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 50 years at Lightspeed (60 Anos a Mil)3 comments
picture10 Jan 2011 @ 16:19
Sofia, our little Rottherd-Shepweiler puppie (60 lbs and growing), intercepted the mailman who tried to deliver the book '50 Anos a Mil' by Lobao (with Claudio Tognolli), autographed as far as I know, but, alás, our puppie put me back in the line of readers.

'Lobao' means 'big wolf', understandable why Sofia liked the book so much. For now, she let me read only a part of the back cover:

"Brace yourself, because, from now on I shall tell a love story: wild, unusual, human, all too human, unforeseeable, and improbable, but really real: the story of my life, merged and confused with that of my generation, of our country and our time. It's not a simple narration of a distant past, dead and buried, nor a fruit of nostalgic memories. It is a story full of life, intensity and revelations, which arrived at the present and which extends itself into the future."

Buy the book here, but first make sure you got a hang of the portuguese language:
[link]  More >

 Dream On! And hang on for a Prime Year!4 comments
picture23 Dec 2010 @ 14:45
Well, another year of dreaming in the Matrix is coming up... a Prime Year it will be, the 305th prime-number year since they were nailing down this guy, what's his name.. in any case, the number of the energy of a New Civilization, yet another one, more powerful than any before.

Let's make it a GOOD DREAM, one to recapitulate in the future, one that will our grandchildren make proud of us!

Let's become DREAMERS who create and enjoy their dreams! Let us send the dreams that don't belong to us to where those dreams should be: into their own abyss! And let all those follow who installed these dreams and still are trying to install more of them! Shame on them and down the hole!

Let us become MASTERS of our dreams, and, witnessing the dream body, go for the UNBORN, THE UNCREATED, THE UNCONDITIONED! That's where WE belong to. May all of us settle there in 2011!

All the best to all of you, fellow dreamers and master dreamers.

from the Sandorian Grove to you out there:
Max & Helô, Maira & Anthony, Rottie Sophia and Shepherd Hannah, plus all the other critters around here, cats and stuff, and don't forget the birds! And thanks for all the fish!  More >

 New Discovery announced by MASA scientists: 4 comments
picture10 Dec 2010 @ 17:02
Even though not (yet) listed in Wikipedia's near-complete description of prime numbers [link] , the Sandorian Prime is constantly gaining importance in today's busy world.

A Sandorian Prime is defined as:

Primes p(n) for which p(n+1)=p(n)+6 AND p(n-1)=p(n+1)-p(n)+1


- let p!=305.
- Then p(n+1)=p(306)=2017.
- this means p(306)-p(305)=2017-2011=6 !
- p(n-1)=p(304)=2003
- which means p(306)-p(305) +1 = 2011-2003 = 2017-2011 + 1 !

The proof in clearly in the pudding and thereby unrefutable.

Scientists are still debating the vast implications of this new discovery. The first critics don't hold back, of course.

PhD Norman Brenner from SIT put it clearly: "...this announcement was premature. The authors from MASA even admitted to having washed the formula in water. Every child knows what that means, and therefore MASA should have waited at least until p(305)+10 to announce their dubious results!"

attached: a recent, declassified photo of one of MASA's super scientists who made this incredible new discovery..  More >

 New trailer for Countdown 2012 World Tour2 comments
picture1 Dec 2010 @ 20:39
Thanks to Jeff and Katrina!

Video by Trent Crace & Katrina Eresman
Voiceover: Trent Crace

"The time has come to unite the true leaders of mankind, present and future, to not lose the chance of turning around the battle of mankind for survival in freedom and sovereignty. Time has run out for talking, prophecies, and speculations. We are calling the world's thinkers, activists, its ministers and prophets, to unite them amongst themselves and with the great Spirits of the Universe of past and present in order to make the difference in the war over the destiny of Human Beings! ...."

[link]  More >

 Notes on the Topology of Control6 comments
picture20 Nov 2010 @ 18:16
The Sandorian Rune (Runa Sandoriana) first appeared during an MFP Session (Morphic Field Processing / Skywork) some years ago in Italy in my absence and by a person whom I don't know personally. It describes a model of the interaction between a 'governing body' and a 'governed body', for example 'Higher Self' and 'Personality', but also, on a larger scale between 'government' and 'people'. Likewise in Skywork as well as in other forms of investigations, it has been observed that the threefold 'action' of Orí, the 'Higher Self', onto the body's threefold personality structure is best being described by assertions:

"I want..."
"I can..."
"I must..."

These commands are expression of 'Finite Games' [link] , indicated by dots (...) to denote the object of the assertion. The body personality, however, is governed by Infinite Games such as imperatives with exclamation points:



If we look at the two triad from an 'archetypal' perspective, we can see the top triad representing male archetypes, and the bottom triad female ones. This gives us yet another model of how the 'archetypes' are finding their expressions on human bodies. In Ifá terminology, the top triad describes Obatala, Ogum. and Shango, and the bottom triad Yemanja/Olokun, Oya, and Oshun.

