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 At what point does a symbiotic relationship become parasitic?15 comments
picture6 Jul 2009 @ 20:08
Somewhat surprised that somehow perhaps it wasn't clear what I referred to in my last BLOG entry, due to excessive tongue-in-cheek one may speculate, an interesting question arised nonetheless: besides that every living organism is part of the food chain and one could see the parasites of human bodies as establishing a 'bottom-up' food chain, at what point is symbiotic relationship turning parasitic?

This point is even more important if we forget of the parasites of Humans and instead look at Human Parasites.

In October 2004 I wrote on this BLOG about the phenomenon called 'Bread of Shame' ("nehama d’ksufa") [link] as a basic paradigm of the architecture of this Universe. In the context at hand, we could postulate that the turning point from symbiotic to parasitic behavior would happen due to a 'polarity reversal': the parasite does NOT give back anything substantial in exchange to the host, in contrast to a symbiotic behavior pattern, and in the end TURNS AGAINST the host, even claiming that the HOST would be 'out-of-exchange', the parasite. Exactly this is happening since quite some time, globally and at the highest levels of command.

I wished I had some new solutions at hand but what I wrote in 2004, sadly so or not, is still the case:

M. Because of its basic nature, the phenomenon of the 'bread of shame' is very difficult to teach to people, perhaps impossible. One could come to the conclusion that one of the basic purposes of a human life is to bring about the awareness of it along with its balancing.

In addition, meanwhile it became even clearer to me that it is NOT sufficient to educate and provide solutions on an individual level but rather that one needs to change the EMBEDDING CULTURES.

Well, you know the rest of that game...

Good luck to all of us ;-)  More >

 If Darwin were right, Part X: The Evolution of Human Parasites5 comments
picture2 Jul 2009 @ 14:59
There was a time when a parasite was content to be parasite. It would grow, live, and benefit from the lifeforce of his host.

It didn't yet control the choices of the host. Survival was easy for both, it seemed.

If it wasn't for fighting off the other, cmpeting, parasites, life was good.

Gd knows what happened. Maybe Darwin was right: the parasite that adapted itself the best way prevailed.

It mutated to survive better than the other parasites around.

Or was it that the host didn't evolve quickly enough?

Back in those days the host didn't do quite yet what the parasites told him to do.

It wouldn't necessarily eat what the parasites wanted him to it. He wouldn't think the way the parasites told him to think.

And he would act to seek out his own way instead of trying to please the parasites.

There was no danger yet that the host would perish.

Ok, Ok sometimes a host would die, eaten up. But then, there were still other hosts available.

The remaining parasites would adapt themselves to a different type of host or culture - Darwin was right after all!

Or perhaps, the Theists were right: Gxd didn't like the type of guy he created, so he sent them parasites clever e nough to suck 'em to death.

But then the parasites are totally convinced that God is on their side, and only theirs, as they claim boldly.

And that their host would be a wild beast that wouldn't deserve to live anyway.

Isn't it so that the parasites nowadays think being the master and their hosts being slaves? And aren't the hosts stupid enough to not recognize its own parasites, choking 'em to death?

As long as the host survives, all is fine for the parasites. If the host succumbs but there is still another another host around, there is hope in dark times.

In the end, with no more hosts around the way of the parasite comes a sticky end, if not an abrupt halt.

Whether Darwinism evolution has us led to a dead end, or whether Gxd made some bad choices, both parasite and host will die together.

And, after the show is over, who is to say who would have been the host and who was the parasite?  More >

 Memebusters at Work: Expanding Earth Vs Moving Plates5 comments
picture11 Jun 2009 @ 21:56
After its proper creation, Memes become empowered by repetition. Every time it is emphasized its 'mass' of significance grows, like water filling a tub. Some call it 'pooling' if it's done intentionally, I personally prefer 'chain-pooling', as repetitions are creating chains of experiences. The vast majority of people indulge in creating chains of negative experiences. When 'everybody' is doing some identical thing, one can safely assume it is insane, so I'll try to do the opposite these days.

