<x-flowed>These are people who registered information in their New Civilization
Network profile during January. Quite a batch of fascinating explorers of
life. Welcome!
There are 3882 people in the database, of which 3432 are on this list. The
rest mostly are missing valid e-mail addresses.
The purpose of sending this out is to help connections and relationships to
But, I'm sorry to again have to stress that the purpose is NOT for any of
you to just put these names and e-mail addresses on a mailing list so you
can tell everybody about interesting products or opportunities you sell.
Please don't. Connect specifically to those people that you have something
specific to share with. Whether it is smalltalk or project proposals
doesn't matter, but if it is "EVERYBODY must hear about this marketing
opportunity", then please re-think it.
- Flemming
Name: Anthony Skaggs
Location: New York, New York, USA
Email: alphistia@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2418
I have long been interested in living in an alternative society. Alphistia
is a description of a virtual country I would like to make real place with
its own society and culture.
Project Alphistia's website describes the creation of a new society...not
the whole world, but a little part of it. Likeminded people might be
interested in learning about and/or participating in this project.
Name: Gavin Tang
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Email: gavtang@one.net
Web: http://www.zumu.com
Interest in philosophy, science and the arts, chemical-free
farming, environmental issues, new economic thoughts; also in
Rudolf Steiner's 'spiritual science'.
I have diverse interests but the one that I am actively working
on that will be of interest to NCN members will be my thoughts
and activities in the sphere of banking and finance. If I may put
in a plug for myself, my web page is www.zumu.com .From there,
you can judge things for yourself. Thanks, Gavin
My concern is the enormous concentration of economic power that a
small elite is holding - a power that has no self-limiting process
stemming its growth. This is not only a grave danger to the ecosystem
but to the cultural and spiritual and political life of humanity.
The secret, I believe, lies in the banking system and more
specifically, in the surreptitious mechanism by which wealth is
forever being transferred from the poor to the rich via usury or
compound interest (eg. common items incorporate something like 30-50%
hidden interest charges in their reatail price). The solution that
individuals can avail themselves is to join/form a community that uses
what I call a parallel currency. This currency, having no notes or
coins but exists only as elctronic bookkeeping can lend money
interest-free. This is because the money lent out can go nowhere else
but always stays within the community bank. The currency is not
created out of nothing (compared to say LETS) and grows organically
out of the decaying structures of capitalist money. This means that
the currency is convertible back to dollars or whatever the local
currency is. This means that no-one will be unwilling to accept the
new currency if they are confident of converting it back to dollars
and buying things that are not (yet) produced by the new community.
There are stacks of implications and stacks of questions that flow on
from these few simple thoughts but I won't spell that out. That's done
on my web site- www.zumu.com . Thanks, Gavin.
Name: Juhani Pirinen
Location: Vantaa, , Finland
Email: JP@sanet.fi
There are some subjects near of my heart: Spirituality, New Age,
Meditation, Light Working, Cosmic Consciousness... Also quite
interested in Society, Sociology, Philosophy... and maybe
english-studing too?
Vos estis tam sancti sicut vultis - Te olette juuri niin pyhiä
kuin haluatte...
I hope that someday people could agree that money is not needed for
exchanging subjects, there are only needed unselfishness, love and
inner guidance... I think it's against Nature Laws to give value to
numbers, only value must be the radiance of heart.
Too improbable?
Name: Darrell Mckay
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Alberta
Email: buckwheat_72@hotmail.com
Well, like most I am hoping to develop and maintain a manner of
living that is highly spiritual and fulfilling. I have many
doubts that the world we live in is exactly what the Creator had
in mind, but I still believe that we can achieve a world of good.
Name: alida perreault
Location: lima, 12, peru
Email: alida_p@hotmail.com
interests: i´m interest in traveling in energi in the world,
nature and serching for a better live
abilities: paint, feel? don´t know how to describe it
activities: i study architecture, i play saxofone(sometimes)read
and writte.
Name: Kathy Needham
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Email: celebit2@aol.com
Interests include, but not limited to,enjoying my children, volunteer work
at an area homeless shelter, writing/editing quarterly newsletter,
coordinator/lead teacher of an inner city daycare, abstract painting,
creating handcast stepping stones, jazz, reading, avid gardener, people
watching,and anything else that catches my interest.
