6 Dec 2008 @ 20:14
Pubic Declaration
1. I solemnly declare that the name "Maximillien De Lafayette" is NOT one of my many pen names.
1.a) No no! Neither am I related to Marquis de Lafayette nor to Maximilien Robespierre. Are these guys from Hollywood?
b) No, I don't remember personally having being part of any revolution in the last 200 years.
2. I did not mean to say it was Lafayette, the "Ron", coming back from the stars to haunt us just because ALL of his (Max's) 141 books at Amazon.com are out of print except a dozen or so that were ALL published in the 12 months. I did mean to say that I would certainly expect such miracle(s) from someone carrying such a name.
3. I did not author or co-author any of Max's books even and shall report anyone who says so promptly to the Authorities.
$. As of today, I never received any payments from Max personally. I even never ever looked in his eyes. Any similarities of fotos of myself made in the early 80s are shear coincidence. The foto, made in February 1985 by a certain Mr. G.Z. from Hollywood, CA, showing me in front of the Queen Mary, Long Beach, CA, has been duly destroyed and I declare that no further copies exst.
5. Likewise, the name "Joachim Fersengeld" is NOT one of my many pen names and I did NOT write the book that Stanislav Lem referred to (Perycalypsis) even if it says exactly that what I usually always say about the subjects at hand. I admit that it is true that I met Stanislav's cousin V. at a pyjama party in Vienna in early 1978 but the book I gave him was a copy of my thesis in Indology "The decline of languages over the millennia - from Vedic Sanskrit to Calcutta Cockney" which was of course pretty pericalyptico too, OK. Also I cannot prove it but I am pretty sure that V. threw it away without reading it like Stanislav admittedly did it some years before that with my earlier thesis in Computer Science (not in Vienna, mind you!) entitled "Devolution & Paralysis: Studies of Morbid Cellular Cultures in Conway Life Game Scenarios". And Stan himself never talked to me again since that very day. Never ever!. As further proof, I, Maximilian Sandor, am a German writing in Italian and being published in Brazil and Russia and therefore I am NOT a German writing in Dutch published in France like stipulated by Stanny. Si signori! I can't even pronounce "Schiphol" correctly, but then, who can?
5.a) Plus, I declare that I never meant to say anything contre French publisheurs, their holdings et affiliés, or contre French éditeurs et leur familles and their spellchecking abilities comme Fersengeld did. Ça c’est plus que ridicule!
6. Lastly, I promise I shall try everything to prevent myself from writing under the name "Maximillian Fersengeld de la Croix".
Declared under perjury of law on the tenth of December in the year of the Lord twothousandandeight at Versailles, France.
(signed: Maximillien Joachim Sandor)
(signed: 2 witnesses from the Law Offices of Lilith, Marduk & Enlil, Edinburgh, UK)
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Il est entendu que tout ce que vous voyez ou lisez dans ce massage est protégé par des droites d'auteur, sauf avis contraire, et ne peut être utilisé, à l'exception des cas prévus dans les presentes Conditions et Modalités ou dans le texte figurent dans ce message, sans la permission écrite. Moi, je ne garantie ni n'affirme que votre utilisation du materiel affiché dans ce massage ne contraviendra pas aux droites des tierces parties qui ne sont pas détenues par moi. More >
22 Nov 2008 @ 15:58
We found it feasible to teach anyone who is interested the recognition of human archetypes in less than two days using Skywork (morphogenetic access via a group of people).
For example, once able to recognize the principle which is called Ogum as an archetype of human personalities, one can typically recognize an 'Ogum Person' on a distance of a hundred meters just by its biotype and by the way the person walks. In this case a savy sales person already knows exactly what that person would like to buy and what to say and what NOT to say in order close the sale.
Once able to do that it becomes possible to learn also the recognition of an equal pattern in a different realm of manifestation without any indoctrination and even without Skywork. Unfortunately many of the few who are able to recognize human archetypes don't go the extra mile to learn it for themselves but rather listen to the few gurus in the field. In other words, they find it easier to adopt indoctrinated dogmas instead of looking for themselves. For example, in the animal realm, the Ogum principle is reflected amongst others in the phenomenon of a 'black dog'. But a dog is a living being with emotions and the capacity of learning to a certain degree. It therefore has an archetype in itself. The archetypes are further expressed in the variety of races of dogs. So, how would you recognize the specific, individual archetype of your dog by direct observation?
