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 Collapsing the wave: paradigms of manipulating the hologram18 comments
picture3 Mar 2009 @ 22:53
You're where you are because you choose to experience this particular time&space. It took a long time to get here, the sequence of your "past" experiences.

But what if you want to change your location in the hologram, your experience that is?

This is Shamanic work at its best and in the past only a selected few managed to get to that point of ability.

The few who did were celebrated, feared, or both. It is rumored that Bruce Lee was murdered because he was able to teach it to others. Some, like Benny Hinn, who will fill a stadium in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 10 days, uses the energy to show off his powers (Miracle Crusade) and thus prove that he is in direct contact with Gxd. You can also help pay for his new Gulfstream jet with a nice donation, if you want.

These things may change soon: since some years Dr.Richard Bartlett is presenting his Matrix Energetics workshops [link] where people learn exactly this: how to get anyone down to the floor with a light touch or even on a distance.

If anyone can do it with some training, it may finish off an entire generation of quacks and charlatans.

With the help of videos and eyewitness reports, I managed finally to do the famous '2-point' process as well. Now nobody is safe anymore around me, haha... as it works even on animals.

This wouldn't make me a 'Matrix Energetics practitioner' quite yet since Richard insists that training is done for now only by him and his wife who teaches it, lo and behold, to children.

That's alright, of course, especially since in principle one can learn it from the videos and from studying his his book/ebook. Lots of user forums expound on the various strategies to use the new found ability to actually do something useful like changing your path in the hologram, what you will see next in the movie called life, that is, or even to heal others with all kinds of problems.

As I said, kids can learn it and if the kids can already access the powers of the 'matrix' than this is good news for the future! These are/will be truly whiz kids, little wizards, let's hope they don't toy around toooo much ;-)  More >

 Crazy Days - Part 2: LRH is back - No more Mult-Genius2 comments
picture26 Feb 2009 @ 19:32
Our little genius picked up the phone today: bad news!

Even though, as I mentioned it, in Brazil the New Year arrived with the end of Carnaval. In Italy, the craziness continues, the "carnevale ambrosiano" is still going, the water is still being privatized (see Beppe [link] ), and in Germany LRH was back and then disappeared again.

Now to the really bad news, for some at least:

With LRH coming and going, so did the Multigenius enterprise,

Here are the good news; luckily, whoever wants it, can get an amnesty, see [link]

Don't forget to report back to your local church, my friends, and, as the website says, be prepared for the:

Have you done or not done anything that could have contributed to the destruction of Andreas Buttler’s body mockup since 1 Jan 2001?
[end quote]

Personally I can't remember if I 'have not done anything that could have contributed..." other than dancing in the jungle last year.

Time to reflect carefully, dear reader, if you can say the same. After all, if you walked your dogs only once since 1. January 2001, could you honestly state that you "have not done anything that could have contributed..?"

A serious question to ponder, good luck!  More >

 Crazy Days0 comments
picture26 Feb 2009 @ 17:21
Well, I didn't kiss the flag of the Beija Flor (Rio's top Samba school) during the last 2 years (the photo is from 2003), and look what happened. Their winning streak is over. Salgueiro, after 16 years, in front. Hmmm...

A lot of Brazilians complain about the commercialization of Carnaval and think back at the exciting times for all of the past. Nowadays, it serves as an opportunity to get rich for a few people and the poor still pay their costume themselves. Politics, mass media, and modern technologies in audio and video, changed Brazilian Carnaval and is still changing it.

However, it has ALWAYS changed in his history: from the opulent feasts of the Portuguese conquistadores behind closed doors, to the permission of the slaves and common people to gather on the streets and wearing masks, to the violent game of 'entrudo' to the entrance of African culture in the late 1800's.

Samba in the Quimbundo language of today's Angola meant 'to pray' as its dance and rhythm serve as invocations of the Orisha, the Archons/Archangels, of African religion. Like Rumba and Mambo they were orginally kept secret but then they snug into Brazilian culture right in front of their slave-holders.

Slavery was officially abolished in 1888 in Brazil. So there are no slaves anymore? Everyone is equal? Right! If you happen to have enough money, you can make your own laws and make your crimes legal. It's as simple as that. In Italy and Brazil it is becoming public knowledge and more obvious every day. But what about the other countries? In the United States the consciousness of being robbed by the big companies and their (!) government is rising steadily. Makes me wonder what country is the next to discover that they're looted.

Never mind, let's Samba, Carnaval 2010 is coming up soon (in less than 12 months!), and there is still a lot to practice and to prepare for it.  More >

 Precalculated Backlash1 comment
picture25 Feb 2009 @ 15:01
There is no doubt about it that that what Obama promises can't be realized and that he will fail worse than the template he is copying, Jimmy Carter (see my blog on election day).

