[NCN] New Members, July 1999

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 14:57:24 PDT

Enjoy another glimpse of another fascinating group of people, those who
joined NCN during the month of July, and who left a bio or message or
website address.

The point of sending this out is obviously to facilitate that you can
communicate amongst yourselves. So, feel free to do so.

However, please, I do get complaints from time to time that people get
unwanted commercial messages, apparently from other NCN members. That is
not the point at all. This is for you to personally connect up when you're
so inspired. This is not for you to put all these people on the mailing
list for your multi-level marketing opportunity, however exciting you find
it. So, please don't spam each other. Also, naturally, the listings of
members is for internal use here, amongst folks you can expect to share
somewhat similar positive values. It is not for sharing with the rest of
the world, except for when you're sure you have permission to do so.

- Flemming


Name: Joseph Karlik
Location: Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
Email: mandula@relax.com.au
Web: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mandula

Improvements are needed.
How do we agree what improvements are needed?
How do we find a way to bring about the agreed improvements?


Name: Dana Jenson
Location: Gig Harbor, Washington, USA
Email: sabrina9@gateway.net

Personal growth, exploring my creativty, searching, seeking, finding
answers to all that puzzles me...


Name: Bradford Reeder
Location: Jacksonville, FL, USA
Email: brad_reeder@hotmail.com

I seek truth and justice in sight and sound and action. I fear
the political two party system is antiquated and doomed.
Apathy is not cool ! This planet could be a better place.

This site seems intriguiging. As technologists clamor to fix the Y2k
problem I worry about the 2025 or 2026 problem. Tell me more good
reading list



Name: Sebastian van Gass
Location: Stilbaai, , South Africa
Email: gassebon@geocities.com

Interested in whatever makes whatever tick.
Philosophical by nature.
Love people. Love the Universe we live in. Love to see less evil.
Able to analize problems of all kinds and generate solutions.
Inspired to share what good comes from this.

I grew up in a multicultural polyenthnic country and I am
therefore familiar with the problems arising in such a scenario.
My aim here is to contribute towards enhancing the general
quality of life by proposing a workable alternative political
structure, appliccable in places like the Balkans, the Middle
East, etc. that can help focus energies on productive rather
than defensive activities.

I am currently working on development of a workable alternate
political structure for Polyethnic / Multicultural societies.
The idea that has come to mind is briefly to replace the existing
predominantly Left vs Right orientation in the design of political
structures with a design philosophy that inherently guarantees both
the preservation of ethnic/cultural identity if so chosen by any
citizen and at the same time also the freedom of individuals/groups
to interact in whichever ways they find good.

A seemingly viable structure of that kind could be a "Union of
Vatican-like States" instead of e.g. the (has been) USSR, or
Yugoslavia for that matter.

Geographically such a system can by definition consist of largely a
common region, containing an equally sized Vatican-like
representative "Island-state" for each of the identifiable groups
that inhabit the country. (Equally sized irrespective of the relative
size of the group represented by each mini-state.)

Politically, each citizen of the country as a whole, most of whom
will, by definition, be living in the common province between the
member states, could have the freedom of obtaining additional
citizenship of the mini state true to the particular citizen's kind,
if so desired. Each member state in turn can participate in
government of the country as a whole.

A constitution developed from these premises holds more promises than
I can demonstrate in the time available, and I would like to develop
the possibilities together with whoever wishes to contribute.

I lack resources and will appreciate input of any kind.

Yours truly.


Name: Ben Gipson
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Email: BenGipson@aol.com

Hellooooo. I have recently left the network and tele-
communications field as corporate sales manager, escaping the
constant travel. My dream is to start an NPO whose mission is
to "Advance the Human Condition...physical, emotional, and
spiritual...through fostering Animal relationships." Initial
phase after NPO status and grants are obtained will be to build
a K9 Living Assistance facility and develop programs for those
physically challenged. Personally, there are several financial
challenges I must clear before significant progress is made
toward this dream. Long time in its experiential development,
what I have come to call the "Companion Animal Ranch" has only
recently (since my corporate departure) materialized in an
organized fashion. Any assistance (professional guidance,
financial assistance, etc., toward this expectantly life-long
endeavor is appreciated.

