The Sandorian Grove    
 Zeitgeist Quilombo5 comments
picture5 Nov 2010 @ 12:36
Yesterday night we watched "Orí", a film by Raquel Gerber, 1989, 54 minutes.

A documentary, Zeitgeist-style 20+ years ago. But like the 'Zeitgeist' movies, it's more than just a documentary.

"Orí" is an hommage of a young white woman to a black man who died 400 years ago.

The word "Orí" is usually translated as 'head', sometimes as 'destiny'. In this Blog we referenced it quite often in its meaning as 'Higher Self'. As an Aramaic fragment within the Yoruba language, it is the concept of the action of 'Or', the 'light' as referenced in the Genesis as "the Elohim said 'there shall be light' and there was light". Which makes the Yoruban Archons, the Orisha, 'Beings of Light', if one would follow the common Genesis interpretation.

The multi-layered Yoruba language allows also for the interpretation of "Orí" as "that who sees". But, personally I prefer 'vibration' instead of light, comparing it to 'oro', the sound of the 'word', which aligns it with the famous 'in the beginning was the word' as the principle of the first manifestation.

In any case, the title "Orí" seems strange for a documentary about the attempt of a quiet revolution.

What would happen if some people just walked out of society, into the woods, and created there own society, free of dogmas, money-tokens, and forced labor, a society in which every race can coexist in equal rights?  More >

 Passion 4 Truth trailer in support of the Countdown 2012 Workshop Worldtour2 comments
picture4 Nov 2010 @ 20:46

by olodan -

Text taken from Chapter XLIII of the book "Letters from Rome" by Frater Otto:

in English: [link]
Italian: [link]
Portuguese: [link]

Trailing text from Facebook page "Countdown 2012 Workshop Worldtour") (see italian&portuguese translations there [link] )
"The time has come to unite the true leaders of mankind, present and future, to not lose the chance of turning around the battle of mankind for survival in freedom and sovereignty. Time has run out for talking, prophecies, and speculations. We are calling the world's thinkers, activists, its ministers and prophets, to unite them amongst themselves and with the great Spirits of the Universe of past and present in order to make the difference in the war over the destiny of Human Beings! We inaugurated the "Countdown 2012 Workshop Worldtour" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on the 10.10.10, beginning with our first workshop on Saturday, the 9th of October 2010. Don't stay behind! It is sooner than you think. The world is ready for YOU to act."  More >

 Source-Backflow Initiation Process7 comments
picture29 Oct 2010 @ 14:46
A backflow from SOURCE into CREATION is a unique feature of a self-realized Being (Ipsissimus Verus, Übermensch, shaheen bacha (arabic), Uttama-Puriso (Pali), whatever you may call it/him/her). After æons of receiving the nurturing energies of Heavens and Earth, he finally becomes a CONDUIT for the divine energies of SOURCE to flow back into its very own creation.

The design of a process to remove blockages and initiate this backflow is given in the attached diagram. It was handed down by Orunla himself and some questions remain why it works exactly as it works, except that it WORKS like it is given.

- ability to depolarize opposites by concurrent viewing (cp Sandor's simplified Gunas-Process as given in "Polar Dynamics" 1 by Sandor/Dawson, see [link] ) and expand it to a 'quadpole' (cp Girapoli processes in this BLOG)
- handle extreme (hysteric) fears (hint: see them as polar/complement opposites to "unwanted/forbidden desires" and resolve them by the very same "Gunas Process"). THEY WILL COME UP (the last ones that were still hidden) as this is the way the Being inhibits itself from being 'cause' and remains 'effect' of the creation
- ability to separate the perceptions of internal and external 'space'
- knowing how to align one's body/backbone (with Pilates, Alexander or similar) because of sudden shifts in the main Assemblage Point (the Eshu BEHIND one's head/neck, not so much the 'derivates' as described in some literature.)
- have time available without major commitments (competitions/stage shows, etc), for at least 2 days after starting the process.. it can be unsettling emotionally and physically for a while before coming clean..
- like with any quadpole, a "quintessential" force is created/invoked (the "fifth essence") which in turns produces a partial- or full-body "samadhi" (physical peakstate). It can happen that the samadhi sets in before the force has been recognized. In this case just track the 'new' energy that creates/amplify the samadhi.