There is indeed reason to fear the swing to the other extreme, as Ed commented on the previous blog entry: "The reaction against Obama when he fails (...) will be savage. Let's just pray the neo-cons don't hijack the reaction, to lead us from gray socialism back into their neo-fascism."

What is unclear, at least to me, is whether the future backlash has been already in the planning or if we see a system that went out of control. And further, even if it had been under control, whence arrives the confidence to maintain a control in the future? Who could honestly claim to predict the outcome of such swings for system that is globally connected and there is no other country or continent to invade to salvage the failure in one's own?

On the positive side we find more and more people of 'high profile' speaking up and expressing the obvious in more or less eloquent terms. If they are not silenced, we could witness an awakening of that layer of society that is absolutetly convinced they would not have been enslaved, the higher middle class. This could indeed pull off some of the masks of the mass media and its global manipulation.

A lot of the rich who are aspiring to be super-rich are grabbing all that they can without many precautions anymore. It seems nearly like a panic is going on here. Obama shamelessly supports this game but so do all of our 'statesmen', in all countries. All indicators that the game has become unstable. We'll see.

Wow, Carnaval is over, which means Brazil starts off the New Year 2009 finally, and maybe gets some work done, who knows. The Samba queen who painted Obama's face all over her body will take a shower. Most everybody will face reality (bit for bit at least). Except those mentioned above, of course, who continue their masquerades all year long and stuff their pockets with other people's money.

Since we started out talking about backlash, here is a good resource that keeps track of part of their shameless schemes: [link]

but let's enjoy some of the masks, at least:

 More >

 Obama; "No He Can't" by Anne Wortham2 comments
picture24 Feb 2009 @ 02:24
Surely, I was decided to bring about something POSITIVE onto the blog, for a change, but this article is so good that it's worth repeating:

No He Can't
by Anne Wortham

Fellow Americans,

Please know: I am black; I grew up in the segregated South. I did not vote for Barack Obama; I wrote in Ron Paul's name as my choice for president. Most importantly, I am not race conscious. I do not require a black president to know that I am a person of worth, and that life is worth living. I do not require a black president to love the ideal of America.

I cannot join you in your celebration. I feel no elation. There is no smile on my face. I am not jumping with joy. There are no tears of triumph in my eyes. For such emotions and behavior to come from me, I would have to deny all that I know about the requirements of human flourishing and survival – all that I know about the history of the United States of America, all that I know about American race relations, and all that I know about Barack Obama as a politician. I would have to deny the nature of the "change" that Obama asserts has come to America. Most importantly, I would have to abnegate my certain understanding that you have chosen to sprint down the road to serfdom that we have been on for over a century. I would have to pretend that individual liberty has no value for the success of a human life. I would have to evade your rejection of the slender reed of capitalism on which your success and mine depend. I would have to think it somehow rational that 94 percent of the 12 million blacks in this country voted for a man because he looks like them (that blacks are permitted to play the race card), and that they were joined by self-declared "progressive" whites who voted for him because he doesn't look like them. I would have to be wipe my mind clean of all that I know about the kind of people who have advised and taught Barack Obama and will fill posts in his administration – political intellectuals like my former colleagues at the Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

I would have to believe that "fairness" is equivalent of justice. I would have to believe that man who asks me to "go forward in a new spirit of service, in a new service of sacrifice" is speaking in my interest. I would have to accept the premise of a man that economic prosperity comes from the "bottom up," and who arrogantly believes that he can will it into existence by the use of government force. I would have to admire a man who thinks the standard of living of the masses can be improved by destroying the most productive and the generators of wealth.

Finally, Americans, I would have to erase from my consciousness the scene of 125,000 screaming, crying, cheering people in Grant Park, Chicago irrationally chanting "Yes We Can!" Finally, I would have to wipe all memory of all the times I have heard politicians, pundits, journalists, editorialists, bloggers and intellectuals declare that capitalism is dead – and no one, including especially Alan Greenspan, objected to their assumption that the particular version of the anti-capitalistic mentality that they want to replace with their own version of anti-capitalism is anything remotely equivalent to capitalism.

So you have made history, Americans. You and your children have elected a black man to the office of the president of the United States, the wounded giant of the world. The battle between John Wayne and Jane Fonda is over – and that Fonda won. Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern must be very happy men. Jimmy Carter, too. And the Kennedys have at last gotten their Kennedy look-a-like. The self-righteous welfare statists in the suburbs can feel warm moments of satisfaction for having elected a black person. So, toast yourselves: 60s counter-cultural radicals, 80s yuppies and 90s bourgeois bohemians.

Toast yourselves, Black America. Shout your glee Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Duke, Stanford, and Berkeley. You have elected not an individual who is qualified to be president, but a black man who, like the pragmatist Franklin Roosevelt, promises to – Do Something! You now have someone who has picked up the baton of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. But you have also foolishly traded your freedom and mine – what little there is left – for the chance to feel good. There is nothing in me that can share your happy obliviousness.

