17 Dec 2009 @ 19:16
Everytime I visited my friend Bruce in Pasadena, I giggled&admired the giant poster he had in his office. It came from the Albert Ellis Institute once [link] and I recreated it here for the BLOG...
Truly a golden rule :)
Looking the Albert Ellis site, they have an interesting-sounding game there, the “Let’s Get Rational” Game [link]
Would get it myself to check it out if I wouldn't hang out in Brazil.. anything going to there from the US is at least for times its price, with freight and import taxes.
Which reminds me to remind you that it's still time to get some interesting things as Xmas presents for your loved ones such as:
- the revolutionary book 'Polar Dynamics 1' [link]
- the Logs from a time 5 years before the BLOG arrived, a PhiloFi series: the Logs of JD Flora
- Ed's fantastic PhiloFi [link]
- a book better than the Dan Brown stuff from someone who doesn't want that I say who he is: [link]
- something to think about: Dare to Inquire: Sanity and Survival for the 21st Century and Beyond [link]
- some modern Orisha music if it's getting too boring [link]
(lastly, if you have something yourself to add, drop me a line!)
Happy (intelligent!) xmas shopping!!! More >
15 Dec 2009 @ 14:01
MJ sang:
"Don't blame it on the sunshine
Don't blame it on the moonlight
Don't blame it on the good times
Blame it on the boogie!"
He got it wrong, sorry. It was and is, like always. God's fault! The Boogie man must be him, after all he made it all possible!
Exactly like the contamination of today's world's rice crops with an experimental variety called LL601. It was tested and found not worthy around 2001 and today it's all over the place.
Bayer CropScience of Research Triangle Park, N.C, knows exactly why: it's them stupid farmers and an "act of God", [link]
So, don't blame it on the Boogie, pleeeze..
Did I mention that the "variety" was never approved by the "authorities"?
(Bayer is working hard on that to fix that retroactively, it's been only 8 yrs after all since they did it, after all).
Should I mention that it was following Monsanto's weird-killer ’roundup ready’ strategy of usurping the world markets? [link]
Smart move, if your patented genes show up around the world, you own the world! Sure, you got the "copyright"! If them stupid farmers don't want'em it's their problem.
Maybe I should mention the industry labs are 'certain' that a connection Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and Bayer's pesticide of the bee colonies cannot be proven
Not in 2000 when it was banned in France [link] much less in 2009 [link]
Meanwhile, in Copenhagen, the wealth of nations gets redistributed over an issue that REALLY could be seen as an "act of God", at least if you're Sun worshipper: the notorious ClimateChange [link] (note to the link: the guys say something plausible while still not realizing that temperatures are DROPPING since years. [link]
Let's keep our heads cool, too! It's of no use to jump from one hype into the next.
Let's not forget to push for Open Science and to get politicians and industry to stop telling scientists what to publish or not to publish. And, last not least, let's get the judges out of the labs, telling us what 'science' is good for us and what is 'bad'!
If in doubt, remember, don'sing along with Michael RIP, but chant:
"Let's blame it on the sunshine!"
Can't go wrong with that one :) More >
11 Dec 2009 @ 16:38
While we arrived at a fairly comprehensive update of the ancient system of Ifá for modern times in regards to the primal energies (Olodus), there still was a considerable lack of linking energies and the archetypes.
Note, that the primal energies (Olodus) can be seen as an axiomatic system of the 16 basic principles of anything that exists (see Polar Dynamics 1 by Sandor/Dawson [link] )and it's binary geometry is reflected in the Toth Diagram [link] .
The Archetypes (or Archons, Devas, Orishas, Spiritual Guides, or Archangels, Sephiroth, whatever you like to call them) never fit exactly in the binary structure of the energy polarities (Olodus). It was significant to realize that contemplating the binary sequence alone was not sufficient. One crucial question was the overlap of the Eshu (counter) forces from below with the Orisha forces from 'above'.
Note, that this way of seeing 'creation' is NOT 'creationalistic' but supports the concept of 'evolution', and very much so, except for the 'design' aspect and the 'first unfolding', two topics for which the 'evolutionist' do NOT have a response themselves.
When I branched out to the decimal system of 'counting' the archetypal forces, I looked again at the odd relationship between the number of 201 Archetypes (in this aspect also called Irunmole) and the number of 256 energies (Olodus) out of which they spring, and then, after realizing that there are 55 prime numbers between 1 and 256, saw that the Archetypes arise out of the 201 non-prime numbers and that the 55 prime numbers are allocated exclusively to Eshus (and another force which I will not name here).