- the 'logical' quadpole would be blue/yellow inside and not black/white (yielding the '4 powers/Ashe). You can try of course doing it that way, but the process 'runs' only with the given polarity.
- cp the Toth-Diagram: Irosun-Ogunda-Ogbe-Oyeku are used to open up the energies of Ika-fua, 'birth of wisdom' for Iwori-bara (the heavenly child)
- another way to see the configuration: in the Hermetic Ifá-Numeration we see the resolution of Irosun-gunda yields a resolution of the 'traditional' 3 versus 4 conflict (Eshu or Ancestors?)
- do NOT try to 'want' the 'backflow' to happen. This would block the "want/can/must Triad" in Ori (Higher Self) which is indicated in this diagram ONLY for this reference here and is otherwise not 'part of the process' as such.

Lastly, ignore the above if don't know how to do the above just from its description..

That's it...  More >

 Dynamic Colloidal Leadership Vs Static Pyramid Models3 comments
picture21 Oct 2010 @ 14:07
the following was written as part of materials for the first post-workshop meet-up groups of participants of our Countdown 2012 Worldshop Worldtour [link] . It is of such an importance that we posted it here for everyone to have a glimpse.]

"Dynamic Colloidal Leadership Vs Static Pyramid Models"
As we experience dramatic and accelerating shifts in consciousness, globally and individually, we have to revise what we think we know for sure, the bastions of traditions and frozen concepts, not to challenge rebelliously just for the sake of contradiction like children often do with their parents, but with a clear mind and a critical eye for our own belief systems that were never examined in themselves but taken for granted.

One of the pillars of social domination and suppression which mirrored down in the New Age Memes as 'sacred' and 'unshakeable' truth is the myth of the pyramid as a superior model for everything from focusing energy to social structures. This concept is not only dominating 'secret societies' and justification for royal sovereignty but has been thoroughly implanted in the mind of our civilization as 'natural' for the leadership structures from communist to democratic systems.

Just a brief analysis of the flow of information in pyramidal hierarchies shows the complete lack of redundancy and therefore a minimal error-tolerance. Even 'mixed' and 'multi-level' models, while enhancing error tolerance, are still prone to critical paths of systemic failure due to structural deficiencies. Diving a bit in the history of these models, WHICH PERVADE OUR SOCIETY AT LARGE, will show that they are largely self-imposed (cp Ruefli&Storbeck: [link] ) and are therefore clearly contrary to the 'scientific method'.

But let's leave the theory aside and look directly at living systems: nature doesn't arrange itself in pyramidal hierarchies, far from it. Which yields to the argument that stops all arguments: the pyramid as a god-given structure. Period.

Another view, or rather belief-system, if we look closely, is the that the refined Human mind would be superior because it can impose square angles on a nature that isn't square (Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma"). This may be very appealing for minds that are about to evolve from literal to symbolic abstractions but for systemic thinkers, as Buckminster Fuller has shown sufficiently and abundantly, it is just simply a ridiculous outflow of the hybris of 'pyramidal authorities' (sic!) bound by exclusively linear thinking.

Let us now look at dynamic social structures and its so-called 'morphogenetic fields', We investigate these structures since over ten years using three different modalities: clusters of individuals such as families (which we dubbed 'Skywork', see, task-oriented groups (dubbed 'teamshape' ), and larger global structures (recently dubbed 'Kraftwerk' ). Each of these modalities, while following certain common standards since they are fractal instances of social interaction as such, have their own rules of engagement to bring about a solution or establish a new trend. We know of other groups that work in that direction, most notably Otto Scharmer's 'Presencing' and Hellinger's 'Constellations'.

One aspect that became obvious VERY fast, was the observation that social structures gravitate towards triangular structures [link] following a principle already described in the Indian Vedas thousands of years ago (the 'Gunas') and that they start crystallizing following a scheme outlined in [link] before clustering OR subdividing in a fractal fashion.

Invariably, the results were unmistakable: stability and survival in social structures is gravitating towards cells which are fractals of the structure pointed to above.

For a lack of a better name, we called it a 'colloidal leadership structure'.
We use 'colloidal' in the sense of it being a 'state of matter', a 'condition of order' within particles. (see [link] )

In a 'colloidal leadership' scenario all subgroups work towards the common goal with a minimal set of agreed-upon rules, Notable is the complete absence of 'personal command lines' and the ability of modifying its own rules as needed to adapt to the challenge of the task at hand.