Anne Wortham [send her mail] is an individualist liberal who happens to be black and American.

Copyright © 2008

more on Anne:  More >

 2009 Message to Mr. Obama by Brian O’Leary9 comments
picture6 Feb 2009 @ 19:43
from: [link]

2009 Message: Open appeal to Mr. Obama from a fellow achiever who is gravely concerned about our future.

Dear President Obama,

I congratulate you on your election. As a former astronaut, Eagle Scout, Ivy League professor, frontier scientist, futurist, advisor to presidential candidates, and an international author and speaker, I can identify with your feeling of significant motivation and achievement. But, in my later years as I now approach the age of seventy, many of those perks of recognition pale before a sense of urgency with which I feel we must approach our task of transforming humanity and nature into an environmentally, socially and morally sustainable future.

I honestly don’t know whether we’ll make it through these times. You’re in the driver’s seat now, and your task is daunting. You will have to stand up to some very powerful interests who do not want to live under those public policies that will become necessary for us to survive these times. You must understand this most basic conflict of interest in your position. But are you aware enough of what is really happening to us all? Do you truly know the depth of the crisis and the breadth of opportunities that lay outside the box of conventional thinking? I must admit that during my days of relative fame, I was largely oblivious of the deeper issues before us. The spotlight itself has a way of distorting our perceptions of reality.

In today’s world, there is so much suffering, ignorance, neglect and corruption. Leaders nowadays prey on this condition. By supporting some of the most criminal actions in human history, the powerful elite have created an atmosphere of mass obedience by a fearful and helpless populace to wanton genocide and ecocide. We are destroying ourselves and each other and nature through the selfishness and greed of the few. As a result, unrest is brewing in response to monumental military, economic and political tyranny.

You must know that true knowledge, wisdom and compassion are threats to the status quo. George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” and Isaac Asimov wrote, “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” I believe we now live in such a time to the extreme, and this situation is particulary poignant for us Americans now living under the tyrannies of empire and economic collapse. You come into office on the wings of conflict between a private power that has incubated you and a public clamoring for authentic change which so many of us have entrusted in you. You stand in the middle of an enormous gulf of interests, and you must know that at its deepest levels.
read the complete text at [link]
comment by mx: as I wrote earlier on this BLOG, to expect something better than the worst from Mr.Obama is naive and unrealistic. Still, I liked Brian's words very, very much, couldn't have said it better...  More >

 World Social Forum 2009: The Failure of Success1 comment
picture30 Jan 2009 @ 14:59
The World Social Forum [link] is going on since a few days in Belém, Brazil.

Quote from Open Democracy: [link]
The "alter-globalisation" movement gathers in Brazil at a moment of crisis in the system it has long opposed. But its triumph is qualified as it searches for a way to turn global breakdown into political opportunity, says Geoffrey Pleyers.

see [link]


The failure of success

In these circumstances, what is the point of the World Social Forum? It could be argued that it more needed now than ever: that is, to contribute actively to the building of a new and fair global order that can address deep problems of poverty, inequality, food insecurity and ecological crisis. The problem here is that the movement is more united in what it has been against than in what it should now be for. In particular, "alter-globalisation" activists divide into three distinct currents about the way forward.

The local approach

The first current of the alter-globalisation movement) considers that instead of getting involved in a global movement and international forums, the path to social change lies through giving life to horizontal, participatory, convivial and sustainable values in daily practices, personal life and local spaces.

... (more at the link above)

The advocacy approach

The second current of the movement believes that the way forward lies through efficient single-issue networks able to develop coherent arguments in areas such as food sovereignty and developing-world debt; in turn this work can become a route to raising broader questions.
... (more at the link above)

The state approach

The third current of the movement holds that progressive public policies implemented by state leaders and institutions are the key to achieving broad social change.
... (more at the link above)

The shared approach
The participants in the Belém meeting can justly welcome the failure of many aspects of an economic model they long opposed. But as they move beyond critique towards a new role in a transformed global arena, can they find some common ground among these three currents?

... (more at the link above)
(end of quotes)

Like in the past years, the World Social Forum raises the question if NGOs in general are not just another way of hidden manipulation.

New World Encyclopedia writes: [link]
Criticisms of such forums have entailed allegations that participating NGOs take the place of what should belong to popular movements of the poor. Some more radical critics argue that NGOs are often quasi-imperialist in nature, fulfilling a function similar to that of the clergy during the high colonial era of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
...  More >

 Best wishes to everyone and the latest of X-mas Spam pps4 comments
picture24 Dec 2008 @ 15:34
Wishing everyone a great time ahead !

If you like to see our 'official' x-mas pps, download it here [link] and enjoy!