To approach this challenge, let us transfer the definition of 'Fractal' from mathematics & geometry to all living forms. The ability to perceive and recognize the same principles in all levels of manifestations we could call 'Fractal Intelligence'. Philosophical systems such as Ifá postulate a very limited number of base principles (16) and of base archetypes (6 archetype complexes). The ability to recognize one of those across different realms of manifestations we could call 'horizontal fractal intelligence'. The challenge of recognizing encapsulated self-repeating patterns, we could call 'vertical fractal intelligence'.
Let's define:
Fractal Intelligence:
the ability to recognize self-repeating patterns as such.
and specifically:
Horizontal Fractal Intelligence:
the ability to recognize a self-repeating pattern across parallel realms of phenomena.
Vertical Fractal Intelligence:
the ability to recognize a self-repeating pattern encapsulated in a different self-repeating pattern.
Back to the challenge of 'improving' such forms of intelligence: More >
15 Nov 2008 @ 16:39
----- snip here to forward with FAX e-mail etc -----------------------
"Creation of Structured Systems for Management and Self-Help Programmes based on Randomized Paradigms"
or short: CSSMSHPRP (TM), copyright 2008-2012 by JTJH Folding Corp.
(Or, how to create an entire management system from scratch just with one (1!) die!)
A do-it-yourself system: easy, childproof (see attached picture), for any level of expertise!
Federal Warning:
The following information is strictly confidential, copyrighted, trademarked, registered, protected by international laws, owned, published and franchised by Janos Toth Jr. Holding & Folding Corporation, in the following named JTJH Corp. or JTJH Folding Corp. respectively. By having clicked at the link to this page or by opening the e-mail containing this information, you have entered an irrefutable nondisclosure agreement with said parties and you have further agreed to an irrevocable and indisputable contract which you may never disclose to any second or third party under penalty of perjury.
Please note that under the bylaws of the agreement you have just entered by reading this message you are obliged to remunerate JTJH Corp at the established percentage, currently 8.35% (in words: eightpointthirtyfive) of your total sales. In case of failure of payment, you will be reported to the pertinent National Agencies and furthermore incur a surcharge to the equivalent of the triple of the current Federal Interest Rate.
Even if you would decide to not read further, this document delineates your future duties and responsibilities in respect, but not limited to, JTJH Corp.
This is a proven, infallible system which was created by itself following its own rules and tested successfully by one person. Therefore the statistical proof amounts to a whopping 100% success rate. Proof of concept filed with the county clerk at Tahuvapassee County, Nebraska.
Preliminary, vital action:
read the definition of 'die' in Wikipedia [link] and practice 'throwing' them for at least 20 minutes before attempting to perform the following steps! Attention: don't throw yourself out of the windows yet, it's 'die' like in 'dice', not 'die' like in 'dying'!!! So, last time, throw the die, dude, not a knife or something!
Step 1 - How complex do you want to get?
One-step programs don't deserve to be called programs, thus the minimum number of the program's parts should be two. More than twelve steps exceed the mental and/or emotional capacities of most living beings, at least humanoids like yourself, and should thus be avoided.
a) Roll the die twice and write down the number of dots you see each time. If you can't count until 6 ask a friend or relative to help you out. Once you use this system, you will have so much money that you can hire your own personal staff to think for you, just like any... More >
14 Nov 2008 @ 12:51
Impressions from the ExpoManagement 2008 in Sao Paulo
Three days packed with quite a few top class speakers and a 200 (twohundred!!) mini-workshops - impossible to see it all. But what we (Heloisa and I, representing Power Relations Ltda [link] ) glimpsed from the abundance in information and impressions gave us quite a few insights into the current vogue and direction in middle and top management.
We gave special attention on how concepts are actually being implemented and were sniffing like bloodhounds for those abusers of systemic thinking who under the umbrella of working for the whole are only out to stuff their own pockets.
As a side note, we found undivided support for the Worldconference on Systemic Flaws and Solutions 2009 and received a lot of encouragement.
First of all, the Expo was more like a Conference with a little Expo at the side. And if something were to be said about it as a whole, it would be that:
the ExpoManagement wasn't good - it was great!
