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 A summary of the summaries of Max Sandor's projects2 comments
category picture23 Sep 2016 @ 17:18
In the following are links to summaries of my major projects this life.

Reading through them, one see that they are not separate and disjunct topics as they may appear at first glance - all of them are intrinsically interwoven and connected.

I submit them for critical discussion and solicit suggestions for corrections, expansions, clarifications, and for any kind of improvements.

Project Summary Sheets

1. The ConCur Paradigm - the structure of Reality
2. UrTon - the basis of spoken languages
3. The Book of Numbers
4. Quantum Fá - a practical guide to this Universe
5. Polar Dynamics - theory and praxis of polarities
6. Game Theory - why and how do we manifest?
7. Archetypology of the human Being

All summaries follow the format:

Short Description
Scientific Context
Known Shortcomings

Max Sandor on the web:
Amazon's author page: Maximilian-Sandor
Facebook (Public Figure Page) MaximilianSandor  More >

 Project Summary 6. Game Theory - why and how do we manifest? 0 comments
category picture23 Sep 2016 @ 17:04
by Max Sandor

(this summary is under development. For the topic at hand, please refer for now to

Game Theory - why and how do we manifest?
Short Description
Scientific Context
Known Shortcomings

Max Sandor on the web:
Amazon's author page: Maximilian-Sandor
Facebook (Public Figure Page) MaximilianSandor

 Project Summary 5: Polar Dynamics - theory and praxis of polarities3 comments
category picture23 Sep 2016 @ 17:02
by Max Sandor

(this summary is under development. For the topic at hand, please refer for now to

Polar Dynamics - theory and praxis of polarities
Short Description
Scientific Context
Known Shortcomings

Max Sandor on the web:
Amazon's author page: Maximilian-Sandor
Facebook (Public Figure Page) MaximilianSandor  More >

 Project Summary 4: Quantum Fá - a practical guide to this Universe5 comments
category picture23 Sep 2016 @ 17:01
by Max Sandor

(this summary is under development. For the topic at hand, please refer for now to
Quantum Fá 101

Quantum Fá - a practical guide to this Universe
Short Description
Scientific Context
Known Shortcomings

Max Sandor on the web:
Amazon's author page: Maximilian-Sandor
Facebook (Public Figure Page) MaximilianSandor  More >

 Project Summary 3: The Book of Numbers1 comment
category picture23 Sep 2016 @ 16:45
by Max Sandor

The Book of Numbers

Short Description
A system for classifying the qualtitave impact of numbers on anything that can be numbered.

Group theory, scientific numerology, new algebra, numerical series, number base mappings, decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal, number tree, superstition and reality. finite state automata

A system of determining the qualities of groups based on the number of their elements, the sequences of such qualities, its interdependencies, and a mapping to real-life contexts based on empirical science.

What it is not
The number system presented here is not based on what is known as numerology. No properties are asserted to the numbers themselves nor to any derived alphabets.

- 60's: examining letters written by the Brothers Grimm while in exile in Paris revealed to me their view of the import on the occurences of numbers in nature; their impact on human life, whether due to superstitional expectancy or the quality of people or things grouped in certain quantities;
- 70's: working on algorithms for finding optimal paths in graphs included studies of the structure of prime intervals, prime gaps, and the perspective of number trees;
- 80's: established the ConCur paradigm [1] as the basic structure of all things in the Universe and linked it to number trees;
- 90's: with the perspective of Buckminster Fuller's work, I realized ever more clearly the import of the numbers of nodes of geometrical elements on their behavior, their interdependent push/pull structure, and the possibility of even predicting a missing element in the Periodic Table of Elements, like the Buckminsterfullerene (C60);
- 2000-2012: realized that the translational property of the Ifá paradigm [2] is providing a link from the universal structure expressed through ConCur trees to everyday events in human life, including a comprehensive archetypology of human Beings.  More >

 Project Summary 2: UrTon - the basis of spoken languages0 comments
picture22 Sep 2016 @ 16:12
by Max Sandor

the basis of spoken languages

Short Description
A theory on the formation of languages from a single and structured principle.