One particularly strange meme of 'science' which I was a victim of for a long time, is the idea the ground we're walking on would 'swim' on a core of liquid magma, causing the continents to float around. As a kid I drew colorful pictures of this for school with great satisfaction even though it was a bit strange to image we would not be on solid ground. But then, the visualization of hanging on to Earth upside down during 24 hours was already strange enough.

Recently I luckily witnessed the floating continents meme busted, and even more recently appeared an ingenious animation.

Please now enjoy the following:

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 The Horsekiller Herb: Solanum Viarum and some quintessential thoughts7 comments
picture7 Jun 2009 @ 16:41
So many people wanted to know what terrible herb the White Rabbit had given me (one or more, haha), so I feel compelled to make a photo and a short description of it here after the White Rabbit explained to me that he wanted to actually cure in me - some ailment that I myself wasn't even aware of.

The Brazilians country people (caipiras) call it Mata-Cavalo or Cabrita-Louca, in plain English: 'kills-a-horse' and 'crazy goat', resp.), botanists call it more elegantly: Solanum Viarum.

The herb lives up to its name due to its content of natural steroidal alkaloids. Cultivated in India by ayurvedic doctors and pharmaceutical companies alike, it is banned from the US as an invasive species and put on the pest list under its English name, the Tropical Soda Apple. Of course, even though banned, it grows like wildfire. At least in the US where it is said to have arrived in 1988. Strangely enough, it is difficult to find in Mid-Brazil and needs microcultures for being harvested in India, there also known as Dunal, after the discoverer of its medicinal qualities.

The list of medicinal application of its natural steroid, solasodine, is so long, I won't bore you with it. It is interesting, nearly a pattern, that some of the most effective herbs around are considered pests, at least and especially in the US.

It isn't known to kill humans but it may induce a state of susupti, deep dreamless sleep, as different from svapna, common, ordinary dreaming, and jagrata, awaken consciousness. This brings me to turiya, the state above the gunas, nowadays often called pleroma.

Since a long time now I'd liked to write about the state ABOVE turiya, by the Hindus called turyatitah. But, in lack of words, I never did.

This state is called by some the 5th Dimension, being 'above' the fourth dimension of pleroma and more and more people enter it 'naturally', so to speak, after doing extensive depolarization using my simplified 'gunas method' or the Girapoli technique that gives rise to the 'quintessence', the fifth quality that is generated by a quadpole, early on also called 'unity key'.

So, for the record, let it be stated that the quintessential energy of the Girapoli process is a qualified pleroma, or super pleroma, and not yet the state of turyatitah, the 5th Dimension.

But all of this, of course, should be experienced rather than talked about.

nuff zed ;-)  More >

 White Rabbit strikes again: The illconceived illusion of illimited illumination19 comments
picture29 May 2009 @ 14:19
Yes, he was seen again: the illustre but illicit and illusionary appearance of the white rabbit, digging underneath the wall that separates our garden from the wildness of the Brazilian jungle, its ferocious plants, unique varieties of the 'mata atlantica' along with common vines and shrubs.

He smiled, a leaf between his silly teeth: "you don't know what I found here, hahahaha", he giggled. "If you want to be illuminated, just chew a bit of that one, hahahahaha".

I should have known better. But my illimited desire for illumination won over my more rational aspects. I chew on it. And I became unconscious for hours and felt sick for days.

The next time I saw the White Rabbit, I was in the mood to prepare him for Sunday nite dinner. "You've been lying to me, you slimy m...r!"

"Not so, my stupid friend!" he countered my insult. "Tell me, what does the word 'illumination' REALLY mean? Think about it, and you'll see that you got what I promised!"

Coming to know the White Rabbit quite well over the years, I knew he was up to something. OK, then, il-legal means 'unlawful', il-limited means 'without limits', so 'il-lumination' must mean 'WITHOUT (en)lightening'.

"Well, well, well," I spoke to the rabbit. "I can see your trick! Now, who in the world turned this word around?"

White Rabbit laughed out loud. "Whoever claims to 're-veal' things, which means putting a new veil on top on an existing one without UN-vealing it, may also be guilty for creating the joke of the word 'il-lumination', don't you think so? You were quite ill because of the herb of illumination. I feel sorry for you! If I were a crocodile, a big tear would pour out of my right eye now. But, then again, I am white rabbit, you know!"