Name: John Vance
Location: Gibsons, BC, Canada
Email: john_vance@sunshine.net
Web: http://www.accessbc.net
Interests: Community development, co-op and co-housing
development; sustainable communities, ecology, gardening
Skills: community financing models, land trust development,
community housing development, organizing co-operatives; ethical
investment fund development
Name: Linda Ortberg
Location: Rhome, Texas, USA
Email: Sinet@aol.com
Spirituality, reading, golfing, horses. I teach quality
management and I am the Department Chair for the Engineering
Technology Department at Tarrant County Junior College in Ft.
Worth, TX.
I recently completed my Masters Degree in Management at Dallas
Baptist University. My thesis was the Integration of Spiritual
Principles into Business Strategy. I am a student of the Deming
Philosopy and very much like Mary Parker Follett's writings and
I believe each person is responsible for making the world a
better place to live and that each person must start by
exploring their own happiness or unhappiness as the case may
be. Spirituality to me is the expanding consciousness of joy,
creativity and love. This is what is lacking in the workplace,
home and educational institutions today.
Name: Michael Campbell
Location: e.wenatchee, wa., USA
Email: Mr.Dynamic@aol.com
organizational development while leading the work place in a people
oriented atmosphere- fishing- training and motivating people to be better
than they are.
I believe all people are good inside - the system has oxidized thier
surface and we must find ways to wipe it off so they can see the truth
about the world and themselves while being able to accept it.
I want to hit the road and travel around teaching people who they are and
the dynamics of what happens when two or more gather- I am a graduate of
the leadership institute of seattle a graduate program in behavoiral science
Name: Catherine Mellors
Location: , , Australia
Email: cmellors@hotmail.com
social work, education, desk top publishing, queer issues,
breathing deeply!
I know I need to believe in myself, and in a positive future, now.
Name: Rosalie Steward
Location: Thames, , New Zealand
Email: Rosalie.Steward@greens.org.nz
green politics, spirituality, music, family cultures, gardens;
singer, guitarist, communicator, problemsolver; employed as an
assistant to green party co-leader Member of Parliament in New
Name: Catherine Newell
Location: , , USA
Email: cnewell@siu.edu
Generel fixer-upper. A jack of all trades, a master of none.
Enjoy physical work, farming, farm animals and fresh air. Love
hiking with husband and children. Good nurse, psychiatric nurse
and correctional nurse for the most part. Love the complexities
of the mind. Hate the politics of medicine, insurance and money.
Leaving medicine to search for my real purpose in
life. To graduate from criminal justice soon and begin graduate
studies in behavioral analysis and treatment, plan to double
major in psychology and get my RhD in Rehabilitation. Strong
belief that the mind is the greatest healer, and my purpose is
somewhere in teaching people that the body is interconnected with
itself and its universe. People need to learn there can be a
heaven on earth, we just must create it if we want it bad enough.
I would like to hear from others in the field of criminology. I would
like to hear of innovative ways to introduce individuals with criminal
tendencies to searching for a purpose to be here. Surely there are
better ways of motivating and incouraging criminals and society to
allow these individuals to make a stab at being productive and
intergral parts of society. I feel that producing a harmonious society
will have to have better forms of punishment, retribution or
rehailitation for individuals who have harmed society, but they must
also heal themselves in the process.
Name: coline stockham
Location: Glendale, California, USA
Email: colico2001@hotmail.com
Life Goal: help to create the foundations of a civilization
Purpose1: rehabilitate and nurture art and artists
Purpose2: end war, crime, and sickness
My Ideal Scene: The next great civilization will come out of
Archimedes said that if he had a large enough lever he could
move the earth. I have a planning tool with which we can move
the earth. To get this job done will require the ability to
tolerate huge differences in realities among people and a
thorough understanding of human behavior.
Like old wine in new wineskins we cannot build a gleaming city
(like Brazilia) unless we also implement new tools for managing
crime and justice, drug addiction, education, administration,
and overall mental health. I need to work with a dedicated
Name: Sarah Madison
Location: Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Email: smadison@oit.umass.edu
Eclectic tastes: gardening, hiking, handcrafts, software
consulting (web design, desktop publishing, database,
writing/editing), humanitarian activities,
self-improvement, nature and animals.
