New Civilization Visions #30

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Mon May 29 2000 - 02:17:18 PDT

| N E W C I V I L I Z A T I O N V I S I O N S
| Issue # 30, 29 May 2000

Some visions of a new civilization, either submitted or collected. Note that for visions people send me, I mostly just pass them on, with no judgment as to whether I personally agree or not. There is room for a lot of visions, and a lot of diversity.

- Flemming



"An integral culture ... seeks to integrate all the parts of our lives: inner and outer, masculine and feminine, personal and global, intuitive and rational, and many more. The hallmark of this integral culture is an intention to integrate -- to consciously bridge differences, connect people, celebrate diversity, harmonize efforts, and discover common higher ground. With its inclusive and reconciling nature, an integral culture takes a whole-systems approach and offers hope in a world facing deep ecological, social, and spiritual crisis."

(Duane Elgin and Colleen LeDrew: "Global Paradigm Report: Tracking the Shift Under Way", YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, Winter 1997)



"The Earth is a living system, interdependent in all its parts, just as our physical body is interconnected in all its cells and organs. Today this interdependence has become endemic. Membranes of every variety -- ecological, psychological, and sociological -- are breaking down or opening up, allowing a streaming of content that compounds the complexity of all and everything. [...]

As a species we are essentially at a place as critical to our future as when amoebas faced the jump to multicellular life forms. Our survival seems to demand that nucleated structures break down, that individuals and institutions come together into new colonies that share a larger common membrane. Whether these new multicellular entities are neighborhoods in which households share responsibility for each other's well-being or Earth bioregions that ignore national borders because of common ecological imperatives, there's no question that the movement is toward new collective forms, which carry with them the need for new levels of trust and cooperation.

This metaphor of the cell membrane can help us track our personal level of permeability. Imagine that you are a cell. The ways you interact with the world outside yourself -- your entire feeling, thinking, interfacing, cultural self -- is a membrane that encases the nucleusof your self-preserving, conservative, habit-driven self. Think for a moment about what it would be like to locate your consciousness in the membrane rather than in the nucleus. From this perspective, with your consciousness spread out along the permeable borders of your being, ask yourself the following questions:

- With whom and with what am I willing to "multicell" -- to jump into larger associations, networks, friendships?
- Who and what makes me withdraw, even panic?
- Do these people or situations threaten only the "nucleated" or conservative aspects of my being?
- Or is there something in me that is drawn, shaking and quaking, to risking the encounter and moving into a more inclusive reality?"

(From "Jump Time - Shaping your future in a world of radical change" by Jean Houston, published May 2000 by Tarcher Putnam Books. Copyright by Jean Houston)


PLOS e.V. in Germany, "Planet Live On Screen", is a project dedicated to the vision of showing the live video image of the earth, from space, on large screens in all cities of the planet.

From: PLOS e.V. <>:

PLOS e.V. is registered in the Register of Societies kept by the Wiesbaden Municipal Court. It`s a non profit organisation serving the public good.Founded in June 1997.
Its entry number: 3286.

We work on a future where we can find as follows:

Finally a permanent, that is an uninterupted visual availability of dynamical perspectives of our full or in crescent shape appearing homeplanet, by means of a weather satellites - Al Gore`s Triana satellite would be wonderful as well - supported and computerized quasi live-broadcast from space given on fixed megascreens in our or your cities or elsewhere. Make it a minute-part of news countdowns on TV programs. Let it happen even with Video beamers in the beginnig. Just support the idea to make it become reality. It`s Earthtime now.

The idea is that such a programme could stimulate an individual inward process of reasoning by the observers, with the possible outcome of a better understanding of the significance, beauty and greatness of our planet as well as the creation of a deeper emotional sense of responsibility for the basis of one´s livelihood on earth for mankind.

At least as a quite imaginable result of this smart project, social processes will be triggered leading to change of conciousness and correspondingly to sociopolitical transformations into a bit more spiritualized and a little bit less capitalized and nationalized world community. Last but not least, it could help to bring religious fundamentalism and animosity to new outlooks on life. The apt symbol for mankind has to be their homeplanet itself. That´s what we all have in common. [...]


