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New Civilization News: The BABALON Working |
Category: Paranormal 73 comments 9 Sep 2004 @ 11:21 by swan : It is about choices.Your last paragraph :"Armageddon awaits us all, but not in the sense it has been perpetrated on us by the merchants of fear and those with ulterior motives. For each of us, it will be a personal encounter, if it hasn't been encountered already. In one corner will be the Christ with all the angelic forces he can muster. In the other, will be the Antichrist with his demons." I like to think of Armageddon as a lifting of the veils where truth is reveal. We are choosing in each moment and it is always a choice of love or fear. (always in-joying the ever changing newslog title) 2 Sep 2005 @ 06:29 by Petros Petrosyan @ : Attention please. I'm Petros Petrosyan from Armenia. I was born in 1962. In 1985 I graduated from Yerevan Engineering University. I am married and I have 2 children. Since 1988 I have been seriously interested in the problems connected with the origin and predestination of the pyramids. During these nearly 14 years I have thoroughly got acquainted with the whole history concerning the pyramids.I know the orthodox theory of the origin and predestination of the pyramids,quite well.I am aware of the opinions of many pyramidologists as well. I must tell you, that the official Egyptology is not always right in everything what concerns the origin and predestination of the pyramids.But its academic methods of thinking are close to my soul.Im deeply convinced,that Egyptology is wrong in the main point and this is in the following: Standing firm on the well-known Egyptological theory,that pyramids are only mausoleums of pharaohs,they have utterly closed the door,through which the true decision of the given question had to enter. Pyramidology is right just in the main question thinking hypotetically,that the pyramid cant only be the mauusoleum of a certain king. The stimulating motives bringing to such suppositions dont always give way to academic demands of modern science,however in the depths of such suppositions one may find a certain share of truth. I must tell you, that I dont always agree with Pyramidology.But Im frankly thankful to it for the spiritual impulse which changed my inner world and made me get at the heart of the matter-the truth.Egyptology helped me in the question of consistency and its academic character.As you know many pyramidologists from different countries support the hypothesis,according to which the pyramid is concidered to be a coded message to mankind. I truly support this hypothesis and after long investigations having lasted for years,I tried to prove it with the help of my book Pyramids: The Key to the Code of Self-Destruction,which was published in 2002 in the Edit Print Publishing House in Armenia. ISBN 99930-935-2-1 The following things were ascertained by me: 1. The pyramid is not only the mausoleum for the pharaoh, and the main motives, which were the source of its construction, were not in this platitude. Here it must be emphasized, that Egyptology has never accepted even the thought of any serious discussion on the problem concerning the code of the pyramid, being in constant contradictions with pyramidology mainly in this cause. Thus Egyptology deprived itself of the chance of taking part in finding ways for the true resolution of this problem. 2. All architectural-construction parametres of the pyramid are of no principal significence from the point of their cryptographical value. Trying to solve the problem of the hypothetically supposed code of the pyramid, many pyramidologists often turned to different pseudo-mathematical interpretations, which were nearly always connected with the geometrical parametres of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Following this way, every time pyramidology considerably stands aside from the true way of solving the given problem. 3. The essence of the code is hidden in those peculiarities of the geometrical form of the pyramid, which stipulate the definition of the given geometrical form. 4. I fixed the principal model of the cryptographical matrix the code of the pyramid. The principal model of the hypothetically supposed code of the pyramid consists of 365 small pyramids, which from the facets of the 14-stepped big pyramid. 5. It was settled, that the Bible has the very direct relationship with the suggested code. In addition, some parts in the Bible at the same time are the constituent parts of the code and keys for its deciphering. 6. The figures 365 and 14 are considered to be one of the main keys in deciphering it. 7. The coded information about concrete extents, which is difficult for me to express, refers to the principal aspects in the formation of the Solar system, the planet Earth, bases of the Matter organization, factors creating time and many other things as well. 8. In the process of investigations on the principal model of the code, I finally undertood, that the information, which interests us-is coded in the way of various geometrical compositions, which are fixed in the structure of the code itself. Geometrical compositions of small pyramids can be both flat and volume-spatial. 