It is proposed that language can be seen as an intonation of energy patterns which are inherent in the Universe. Variations of these sound patterns in human language occur when humans divide themselves into cultural groups. Over time, the location of pronounciation of sounds changes within the local tract, leading to shifts in vowel and consonants which then become typical for a particular human culture. With the rise of civilization and the division into social groups, memetic reframing occurs, leading to semantic changes of a substantial number of key words. Some of these changes can become neutralized by the applied human language gravitating towards the original character of the energy patterns of the Universe. In today's languages we see a 'mix' of these developments. For this reason, prevailing theories of the origins of language each have certain truths in them but cannot be reconciled without a common platform such as UrTon.  More >

 Project Summary 1: The ConCur Paradigm - the structure of Reality 1 comment
picture18 Sep 2016 @ 00:32
by Max Sandor

The ConCur Paradigm - the structure of Reality

Short Description
A basic model for the simulation of reality and its abstractions thereof as performed in computing processes on both hardware and software level,

A basic model for the simulation of reality and its abstractions thereof as performed in computing processes on both hardware and software level,

Reality simulation, failsafe programming, self-writing code, self-design of robotic systems, bootstrap algorithms, Turing machines, minimal systems, self-correcting robots, recursive algorithms, language design

- Conceptionalized in 1976 as a minimum compiler-compiler (a computer program that creates its own syntax rules) while developing a Meta-Parser (a universal code sequence that defines tokens for any possible language) at the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
- expanded in 1981 for use in hardware design using bit-slice technology
- reframed in the 1980s for use as a simulator for any thinkable reality and submitted as a dissertation at Pacific Western University at Los Angeles in 1990
- introduced to a wider public in 1991 at the IEEE 4th World Conference on Robotics Research, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and published in its proceedings.

Purpose and Scope
To replace current computer software and/or hardware systems with fail-safe, self-generating, and self-optimizing code programming and hardware layers.

"Reality" can be defined as the interpretation of perceptions. Perception is based on the observation of a difference in a signal. A signal difference always yields a polarity. With these elements alone, a machine can be devised which represents reality completely and error-free at any given level of resolution.

In simple words
EveryTHING can be divided into two parts with qualities that could be called yin and yang, female and male, and so forth. Repeatedly doing so will give us a structure called a 'binary tree'. If done correctly it will be a complete and exhaustive description of the THING. The quality of this description depends on how many levels deep the division into yin and yang has been done. It can go from galaxies to molecular structures and is called the 'resolution' of the model. Applying this approach, we can create computers and computer programs that are so close to reality that we could not know which is which from within the system itself. It is postulated that such computing structures use minimal resources and yield maximal speed, safety, and flexibility. The aim is to replace today's complex computer machinery with ConCur based automata.  More >

 Robot Psychologist (by Awaz)18 comments
picture9 Aug 2016 @ 14:35
Robot Psychologist
by Awaz

As a robotics programmer I’m frequently asked; just what does psychology have to do with your line of work? I mean, why take a bachelors degree in something so unrelated to your profession.
The question is not a straightforward one to answer. My position is that an inquiry for knowledge comes from within. The observation of one’s immediate environment the ideal place to start. This year my most present being was Robert, a large white painted industrial robot.
Once coded the destiny of this trained monkey will be to toil endlessly in a factory. The program consist of lifting rock and mineral laden buckets; from a feeder conveyor, weighing them, and emphatically tossing the contents into one of several nearby crushing machines.
Destined to be a blue collar member of society, I began to teach him the necessary commands. Machine Code Commence: Pick bucket stop, If BucketWeight equals X then do Y stop. Else if … and ad nauseam stop.
Long days and late night coffees inherently led to errors in machine coding. Erroneous commands would bring the program screeching to a halt. Debugging the code frequently revealed a contradictory command. A move instruction comparable to the following; Go RightLeft. An obvious impossibility.
I was elated and far from frustrated. I’ve got it! This is similar to when confused people appear rooted to the spot. Seemingly incapable of moving from their position. Go left. Go right. The program that circles in one’s head has stumbled across an un-executable command.
Through an examining of human behaviour I began to see a resemblance with robots. Like machines, humans also appear to follow a pre-programmed script; Human code commence: If 7am wake up stop, if day equals WorkDay then go to place of employment stop… The idea captivated me. Psychologist hypothesize that we are beings of habit, but is this really just another way of saying we follow a structured program? One that we participated in creating and actively go about modifying with each new experience?
Human beings are obviously a lot more complicated than simple factory robots and the idea that we are unconscious beings blindly actioning a coded script is difficult to process at first. However, as I entertain this idea my mind flies along tangents of endless possibilities. And still the question remains; are humans just more complexly programmed machines?  More >

 Project Summary 7: Archetypology of the Human Being1 comment
picture9 Aug 2016 @ 14:35
by Max Sandor

under development, please refer to the book "Your personal archetype" for now

Short Description
Scientific Context
Known Shortcomings

Max Sandor on the web:
Amazon's author page: Maximilian-Sandor
Facebook (Public Figure Page) MaximilianSandor  More >

 Victory, submission or what else? Sign and symbol of the Rio 2016 Kickoff5 comments
picture1 Aug 2016 @ 00:40
4 days and 22 hours to go: Rio 2016. Olympic Games. Playful competition, celebration of the fittest, panem et circensis, or just plain business?

Besides personal and national honors, a lot of dollars are at stake. An excellent time to stir fear and anxiety in the hearts of the people. Prime time for mass manipulation. Who will win the meta-game?