"I deserved no better," I conceded, thinking of revenge.

"You're quite an illustrous creature!" I finally said with a smile.

And at that, the White Rabbit turned red in his face, the eyes bulged forward, foam formed between his lips.

Finally, finally, I found an insult for the White Rabbit!

Dear Reader, do you know why a rabbit hates the word 'illustrous', haha-hoho?

Have a great Sunday, everybody!  More >

 Transpersonal 2-Point Process (ME)10 comments
picture23 May 2009 @ 17:32
During a break from the 'Projekt Nagual' [link] programme last month (The April Encounter), some of us experimented with the 2-Point Process of Matrix Energetics. None of us did the course with the ME guys. Max showed a group of 6 what he thinks of how it works and all were able to do it as well. We then made it a 'bit more transpersonal': 2 different people holding the 2 points. It worked just as well.

While we sent us to the floor mutually, others jumped in the air (photo), in front of the beach house. A good time for all :-)

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 Types of Ego and Ego Cultures6 comments
picture10 May 2009 @ 14:34
The other day I became inspired to look a bit more at the group behavior of the egos and archetypes of the Inner Pantheon and their typology.

Many people think of the Ego or Egos being easily classified by the 'Seven Deadly Sins' of the Christian tradition but there are many other such lists around, even Gandhi had his own list [link] .

Interestingly, there are some Ego types ommited, and some are of the worst kind, so I made my anti-list:

1. Righteousness
2. Blaming
3. Ascetics (punishing one's body, including such things as denying food or certain kinds of it)
4. Servitude
5. Hope (waiting instead of acting now)
6. Faith (in divine or worldly authorities)
7. Tolerance (of abusiveness of suppressive groups or governments)

If we look at the motivations and justifications for war, suppression, pogroms, and destructive actions, we find the latter Ego types significantly overrepresented and the traditional 'seven sins' grossly underrepresented.

The Ego types on this list share an interesting feature: they HIDE themselves behind the 'cardinal virtues' and are therefore much more difficult to detect.

From the viewpoint of reaching the state of a 'perfect mind', ANY Ego, vice or virtue, is an EGO and can turn into its opposite at any type, given the right 'input', read: justification.

Now, looking closer at the 'Inner Pantheon', we find that a person typically carries a set of Egos around which mutually support each other. Such a group behavior is called a 'culture' or 'clima'.

In short, analzying a single Ego and de-constructing it (by removing its underlying polarity) is NOT enough. We must recognize the connected Egos and change the 'culture' of Egos through group processes if we want to prevent the recreation of unwanted Egos in the future.

We see an echo of the protonormalism of societies to have its basis here in the personal realm, already present within the Inner Pantheon.

And, of course, this 'deadly sin' of societies, protonormalism, would have a firm place in any list of 'deadly sins of groups'.

Well, there is a lot more to say, but now it's time to get the Egos and masks ready for Mother's Day! Good luck to all!

Protonormalistically, not even I have a chance in the world to shun this Meme of all Memes, the Mama-Meme...

Gotta hurry!  More >

 Plastic Shamans, Quantum Bunkum & cargocultic Traditions6 comments
picture11 Apr 2009 @ 22:35
(a few lines from my new book ("Beyond Good and Evil"):

"'s quite a strange Sunday Brunch buffet scene what we see these days in the market of spiritual self-help, gurus&avatars, and the new memes of 'technology' for spiritual purposes.

Enlightend by a weekend course or two, equipped with magical symbols and mantras, backed by a false certainty of being in line with the concepts of modern 'science', more and more people jump around pretending to heal others without being able to heal themselves first.

Very well, within a pluralistic and rather free society anything should be possible and permissable that is not going to harm others. And with the contemporary medicine being bought out by super-companies and having been turned into a giant business operation, it is hardly possible that any such new method or applied philosophy could be worse. For certain, most of them cost much less than a single visit at a doctor's office, not counting the costs for the presciption drugs and their side effects that one walks away with, often for the rest of one's life.