The related, probably more quickly realized project is NASA's Trianna Mission:

The idea is to send up a satellite that will take a picture of Earth's full sunlit side every 15 minutes, and making the pictures continuously available on the Internet. Note that before this, with few exceptions, no full Earth pictures have been taken since the Apollo missions.


From: Leon Vickman <>, New Civilization Encino


Hello New Civilization designers!

As an example of how we should change our mind sets as we design a truly
much better New Civilization, is to make all design decisions based on
the core assumption that:


This simple idea has far reaching implications.


From: "Jeremiah La Montagne" <>

Humanity continues to expand in population. Cities become much larger.
More and more of the planets surface is converted into space for humans to live. More than living space the amount of land we dedicate to food is overtaking the entire planet. New methods of growing food in different climates and controlling those climates will develop. Because a very large portion of the world’s grain goes to feeding cows there will become a point were something will be developed to reduce this waste of food, maybe completely synthetic meats will be used. As the entire earth’s surface is converted into us and our food we will be finding better ways of destroying forms of life that compete with us for our food. We will systematically reduce the variety of life on this planet to the point were it consists of: Humans, things humans eat, pests that have adapted to our way of life we can not get rid of, pets, things our pets eat, and probably some other forms of life that I cannot think of (parasites?). There is a very good reason why there is such diversity of life on this planet. Life a
cts in it's own best interest. The diversity of life is a form of protection against largely unpredictable cataclysmic disasters. If there were only one species living on this planet what are the chances it would be prepared to deal with sudden drastic climatic changes? Once we have un-diversifyed the life on this planet to a certain point we will be vulnerable to these large scale disasters at this point one of two things will happen. If such disasters occur, which they eventually must, we will either be wiped out (or nearly wiped out) or we will pass our test and work out ways of preventing that one type of disaster. If we pass enough of these tests, we will eventually develop the technology (if it has already not been invented) to travel to and inhabit other planets. Once we have this technology it is only a matter of time and passing the tests before the whole galaxy is one large factory for keeping humans alive. Do I think it will go that far? No I think we will be wiped out or nearly wiped out by
 one of those cataclysmic disasters or by our own means long before we over run the galaxy. Then maybe we will live in a world like the one Ridley Walker (novel entitled Ridley Walker for those interested) lived in. If you have read this far I would like to say I truly hope that this is not our eventual outcome and I am trying to fight this outcome every day. This issue is and ongoing struggle in my head. It is much too much for any one person to take on. We need groups like this one to circulate and further Ideas until we have changed the way the cultures of the world think. If you have not read Danniel Quinns books please do and expose as many people when ever you can to his writings.


From: Laura Lagana <>

You know, everyone says to just be happy, or to just be nice to all
that are around you. But for myself, that is what I have always
done... and, yeah, it makes you feel good, but does it REALLY make you
feel better? and are you really sure that this is the answer to what
we are all trying to find the answer for?
I don't really think so. I don't know what to think, but I do know
that we, who realize that this world needs to change the level that it
is in, should truly do something about it. Why don't we all actually
get together in New York City somewhere and have a demonstration. Of
what you ask? Well, just about telling everyone that they can change.
I am from New York City and I especially see how everyone gets up
everyday for work like robots doing what they are told. Most people
are walking gloomily through the streets. No one stopping to ask the
person next to them how they are doing. No one trying to spread any
energy or love. Meanwhile the city is SO POPULATED!!! So many
people! WHy is there not millions of energy bursts of flowing love???
Maybe we can get their attention and begin the evolution that needs to
take place soon. I know I have it in me to take away a day of my life
to help have a positive imapct on the millions of people out there that
need it. We could maybe get flowers and hand them out to everyone and
tell them that this act of kindness is for them to pass on to


From: Renee Andersen <>:

My vision is founded upon many years of association with an ancient, loving, source of inner knowing that has been channeled by Cheryl Andersen, a close friend who has dedicated many years ofher life to helping people expand their understanding and discover the God within themselves. The Entity (or Higher Self) she channels calls himself Enoch, although as far as I know there is no direct connection with the "Enochians" I've heard about in some of my Internet searches for people who share my beliefs and values.