Name: David Erwin
Location: Ft. Drum, New York, USA
Email: shimmer@imcnet.net
Greetings, my name is David. I have recently read the book The
Celestine Prophecy and the Tenth Insight. I am looking for other
people in which I can talk to about the insights in the hopes
that myself and others might gain from the the experience. I am
an open minded person looking for answers to the everlasting
question, Why are we here? The books have shown me new paths to
explore, raised new questions, and provided some answers. I
think that by talking to others like myself that more answers may
be uncovered and new question will reveal themselves.
Name: Jay Galvez
Location: ramona, California, USA
Email: republic@gateway.net
student-study history-love to sing and play the guitar.interested in
everything under the sun:)
Name: Douglas Miller
Location: Yazoo City, Mississippi, USA
Email: hdmcenter@tecinfo.com
Web: http://home.talkcity.com/ReflectionsRd/dougnyazoo/index.html
for a while, just see my TalkCity Reflections Rd homepage --
I'll get back to this in God's time, one day
I have been a sober recovering alcoholic for 10 years (a dry-drunk
sober one the first 4 years of the ten). Then, lead by my God while He
did for me what I would/could not do for myself, found serenity --
that lead me into spirituality for the past 6 years.
My life is the circle and triangle of both Alcoholics Anonymous AND
AlAnon ; i practice and live my program on the AlAnon side -- i
introduce myself as an 'alcoholic alanon'.
The points on my triangle are : spirituality , serenity , sobriety.
The sobriety has come up the scale into 'emotional' sobriety.
The circle is the boundry of my space that God lives with me in.
My boundry is no longer a fence to keep others away from me -- it
flipped over several years ago ; it is today, how far i can go, what
am i responsible "for" [ God doesn't make "choices" for me, thus the
consequences are mine to "learn" from until God sends another lesson.]
I am on my journey with God learning respectful responsibility.
Name: Brian Siverd
Location: Rochester, New York, USA
Email: Goldstar16@aol.com
I am still very new on the web.I wanted to get into something
and I thought this would be a good start.
I'm busy with school most of the time but I enjoy playing
soccer,I shoot pool,hang with friends.
specificly I am looking for people to talk to about life energy
and the ten insights.
I truly believe that life is 5% what happens and 95% how I react to
it.I have been through a lot in my first 16 years of life.I feel like
I have grown so much from my experiences,I just hope I can keep this
attitude of life and live happy.I also believe that true happiness
comes from inside.Ya, when I get an A on a test or when a beautiful
girl tells me that she loves me,it feels realy good.I think I am
happiest now because I like who I am and what I'm doing with my life.
I think that there has to be more to life then there appears to
be.We are,as humans,progressing to something.I believe in god and I
think there are some very cool energy things going on between
people.I have a friend who says she can see the energy.Well,I can
feel it,sometimes more than others.I have read sevral books by James
Redfeild and I really liked what he had to say.I would like to get
together with others that are interested in this universal energy.
Name: daniel fleary
Location: aurora, Colorado, USA
Email: westindian@webtv,net
africian americian counselor in the areas of chemical dependency,
hiv,gambling,and domestic violence.
i share your global vision,and would be honored to be part of the network.
i presently work part time with the airlines so i can get around the
planet. my area of needed growth is computer knowledge, and web design.i'm
committed to enpowering people with whatever resources i have, because God
contiues to enpower me. i look forward meeting you.
Name: Laura Jones
Location: USA
Email: koagem@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/6987/index.html
reading-Anne Rice, Kurt Vonnegut, Irvine Welsh, Tom Robbins, J.
O'Barr. Like Celtic, Classical, Rock, Metal and any other kind of
music. Play Percussion instruments, like to write and do computer
designs using mostly adobe photoshop
Name: Don Turner
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Email: don@soullife.com
Web: http://www.soullife.com
Fostering deeper understanding, experience and expression of
life. Aiding in the evolution and transformation of
Name: tia freemyers
Location: St. Marys, Georgia, USA
Email: freemtia@eagnet.com
I am interested in connecting with others where we and I can make
a difference in a positive way.