Many 'sceptics'...  More >

 Rehearsing for the Worldwide Didgeridoo Meditation March 20th 20093 comments
picture19 Mar 2009 @ 23:18
Tomorrow, besides a birthday party, we are preparing the house also to take part at the Worldwide Didgeridoo Meditation March 20th 2009 [link] .

Anthony doesn't want to play with the little sticks (after all, he'll be 2 yrs old in a little over a month!), so he is practicing on Aoaho, our A-Zero didge (A0: 27.5 Hz). This PVC didge is about 172 cm long and gets our dogs running in circles and ourselves concerned about the window panes as Anthony drags the didge along with him throughout the house. Like these indigo kids are, they see something ONCE and can just simply DO it.

Sounds phantastic, doesn't it?

But after he was watching some Benny Hinn's videos with a suspiciously serious fascination (see [link] and [link] ), I'm now worried that he might copy Benny's bad-bad behavior patterns and throw us around and about like he's already doing with the cats. I don't think I'm prepared for that. Oh, well...

Oops. Gotta hurry. It's time for a good-nite, lullaby drone for him...
If I don't fall asleep as well, I'll come back and finish writing what I really wanted to say tonight.  More >

 Castaneda's Assemblage Point & ME's 2-point13 comments
picture7 Mar 2009 @ 20:36
In contrast to the Gunas&Girapoli polarity procedures (see this BLOG for details), the 2-Point Process of Matrix Energetics [link] requires the 'practitioner' to enter a 'magic state' which creates around him or her the sensation of a 'magic space'. With him or her this will be true for others in the same space as well, like the 'client' and any observers.

Cause or Effect? that is, as always, the question. In other words, does the practitioner changes his state from 'ordinary' versus 'magic' or does the process is prompting the practitioner to enter a 'magic state'?

One could see the focus on two 'anchorpoints' as creating a polarity of same on front of him/her (In Ifa terms, invoking the polarity called Ogunda-Meji). By fixating on it for some time, he/her will 'overcharge' it and produce a transition towards the polarity called Osa-Meji. If one continues to 'firmly hold the points' and so-to-speak 'twists' into the now bending space, one is preventing a 'normal' merging (resulting in pleroma) or super-merging (resulting in Girapoli meta-states, aka Unity-key). Instead one is now entering the 'magic space-state' and so will the 'client'.

One of the effects of the described polarity transition (Ogunda twins towards Osa twins) is the 'moving of the assemblage point' that Castaneda (or Don Juan, if you like) talked about. When I did the first successful 2-point processes, I thought that this was my 'personal trick' to make this process work. But after careful reflection and considering the polarities at hand, I now think that there is a general oppurtunity at hand.

With a 'client' in the space of an Ogunda-to-Osa transition, the rigidity of the client's attachment of the assemblage point is losened. Perhaps much more so than that of the practitioner which would account for the temporarily loss of control of the body. Without a fixed assemblage point the body falls to the floor like a puppet on chopped-off strings.

So, what moves first, the 'assemblage point' or the 'client'?

It would be interesting to have students of the 'Magic Passes' (Tensegrity) who didn't yet succeed in moving their assemblage points (how many of those are around, actually, does anyone know?) go to an ME seminar or otherwise try to duplicate the process and see if those students can now make their assemblage points moving. I bet they would finally succeed!!

If the 'practitioner' already has a 'moveable assemblage point', the ME 2-point process is an interesting way to control WHERE one wants to move it. On the other hands he/her needs to be careful that the assemblage point is where he/her wants it AFTER the ME process as it WILL move.

And, although I don't know since how long the ME fellows are doing their magic work (I'm not associated with them and never met any of them personally), I'm certain they will in time also have their assemblage points moved just by repeatively do the 2-point process.

The notes above also gives a recipe for any students of Ifa/Girapoli how to approach both assemblage point question and mastering the 2-point process.

(descriptions of the Ifa polarities and the importance of polarities and its workings can be found in Polar Dynamics 1 US: [link], also available in Europe: [link] (Amazon France has the lowest price of all European Amazons for reasons I don't know )  More >

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