I have recently undertaken a serious personal review, finding
that I "shelved" spiritual exploration. I read James
Redfield's "adventure novels" a few years ago, but my open, more
reflective viewpoint has recently brought his "Insights" into
personal clarity.
  Stumbling upon this group seemed, as Redfield would put
it, "synchronistic". Joining feels like the right thing to do.
I welcome any sincere dialogue toward furthering my effort.
    Let me also invite inquiries for my expertice in tele-
communications consultation with others' projects. I look
forward to being a part of the "Network".

Sincerely, Ben Gipson

PS - This Email account is likely temporary until I complete a
comparitive review of local ISPs (Internet Service Providers).
If any dialogue is engaged with me, I will be certain to keep
updated in the "personal profile" and with a direct Email where

In taking the 'Miers-Briggs' as part of the registration, I was given
Keirsey's...where it suggests I am an Idealist, Champion (supposedly
somewhate rare). It brings me to learn what (in more detail) it
means. For those of you who are already studied in this assessment,
I hope it helps your understanding of what I am like to interract

Once again, I look forward to engaging in your group.
;-) Ben


Name: Mike Williams
Location: , , USA
Email: md_williams@hotmail.com

An infopreneur driven by curiosity and a passion for life, I am
interested in personal freedom, health and longevity, creating a
life of abundance for myself and others, the continual
improvement of my mind, and living life to the fullest extent


Name: Anshuman Tiwari
Location: Mumbai, , India
Email: anshumantiwari@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.narang.com/anshu

My mission in life is to make a difference for the better in individuals
and organisations coming in contact with me. To love and respect all and
in doing so generate positive energy in all relationships. Also, in doing
so to upgrade my character and competece.

My vision is to be known and respected as India's most effective,
innovative, and efficient consultant and management thinker. In achieving
this vision I see myself as being worthy of my family's pride.

Important sentiments in my character and value set are; love, respect for
all, reverence for few, passion for work, pride in my family, Indian,
human, faith, trust, character, integrity, truth, and honesty.

I believe in myself. I believe in those who work with me. I believe in my
employer. I believe in my friends. I believe in my family. I believe that
God will lend me everything I need with which to succeed if I do my best to
earn it through faithful and honest service. I believe in prayer and I will
never close my eyes in sleep without praying for divine guidance to the end
that I will be patient with other people and tolerant with those who do not
believe as I do.

I believe that success is the result of intelligent effort and does not
depend upon luck or sharp practices or double-crossing friends, fellow men
or my employer. I believe I will get out of life exactly what I put into
it, therefore I will be careful to conduct myself toward others, as I would
want them to act toward me. I will not slander those whom I do not like. I
will not slight my work no matter what I may see others doing. I will
render the best service of which I am capable because I have pledged myself
to succeed in life and I know that success is always the result of
conscientious and efficient effort.

Finally, I will forgive those who offend me because I realize that I shall
sometimes offend others and I will need their forgiveness.

Born on 16th day of July, Nineteen Hundred Seventy Two, my parents named me
"anshuman". The name in Hindi, the national language of India, means Sun -
the source of all energy. I continue till date to give meaning, character
and individuality to this name.

In this race with time I have had my share of sunshine and sunburns. By
now, I know myself a lot, but a lot remains obscure, virgin and unknown.
Help me give myself an identity.

My dad, a self made man, is a bigshot in the Indian Administrative
Services. He speaks little but whenever he does, everybody listens. My
Mom, an educated cool-headed lady holds the reins of the house tight. My
sister, Shikha, remains the intellectual idiot of the house. Blessed with
a pleasing nature she also possesses a temper that most fear (atleast I

I thank my family and friends for grooming me into a harmonious personality
and inculcating within me the values and ethics that make for moral

I am known as complex yet simple, boring yet funny, arrogant yet nice,
emotional yet rational

I believe in making a difference, for the better, wherever I am and in
whatever I do.