Peace and blessings
Name: Trudi Faget
Location: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Email: tfaget@iglou.com
I am a physical therapist assistant & massage therapist working in a very
progressive sports medicine facility, using cranio-sacral and myofascial
techniques. Alternative medicine and living systems have always been
obsessions of mine. Presently, I'm working on bringing a series of
buildshops here to Louisville to introduce myself (and my kids) as well as
several other interested individuals in the methods of construction
including straw bale, cob cottage, earthships, etc. I would like to
include basic survival workshops as well. I see a timeframe of 6-9 months
before making these a reality, unless I have the kind of help
and networking that is obviously available at this website. I would be
most interested in hearing from people who have done similar projects -
currently I've only been in touch with The Farm in Tennessee, but am
certain there are many other wonderful sources of information out
there. If anyone would like to come here & share expertise, please let me
know & I can set it up.
I, as I'm certain everyone on this website does, feel that we are about to
embark upon an amazing journey toward creating a beautiful new , utopian
existance. We may need to weather some trying times, and will, hopefully,
be there for one another during these times. Being a single mom, I am
especially sensitive to survival issues, and don't wish to be in a
situation wherein I'm unable to care adequately for my kids. I want myself
and them to be as self-sufficient as possible, and feel that now is the
time to create that. One topic that I'm also interested in is alternatives
to nursing home placement. I have an ailing mother who may need 24 hour
care within this next year, and I want to create the best situation
possible for her - preferably in our own home. If anyone has any ideas
about how to make a living and care for a loved one at the same time, with
the same hands, please come forth! I'm looking forward to many wonderful
Name: Dale Victorine
Location: San Jose, California, USA
Email: dalev@ix.netcom.com
Web: http://www.angelfire.com/ca/heartflyer
I'm an apartment manager, am married, and have two children. In
my spare time I read, write poetry, articles and music. Recently
I've been spending a lot of time working on my website. I spent
three years in Thailand teaching English and have a special
interest in Asia. My special interest is promoting the wisdom of
peace and exposing the folly of war.
Name: William Maiden
Location: Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Email: naturallytweakin@hotmail.com
Great Falls Natural Park, Rollerblading, Mountain Climbing, Rock
Climbing, Creating Graphic Design Artwork, Creating Webpages, The
Celestine Prophecy and corresponding insights, evolution.
I'm 21yr old white male working on my Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer + Internet (MCSE+I) here in Virginia and I'll be done by
the end of next month. Interested in environmental architecture
and other things planet-friendly :). Musically into Electronica /
Rave music. Finally "The Second Level" - Something I envisioned
long before reading The Celestine Prophecy and I amazed at the
similarities.If you feel like talking ICQ me at 27380034.
Name: Tania Arnold
Location: Hoppers Crossing, Victoria, Australia
Email: tarnold@one.net.au
Spiritualism, family, animals, Just read the Celestine Prophecy
and am trying to develop other insights that I didn't already
use!! Love people that are honest and don't talk crap....I have
3 children that are my heart and soul and am totally 100% in love
with my life and the world around me, I think everything is going
where it should and I'm a following............
Name: Oscar Rios Orellana
Location: Tijuana, BC, Mexico
Email: orios@citedi.mx
Web: http://www.latinoamigos.org/Fotofrm.htm(seeOPERADORESthenGOLDMAN)
I live in Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
Im Electronical Engineer and actually Im studying a Masters degree on
Digital Systems.
Im Member of IEEE and member of the Control Systems, Fuzzy sistems and
Robotics and Automation societies.
Interests: Electronics, Artificial Intelligence Robots and Control Systems.
Hobbies: Chess, Camping, American Football, Read, Computers
Im a person who is always looking for the truth and searching for new
paradigm in order to make this world a better place in wich to live.
Im convinced that the technology must be created to serve the humankind and
help the evolution of everyone of us.
Im sure that if all the humans would work together in peace, in armony,
this world would be better.
The humans are like the fingers of a musician hand...if all they work
together in harmony, they will play beautiful music.
Im pleased to see that there is many persons who wants to work together for
a new era..for a new world.
I honestly hope that this group of persons around the world really be
capable to use their skills for make this world a better place in which to
live and to help the humankind to evolution.
Name: Jeremy Wadsworth
Location: , , United Kingdom
Email: jwadsworth@jwadsworth.demon.co.uk
Interested in new economics, micro-loans, new forms of social
organisation etc etc
Name: Original Six
Location: Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
Email: originalsix@hotmail.com
Web: http://roswell.fortunecity.com/martinist/354
I am on a mission and I am seeking consorts. Consort = to come together by
fate. Seeking = in search of. Mission = original purpose. Visit my home
page. Your future depends on it.