If this seems to theoretical, have a look at the most successful accomplishments of recent times: projects like Linux, Wikipedia, even the Internet as such, are based on the colloidal concept and NOT on the pyramidal structure.

Back in the mid 1990's, Flemming Funch [link] and I spent innumerable hours discussing the organizational structure of the dream of a 'New Civilization' (from which the New Civilization Network [link] was born in 1995). We dived into all kinds of models, from Flemming's Holoworld to my 'Freeworld' design and J.Fresco's Venus Project. (some of them outlined in my BLOG-precursor 'The Logs of JD Flora'
[link] ).

These days we witness the biggest challenge to the ruling class the history has ever seen: Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist Movement [link] which promotes Fresco's Resource-Based-Economy (RBE) to replace monetary-based systems.

It's sudden success was only possible because its basic Meme was allowed to 'run free' and naturally develop a colloidal social structure. If it averts the danger of re-crystallizing in pyramidal or other linear structures, it may very well be unstoppable.

Yet, as the pre-calculated drama of this year election in Brazil unfolds (see previous BLOG entry), we can see that the pyramidal powers ALSO start employing colloidal strategies to change, or more precisely 'manipulate', public opinion. Of course, the goal in this is to cloak the true powers-that-be and to reaffirm and solidify the pre-existing pyramidal power structure, a barely masked global feudalistic umpire.  More >

 Braselections: Surrealitistic Democrazy and the need for Zeitgeit Awareness1 comment
picture20 Oct 2010 @ 22:50
If you thought the Obama-craze was funny, you'll have a ball with what's going in Brazil right now. If you cringed, like me, you'll scratch your head in disbelief.
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, Brazilian politicians show you that it can.

Of course, if you don't live (t)here, you could put it aside as a scurrility of a nearly-emerged Third-World-Country that declared independence "only" 188 years and 6 weeks ago and still needs to lay down the shackles of feudalism. NOT! Most of the mud-slinging strategies and infamies of this year's presidential elections have been IMPORTED!

Joseph Marie de Maistre is known as having coined: "Every country has the government it deserves."

But he also summed up what's happening in Brazil's election right now, and perhaps he gave the inspiration to it, who knows:

“False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing.”

And so we find the wife of candidate A going to the streets telling people that candidate B would "kill little children". That's religious-speak for "abortion" which her husband, candidate A, while in office as Health Minister, legalized in the first place. She also conveniently forgot that she aborted herself earlier in her life but this all doesn't matter, it's about defaming candidate B and the lower it gets, the better. And it's just one item in a long list of defamations, circulated openly by 'bishops', 'reverends', and 'fathers', all of them 'holy men in their churches', demonstrating the practical application of the commandment of 'love thy neighbor' by designating candidate B as a new 'Adolf Hitler' and the candidate for its vice as a 'convicted satanist'. So you have it! Of course, the election laws prohibit political defamation but, this is Brazil, mind you, and some of the highest judges of the country not only stand-by in this charade but even tried to create a last-minute law to require voters to present two identification documents, practically eliminating most of the poor voters from voting. In favor of candidate A, of course.

Again, take notice, this state of affairs is symptomatic for today's democratic systems. It's the SYSTEM, stupid, one is tempted to say, but enough of violent communication for now...

Is a system change such as Fresco's 'Resource Based Economy (RBE)" possible in the light of the massive manipulation at all levels? Again, let's make it clear again, Brazil's situation is not much different than that of the United States or Italy, regardless of who will be winning this ridiculous and disgusting election process.

As long as there are "..honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing. (Maistre)”, the fight for honest elections is hopeless and doomed from the beginning.

Only a massive change of awareness at all levels of the society can have a chance and even then, the empire WILL strike back, violating the country's own laws as demonstrated in Brazil, or create new laws to break the old ones like in Italy and the US.

The old paradigms have been impressed on the population so massively and thoroughly that only a wide-spread success of a movement like the Zeitgeist [link] has a chance to bring about a change in consciousness on a larger, global level, a change that is needed to prevent the collapse of our civilization.