If we look at social structures, we can recognize the wisdom of division of the 'branches of governments' into legislative, judicial, and executive powers, and we insert the 'needs' of a people here.


Several implications arise: the model of the triune brain as the basis for the phenomena of the archetypes is still visible but the picture is not as clear as in other models.

This new model now gives us a clear procedure on how to 'clear' entanglements and
conflicts in social structures as well as in 'ego structures/personalities' as well.

We can directly investigate
- the 'state of affairs' AMONGST the top triad
- the conditions of the bottom triad, and..
- the connections between both

It gives us a new perspective of the 'control' of people in addition to the well known Meme 'panem et circensis" and we can see that one leg of the triad is missing, intentionally or not, the 'information' part; we can deduce that the 'media' has an even stronger impact on a nation than we thought before and is NOT only a part of the 'circensis' but an independent and vital leg of the triad governing a people.

The implications of this model don't stop here. The contemplations made here are just the beginning of an analysis which can be used to assess the amount of justice, freedom of choice, and 'liveability' of nations.  More >

 Property of the Morphic Field: The Copyall Symbol2 comments
picture20 Nov 2010 @ 16:12
I invented, copyrighted, and trademarked a new symbol: the Copyall Symbol!
Shame on anyone trying to copy it and claiming it was his own!

Joke aside, I'm serious: 'inventions' which clearly arise as a consciousness from the morphic field should NOT be copyrighted, not even copylefted. It's 'owner' is the 'morphic field' itself, its knowledge can be 'downloaded' by anyone able to do so. In especially, all insights derived from methods involving group access, such 'Skywork', teamshape, Kraftwerk, Presencing (Scharmer), or Constellations (Hellinger) are clearly 'authored' by collective consciousness and should not be usurped by a single person.

The symbol is an invitation to 'freely copy by anyone' and shall apply to everything that emerges from the so-called 'morphic field', the 'global/collective consciousness', the 'brain of humanity'. To do justice to the individual creativity, we could extend a copyall-notice to

'Copyall 2010, first published by X'.

For my 'own' work, I shall change the copyleft & copyright notes for the appropriate items over time (most drawings don't have them anyway because I was too lazy to add the notices).

Examples are the 'Root Function/Radical Transform' that describes the form of changes in morphic fields(see earlier in this BLOG) and the 'Sandorian Rune', a model for 'conflict resolution' which I may publish these days.

For a modified Arial Black Font that contains the symbol, download and install this font from [link] . If you select this font in MS Word or OpenOffice and you type Alt Gr + Shift + c you can see A instead C.
Tanks to Dario!  More >

 The Divine Role of Oxossi in the Endgame: the Orisha of the Hacker7 comments
picture16 Nov 2010 @ 13:40
Rarely did I talk about the qualities of the Orisha in public forums over the last decade. There is just too much confusion, inside and outside of the circles of Ifá and it didn't seem appropriate to throw in some words of wisdom to so many misconceptions and so much disinformation.

About ten years ago, though, when I wrote articles for the journal 'Odidere' of Chief FAMA [link] , I commented about the sacred Odu (Primal Principle) of Okanran-Disa and its signifance for the evolution of man and the creation of this world and it is now time to add a few notes to these musings.

Oxossi is known as the archetype of the tracker and trapper in the forest. Instead of engaging in open combat like Ogum or trying to be the hero like Shango, he prefers to remain unseen, stalking the prey for whatever it takes until the time to strike has come. He studies the traps within the world of mortals carefully and meticulously. In this way, he is able to find his way through the jungle and create his own traps.

In the jungle of the Digital Culture of today, he is found in the role of the 'ethical hacker'. With a deep amd profound sense for the injustice in this world and equipped with a keen & astute sense of observation, he sits behind the computer screen, watching and watching, finding a path through the net of networks, weaving his schemes to make the hidden visible and to penetrate the invisible.

At the conference on Geopolitics of Culture and Technology last week in São Paulo, Brazil, [link] we heard about the difference of the Chinese and the Western philosophy by François Jullien, Professor at Paris 7, about the wisdom of the 'Art of War' versus the blind and narcistic heroism of the Greek which permeates so much the Occidental thinking. He could as well have talked about the extremes of Oxossi combined with Obatala and the show-off-ness of Shango, The modesty of the 'wise' general versus the false heroism of the West. For Oxossi, winning the war is more important than dying on the battle field and being admired as an hero in a future as a heroic ancestor, which means as a Dead, of course.