Name: Stephanie Donlon
Location: USA
Email: sdonlon60@hotmail.com
I'm interested in promoting grassroots community development
through conflict resolution. I just returned from some travel
after a 2 year stint with the Peace Corps and am interested in
pursuing graduate studies in Con. Res.
Name: William Franz
Location: Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
Email: williamfranz@hotmail.com
Interests : Martial Arts , Plant Life
Abilities : Extensive plant knowledge
Name: Freda Lee sun child
Location: , , USA
Email: sun_child@usa.net
I am a female Building Services Engineer
Reading, Swimming,Dancing,Painting, Travling & computer
Decide that our sole work from now on will be to make life of
ours beautiful, pure and saintly. A pure, harmonious ans intense
life is the only way to reach the subtle regions of space, to
find the entities who bring help and inspriation.
Name: mark d
Location: , , USA
Email: dm999@erols.com
Web: http://www.erols.com/dm999
life e life
Name: Anthony Chipoletti
Location: Arnold, Pennsylvania, USA
Email: chipoletti@zdnetmail.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/~chipoletti/index.html
Science fiction author, Android, Age One
and OneDay, TwoDay. Currently at home in
My construct of reality is available at
Urgently in need of income!
Name: Heather Tilley
Location: , New Brunswick, Canada
Email: tilleyheather@hotmail.com
I am a high school student and have become very interested in all this
stuff, primarely after reading The Celestine Prophecy. I like to play
sports and work out, but my most favorite activity is cooking. I find that
it is so peaceful and satisfying to produce something that is important for
living. This all sounds silly, but I would like to learn how to help
change my school (I'm on Student council so I can) so that it does become a
more pleasant and peaceful environment .
Name: Rodrigo ESCOBAR Holguin
Location: Cali, Valle, Colombia
Email: rodescol@hotmail.com
Born 1945. Native language: Spanish. Other languages: English,
French. Learning Japanese. Some German. A poet in his native
Architect. Town and country planner. Two years in Scotland (1971-
I regret the materials of this page are in English only. Though I am
fluent in this language, I think the New Civilization would at least
be more near in the New Continent if its messages are translated into
the main New World languages. For the moment, I offer this:
- Somos la Nueva Civilización -
Aquí estamos.
Despertamos ahora, desde el pasado, para soñar un sueño más grande.
Somos amigos e iguales, somos diversos y únicos, estamos unidos para
algo más grande que nuestras diferencias.
Creemos en la libertad y en la cooperación, en la abundancia y la
Somos una cultura que emerge, un renacer de la esencia de la
Hallamos nuestra propia guía, discernimos nuestra propia verdad.
Vamos en muchas direcciones, pero rehusamos dispersarnos.
Tenemos muchos nombres, hablamos muchas lenguas.
Somos locales y globales.
Estamos en todas las regiones del mundo, estamos en el aire de todas
Somos el universo conciente de sí mismo, somos la ola de la evolución.
Estamos en los ojos de cada niño, nos enfrentamos a lo desconocido
con asombro y entusiasmo.
Somos mensajeros del futuro, viviendo en el presente.
Venimos del silencio,y hablamos nuestra verdad.
MO es posible acallarnos, pues en cada uno está nuestra voz .
No tenemos enemigos, no hay fronteras que nos contengan.
Respetamos los ciclos y las expresiones naturales, porque somos
No jugamos para ganar, sino para vivir y aprender.
Obramos por inspiración, amor e integridad.
Exploramos, descubrimos, sentimos, reímos.
Construimos un mundo adecuado para cada persona.
Buscamos vivir nuestras vidas al máximo de su potencial.
Somos independientes, autónomos y responsables.
Nos relacionamos mutuamente en paz, con compasión y respeto, y nos
unimos en comunidad.
Celebramos la entereza dentro y en torno de nosotros.
Danzamos al ritmo de la creación.
Tejemos la trama de los nuevos tiempos.
Somos la nueva civilización.
There are some poems I have written in my language, which are related
to this.
Name: Robert Wertzler
Location: Cottonwood, Arizona, USA
Email: bobmeta@sedona.net
Web: http://users.sedona.net/~bobmeta
Work: Crisis Counselor with local Mental Health Clinic
Long Term Interests: Living Systems/Cybernetics/Autopoiesis,
History, General Semantics, Anthropology, Archeology, Science
Fiction, Blues, Epistemology, Philosophy (especially Tao & Zen
writings). How do Minds change?