But it needs a 'spiritual tangent', a side-force of spiritual 'Aufklärung', and not just the disclosure of the absurdities of the world's economic system. "Aufklärung" does not mean 'enlightenment' as it is commonly translated ('enlightenment in German is 'Erleuchtung'). "Aufklärung" means literally "clearing up", it is a PROCESS and not a sudden event. It means to systematically strip one's belief systems of the past and start seeing for oneself. It is on-going work and not a god-given flash of insight.

This is why we here at the Sandorian Grove decided to concentrate on radically expanding spiritual awareness in our 'Countdown 2012 Worldtour' campaign [link] . And we are not alone! All over the world people start waking up to the fact that they need to wake up as Beings and go beyond the rotten spiritual paradigms of the past. We see with great joy films like "2012 Time for Change" by Daniel Pinchbeck, directed by João Amorim from Brazil, for example, and I'm convinced we will see many more laudable efforts coming up soon.

After all, it IS an exciting time to live in! The devil's advocate would say: it was the outrageous misconduct of the world's leaders that FORCED the people to wake up, in other words perhaps we should be thankful that there are not hiding their greed and deceptions any more !?

We don't want 'hope' that only will be betrayed blatantly.
We don't want to chant any more 'WE CAN'.
Now we will simply "ENGAGE IN CHANGE"!  More >

 Serfs Anonymous - the 12-Step Program for 7 billion people4 comments
picture4 Oct 2010 @ 01:01
Revised Oct 4th 2010

What started out as a prank is taking a more serious dimension. The "Passion 4 Truth" Movement [link] has offered their support and webspace on their site because, let's face it, the problem not exists but it *is* serious.

We will update the program as we go along here and on the new site at [link]

SA, Serfs Anonymous

It was a about time...

And, if you think you're not one the nearly 7 billions on Earth who are SERFS, meditate upon

Today's Lemma:

"Nobody is more a slave than who thinks who would be free without being it."

"Niemand ist mehr Sklave als der sich für frei hält ohne es zu seyn."
from: Die Wahlverwandtschaften, Volume 14‎ - pg 259, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Cotta, 1817

SA's 12-Step Program consists of:

* Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our destiny - that our lives had become unmanageable

* Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

* Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of our True Self as we understood our True Self

* Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

* Step 5 - Admitted to our True Self, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs

* Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have our True Self remove all these defects of character

* Step 7 - Humbly asked our True Self to remove our shortcomings

* Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all

* Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

* Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it

* Step 11 - Sought through communication and meditation to improve our conscious contact with our True Self as we understood our True Self, praying only for knowledge of our True Self's will for us and the power to carry that out

* Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other Serfs, and to practice these principles in all our affairs  More >

 Housing & City Design based on the Toth Diagram2 comments
picture24 Sep 2010 @ 19:13
If we look carefully at the cultural&social distribution of conglomerations of people such in cities without a design enforced by nature or city architects, we will find certain recurring patterns. To name but a few, the traditional rich people that control the power structures are residing in the Westside of the city, the newcomers, managers, and production leaders aggregate in the Northern part, the workers and 'lower classes' move to the Eastside, the low-to-medium income groups and artists prefer the Southern part of the city.

Analyzing the preferred and optimal distribution of energies around the human body (such in in the Girapoli 3 and 4 Peakstate configurations [link] ), we come to similar conclusions.

A similarity of optimal functional distributions for human bodies and the environment they live in has already be described in the Vedic text Vaastu Shastra [link] .

Western architects, so far, did not progress further than a systematic employment of the golden mean. Even futurist projects like the Venus Project [link] places the geometry of resource distribution above the social well-being of people living in its cities in which the old, traditional landmarks have been moved to museums because they were in the way of energy efficient design considerations.

If we superimpose the Toth diagram over city maps (e.g São Paulo, Brazil, in the picture), we can study such a natural 'gravitation' of social groups towards certain places in even more detail than the already very refined design principles of Vaastu Shastra. We can find a 'living proof' of both the Vaastu Shastra principles and the more specific Toth diagram.