The vision of the Aquarian Age that I want to share with you is contingent upon a quantum leap into expanded consciousness that is spoken about in many serious channeled works -- David Spangler's New Age Revelation and Barbara Marciniak's Bringers of the Dawn, and Ramtha's vision (and Seth's and Cayce's!) all merge in my own mind and can be synthesized easily when I describe the New Age experience Enoch has said we can look forward to - if we are willing to take responsibility for who we are -- God in motion, co-creators with our own loving spiritual Mother/Father God - creators of our personal experience in every respect - thru the power of our own psychic-emotional creativity of the world we live in.

We do now (most largely unconsciously) create our experience thru the energies of our beliefs, thought and feeling patterns, and the actions we take.


From: Ned Conner <>




It is necessary that children have the freedom to learn directly that fire burns; it is not necessary that such lessons involve destruction of life on earth. Child-proofing a home is not about reducing children's freedom; it is about reducing adverse consequences of exercising freedom.

The Freetimea Project is (in part) about child-proofing the planet. Currently there are frisky young souls playing with large matches all around the globe.

Child-proofing the planet will take (at least) another 70 years to accomplish, and involves various "lines of work":

     Bringing in energy
     Bringing in ideas
     Connecting people
     Manifesting ideas (experimental communities, software systems, ...)
     Negative shocks (Anti-Christ, Armageddon, earth changes, ...)
     Positive shocks (Second Coming, Ascension, ...)

All the various lines of work are complementary; all are necessary.
This particular site has to do with bringing in ideas.


From: A K Ogilvie <>

I would like to use this opportunity to express the realisations that (I believe)
may be useful in a new world that could live at peace with it self.

I believe that we have to realise as to how weak a creature
we are. We destroy the earth as if it were ours, we trample on our
fellow men for material wealth and decline to live for the fear of
death. I trust that we are here today to fertilise our souls and not to
cultivate our bank balance.

I was listening to a tape of one of Osho's teachings a few weeks
ago in which he made a remark that freed a lot of my anxieties.
Here goes....."We know nothing" .... I hope that came out right,
Well I'm not very good at explaining things, and don't want to give
you the wrong Ideas so I recommend you get hold of some of
OSHO's literatures if you haven't come across it before.

Let the light be with you!


Name: Jamal Wills <>

Here is a plain text version of the page:

Another Link in a Great Chain...


We have nearly 6 billion people from diverse cultures with languages, beliefs, and ideas.


        Give life a chance:

All of our eggs are in one basket. It can be wiped out completely by a large comet or
asteroid. A smaller one would only wipe out civilization. All known life in the universe
exists in a soap bubble thin layer on the surface of a ridiculously insignificant speck of
rock and metal. We may also be responsible for one of the Earth's major periods of
mass extinction.


        Give us a chance:

Our social institutions are under a lot of strain from the "future shock" of our changing
times. Our preconceptions have us locked in a us-or-them mentality in which there can
be only one right path. We live life like it's a zero-sum game with only one winner and
wage multigenerational wars over important stuff like "turf".


        Give us the power:

We always hear about how our fast paced materialistic ways are destroying the
environment and the foundations of society. Many are ready to reject technology aout
right even though with out it Earth can only sustain about 1 billion people.


        Give us the humility:

As "Masters of the Earth" we have some pretty screwed up ideas of what and who is
really important here. Yes we have brains, opposable thumbs, and we can utter
consonants. We hold ourselves up so high on this little hill that we imagine ourselves one
step beneath God.


        Give us hope:

Even from our vantage point in the back waters of the Galaxy, it is appearent that life
might not be as abundant as it is in popular SF. We see the cold, the dark, the barren
landscapes, and hostile environments. Even if there is life out there, it may be as cold,
frightened, and lonely as we are.


        Give us a reason:

Who are we? Why are we here? What are we doing? What SHOULD we be doing?


We will have 1010 people who can cooperate and solve problems, develop culture, and help
preserve life on Earth. TMP gives us something to do with that power.


        Give life a chance:

We can learn to build biospheres that can sustain life in new environments. The lessons
learned can then be returned home to heal the Earth's biosphere.


        Give us a chance:

We can develop new institutions and social systems. Each colony will be free to learn
and experiment. The lessons learned can be shared with the older nations and their
people as they make their decisions on how to run things. As our civilization matures we
will develop common interests that necesitates a global understanding. A global Type 1
civilization has the power to eliminate poverty, cure many diseases, improve life, protect
the environment, and eliminate war.