Long Bio:
When I was a kid doing the "Duck And Cover" drill I wouldn't have
bet we'd get this far. I've seen Joe McCarthy on the TV, and men
on the Moon, Hula Hoops, Tail Fins, and Global Warming. I've
watched two Presidents escape Impeachment for treason, and one
Impeached for "fooling around." Like Jerry said, "What a long,
strange trip it's been." I take to heart Gregory Bateson's
advice, "Go read your 'Alice'."
Name: Mark Houghton
Location: , , USA
Email: seawolf@jps.net
I'm interested in strategies of cultural survival. I'm looking
for an understanding of natural knowledge management: how is
vital information and wisdom passed on successfully in different
cultures??? I'd like to learn how to offer and manage an
electronic meeting site for people of like minds.
Name: Chuck Warnick II
Location: Lodgepole, Nebraska, USA
Email: warfam@hamilton.net
Am currently Zen Buddhist. With great depth perception of the
goings on of the world.
Name: Stacy Kendall
Location: Orlando, Florida, USA
Email: skendall@cnlreit.com
Learning/Teaching how to take control of our life path and make conscious
choices about how we live. Learning/Teaching new ways to communicate in
order to break old relationship patterns and have new learning
experiences. Learning/Teaching how to balance the physical, emotional and
spiritual aspects of our selves.
I would be very interested in finding people in my geographical area that
are involved in this endeavor.
Name: Emma Cornell
Location: Auburn, California, USA
Email: mecornell@ucdavis.edu
teacher, musician, dancer, writer
Long Bio:
Conscious, communal, celebratory activities reveal and reaffirm
our human spirit and foster a natural feeling of community.
These human rites are the legacy of consciousness; the more we
engage in such activities, the more we discover about our true
spirit. Human rites include the following:
I. Body
Eating & Drinking
Singing & Chanting
Dancing & Drumming
Grooming & Healing Touch
II. Mind
Visual Arts, Costumes, & Crafts
Speaking, Drama & Storytelling
Making Music Together
Games & Teamwork
III. Spirit
Wisdom Teachings
Wisdom Practices
If anyone on this list wishes to participate in an interview on
humna rites and community building, e-mail me directly and I will
send you the first set of questions. Your answers may be included
in Human Rites: Celebratory Activities for Conscious Community.
Thanks, Emma Cornell, Ph.D.
Name: Brian Lucock
Location: Carlisle, Cumbria, U.K.
Email: brianl@tesco.net
BA (Hons) Philosophy
Interests - Education, working with and devising systems for
self-education for disabled people.
Activities - Mountain climbing and walking
Name: diane sukel
Location: Grafton, Ohio, USA
Email: ladidiane@prodigy.net
i have recently read The Celestine Prophecy and fully believe in
all nine insights. i have started putting together coincidences
in my life that are now coming together showing me a new
direction, and sometimes i stop to think "that's why i met
him!" i believe i can feel other peoples energy flow to me when
i talk to them, but i have always though of it as my
imagination, but i have now started concentrating on it more
just to prove to myself that i am not crazy.
Name: Carlos Urquiza
Location: Coro, Falcón, Venezuela
Email: curquiza@funflc.org.ve
I'm work with inner quality (conference) for the persons for a
better world.
Debido a las incorrectas programaciones que ha sufrido el ser humano
a través de las sucesivas re-encarnaciones a propiciado el caos en
los diferentes ambientes en el planeta ocacionando la destrucción de
los diferentes habitat. Tenemos que colaborar a elevar la conciencia
del ser humano. Es la única forma de suavizar los hechos que ya son
evidentes e irrversibles.
"El solo aletear de las alas de una mariposa en una región del mundo
puede transformar el clima en el otro lado del mundo de forma
irreversible" Butterfly Effect
Name: Mathilde Elofer
Location: , , USA
Email: melofer@yahoo.com
I am a Canadian from Montreal who is temporarily in NY. I have
recieved clear messages and nudges to go out west to the San Francisco
area. I have been advised by Nora Vibrani to use this forum as a way
to further put out there my wish and allow the universe to do it's
thing if it really wants me there.