Edward J. Dawson spearheaded a new division of the Archetypes in the past years. A part of this work is reflected in our book 'Your Personal Archetype' [link] but much progress was made since then. Most importantly, he realized the concordance of the 6 archetypes, 3 males and 3 females, with the concept of the 'triune brain' (link?) and charted the four-directional subdivision of the 6 'archetype complexes', matching them with 'traditional' observation.
Already some time ago, I found that the numbering within one of the traditional Ifa divination systems, the 'Merindinlogun', is the 'real' numbering system within the Archetypes and that it is a decimal and not a binary system. It took longer to also find out that it is multiplication that creates 'offspring' of the main archetypes and not addition (as it is predominant in 'sacred number' theories).
Looking at the number space in relation to the archetypal forces, I arrived at a crystal, and with the help of the 2.5yr old crystal child Anthony, as you can see in the photo attached, we made a little 'clay-match-demo' of Anthony's Crystal!
How would a 'new/old Genesis' then read when built onto the decimal numberspace? More >
11 Dec 2009 @ 13:26
After ClimateGate comes another major blow for the (religious) institution called 'Science': the Nobel Prize Award for a war apologist. [link]
How low can it get before the 'scientific community' wakes up and defends its own integrity?
As far as Afghanistan goes: see [link] and [link]
"In 2007, Afghanistan supplied 93% of the world's opium, according to the U.S. State Department. Illicit poppy production, meanwhile, brings $4 billion into Afghanistan, or more than half the country’s total economy of $7.5 billion, according to the United Nations Office of Drug Control (UNODC)."
Congrats to all the nations who help Obama to continue this scheme, including the Germans [link] who really should know better. Oh well...
On the bright side, there's sun out there, the first time in some weeks, maybe we'll have a bit of summer coming down to Brazil after all :) More >
10 Dec 2009 @ 14:51
Looking at the pool this morning, I got a surprise: it looked like frozen and snowed over. We're in Brazil, mind you, and it's only a few days to the SUMMER solstice on December 21st. So, how's that possible?
Mainstream media over here is bigtime twisting words around and pushes all the buttons they can think of. Yesterday it was 'weather isn't climate, stupid!', today is 'the heavy rains in South America are a consequence of Climate Change'.
Good thing they changed their language in time: in the 70's it was 'Global Freezing', in the 90's theay started 'Global Warming' and now it's 'Climate Change'. Every 20 years a different thing. And Climate Change is the perfect synthesis of Global Freezing and Warming, isn't it? How ingenious!! Al Gore and the IPCC should hand over their fraudulous Nobel Prizes to whoever came up with this cool SPIN.
Wow... these are adult people who come up with this, but then, they must be getting very well paid for it... or lose their job if they express their own opinions as demonstrated by the ClimateGate e-mails. Emails in which the death of sceptic Daly was celebrated like a victory. Just for this infamous act, they should lose their jobs, or even face a court judgement. People like this are destroying the people's confidence (belief?) today's into Science at large. On the other hand, this may not be so bad after all.
In any case, 40 years ago in my first classes in Statistics at the University, the 'science' of Statistics was not quite a 'science' yet, it was a hybrid, rejected by the Faculty of Mathematics as well as Physics, a fatherless and motherless enterprise which was heavily joked and sneered upon.
One of the first things we learned was how to create any wanted trend out of a sufficiently random sample of data just by selecting the right time frame, even without data suppression. Many years later, at the University of Los Angeles (UCLA), the rumor of a mathematical treatise was going around: a work that supposedly provided the mathematical proof that any statistics can be twisted to yield any wanted result. Later, this urban legend (?) claimed the treatise had been rejected as a dissertation thesis and the book banned.
That was in the 80's and the tide was changing from Global Freezing to Global Warming. These stories and more came in from the department of Mathematics via my friend Tony Matweecha until his premature death. He was a great person, a former student of the main Assistant of Einstein who translated his lectures at Princeton, a circumstance that provided us with a plethora of Einstein stories, some fascinating and some sad ones. If I should ever waste my time by writing a book on the truth about Statistics, I would dedicate the book to him. But, then, maybe that would be quite an empty book, some may say: where is the truth in Statistics?
Be it as it may, today's early pool surprise turned out to be quite simple: a large tree at the pool side shed a lot of his billions of small flowers: it was literally snowing flowers until this afternoon.
Well, I will clean the pool now, hoping it won't start snowing flowers again soon. More >
8 Dec 2009 @ 14:25
Obama. he can do it! Yes, he just declared Carbon Dioxide a deadly poison!
At first I thought we see another Dihydrogen Monoxide Meme-Play(see [link] ) but NOOOO !!!
He's serious, I can't believe it. Even worse, how many people accept this incredible SUPER-SPIN of the worst kind.