The code of honor of Robin Hood, the prototype of Oxossi in the West, is being despised by the egocentrical leaders of today. For them, he simply is a terrorist, and they enjoy humiliating him and his followers, as exposed by Saúl Puerta Peña [link] on the said conference, reporting on the indigenous movement for independence in Peru. Any confessing hacker, even with the high ethical standards (see [link] ) is being labeled a terrorist by the pyramidal power structures [link] .

And perhaps in this way we may be able to understand Brazil's special role in today's world: a country in which the archetype of the tracker, trapper, and hacker, the Orisha Oxossi, is symbolized and incorporated in so many ways, always with a soft but unignorable influence of Oshun, from the colors of its banner to its martial arts, Capoeira, from its carnival to the unique institution of its 'motels', and, last not least, its 'LAN houses', Internet centers pervading urban jungles as well as the most remote of outbacks, from 'favelas' to 'aldeias'.

And there we see the unique importance in the 'endgame' of our civilization: the heroes of the past did NOT save this world. They are dead, we only find their once glorious names on highway signs and street corners. Ogum betrayed and deceived, seeing his technology abused by greed and lust for war, in the end, it will be up to his brother Oxossi to risk a last-ditch effort to make mankind survive this ugly and senseless game of power.

As a sidenote, if he should succeed, and we all do hope so very much, you can count on a Shango to step in to reap the honors and be applauded and revered. It has always been that way. After all, we're talking about the archetypes, the models and blueprints of this World, from its beginning to its end.

As Robert Heinlein put it so nicely "Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you; if you don't bet, you can't win."  More >

 The Rise of the Shamans of Digital Culture4 comments
picture15 Nov 2010 @ 17:49
What was left untouched during the 'International Forum on Geopolitics of Culture and Technology' [link] is now emerging at the 'II Forum on Digital Culture' [link] a logical and necessary extension, it seems:

The Epigenetics of Cultures, the short-term activations of parts of the DNA of the human race as a whole, is not promoted nor sponsored by governments. In the contrary, as John Perry Barlow, founder of the EFF [link] and famous as lyricist of the Grateful Dead, pointed out: most governments would do everything to ban or suppress this process. One of the astonishing events of the last decade was that Brazil 'under Lula' had the courage, even boldness, to nominate an artist and visionary as the Minister of Culture, a logical choice it would seem, but the most unlikely event in the rest of the world. We're talking about Gilberto Gil, of course, and his visions of the emerging culture, a process ripening over the years and yielding fruits now.

The new science of Epigenetics [link] 'teaches us' that the model of DNA which changes only over long periods of time, needs to be adjusted for a mechanism that activates or disactivates certain parts of the DNA already within a few generations. Without being aware, the priests of today's 'Science', in every aspect a 'religion', have granted traditional and New-Age Shamans the justification and 'scientific' foundation for their work.

If an event can activate or disactivate an entire portion of DNA, a Shaman may work exactly in this way. Enter modern technology: Memes spreading out in hours, covering the entire globe. While, with the exception of the Zeitgeist movies, whatever is spreading fast, is mostly part of today's predominate 'content': trash. But if 70 Million people tune in to watch a toddler saying what every toddler in the world could have said, IMAGINE, just IMAGINE, what if the message would be intelligent and relevant?

Witness the rise of the Shamans, not just plastic ones, but electronic ones: the Shamans of Digital Culture, capable to transform the entire world while sitting behind a computer connected to the Internet. As before, you might say, dreams we are enjoying since the 80s, but AGAIN, the world is ready now, the connections are made. Whoever pushes the buttons to accelerate what's already happening in the world, GLOBAL CHANGE, to be precise, doesn't quite matter and is likely to be unknown. 'Hackers', including the new paradigm of 'social hackers', that are tranceforming the 'morphic fields' of the human experience, they like to stay hidden. Far away from the pyramidal power structures of past and presence, they are the true Saints of our time. Blessed be, and if you meet a 'social hacker' these days, give 'em a hug from me and Anthony.  More >

 Wherever you dance, there you are: Global Change is Here NOW2 comments
picture15 Nov 2010 @ 14:15
Some ask "How did we come to this point?", others "Where do we go from here?. I prefer Buckaroo Bonzai's classic quote: "Wherever you go, there you are!"

In Brazil, you need to adapt this quote to: "Wherever you dance, there you are!"

Where else would an "International Forum on Geopolitics of Culture and Technology" culminate in a concert. And, where else the music won't stop when the show is over? To the trancy rythms of a Banda de Pife [link] people yesterday night continued dancing still long after Gilberto Gil's presentation of a 'New Tropicalism", perhaps the birth of a new style in world music, blending folklorical and afro-brazilian melodies and chants with enchanting grooves of electrical sounds.