More specifically, I seek to help out a person or organization or
business in exchange for room and board.
Name: Rick Eden
Location: Chicago, , USA
Email: olias-sunhillow@webtv.net
Web: http://www.geocities.com/hotsprings/villa/9513
observing humanity's transcendence into the new world. healing, partaking
in the grand scheme of life and the transformation of humankind.
Chef, Writer, sometimes healer (still learning), I'm a good
listener. Lover of life, animals, plants, lions, tigers and bears.
I have spent a lifetime searching for the answers, and have been
fortunate to stumble upon some real jewels. I believe I am obligated to
share what I have learned with others. To many people I'm sure, I may know
even less of these things, which I am grateful, and that I have learned the
things I know today.
My first and last blessing on the folks I meet in life is that they
experience healing.
I can't imagine I will ever learn all there is to know about
healing. I am grateful for the road traveled thus far.
Name: James Ryan
Location: Lockport, New York, USA
Email: thehorror_79@yahoo.com
I enjoy being with my girlfriend and questioning the mysteries of
life. I plan to become a history professor some day. I love to
read and write and to enjoy the happenings around me. I am an
Eagle Scout and a well known leader in my community. I have lead
community projects and activities from organizings games at the
parks to rabies awareness programs. I am very keen to survival
and thrive on my empowerment in it. From New Mexico to England I
have shared my gift to the betterment of those around me.
In the interest of all man and woman to seek that of which is
sacred and grasp it, I see death eminent. For one to look away
from thy self and observe and expierience others is to understand
where this need comes from. But to converge or step upon ones
goals is the fall of civil manner at what is naturally recored as
history. To see the full circle in things and respect ones place
as a being which becomes aware must never forget were the
sacrafice is met to become into this world. To come to this
conclution brings up the question "WHY DOES LIFE EXIST?" and for
now to scrap the reality of it for we can not even conprehend yet
in our state of being is that we exist to glorify our natures
that are past on from an origin that is not found yet.
I hope that some day we can put an end to teritorial pissing contests
and power mongors and live ina state of cooperative anarchy!
Name: michael fuchsel
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Email: michael_fuchsel@students.uwlax.edu
I'd like to be part of the prophecy, and learn how to use the
insights. I'm currently a student at UWL. My major is
psychology, and philosophy.
Name: Andrew Soukharew
Location: Kaliningrad, , Russia
Email: postmaster@diskont.koenig.su
Web: http://www.enet.ru/~diskont
Name: Angel Davidson
Location: Arlington, Texas, USA
Email: Pixie333@webtv.net
I study theology and read everything
I can get my hands on...I meditate
everyday..I love to chat with like
minded people...I enjoy anything
having to do with the spiritual side
of life..I am a seer...I can see the
past ,present,and future...I have had
enlightening dreams all my life...
I hope to make music that will teach and help people..Bring them together
so to speak..My generation is so lost ..I would love to show them the
way..to a better life
Name: Kathie Lynch
Location: La Mesa, California, USA
Email: klynch@eca2000.com
I'm interested in becoming more aware and knowledgeable as a
spiritual being and in helping others to do the same.
Name: Trish McQuade
Location: Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Email: trishjon@ozemail.com.au
Currently a mum with part-time job as a diving instructor in the
local aquarium bringing introductory divers into the tank for
shark dives. Love life.
Name: Bonnie Parker
Location: , , USA
Email: BONNIE_K._PARKER@fmso.navy.mil
Mainly interested in the ideas promoted in The Celestine
Prophecy. Work as a contract specialist for the Dept. of the
Navy. Education: B.A. in Psychology. Main hobby: music (I
play flute and piccolo in a concert band for adults.)
I am interested in personal growth, holistic health issues,
limiting population growth, and how those approaching middle age
are dealing with spiritual crises.
Name: Blair Ivall
Location: Edwards AFB, California, USA
Email: fastkat@as.net
Computers, and Science
Name: Amy Powers
Location: KC, Missouri, USA
Email: powpow3015@aol.com
I am interested in anthropology, psychology, and philosophy. I
am a freshman in college, and i work. I'm on my own... i think
there is definitely something more to life... just haven't been
able to find it.
