New Civilization News

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 15:52:20 PDT

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The Millennium Forum is going on right now, May 22-26, at U.N. It is a gathering of
non-governmental organizations, to assemble innovative ideas and proposals for shaping the future. See There is a lot of stuff on the website, such as live webcasts and discussion forums. For a report on the first day, see

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Oasis TV now has a daily online newscast on environmental, health and spiritual subjects. See and click on the newscast icon. Oasis is a prospective new age cable tv channel.

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Jean Houston's has a new book which just hit the bookstores, called "Jump Time - Shaping your future in a world of radical change". Essentially it is about how this time signifies a new birth for humanity, a quantum jump in individual and global consciousness. It outlines many elements of what is going on currently, such as the breaking down of the membranes that separate us, a breakthrough to our shared spiritual depths, and a regenesis of our society. It is also about "jump time personalities", people like us, I suppose, who're standing on the edge ready to jump, or who have already jumped.

(Tarcher-Putnam ISBN 1-58542-032-8)

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Various groups and social scientists are trying to define "Happiness Indices" that might measure quality of life better than purely economic indicators, like a country's GNP.

An environmentally oriented group called Redefining Progress,, has created what they call the Genuine Progress Indicator, It subtracts factors such crime, pollution, and family breakdown from the economic numbers. It shows the index going down even in these times of apparently unprecedented economic growth in the U.S. The exact approach is of course subject to discussion.

International Institute for Sustainable Development,, has developed some visual models, such as a Dashboard of Sustainability,, which shows indicators of environmental, social health and economic state.

And here's an article from Principia Cybernetica with many references on measuring social progress and quality of life:

See, for example, the World Database of Happiness:

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PanamaBob <> sent me a message about a developing
community he's part of launching. A relaxed environmentally oriented, family-friendly community on a tropical island off of Panama, with a full infra-structure. See the website:

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A potential contender for efficient energy storage, to replace much that we use clunky batteries for, is the flywheel. See a Wired article here: A flywheel is essentially a cylinder that spins around very quickly in a very frictionless environment. The principle is very simple, involves no toxic chemicals, and can potentially be very efficient. The heavier the cylinder is, and the faster it spins, the more energy it will store.

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The Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory,, has researched how plant seeds sprout inside a Wilhelm Reich type of Orgone Energy Accumulator, with impressive results.

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Solara's Surf Report for May is at: Here is an excerpt:

"The first two weeks of May will emphasize the deep inner changes we are undergoing as we reach our Turning Point and rotate 180 degrees. This is a profound recalibration in the core of our beings. As we turn ourselves around, this aligns us with the resonance which will bring the New into our lives.

During the second half of May and throughout the month of June, we will be busy with the manifestation of the New into our lives. Just how our New Lives will manifest will be determined by the degree in which we have made our 180' shift. If we partially make the shift, then our New Lives will partially reveal themselves. If we turn ourselves totally around and stay in that new position, then our New Lives will come streaming in."

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