I did my schooling from "New Era Public School" in New Delhi. I took
Biology in 11th, but soon left it, as rat dissection was not to my taste.
I remember my school days a lot. Those were days of friendship and fun.
I hardly studied. I wish to thank the teachers, who had faith in my
ability and despite my creating ample opportunities to be thrown out of
school, retained me. Those were years of sports too. Did well in Hockey
and Cricket. Sweet memories...

The pursuit of a professional degree brought me to the city of Oranges -
Nagpur. Completed my Industrial Engineering (B.E.) from Nagpur and joined
Raymond Limited in a small rustic town. It was tough living alone. From
this loneliness I acquired a haunting calmness which I carry on, even when
I am in crowds.
I returned to my home City - Delhi, to join an Indo-Japanese company as
Quality Assurance Engineer. However the desire to do more, study more was
ever present. In being torn apart by excelling at work and academic
pursuit I decided to get my MBA. As a result I joined a premier management
institute in Mumbai. Excelled during the two years I was there. Won
friends and awards…. Loved it. I have seen a part of my bigger dream for
life come true. Now working in a premier TQM consulting firm, life seems
to be moving in the right direction and at a right pace.

There is power in dreaming. I had dreams then, I have dreams now... a lot
has changed.


Name: Dana Thibault
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Email: eyefire@henge.com

Exploration and discovery of the
unknown and wonderous: ET's and
crop circles, the miracle of life and
the mystery of death. Rekindling
awe by bridging science and spirit,
the cosmos and consciousness,
chaos and Casteneda. But how?
By speaking, writing, and creating
spellbinding multimedia.


Name: Susan McClure
Location: , , USA
Email: smm29482@att.net

I am a clinical psychologist interested in the way in which
energy comes into form. I am also interested in the replication
of archetypal patterns within each life form functions to
produce that life form's fate, and how consciousness of these
repetitions can bring about change.

I am also a member of the Assisi Conferences and Seminars
community of ideas. Michael Conforti's new book, Field, Form
and Fate (Spring Publications) isa a good starting point for
anyone intersted in this multi-displinary group.


Name: madelyn comas
Location: Rialto, California, USA
Email: mysticwonders@angelfire.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ma/mysticwonders

I am an older sista trying to share a few of lifes lessons for
those that might be going through the same things...I am into
Santeria/Yoruba/Palo...I like to work on the net and design web

Save the babies for they are our future....


Name: Jan Pekau
Location: Scarborough, On, Canada
Email: jan@kidsnrg.com
Web: http://www.gabber.org/erth/

interested in creating a free-for-all internet system to
facilitate group collaboration, accelerate the process towards
collective intelligence. please email jan@kidsnrg.com for

watching the hare krishnas cook i noticed how they used their
voices to project their needs-- 'a fire, could we have a
fire?' 'does anyone want to help with the chili?' extending the
concept, 'speak your mind and everything you need will come to
you' through technology.

looking for people to collaborate with on collective intelligence
technology.. plant seeds.


Name: Jeannie Mazzocco
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Email: the_fur_99@yahoo.com


I have just read the Celestine Prophecies and am interested in
what is happening as a result of the finding of the manuscript.


Name: Yuri Mashintsev
Location: Moscow, , Russia
Email: yuri_mash@yahoo.com

Born 1967,

Moscow State University, Psychologist (+1 year program at
Harvard University),
MBA Vanderbilt University (Owen School), Finance

Bain & Co (Strategic Consultancy, Consultant),
Human Technologies (HR software, Director),
AIG-Brunswick Investment Fund (Investment Officer),
Nortel (Distribution Development),
Metrosvyaz (pan-Russia CDMA network, Director for Corporate

Chen Tai-Chi (as a physical practice and internal alchemy),
Gnosis, New Age movement (as a prototype of the new
civilization),Magick (no misteries, just a simple practice)
Economics (Russia, World, Emerging new civilization, Webonomics)

The world is changing. Sometimes I have a feeling that today is
already some ancient past, and the future is so tangible that it
breaks today's world apart.