So, let's d(r?)eforest our planet, throw away all soda drinks, no more beer!
However, Carbon Dioxide [link] is, besides air, seriously, the most vital gas that sustains life as we know it.
One could make the argument that TOO MUCH of it becomes a problem, just like water became deadly if you drowned. But that's entirely another argument and given that more than 30% of Earth's surface is desert, one could argue even that we NEED MORE CO2, see:
"plantsneedco2" [link] :
Earth and it's inhabitants need more, not less, CO2.
More CO2 means:
* More Plant Growth
* Plants need less water
* More food per acre
* More robust habitats and ecosystems
CO2 is Earth's greatest airborne fertilizer. Without it - No Life On Earth!
(end of quote)
So, the Good News is that not everybody falls for this silly Meme of "CO2==poison" !
Nothing more to add...
Except, yes, we should clean up Earth!!! But we should look in the right corners and not blame water and co2. The focus on the false culprits and bogus solutions prevents the TRUE DANGERS to be seen, such as the dangers of transgenic food and virus experiments, and chemical pollution of soil and oceans by multinational irresponsible corporations. These are the real dangers to the future of humanity and too few people are aware of it.
After ClimateGate we know for sure, that the guys behind the 'science' are very well aware of that temperatures DECLINE since 10 years now and are very much below the Medieval Time 'Global Warming', facts they conspired to hide with statistical 'tricks', as they themselves admitted.
We should recognize the climate hype as what it really is: a giant redistribution of global wealth in the order many, many TRILLIONS of dollars. We should look WHO HAS TO GAIN and WHO WILL LOSE in this game. More >
28 Nov 2009 @ 15:53
A message reached me just now (via IVy) from Ed Berwick:
"I am sorry to inform you all that Alan passed away yesterday morning. He did so peacefully in his sleep."
MJS: Alan was one of the giants in the field of awakening people of today.
We talked for many hours over the technical issues concerning what he called the 'Codes' (and we call 'Odu' or 'Polarity' in Polar Dynamics 1). He was one of the few who recognized and promoted the application of 'Conditions of Existence' in a comprenhensive way. But his acomplishments are so many that it is impossible to list them all.
Alan was a living example of greatness!
May many still benefit of his life work and heritage which he compressed into what he called Knowledgism (see [link] )
(full text of Neville' message follows here) More >
19 Nov 2009 @ 13:12
Reflecting on the impact of Indian philosophy on the occidental world:
Witnessing what is being 'sold' as Yoga in the Western world is quite a sorry thing.
Yoga means 'union' but what exactly should be UNITED has been forgotten or is being ignored: Shiva and Shakti, Spirit and Soul, in their eternal dance, confused, melted together, a total chaos within most people's lives.
Today's yoga teachers should teach how to recognize and separate spirit, soul, and body BEFORE trying to do the UNION (yoga)!!!
There is only one major current that is reflecting the original wisdom of the Vedas in the West, the Ayurvedic system, and even there most of the practitioners in speaking and writing about it are confusing the qualities ("gunas") with their deficiencies ("doshas") and fail to perceive its global and universal importance beyond an oily 'massage'.
The recognition that there are three minds, one each for the spirit, soul, and the body itself is a major step in itself but the separation of them to re-join them as a new unit is quite a different task. In all the years I encountered only one 'school' (cult?) of the original Patanjali line buried in a suburb of Mumbai (back then Bombay) that was teaching in that direction.
Patanjali, the author of the famous 'Yogasutram', was so afraid that his teachings could be abused that he 'cloaked' the deeper aspects of his teachings, especially that what was called 'reversed gunas' in Polar Dynamics 1 [link] , a book still unparalleled in its importance.
On a positive footnote, mainstream thinking is evolving towards a clearer view of things: even 'official psychology' is starting to recognize the significance of archetypes beyond Jung's rough sketches and the fractionalization of the human identities beyond Freud's ID and SUPER-ID.
More on that coming soon.. More >
16 Nov 2009 @ 00:24
Gotamo Siddharto,aka the 'Buddha', was said to have proclaimed 2500 yrs ago that at the root of the confusion of human Beings we would find the misunderstanding about the true relationship between 'cause and effect'.
This is an interesting statement, in especially considering that 'cause and effect' is a polarity, a pair of complementary opposites, two-sided, in Pali, literally 'dukkha' (commonly mistaken for 'suffering', cp my rantings in the Purple Notebook on that subject). That means it would have been included already in his "3 negative properties of Universe". Leaves the case that Gotamo perceived 'cause&effect' as a super-polarity on top of his 8-fold path of 'oba-odus' (see Polar Dynamics 1 on that).