From "Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb" to "Good is the enemy of great Jim Collins", from "Wiki Jim Wales" to "Sun Scott McNealy" and the "Banker to the Poor Muhammad Yunus", and many more great thinkers of our times, presented a plethora of ideas and concepts, some old ones, repackaged, and a few new trends.
Now, if only the people would do the things they say they should, we would live in a much better world. It is this transfer that is still missing except for a very few examples.
From the wealth of excellence on this conference, one speaker impressed us particularly: Stephen Covey.
Like a modern Korzybski, he was talking about the 'maps' of the era of industrialization and our new era of ... More >
8 Nov 2008 @ 16:06
Amidst concerns for the future of mankind, shortly after a nice little home-brewn monetary crisis, here comes the new American dream, revisited 2008: Barack Obama.
Fascinating to watch how the mass media switches from whining to hoping, worldwide, unisono, of course, with no major newspaper detracting. This alone should give you to think: how come? Where's the catch?
First of all, the actual politics is made by 545 people, see Merlin's wise words [link] !
Even more of concern should be Obama's team. Quote from [link] : "Obama's main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration."
What about economy: (again quoted) "From Wikipedia: 'Austan D. Goolsbee is an economist and is currently the Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He is also a Research Fellow at the American Bar Foundation[1], Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a member of the Panel of Economic Advisors to the Congressional Budget Office."
So, there you have it! Nothing NEW, in the contrary, America goes back to the time of Jimmy Carter, congratulations, good luck, folks!
Obama in short: new face, same old...
But enough of this negativity! Let's "think positive" for a moment! Let's go..
WHAT IF, yes, what if the idea that is supposedly behind the masterplan of our rulers were true? Meaning, that the interpretation of Kant's 'thesis-antithese-synthesis' were correct, which would, in the extreme, mean that 'war creates evolution of man' (or at least accelerates it)?
A bold move, which reminds me of: More >
3 Nov 2008 @ 17:39
Perversion and Abuse of Systemic Concepts:
From Siddharto's "dukkha" to Hegel's "Dialektik"
Seeing the 'Zeitgeist Addendum' film yesterday [link] , I was once again reminded at the incorrect attribution of the 'Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis' concept to Hegel and prompted me to rethink my conclusions of nearly forty years ago when I first studied Hegel intensively and later on translated many portions of the Pali Canon, guided by the last monks & nuns of the Altbuddhistische Gemeinde at Utting am Ammersee [link] in Germany, founded by Karl Seidenstuecker [link] and Georg Grimm [link] .
(Note: the Pali Canon is the earliest record of the monks of Gotamo Siddharto (aka the 'Buddha', written in Pali, an Indian dialect, now only spoken in monasteries in Sri Lanka and Burma. See my free on-line course at [link]).
Back then, in the early 70's, I was writing articles for the society's journal 'Yana', and I remember the long conversations that took place whether an article of mine, titled something like 'Schopenhauer's injustice in his critique of Hegel', should be published.
After all, Grimm und Seidenstuecker had been great admirers of Arthur Schopenhauer [link] . It didn't help that I wrote some fine notes on Nietzsche's understanding of Hegel in exchange (the former had also been a very close friend of Paul Deussen, Seidenstuecker's main buddy). Amidst all the politics of personal friendships, historical or current, the impact of Nazi Germany on buddhism, all the false interpretations of Hegel by Marx proponents, there seemed no way that my article would be printed.
And I wanted it badly, black on white, to be honest, mainly to show it off to my buddies in Frankfurt, dreaming to have the small yellow magazine with MY article on Schopenhauer and Hegel in my hands entering the 'Club Voltaire' [link] where the post-Adorno students mixed with radical feminists (yes, those who entered bare-breasted Adorno's last lecture!), all of us still under the impact of the German's Notstandsgesetze [link] , a precursor of America's Patriot Act(s), and then being immersed into the 'Startbahn West' conflict [link] .
Confusing days for me, shortly after being accepted to the studies of Architecture at the University of Darmstadt, hanging out with radical thinkers at the University of Frankfurt, at the same time dreaming of spending some years in Sri Lanka and translating Pali texts. But then again, I was living in a 'real' Kommune (Wikipedia leaves out the definition of this particular one), Henry Miller [link] was my secret idol and a monastery an 'Alptraum' (nightmare). Clearly to spend some Silent Days in Clichy was more interesting than sitting on a mountain top. In the end, it was far easier to drive to Amsterdam to "turn on, tune in, drop out" for some days and feeling like a little Leary [link] .