Not leaving out such a good opportunity, the creators of the opening show will dump an ancient rune into the mind of the masses, not just in the Maracanã arena, but also worldwide for a LOT of spectators, perhaps topping three billions. The rehearsals for the opening show, in the works since 5 years, are still going on and the first inquiries are already pouring into my mailbox - about a symbol that will in just a few days massively float into collective consciousness.

If you want the good News only, skip this stuff and scroll down to Good News.

Within the pantheon of today's symbolism, this symbol is clearly the inversion of the Peace symbol. The question is: does it mean that war is about to begin? Or does it mean that it is time to 'surrender'? Or victory? For whom?

The Nazis thought of it as the the rune of life. For those who disagreed with them it became the rune of death. This symbol was the sign of the Nazi's Lebensborn movement, their Eugenics program of creating a master race by weeding out 'unworthy' life, a program that some say never stopped. To bring this Meme down on one of the world's most diverse population seems either uneducated, strange or distasteful. You decide.

In the end, what the rune really meant, nobody seems to know for sure. Wikipedia's entry demonstrates how 'anything goes' in these kinds of interpretations: the Algiz rune There it can basically have any of about 10 different pronounciations and meanings.

On top of that, the rune itself has been equated in ancient times with its opposite; a sure way to confuse everything. Maybe Wilhelm Grimm had it right, it just means 'elk'. In which case, the hidden message is quite clear of course: "Never mind the Kangoroo - here comes the Elk!"

One thing is sure, as I said above, in our times, today that is, if one means something, the other means the opposite. You can't have it both ways. Or can you?

Let's keep always in mind:

"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, "1984"

The psychology of this rune as a stance is interesting, to say the least. In Masonry, it is the "GRAND HAILING SIGN OF DISTRESS", according to this secret symbol spoiler site made by their renegades. Soldiers and thugs alike raise their hands in surrender.

Why would a winner raise his hands to this stance? Is it to indicate that the fight is over and that there is a winner? Is it to end further violence? Or is it demonstrate superiority? To intimidate the beaten opponents into complete submission?

Personally, I hope that these Games will come to a peaceful conclusion. There is so much unnecessary violence, fraud, and incompetence around, it would be good to see some honest competition even if the results mean absolutely nothing. Who cares if a two-legged creature runs one hundred meters in less than nine seconds? Whom is served? Who is saved? Where's the beef? It is its uselessness that makes these kind of games innocent. Enjoyable for whoever wants to enjoy it. Meaningless for everyone else. Yes, it certainly is just 'panem et circensis', an exciting tranquilizer for the masses, and a nice profit for a few. A time to forget what is really going on in the world.

Let's call out the quote for this month of August 2016:

“Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you; if you don't bet you can't win.”

― Robert A. Heinlein, "Time Enough for Love"

And, as far as the rune descending on Maracanâ, whether it means life or death: perhaps Wilhelm Grimm was right and it is an elk? In which case Sigmund may have added "Sometimes an elk is simply an elk!"

Ooops.. with all of this jazz, I never answered the actual question I had been asked: what do you, Max, think that the rune is meaning?
If you did the Quantum-Fá Online Course, the answer is easy: this rune is the equivalent to Odi (in Yoruba), simplified: the element Earth, contraction, defense. The nordic equivalent, you guessed it, is Odin, the template for the names of God in various modern forms: Theos, Zeus, Deus, Dio, (Shang-)Di etc. In applied Ifá is the symbol of Olokun, Poseidon/Neptune, and his trident spear, the powers from below rising. In short, for some perhaps it is the mark of the Beast, for others just plain, good old Paganism.

Good News:
Yes, symbols wield a tremendous power over both the subconscious and the superconscious minds. But if we access the powers they point to, we can rise above them!

As for its symbolism in the Olympics and in general: its meaning is in the eye of the beholder. There is no victory without defeat.

Any true progress is marked by the transcendance of dichotomies. And so we can tranceform this symbol for us, no matter what the original intention has been, to a powerful reminder that THERE IS A THIRD ELEMENT in the human equation.

Whether you call it Tao, aesthetics (Melchior), imagination (Rappoport), transcendence, sattva (Gunas), the Axiom of Mediation (Nordenholz), sukkha (Gotamo Siddharto), the Girapoli Effect (Sandor), Pleroma (Gnostics), or Aufhebung (Hegel):

We as Beings can rise above the polarities and escape the binary prison, if we simply permit ourselves to accept and empower the opposites as what they are instead of ignoring or, worse, fighting them - what once was a limitation now will become a source of raw and pure POWER.

Note: In this particular case, add to Poseidon's trident its inverse and you'll have Earth and Heavens, Odiwori (1001-0110), di tian - the polarity of Ascension!

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