In any case, true to his Vedic heritage of his times, he expressed these 3 negative properties as a triad of 'doshas', the negative qualities or imbalances of the 'positive' triad called 'Gunas:
1. Every manifestation is two-fold (sabbe dhammaa dukkhaa)
2. Every manifestation is unstable (sabbe dhammaa aniccaa)
3. Every manifestation is non-identity (sabbe dhammaa anattaa)
One could now contemplate that the 3 flaws ('doshas') could well be an 'axiomatic system' of the failure in human thinking, consideration, and ability to conclude and deduct.
Let's look at more 'modern' thinkers and tinkerers: flaw #3 was expressed in its own way by Count Alfred Korzybski, founder of 'General Semantics', famous for the sayings "the word is not the thing". "the map is not the territory", etc.
Flaw #2, the concept of "semper flux", "nothing is permanent" was reflected and solutioned by Korzybski very well in his 'time binding' concept.
Flaw #1 is not very broadly known or used, at least not explicitly. Besides some secret modern Gnosticists, it was only Hegel to consider the 'pairs of opposites' as a central problem in philosophy. His followers promptly 'sequentialized' it in to separate issues: thesis,antithesis, and synthesis by introducing a timeline. The 'dialectics' has been too much distorted to serve as a criterium for assessing the flaws in the thinking of modern man.
Hubbard had a clear view of this concept but only a limited handling. He expressed the concept of the Gunas triad as 'doingness, havingness, beingness' and saw the basic relationship to 'goals' of humans but his resulting 'GPM handling' (Clearing Course) was so flawed that it produced serious problems.
So, let's see a tentative hitlist of the 'Major Flaws in Human Thinking':
1. Misunderstanding of the Cause&Effect relationship (Gotamo)
2. Improper Identifications (Gotamo, Hubbard, Korzybski)
3. Distorted time (Korzybski)
4. Polarizations (Gotamo, Patanjali, Hegel, Nordenholz)
5. thinking in 'absolutes' rather than 'relatives' (Korzybski, Hubbard, NLP usage of absolutes like 'to be', 'always', never,' etc..)
6. Thinking in Singularity/Solipsism (aka the Yaltabaoth Syndrom)
did I forget something?
aah, nothing new from academix since Adorno.. (who was chewing upon Hegel)
;-) More >
11 Nov 2009 @ 19:00
From: 'Beyond Good and Evil" (by Frater Otto, currently translated by Max Sandor)
"... how it came that man of our times, of our morals, with all his cults, ideas conceived, has lost his days and years of happiness? Tell me, please tell me, since no one still has yet us briefed.
We eye the simple man of nature, we wonder why he is serene. We show him what we have and then we have to watch: how is he loosing innocence and rapture? How does his fate turn suddenly, from choice to slavery, inside and outwards, outside and inwards?
We know we cannot back up, we can't go back, turn our backs: to that we got we owe. And, no, we still don't know what we're missing, what we have left behind. What does prevent us from being happy and free? What is man waiting for? Why is he dreaming and not living?
Thousands of books have been written. They have been printed in the millions. And for a little time, here and there, some people get a glimpse of happiness, yes, but shallow in comparison, feeble and weak, for seconds, may be minutes, what should be years and lives.
Not yet one, so much I know, has talked about what's really missing. Or, if he did, who ever listend?
This much I know for sure, a bushman told me: if you can feel the moment after triumph, if you can feel contentment, of yourself, your family, after you've brought home what you had hunted, if you can feel that, no matter what you want, it's yours!
But you guys, white and tall, are thinking and talking, you are dreaming. Not even about what you would have once you've got it. But NO, you're dreaming about how you are going about it, what others talk about it, thinking about what you should think in order to get there instead of feeling what you will feel after it's yours.
And therefore, you have all these fancy things around you, designed to make you satisfied. But, look, you can never be happy because you never feel the joy of your conquests, you never think of it. Instead, you keep on running, breathless, just like the hunted animal you're are supposed to catch.
But it's so simple: if you feel gratitude, life itself will rush to bring you what will make you happy. If you feel freedom in yourself, shackles and ropes of slavery slip away by themselves. If you can feel the feeling of achievement already now, you won't be able to avoid success.
It's too easy, I can hear you think, no pain no gain, you say it and you mean it. But what you get through effort and through force is only what comes before them: emergencies and violence.
You like to imagine and to boast that you know what's yielding what, cause and effect, and maybe so, but as you don't use that what you know, you're running after happiness without ever catching it, chasing abundance but living like a slave, dreaming of freedom to do what you want, without time to enjoy just one minute all that you got. More >
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