To hint to an explanation of this phenomenon, we can see the '16 Universal Principles' ("Olodu" in Ifá), as representing the 'hidden variables' in David Bohm's Quantum Theory. Within the fractal design of the Universe, we are able to recognize the distribution of energies within structures optimized by nature, regardless of its size. Whether the human body, a house, or an entire city, we can discern these basic principles at any given level.  More >

 From "Max Sandor's Tales to his grandson"439 comments
picture16 Sep 2010 @ 19:00
Chapter 55
Learning how to subtract

Max: "Anthony, look at that tree!"
(Anthony looks)
Max: "Thank you! How many monkeys do you see in that tree?"
Anthony: "Three."
Max: "That's right. Now, if one of the monkeys would fall from the tree, how many monkeys would there be left?"
Anthony: "Monkeys don't fall from trees. Leaves, dead branches, Abacates (1), Açai. Goioba, Maracuja, and Carambola, all these can fall from trees. But monkeys don't. But Cajá-manga and Guabiroba and Jatobá and..."
Max: "Ok, Ok, thank you! Let's just say one of the monkeys would come down to get a banana or something. How many monkeys would there be left in the tree?"
Anthony: "They ate the last of our bananas yesterday, don't you remember, you said /(%"£..."
Max: "Ok, ok, ok, you're right again. So let's assume one of the tree monkeys would come down from the tree to play with you, How many monkeys would there be left in the tree?"
Anthony: "No monkey would come down there. Our Rottweilers are sitting in front of that tree."
Max: "Very well so, Let's say I would call now the Rotties to come over here to play with us and then...
Anthony: "...they wouldn't come if you would call them. They listen only to me."
Max: "Ok, ok, ok, ok. Then let's say YOU would call them, and then one of the monkeys could come down, and then, please tell me, how many monkeys are there in that tree?"
Anthony: "Look, there are now four of them. They got something to play with!"
Max: "Fine. Do you see what they're playing with? Let's see how many monkeys would there be left if two of them would escape with the thing they're playing with? What is that thing?"
Anthony: "It's your wallet. Look they play with your credit cards! Now, let's say you had 5 credit cards and the monkeys took away two of them. Tell me, how many cards do you have left, Max? Max?? Maaax?????"
Max (running&screaming): "&()/&%$$$£)..."

(1) Brazilian fruits native to the Sandorian Grove, such as Mutamba, Pequi, Taperebá, Cupuaçu, Mangaba, Siriguela, Pinha, Pitanga, Sapotí. Umbú, just to name a few more..  More >

 David Hilbert and Beelzebub's Second Law of Nature11 comments
picture12 Aug 2010 @ 15:55
As a child I once got spanked for peeing at the side of David Hilbert's grave in Göttingen. Besides the obvious humiliation, what remained in my traumatized mind were Hilbert's supposedly last words, engraved on his tombstone:

„Wir müssen wissen.
Wir werden wissen.“
("We have to know, we shall know!")

Did his postulate 'stick' with me? Are there 'positive engrams'? Is it that what's driving my relentless mind to dive into the abyss of human thought?

Be it as it may, Hilbert's assertion, and likewise his curve, never ceased to spook around in some remote regions of my brain, and, strangely, just when I thought I could safely forget about it, I'll be reminded immediately that a problem just doesn't walk away if you simply ignore it.

Just like Riemann, Gauss, and Moebius [link] , the ghosts of Göttingen are still haunting me.

Back in LA, Tony Matweecha RIP, the man who proved that Riemann's sphere is NOT a sphere (by the simple laws of homology since there is one point on the top of the sphere for which there is no tangent), Tony had this to say when I told him how and why I got spanked many years ago: "did you notice that your piss went down in a curve, parabolically to be more precise?" Well, right on, that's how a mathematician thinks after all. I already eulogized Tony on this Blog more than once, so here goes another one of his gems, one for which he didn't take credit himself but assigned it to his own math prof at UCLA, a former assistant to Albert Einstein at Princeton:
If Einstein were right and space were curved and Riemann's transformation were applicable, with the help of a super-sharp razor from Occam's stock, being located on Earth, we MUST conclude that the true shape of Earth is in reality a PLANE.

Of course, this didn't win him any friends even though he PROVED IT WRONG, far from it, and so he died alone, after some fruitless NASA years in Pasadena and a decade of visualizing new solutions for approximating 3D splices in a japanese mini-thinktank. Still to these days, the mentioning of the mathematical possibility of Earth being a plane, if Einstein's assumptions were correct, that is, drives anyone ballistic, sure enough, so, for the record, I'll officially refrain from mentioning it and yield to the brute force of Copernicus' counter-Meme.

