expressing the Good News of how our Global Family finally is coming together
in the twilight years of the 20th century to heal ourselves and the Earth....

Consider that in this Great Gathering, each one of us has a piece of the
puzzle--and that in putting the pieces together, we will discover the larger
patterns of meaning. That when the larger patterns have become clear,
together we can discover our next steps forward.

Consider that each one of us is critically needed to complete The Whole. And
that we are all here to serve a greater purpose.

To begin playing The Game, carefully examine the goal and the rules. Do these
make sense to you? Which ones are already second nature to you? Are there
areas you feel you need to strengthen? What kinds of activities are you
engaged in within your family or out in your community--local, national,
global--which further the goals of the Game? Are you letting your light
shine, putting out positive images into our collective "global mind"? And,
how can we best invite collaboration from others who dream the same dreams?
How can we organize ourselves most effectively so that all the necessary
things are taken care of? How can we best celebrate our successes and build
on them?

You and your actions are critical to the success of The Game. Thank you for
playing your part!

            "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it!
            Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
                                - Goethe -


                            PARADOX II CONFERENCE

I'm sorry, I'm too late, I should've mentioned this conference before it
happened. It was this past weekend. But it sounded so interesting that I
better mention it anyway. "The Paradox II Conference - Cyberspace Embodied
- An Experiential Conference on Cyberspace, Habitat and Human Evolution",
held at Arcosanti, Paolo Soleri's Prototype Arcology in the Arizona Desert.



    o o
   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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