This process is not a straightforward evolution. Some aspects of
it are frightening (like what happened in Russia: economic
collapse, decline of moral standards and growth of egotism). But
this is the nigredo stage of the alchemical transformation, of
producing the Philosophers' stone (unity with God, E pluribus

Using the power of visualisation of many people to abstract the
vision of future is a great idea, something I was trying to do
myself (not on the web yet, coming soon)

Before I read any of your visions of the future, let me briefly
formulate mine:

1). Physical goods are created at the place of use, using micro-
assemblers (nanotechnology);
2). The main productive power becomes human spirit (power to
visualize in detail the desired result)
3). This results in increased value of people-creators, and ability
to be creator (God) becomes critical;
4). Poilical process is controlled by people who cleared their minds
of selfishness, became illuminated;
5). Source of money and credit is people (their creative abilities)
6). Energy is extracted from vacuum when and where needed
7). People live in small rural communities, spend some time in
physical labor
8). Movement of information replaces movement of physical goods and
9). Communities are created of likely-minded people, via the Net, and
gradually materialize as physical communities;
10). Space exploration; extraterrestrial travelling becomes common

Yuri Mashintsev


Name: Jo Jo
Location: , , United Kingdom
Email: dave@riche99.freeserve.co.uk

there are those who know, and those who do not......yet. I have
always been aware, but of what I'm not quite sure.


Name: Vladimir Cvetkovic
Location: , , Yugoslavia
Email: vladimircvetkovic@usa.net

visual design & art
content & discourse analysis


Name: Matthew Pritchard
Location: , , USA
Email: freemen5@earthlink.com

My name is Matthew Pritchard My interests are Journalisim,
Psychology and Computers. My abilities include carpentry,
Plumbing, Auto Mechanics, Home and land plumbing.
I enjoy Practicing Martial arts and Education

Currently I am resident of Los Angeles Ca. I work as a database
developer and will be attending college in the fall.


Name: Lucia Lachicotte
Location: Pawleys Island, South Carolina, USA
Email: llachicott@aol.com

while most of my experience is in the aviation industry, I have
now become very interested in helping to develope a new way to
restructure our worldwide economic systems. Our present systems
seem to be posing a serious threat to our basic economic
freedoms. We must find a better system or face a significant
loss of the things we hold dear to our lives.

I am currently involved in a new grass roots econnomic system
that obviously has the potential to reverse the trends that have
become so devistating to our natural ways of life. I am
interested in hearing from others who may be interested in
working with me on these and other projects to help reshape the
way we do business.

I hope that thousand of people will see my Bio on the NCN membership
page and contact me to get information about THE ARK and economic
system for all people. Its time we all get to work on something of
substance instead of sitting around talking about it.


Name: Truesong Schevene
Location: Paonia, Colorado, USA
Email: schevene@wic.net
Web: http://www.wic.net/schevene/links.htm

I would like to welcome you to visit my main website "Truesong's
Keep". I would especially encourage you to open "The Way of True
Love" and The Way of Surrender". Every day I get email of
appreciation and gratitude from those who have read and embraced
this work. It is the best that I have to offer. ~ Truesong

There is a timeless way of designing a home, a sanctuary, an
opening, a life. This way is not new. It is not modern. It is
independent of technological changes. The sentient human being is
at its core, not blind efficiency, not social conformity, not
fashion or vanity. It is based on the senses and sequences, and
it's chief elements are light, proportion and relationship. It
produces an architecture of the alcove, of the arcade, of the
courtyard. It is an ancient way. It is more an expression of
unity than of any single element.It is one of the ways we arrive
at beauty and grace and power in our lives.We design this way,not
for ourselves alone, but for future generations, that we may
leave them our best. It is the art of design. It is thousands of
years old and the same today as it has always been. Your are
welcome to visit our design website at

There are two legitimate gates to freedom;

                           submission and surrender.