9. Whit the help of the academical methods of mathematical analysis of definite geometrical compositions of small pyramids are received concrete figure systems and mathematical equations and their essence and significence are always defined with the help of the periodical list of the chemical elements. To visit PETROS PETROSYAN'S web site go to: http://freenet.am/~messiah 30 Apr 2006 @ 12:45 by Magic @ : Conical Energies I am able to connect to the conical energies yet have yet to find increased intellectual awareness. I thoroughly believe there is a connection with aliens as I have seen them in the way described above. Also I have had for the last year an alastair that keeps attempting to contact me telepathically. This is no coincidence that I read this article and hopefully might have opened yet another door to yet another place for me. I have learned so much in the last two years and now I realise I know very little. Suffice to say that when the time is right my connection to the halls of learning will be a brilliant one. 28 Jul 2007 @ 17:56 by vaxen @ : Chaos You both might be interested in the deep studies being conducted by Thomas Bearden on the vacuum. The vacuum is not so empty and seems to contain ghost images of all that has ever been or ever will be... 3 May 2008 @ 20:48 by walker @ : question?? ALL this intellegence and not word aboutGOD! amazing , secrets. but GOD is more amazing than all this demonolgy, or other worlds!How smart and how far have we truly come? 3 May 2008 @ 21:34 by vaxen : God? Study the origins of the word 'GOD' and you'll know how far we have come! As for demons? Surely you jest? The greek word "DAEMON" simply means a hidden force operating invisibly behind things." This is why *nix (Unix) adopted it to represent 'hidden scripts' operating behind the apparencies of an OS. And how far from what starting point, exactly? Now for your own interest and enlightenment please do some research on the word 'God.' Here is a hint: It comes to us by way of the Iranian Choda as in Choda Hafiz! Also Grimms' law may interest you. The word GOD never appears in all Hebraic literature. But you can find it elsewhere...if you know where to look. then you'll discover what it really means and your whole house of cards will collapse...but that'll be a blessing for you. Once rid of the accruitions of other ignorants you'll hopefully begin to see the folly of be-lief and believing systems meant to be used as tools of discovery...not absolutes. ;) G'day Walker... PS: I do have an article here on the origin of the word 'God.' 19 Jun 2008 @ 16:25 by dr. hoo-ha @ : re: the last two gentlemen's comments I sir would be most interested in purchasing some of your fine ware. I am looking for a seven-sided-sigil carved disc, a smokey globe of quartz, and a brass handle to fit the door of a teleport unit. 26 Jun 2008 @ 17:58 by vaxen : Shamballa... mysticometricians united. In the end Agharti wins so curl up in that pile of spaghetti you call your living room, die to the world for a session or two, and watch the scum of the Earth raise gold to $5000.00 an ounce. The fools in the stables will think all along about... nothing at all and the drudgery of existence will be their only key that something is wrong somewhere. But they'll fail the test of looking within to find that wrongness and failing that the mirror will forever reflect their ineptitude allowing lesser beings to control them at will. Quoth the Raven evermore... Squawk! Obama is for NAFTA! Squawk! You've all been had! Democracy is tyranny. G'day mates. 31 Jul 2008 @ 18:27 by vaxen : Thanks... for all the links wowgold. If I played WOW I'd sure be interested but...I tend to play seriously in the real holoworld called Earth/Terra...from one virtual/holo world to an imbedded gameworld sans 3D implants isn't that much fun. 3 Aug 2008 @ 22:11 by vaxen : I haven't... so I don't know if they are or not a paypal 'worldseller.' But anything with buy, buy, buy, buy, buy... is, in my book, not worth my investigating. I stopped 'buying into' the 'buy' long ago. Now I'm mostly open source and let's share our knowledge till the present system crashes of it's own insane accord... Thanks shanthy... 21 Aug 2008 @ 01:51 by gdre @ : erg We provide all wow goldservices. You can buy world of warcraft gold Cheap wow Gold here ! age of conan gold buy age of conan gold (buy aoc gold)is on sale on wow7gold.com.We provide cheap aoc gold aoc gold Lord of The Rings Online gold Lotro Gold wow gold buy warhammer gold warhammer gold diablo 3 gold diablo3 goldgames gold 22 Aug 2008 @ 00:43 by yunfeiyang @ : ann hjnvbfg Welcome to wow gold site, the purchase of wow gold ensure that the Lutheran Church wow gold a good site 4 Sep 2008 @ 02:02 by nana @ : Arthas Even weakened as he was, Arthas ultimately outmaneuvered Illidan and reached the Frozen Throne first. Using his runeblade, Frostmourne, Arthas shattered the Lich King's icy prison and thereby released Ner'zhul's enchanted helm and breastplate. Arthas placed the unimaginably powerful helm on his head and became the new Lich King. Ner'zhul and Arthas' spirits fused into a single mighty being, just as Ner'zhul had always planned. Illidan and his troops were forced to flee back to Outland in disgrace, Arthas became one of the most powerful entities the world had ever