[NCN] Various Projects

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 17:35:40 PDT

<x-flowed>Oops, I guess I was a bit braindead when I sent out the last member list.
What I accidentally sent out was the new members from January 1998, not
January 2000. We're not that far behind. So the real list will appear shortly.

Below are various proposed or active projects and activities that people
have brought to my attention.

- Flemming



Dr Marvin F. Zayed <diahumanism@myworldmail.com> is the Editor of MAFKAR
Free Thought Quarterly Forum - Living Topics for Humanistic Issues,
concerning Arabic and Islamic areas. It is about human rights and about the
separation of mosque and state.

The second issue focuses on the topic of Women and Slavery in arabic societies.

Contact Dr. Zayed for more information.



From: Moshe Flam <flam@isdn.net.il>

I have this great (IMHO) idea.

We are ruining the land in Israel, and all it's natural surroundings, by
covering it with roads and houses. There are large groups of people who
have money and wish to build "Environmental" villages or neighborhoods.
These people usually are not capable of getting together and building such
a large project. So most of them shy off, and the few that are left do
something on a small scale. In the meantime, the contractors make tons of
money, selling large (usually ugly) neighborhoods.

If some contractor would get together several engineers and architects, and
whip up a plan, for CHEAPER but better environmental homes, it could be a
VERY large business. (And good for the world at the same time).

Here are a few examples:

Cheaper: The contractor provides guidance for gardening with native plants
organically (in contract).
The contractor provides guidance in construction of greenhouse
next to kitchen.
Less money connecting the grey water to the garden (instead of
to the city sewage)
The contractor WITH the buyers, supply a meeting place for all
neighborhood community activities.
In contract there is mention of newcomer's dialog with the
adjoining (less well off) neighborhoods.
The area would be VERY expensive. (and beautiful).
There would be place for people without means to come and live
amongst the rich. (Set aside by the contractors!)

I have thought out the general plan, and know what I would present as my
business plan.

I need help writing the business plan, getting the people together etc.

I'm not looking to get rich on this, but hope someone else does. (Which
means it works).

Step 2 would be going to the government and getting ALL the contractors to
work partially within guidelines that we set.

If you have money or the know-how, could you contact me?

Moshe Flam



From: "Richard Blackledge" <rich.b@appleonline.net>

I have recently joined forces with a small
publication in England and become the MD. We are a fasion, lifestyle and
nightclubbing magazine aimed at the 18 - 30 year old market. The team are
very dedicated and it has been an incredible struggle staying in business.
The staff have survived on an occasional payout but this has made us closer
and work harder togeather. It has never been about the money, we just love
doing what we're doing. Recently we have broadened our horrizons, we are
putting on nightclub tours, publishing the magazine both in print and in
July (hopefully) on the web making it accessable to all. We also are in the
process of setting up a site to broadcast over the web from Ibiza and other
clubs in the UK. Luckily its seems as if we may have a major sponcer to help
us with our ongoing projects. None of our team are money orientated but as
you know the world we live in at the moment insists we have money to
survive. If our business takes off, as we are sure it will, we would love to
put the profits to some good use. Money left in a bank account is worthless,
money put to a good cause is invaluable. We would like to get the message to
as many people as possible and we have a fantastic vehicle to do this. If
you would like to get involved or know of anyone whose ideas or expertise
could help please let me know.



"One People. One Planet. One Community"

Brent Hunter <brentnhunter@yahoo.com> created The Park, which is now a
buzzing online community with hundreds of thousands of participants. Forums
include environmental, huminitarian and spiritual subjects


"The Park is the world's first globally oriented on-line community. Our
primary purpose
is to provide a place for people from around the world to meet, dialogue,
develop new
relationships, and network with one another. We are dedicated to the
betterment of the
human condition through increased communication, networking and
understanding. Enjoy
our live chat, discussion boards, email, homepages and other free services.
Come on in! "



Anthony Dallmann-Jones <asdjones@execpc.com> has started an animation
studio together with 3 partners. They're looking for other players and for
financing. Write to Tony for the business plan.

"Rat Jam Productions, Inc. is a spanking new entertainment corporation
formed January 2000, with four partners: two tremendously talented graphic
artists, one very talented CIO, and myself, the entrepreneurial CEO
visionary with little talent.

I think that g-rated entertainment will be big on the 'Net and we are
creating our own niche here with contracted animation content...

Our goal is to position ourselves for a niche in what others and we think
is the gigantic future entertainment component of the 'Net.

I am not new to e-commerce (own a strictly online gourmet coffee business,
Sterling Moon Specialty Coffees at www.sterlingmoon.com,) but our
partnership is taking aim at the 'Net in big new way, and I am looking for
someone to direct us to the people who can point us in the right
direction...towards a safari guide into the jungle of web mega-enterprise."

Anthony S. Dallmann-Jones, Ph.D.



From: Glenn Sheppard <despolue@peacezine.org>

It is our pleasure to introduce Peacezine, an online, international,
Internet magazine dedicated to fostering world peace. We are a non-profit
organization relying on voluntary contributors for the content of the
magazine. We have volunteer journalists from Fiji, the Ukraine, U.S.A. and
contacts in Turkey, Great Britain, Morocco, Jordan, Norway as well as many
other nations around the world.

- We believe in aggressive "marketing" of a sustainable world peace to
establish it as a social norm
- We believe that that a non-violent society cannot be attained without
recognition of self, leading to a better understanding and tolerance of
- We believe in a policy of non-interference as it applies to the affairs of
nations. Our method will centre on educating individuals in the way of

We will be corresponding with religious and government leaders, journalists,
students and others to ask them for submissions. It is not our intention to
censor this material but to present it in the most balanced, positive and
proactive method possible.



Steve Moyer <smoyer@nodes.net> has created an innovative system for storing
messages, articles and knowledge online. Every word in a document can be a
link that leads to related information. See:


Also see Steve's "Synergy Desktop" at http://www.nodes.net/, which is a
clever way of navigating the net in a collaborative way, being able to rate
things and get more relevant content.



Michael Greenstein
founded the Wholistic Community Network. It is an online network and
website with a library of resources, a monthly newsletter, and a membership


This is WCN's mission:

"We help people create greater balance and harmony in their lives by
encouraging them
to adopt wholistic values, practices, and lifestyles."



From: Adam Davidson <adamdavidson@virgate.net>

"I am managing a project which is in proposal state and am seeking some sort
of an appraisal on it from recognised workers and scholars within the "peace

I manage the non-profit organisation, the International Janus Committee. We
seek to produce a major television event that will have a significant social
and psychological impact on the the world and its approach to the search for

The site www.virgate.net probably best explains what we plan.

Please take a look at what we are in the motions of doing now and please
send me the email addresses of any significant others in the peace movement
you feel I should communicate with, otherwise, please forward this note onto
them for their information.

Kindest regards

Adam Davidson
International Janus Committee


Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>
New Civilization Network http://www.newciv.org/
World Transformation http://www.worldtrans.org/
"Connecting what works - to build what is possible .."

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