                     All other methods are attempts at buglary.

                               The price is heavy.


Name: Paul LeVeque
Location: Waynesville, Illinois, USA
Email: pl69@aol,com

recovering addict, currently a counselor for addictions and
mental health but searching for more meaning in life. Likes:
music, art, nature, and philosiphy. Dislikes: attitudes,
intolerance, dogmatism, violence.

Sorry, not much more to say. I do like the 7 habits from Covey and at
this time I am practicing "seeking first to understand."


Name: Mona Twocats
Location: , , USA
Email: m2cats@juno.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/4290


Name: Nicole Guffey
Location: Huntingtown, Maryland, USA
Email: seaton@chesapeake.net

I believe in the goodness that belongs to each of us,, and in the
love that has been a foundation for who I have become. There is
no greater hope to me that one day we will all live together in
peace, harmony, love, and light. I am actively persuing my own
enlightenment,, and hope to one day serve others in need. I am a
full time nursing student,, and a mother of a 5 year old little


Name: Bridget Woudenberg
Location: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Email: europa11@earthlink.net

I love to be in the mountains, and near the ocean. I love cats,
and I am an active animal advocate. My interests are mostly in
Transhumanism, extropian principles, and I live and breathe
biological sciences. I follow mayan convergence, casting runes,
and ancient astrology. I am also interested in the quatrains of
Nostramdams as it consists with current and future prophecy. I
believe in the existence, and the presence on earth of
extraterrestrials, and I am currently studdying lucid dreaming,
and uploading consciousness. I am inspired by books like the
Celestine Prophecy and Rise of the Phoenix {Christopher Hill},
among many others.

I believe in the current view of what some are calling a polar
shift as well as a shift in consciousness and that we are coming
out from "under the veil" and that an incredible stepping up of
energy is taking place now which is increasing the human
awareness level beyond any it has ever before experienced, and
that we are all integral in the way the arena will unfold for the
human race as well as the planet earth. I am open to making as
many new acquaintances as I can that are in kind to my interests
and beliefs. I am not open to making any acquaintances with
individuals who are still operating in the energy of fear and
violence and degredation of the human spirit, body, and mind. I
love people, but keep a great deal of distance between myself and
those who pose any kind of threat to my sensitive nature bearing
unkindness and fear and unwillingness to communicate. I have two
beautiful cats, who I believe are my own personal angels here to
help me get through the deluge of stuff we are all going through
on personal levels, and to remind me at all times of the gentle,
loving spirit that I am by reflecting these qualities in me. I
love my cats, and spend most of my time with them, as I don't
have much of a social life right now. I work nights, and sleep
days, so don't have a lot of time to get out and be sociable. I
also love music and reading, and writing.


Name: Julio Mateo
Location: Truth or Consequence, New Mexico, USA
Email: JMateo@Mateo.net
Web: http://www.Mateo.net

I like to make paintings that are alive, that breathe and glow,
that are light, enduring, that are nourishing, healing and
benign, that are generous, grand and expansive, that reflect the
brightest sublime expression of all that is best and highest in

My recent paintings are part of a continuing series of
painting-cycles begun in 1984 that explore diverse aspects of
cosmic creation. They deal in part with the evolution of
universally significant pictorial systems from elemental marks
and shapes.

The connections between basic spatial configurations in nature
and art were some of the starting points of my explorations of
how rhythm and energy activate principles of Sacred Geometry to
create natural forms. In considering art as a metaphor for cosmic
creation, and of the artist as the prime creator, my work is
concerned with how things come to be, and with how they may

Art's ability to encompass the fields of psychology, physical
science, religion and philosophy enables it to weave meaningful
images out of the individual strands of knowledge from other,
more restrictively focused disciplines. Future works will
continue this wide-ranging exploration of how meaning emerges in
abstract art and in art's potential for providing insight into
the nature of life. Don't forget to bring nachos.


    o o
   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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