We witness a historic change, I'd say, but only time will prove me right or wrong. Nothing was said during the conference that you couldn't have heard 10, 20, 30 years ago. During the conference [link] countless deja-vus and flashbacks catapulted me back in time to the discussions in Frankfurt in the late 60's around Theodor Wiesengrund (Adorno) and Michel Foucault, into brainstormings at the Buckminster Fuller Institue in Santa Barbara in the 80's and 90's, and into the long conversations with Flemming [link] that led to the creation of the New Civlization Network [link] as a platform for the global exchange of paradigms of living-together, new structures to replace the monetary systems in 1995. Been there, done that!

Decades of talking in circles seemed to have wrought the lifeblood out of revolutionary thinking, the empty shells of words were lost over time, scattered fragments of clear thinking muddied by endless discussions leading to nothing.


Something has changed these days. And this change didn't start out with yet another great idea... it was a movement of the soul, a change in what we came to call by the horrible name "the morphogenetic field".

While we can't and never should ignore the plight of suppressed people around the world of which we were reminded direly during this International Forum, we also see the birth of the promise of a new happiness. Not merely hope, sad longings for freedom and peace which seemed to be always stay in the future and never arrived for today, NO, "Wherever you dance, there you are!"

Time to reflect about abandoning the urge, this implanted Meme of the Occidental cultures, of 'Wanting more (and more and more!)', a mind-enslaving Meme, mind you!, and to start embracing the celebration of life: "Viver bem", "Living Well", instead of "Living Better", the false mantra of consumerism, the hideous promises of a social culture destroying its own habitat in an endless greed for more and more, better and better, just to arrive at less and less.

Bye bye Tristes Tropiques, Welcome to the New Tropicalism!  More >

 Anarchic Transitions in Social Transformation8 comments
picture9 Nov 2010 @ 20:53
Anarchic Transitions in Social Transformation
(or: "The 'radix function' in Morphic Field Processing"
by Max Sandor

In so-called morphogenetic fields [link] in 'evo-devo' as well as morphic fields [link] in social communities and Meme-spaces, any outer or inner conflict, and any transformation from one equilibrium into another, seems to follow a certain pattern: from an initial state, the 'organization', whether cellular or social, plunges into a confusion, a state of 'sickness', during which it is re-molding itself into a new structure before commencing to 'crystallize' into a stable shape that it will maintain until the next transformation.

It looks as if the organism itself is throwing itself deliberately into a state of disarray but once it entered it appears that it finds itself the 'way out', is 'healing itself' even when left alone, an observation that was found true countless times over the last decade of doing 'Skywork' (morphic field processing), and which, if true, has implications of tremendous proportions.

For once, it would make modern medicine look like barking up the wrong tree, coping with the symptoms of a self-inflicted confusion 'designed' to heal the organism and therefore PREVENTING the auto-cure instead of helping it. Anyone claiming this to be the case, would be subject to a severe witch hunt of course.

If we look at social systems instead of biological entities, we find less obstacles as there are (still) few 'authorities' defending their turf. Not only would it mean that a phase of anarchy is NEEDED for any social transformation but also that any INTERFERENCE during this anarchic state of society will likely result in a new equilibrium that is NON-OPTIMUM. In contrast, an anarchic transition of a group, nation, or mankind as a whole, that would simply left by itself to happen, has a chance to result in a new and saner organization.

For catalyzing social change as well as individual transformation we will have to rethink the 'way of a healer' from someone who interferes with the course of an ailment to someone who has the power of patience to guide the group or person THROUGH the valley of confusion TOWARDS a new and saner constellation of forces.

Experience with MFP (morphic field processing/Skywork) shows that it is only a matter of time until a solution emerges. The amount of time needed for reorganization depends largely on the NUMBER OF CELLULAS involved in the conflict (replace cellulas with 'persons' in social contexts).

The art of 'transforming' a social structure consists of 'guiding without interfering' with the scope of minimizing the time in the 'valley of tears' of the 'radical function' (see picture) and preventing other-determined influences to negatively impact the process of transformation.

The 'radix' model, illustrated by the radical sign, shows clearly the drawbacks of many FLAWED efforts of morphic field processing (for courtesy, I'll omit the names of the main culprits): terminating the process BEFORE its own recuperation will leave EVERYONE who participates in the dust (ghee, how politely I talk today!). Likewise, again through observations during a decade, we can safely say that any interference, indoctrination, or manipulation of reforming social constellations during MFP, will result in NON-OPTIMUM new states of organization and that, whichever new state emerges, it will NOT BE STABLE.

The time allotted for a typical MFP-session is limiting for larger social transformation challenges. The scope of such a session depends also on the PURPOSE of the 'social organism' at hand. We therefore divided our processes into three different kinds, all with their own particular sub-rules:

- Skywork, for individual and small group processing (such as families)
- teamshape, for organizations of any kind
- Kraftwerk, for large and complex structures, such as cultural and ethnic groups and nations as well as for the purpose of studying patterns of Nature Herself.  More >

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