To the dismay of the managers of the hitech lab, we filled Tony's room with smoke so thick we could study Hilbert's and Beelzebub's curves in the drifting clouds above us, measuring cigarette consumption in octaves rather than packs. Would it not have been for the heroic figure of GZ joining us frequently, nobody other than us would have seen these strange twists of the shape of this Universe, unfolding for us while coughing our lungs out.

To recap, Beelzebub's FIRST law of the Universe is, of course, the law of the triad, "Trimonia". Gurdjieff would not have been the genius he was, if he would have ignored that one. But the second law, Eftologodiksis, is what it's all about, the curvature of the space in which we live, and the resulting birth of the octave and the lambdoma, where Gurdjieff and Pythagoras are joining themselves in the infinity of Meme-space.

It consoles me somehow that Beelzebub pulled out another law, the ‘Accumulation of Similarities’, in order to justify the jump from a curved line joining in itself in infinity to the phenomenon of the Octave. Sometimes I wish that Anton Walter Smetak [link] were still alive as he jungled with the lambdoma like noone else since Pythagoras&friends.

But hope is on the way: I'm working hard on convincing Mark II (what a prodigenous name!!!) to do a retranslation of Gurdjieff's chapter 39 of his 'Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson'. And, who knows, a congenial mind like his, may very well uncover the mechanics of the ruminations of Gurdjieff&Beelzebub. Let's hope he doesn't twist his brain to pieces while attempting this gigantic task.

Meanwhile, let's sit back and watch the drift... or, perhaps, if I weren't that lazy, I should really start an expedition to find that ONE spot on Earth that cannot be touched by a tangent of REAL Earth, the plane that is, you know what I mean. Which may very well make Hilbert forgiving me for peeing on his grave. After all, it would prove Riemann wrong. What else could a mathematician hope for other than disproving another one of his own kind?  More >

 Double Attention4 comments
picture11 Aug 2010 @ 19:13
Few have realized the full importance of the ability to have the attention on more than one object of the senses at the same time. In fact, other than Gurdjieff and someone whose name I don't remember, was it Osho RIP?, nobody talks about it, if one can believe the Google search engine, do you?, unless it appears as a PROBLEM rather than an ability.

Yes, that's right, a PROBLEM. The mere thought of doing two things at the same time seems frightening to some people and you'd better be prepared to defend yourself, physically if necessary!, if you think of proposing it to your neighbor, friend or foe.

In the attached picture, one of the 'collective' instruments of Anton Walter Smetak (from the book 'Simbologia dos instrumentos', Associaçao dos Amigos do Smetak, Salvador 2001). He called his instruments 'instru-mentos', designed to instruct our minds to see beyond the mono-vision of our prevalent culture, towards a 'supercosmic, supermental, and submental reality' (he quotes Sri Aurobindo).

Music expands our awareness by oscillating between extremes, raising awareness of the polarities in life, the dance of Shiva and Shakti, and the mediating part of communication between the two. Even though his nomenclature of Indian devas and super-devas is drawn from confusing sources (and readers of this Blog are unforgiving in such things!), Smetak's observations of the underlying principles of dualities and triads in music, which for him is LIFE itself, are enlightening and clearly deserves an audience beyond the speakers of the Portuguese language.

Yes, double attention, nothing for the faint-hearted (disclaimer: don't engage in such hideous practices while driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery!). And it's sorely missed in today's school books.

Such is the case for 'peripheral vision' as well, it seems. Far from being only a 'must' for airplane pilots and not limited to the natural talent of daughters of Oshun in studying male prospects without giving away any sign of her interest, these skills can and SHOULD BE learned by everyone, beginning at the preschool level.

Today's society experiences a state of vertigo. Spaceship Earth is in a spin. Recoverable or not, it's a bad thing, as every pilot knows. Unless you're flying aerobatics. And even then, the last time I did, at Burbank airport, I was vomiting for 2 hours after 5 flat spins in a row (this was in fact the last time and I deep-sixed my planned career as an aerobatic pilot right there and then).

Maybe we should start a war against monovision? Let's beat the foveas out of our lives once and for all! Playing our minds as collective instruments rather than trying to trump each other with intellectual games which are fun but rarely yield what's promised.

Peripheral Visionaries of the World, Unite!  More >

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