If you want to spoil a wonderful day, read further down these lines:

This year, the Eldest of our Dog Clan barked up, no joke, get it here [link]

It begins like this:

"Dear Friend and Foe,
my name is HarraH and I am an Elder of the Clan of Shepherds in the forests of Brazil.

As I am the One who knows my Master best, I Am his True Voice, bla bla,You know the rest!

Reading all his e-mail I think it is about time that someone writes a truthful xmas card!

In short, what people really mean to say in their xmas spams is the following:.."

(read on at your own risk...)

Mary X. Mas  More >

 Borrowing money to a beggar13 comments
picture11 Dec 2008 @ 14:29
There is POSITIVE proof that the current economical philosophy is fundamentally flawed.

Its called Grameen Bank and its founder was Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner 2006 in Peace (NOT in Economy, someone please tell me why!).

I call this kind of proof POSITIVE because Yunus philosophy of borrowing to the poor without any collateral or guarantees at ultra-low rates is considered crazy by common adherents of today's economical structures and yet he achieved a stunning, irrefutable success, and thus a proof of concept beyond the complicated theories of the 'leaders' of today's system.

Recently he started to borrow money to beggars (the title of this little article is no joke!), and with this he is shifting even more the entire cultural concept of an entire country, Bangladesh, considered one of the poorest of the world,

But Bangladesh is a special country. 1999 it was ranked number one in the 'World Happiness Survey' [link] . Even though it is dubious how 'happiness' can really be measured with a survey, it still gives a strong hint.

Helo and I tried to talk to Muhammad Yunus at the recent ExpoManagement 2008 in São Paulo, but, surprise, surprise, we were not the only one, and I guess our connections are not good enough (yet) to skip a line like that in front of us.

Still, at an event at which even I if jumped into a business suit and decorating myself with a Delaveine cravate, no kidding, Muhammad Yunus just walked around smiling in some Bengalese clothes. Sometimes he appeared scared for a short moment when some sudden sharp noises were being heard, a bit as if he lived in fear of an assassination, but for the rest he was...  More >

 An Open Letter to Enlil and Enki ("Sermon of the Holy Rock")15 comments
picture7 Dec 2008 @ 16:23
Dear Blog Readers,

my mailbox is overflowing after my recent public delcaration and I see myself unable to respond to all of you.

Sorry, truly sorry.

But amongst the many messages, some encouraging, others quite hostile, here is one that impressed me very much and I'd like to share it with you even though it looks like one of those brainless chain letters.

---------------------------------- SNIP HERE WITH SCISSORS ---------------------------------------

An Open Letter to Enlil and Enki
(also known as the "Sermon of the Holy Rock")

by Rev. Herbert Zeta-Czandor

Dear Enlil and Enki and All you Supergods!

The word is spreading quickly that you're about to come back and quite possibly stage yet another Sodom & Gomorrah or a Flood or both or more.

Before you give your orders, please take a sec and consider the following:

Observation 1:
OK, OK, humans made quite a bloody mess around here. But they were created in your image, mind you, and perhaps it is time to confront this fact in all honesty.

Observation 2:
This current civilization is full of corrupt governments and secret and not-so-secret but equally corrupt institutions. It is said that they are following your orders. This would indeed fit into the picture. If so. please go to Observation 1 again.

Observation 3:
It may come as a surprise to your Highnesses that in the few societies of Lulu (humans) that your corrupt followers have NOT (yet) perverted, the Lulu ALWAYS managed to live in perfect harmony.

Observation 4:
Furthermore, it can be observed that WHENEVER your followers on Earth are CEASING to corrupt and pervert the Lulu, social and environmental order are being restored very quickly and righteousness and dignity return to the Lulu and all the beings on Earth.

Dear Enlil and Enki and All you Supergods! It is YOU who is the problem and not the Lulu you created!

If I should ever find out WHO created YOU, I will personally report your demeanors and demand your immediate removal from this world. Your lies and deceptions are a disgrace to the Creation! And whoever created that lousy script for your miserable performance should forever be barred from the Universal Writers Guild.

1. You should seriously consider getting some genuine education on the true values of life, dignity, responsibility, and righteousness, and all the values that your actions betray.

2. If the Sumerian tablets are any reflection of your social life, you should further consult a good psychological consultant or life coach to fix your general behavorial problems (I can give you some phone numbers if you want to!)

3. You should cease and desist going ahead with any plans of mass destructions except for those for Nibiru and yourselves.

3. If you are unable to do the above, please never come, go away, get lost, and, very importantly, never return.

PS: Don't forget to take the soulless zombies with you which you installed here on Earth as your shady agents.

That's it.

Rev. Herbert Zeta-Czandor
January 1st, 2009, Holy Rock City
(This is the end of the "Sermon of the Holy Rock")
---------------------------------- SNIP HERE WITH SCISSORS ---------------------------------------  More >

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