known. http://www.mmoinn.com/ 14 Oct 2008 @ 03:19 by vaxen : Thanks... gmaelee. Looking good. Commerz bank??? 17 Oct 2008 @ 05:51 by war wiki @ : fasd dsafas fdsaf sad 2 Nov 2008 @ 20:32 by Joshua @ : More. I am unsure if these two people were truly trying to bring about an expansion in consciousness. The grey's, and draconian (and their hybrids) as well as the Sirian Annunaki are not here to help. We can't say they are evil from their own perspective because they are trying to further their own agenda and races, perhaps the same way we would if we were in a power position to do so. But regardless their purpose, and activities are the oppression of the human potential and consciousness which is, potentially, even higher than they themselves. It is important to understand that our concept of "magick" is not really magic, but highly evolved forms of sciences which we can only tap into with our natural technology (the chakra/meridian system, the soul and consciousness itself). It is only "magic" to us because it is so far above the traditional mainstream science. Clearly the illuminati is not about enlighment, or true pursuit of consciousness expansion. They are being manipulated by different extra terrestial (and inter dimensional) influence.The power players of the world think they are bringing about the time of reveal (apocalypse) in order to raise consciousness, but they do so through rituals of death, domination and exploitation. They essentially sold us out for supposed "godhood" to the various entities that are so deep entrenched in our political system, genetics, and everything else that there is no true way to get rid of them unless people WAKE UP and consciousness expands. There is much technology the Illuminati has which are being used to suppress human consciousness and evolution in which the guardians/light forces are trying to stimulate through the 2012 stellar activation cycle. This is also due to the indigo phenomena and they KNOW that we are here, and they know that some people are beginning to wake up. This is the only period in time which we can do this "template" awakening and truly reshape the future. But all the shields, fields, and frequency waves are so distorted, so manipulated that it is impossible right now to accrete enough energy and light to evolve the whole planet into the higher frequencies. As of right now Earth is like a prison, it is LOCKED down. And it appears the only way out is through the teaching of ascension and evolution of the spirit and whoever wants to learn. From what I also here these "dark" influences want to PERMANENTLY lock this place down from the rest of the higher realms of consciousness. I will not go into the methods of this, but if this happens then this "temporary hell" will become "permanent." Like animals, completely unaware of their own spirituality, its purpose, or the existence of anything beyond our realm (this is already happening to some). So spread the message of love, light, and to get everyone to wake up. They will all try to deceive you for their own purposes. Those who are our main oppressors and manipulators will CLAIM to be our saviors and creators.. 9 Jan 2009 @ 18:31 by vaxen : dofus kamas... Mama mia! Dofus or Dufus, Dreyfus or Platypus? Smarmaladenlicken guten tagen in der sonnenbruckspheren bitterlinungen nugenstreicht... 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Yeah, looks like the spammers are taking over. The old watering hole is now so polluted that only those selling gold watches, faux gold, gold, pea shooters, etc., are coming to it... Change you can believe in... Where is jazzolog? Hunting snark on the moon like all good pundit lunes. 22 Nov 2009 @ 03:40 by mortimer : Ya spammers I wonder how they get past the captcha 22 Nov 2009 @ 20:05 by vaxen : Captcha! Must be a secret mole inside the mindworks. Festivities will out them, of course, and Al Qaeda will get blamed... Such is the reality that we are faced with when we dare to dare to dare... Such wit! ;) Heya Mortimer! Captcha! ☺ Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything 23 Nov 2009 @ 21:28 by mortimer : WAR War legalized voluntary slavery and brought the Nazis on operation paper clip for corporate fascism. Why, so NASA could bomb the Moon. 27 Nov 2009 @ 08:37 by vaxen : Bombing... the Moon was just an excuse. The test means that we can all be bombed from space at "their" leisure. Nothing added. Nothing lost. Nothing changes. Hubbard wins... Hubbard wins!? Whoa! Happy thanksgiving Mortimer! ;) Hurry, find a Galac Patra representative near you and get up on those cans quick! Are we clear yet? 27 Nov 2009 @ 23:49 by mortimer : Hydrogen Clear skies and beyond. http://reduceyourfuelbill.com.au/forum/index.php?topic=39.0 28 Nov 2009 @ 00:48 by vaxen : Thanks... Mortimer! Will be downloading some of the plans and breaking my skull in. Have heard about this and there is a guy in Georgia, not far from me, who builds them. Don't know, so far, if they really work or if this is just more hype. Thoughts? network.dns.disableIPv6: set “false” "What this means is that whoever built the Great Pyramid knew the exact shape of the Earth's grid." 28 Nov 2009 @ 01:26 by mortimer : Ya it works I do it a little different tho. 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