There are so many uncertainties.. i want to explore and
discover and find the truth... i want to make my own opinion and
help others see things they could not before.. i want to help
in any way possible
Well, I really have no direction in life and i'm sifting through air
that holds many possibilities.. i think that there is defintely
something to follow here and i hope i can contribute to the cause.
Name: Sean Stubblefield
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Email: oracle@brokersys.com
Web: http://geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7357.html
A Philosopher by nature, interested in evaluating the Human
condition and exploring new ideas. My ideology is represented in
the precepts of Objectivism and Star Trek.
Hobbies/ talents include philosophy, science fiction, reading,
writing, dreaming & video production.
Received a BFA in Television Production; just for the fun of it.
I have a particular gift of insight, which allows me to imagine
alternate possibilities & unconventional methods.
A Philosopher by nature, interested in evaluating the Human
condition and exploring new ideas. My ideology is represented in
the precepts of Objectivism and Star Trek.
Hobbies/ talents include philosophy, science fiction, reading,
writing, dreaming & video production.
Received a BFA in Television Production; just for the fun of it.
I have a particular gift of insight, which allows me to imagine
alternate possibilities & unconventional methods.
I believe that we can't just sit back and hope for a happy ending.
All evil needs is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
I see the despair, the apathy, the utter depravity suffered by
Humanity. I see the inevitable, frightening consequence of the
misguided path we're on. And I know something must be done to set
things right. It is time for a paradigm shift.
The time is near.
Name: Jerry Nosin
Location: College Park, Ga., USA
Email: mra@mindspring.com
psychologist, omnivorous reader, teacher and mentor, eclectic
interests and very into synergy with other positive proactive
people. Seeking to plug into projects/networks/people> Personal
philosophy -- only thing which makes sense is helping people.
"If i am not for myself who will be for me? If i am only for
myself then what am i? if not now,when?" - Hillel
There are two sources of unhappiness in the world- one is not
getting what you want.. the other is getting what you want" -
oscar wilde
Seeking positive and construction outlets to make a contribution, to
meet and network with others, strongly belive in synergy ( 1+1 = 5)..
bright caring people with some vision, willing to work, who recognize
the only thing worthwhile is helping people. Willing to contribute my
time, talents and gifts with other worthwhile people .. able to
relocate, and amenable to exploring, growing, and contributing. Have
CV/resume. Seeking other fellow wanderers with some vision.
Name: Jean Macaluso
Location: New York, N.Y., USA
Email: ladybabymama@yahoo.com
49 mother of 4 sons I thought I made all this stuff up in my
own little fantasy world as I was busy raising children, baking,
gardening, dancing, painting , playing the guitar, growing
cannabis, cooking in my home on Prince Edward Island, Canada. I'm
so happy to have emerged into where the dream becomes real.
All my life I have had these visions of how the world really ought to
be, but people generally told me to shut up or that I was crazy or
just a dreamer. Sometimes it has seemed to my that I was remembering
something from another time when life was wonderful and people lived
in love and harmony and life was colorful and rich and endlessly
joyful. That always seemed more real to me than what appeared to be
"reality". Now I am happy that the world I thought existed only in my
imagination is becoming real out here. Iused to imagine I was one of
those hollow Easter eggs that you peek into and see some beautiful
world. Now it seems like I am inside the egg.
Name: Barry Carter
Location: Snow Hill, North Carolina, USA
Email: barryc@icomnet.com
Web: http://www.icomnet.com/~barryc
Creating a New Win/Win Civilization driven by wealth creation is
my lifes passion. This includes writing, reading and dialogue
regarding the new win/win civilization as well as building
win/win organizations.
Name: Audhild Modahl
Location: Skjeberg, , Norway
Email: amodahl@online.no
Music, dance, qigong, people, flowers, books, religion,
philosophy, NLP, - and much, much more.
Name: Reid Friedson
Location: , , USA
Email: shamanreid@aol.com
I am an Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences at the Art Institute of
Fort Lauderdale. I am also a former Visiting Scholar at Oxford
University. I am interested in editing more books on post-modern
social inventions and in just sharing ideas on such subjects.The last
manuscript I edited was on space and time travel. I welcome the
chance to be commisssioned for a fee to add my expertise in the
research and editing of manuscripts for publication in this field.
Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>
New Civilization Network http://www.newciv.org/
World Transformation http://www.worldtrans.org/
"Discovering a shared culture .."
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