        Give us the power:

Technology can be made clean and efficient as well as give us benefits and prosperity
that would be otherwise impossible. We will learn that living life intelligently can lead to
breaking the zero-sum barrier and we can find new land, energy, and resources without
harming life on Earth.


        Give us the humility:

We can take steps to learn our place in the cosmos. Life is not just a ladder, or a
mountain. And we are nowhere near the "top".


        Give us hope:

We can reach out and find out how life survived on Earth. Did life live on Mars, and if
so, why did it fail? We know about the fragility of life and dispite a successful run of 3.8
billion years on Earth we will stop playing games with the only known biosphere. We are
already starting to search for any signs of life out there so that we can learn more.


        Give us a reason:

We are the only species that can leave the comfort and safety of the home world and
make life grow on other worlds.

    (Foundation to Solaria)

We will have 1020 people who can cooperate and solve problems, develop culture, and help
preserve life in the Solar System.


        Give life a chance:

All of our eggs will be in many baskets. It could still be wiped out by a catastrophic
event like a near by Super Nova. But we will be secure in our numbers and comets and
asteroids will threaten us with extinction no more. They will be natural disasters that like
volcanos and hurricanes before them, give us a chance to come together and rebuild the


         Give us a chance:

A global Type 1 civilization has the power to eliminate poverty, cure many diseases,
improve life, and eliminate war. What can a Type 2 civilization do?


         Give us the power:

We will be able to live and travel freely throughout the Solar System. With abundant
energy, food, knowledge, and resources for more people than all the people who have
ever lived on Earth. The sun will last for another 5 billion years. When it's gone, there will
be others.


        Give us the humility:

One billion years ago, the "Masters of the Earth" were single celled organisms. These
microscopic bags of protoplasm had ruled the Earth for 3 billion years. Yet, it was only
by cooperation that they were able to grow into multicellular species that could form
water tight skin and take life to the next level...Land. We already have taken that step.
We have evolve a new form of "life" called "civilization" that can form an air tight skin
and take us to the next step. Right now, our civilization is the equivalent of "pond scum",
but it's evolving faster than anything that has existed before. It's time to take life the next


        Give us hope:

 With 100 billion billion people, we could spare the resources of an entire civization to the
task. From our vantage point we will be able to pick out, catalog, map, and moniter
every star in the Galaxy. If life exists, and if we survive, we will find it.


        Give us a reason:

We are another step in a very long chain. We have a choice, end it here and now or add
another link.


We will have 1030 people who can cooperate and solve problems, develop culture, and help
preserve life in the Galaxy.


        Give life a chance:

Some day, even a super nova will not be able to stop us. Perhaps a quasar, but where
are you going to find one of those these days? We will find and explore every star
system. If life is found, it will be protected and cultivated. If life finds us, we will join it
and make a new Galaxy wide ecosystem/civilization.


        Give us a chance:

Cells were able learn with genetics. Organisms developed neural societies or minds. We
have civilizations with governments, religions, arts, and sciences. My imagination fails me
when I try to dream of what's next.


        Give us the power:

We will eventually be able to understand and shape space, time, life, and consciousness.
I think we may also have the wisdom to know what to do with it by then. Anther link in
the chain....


         Give us the humility:

I imagine that civilizations are not the top of the "evolutionary ladder". Even as a single
cell in our "pond scum" like meta-organism. I know that there can be something more. I
can't help but wonder if one of my liver cells ponder's it's importance to me as I wonder
about my own destiny and legacy. I wonder what my civilization is up to and if it will do
it's part. It has a wonderful opportunity. As you read this note, I am a neuron firing my


         Give us hope:

As "Masters of the Galaxy" we will see our past, present, and future with unimaginable
clarity. We will live and love and move freely through out a vast and adventure filled
galaxy. We will "master" the physical universe (at least by 20th century standards) and
have the wisdom to understand that we are still at the beginning of our grand mystical


        Give us a reason:

Let us make our link in the great chain.


Send more visions to

And, if somebody would like to volunteer to turn previous issues into webpages, I would much appreciate it. The visions on the website are several years behind.


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