Those were those days, but what has Hegel to do with the 'Buddha'?... More >
26 Oct 2008 @ 15:26
(some recent random quotes)
More and more I see that it is not enough preaching the benefits of systemic thinking but it is vital to find a way to teach Systemic Thinking effectively. If we don't succeed in that, the majority will continue to refuse to think that way, pretending though the opposite, to themselves and to all others.
We ought to find a way to stem the hi-jacking of the Memes of Systemics by those who do not want the people to think systemically because they themselves already think very well in that fashion, systemically that is, in order to continue the enslavement of the rest of us.
As ye all know, we use the Skywork paradigm to immerse into morphogenetic field structures, to analzye them and to realign them as necessary. Doing so for some time will bring about the realization of how a system is much more than the sum of its parts. This is a realization that is born from direct observation and it seems impossible to teach this insight just with books or speeches. We could trust of the subtle forces of the morphogenetic field to bring about a global shift in thinking, alright, but I myself don't like to wait for that. There is urgency which is quite different from insane impatience that one should learn to master.
Success without inner fulfillment, without the certainty to do the right thing, without confidence in its future, fixing up things just to survive the moment, hyped motivation for 24 hours, all these features do not belong to the mastery of systemic thinking.
In all of this, we should not polarize and think that just 'thinking systemically' would by itself fix the world. Mechanistic thinking is needed where it is appropriate. As always, it is about finding the right balance between the extremes. More >
20 Oct 2008 @ 18:48
Worldwide Conference On Systemic Flaws and Solutions in Society 2009
A global conference to document systemic flaws in our society and to point to existing or to new solutions with emphasis on how to prevent systemic flaws in the future.
Human Civilization is threatened by a systemic collapse. Not just in some isolated segments but as a whole. In the case of a systemic breakdown repairing isolated errors becomes pointless. Only the elimination of the principal structural abnormalities within the system will avert the danger of collapse. In a time like this, every Human is being challenged to confront and assess the damage already done and to work together to determine the course of our future as we cannot defer this responsibility to 'higher' authorities any longer.
In the past decades the awareness of the importance of systemic thinking for society at large has already been rising steadily. However, applications and proposals for solutions of identified problems have not yet been forthcoming in significant numbers. Whether this was be due to resistance in academical circles or due to the circumstance that the field of Systemics in itself has been usurped and abused by other interests, will be one of the topics of the Conference. We will take special care and attention that this conference will not be a victim of such reprogramming.
This conference aims to: - document the major systemic flaws in our current civilization - point to existing or new solutions - investigate how systemic flaws can be avoided in the future - provide an interdisciplinary platform and is not limited to contributors with academic degrees
The contributors are requested to: - strive for excellence in form and essence of their presentations - heed attention to not getting entangled in the contemplation of cartesian (mechanistical) errors within society such as the critique of representants of flawed power structures instead of analyzing the present systemic deficiencies themselves - add their submissions for the conference themselves in the Wiki : www.systemicflawsandsolutions.com.
If the number of participants exceeds the capacities of the conference, an election process may limit the number of contributors.
The conference is planned as a multi-cultural event but organizational help can currently only be provided for the languages English, Portuguese Italian, Spanish, French, and German,
The Conference itself is planned for:
March 12th-15th, 2009.
Besides the Virtual Conference itself, 'traditional' conferences may be organized in various countries and their languages.
The submitting authors grant the publication of their articles in the 'Proceedings of the Conference On Systemic Flaws and Solutions in Society 2009' and their video presentation(s) in a future video documentary. Both publications are projected to be not-for-profit and will be realized only if appropriate funding will be available.
You may submit only your own work and use only your own images or those drawn from public domain resources. You may not use offensive language or images.
Please post any questions via the community portal. Official e-mail address of the conference: systemic.flaws.and.solutions@gmail.com More >
13 Oct 2008 @ 14:42
[Note, added Oct 18th: the Wiki for the Conference is at www.systemicflawsandsolutions.com
e-mail: systemic.flaws.and.solutions@gmail.com ]
In light of the recent events and in following plans I have had for a long time, I decided to go ahead with an online project that I first thought of in 1995 when Flemming founded the New Civilization Network and I installed its first Internet server at my then-home in the Hollywood Hills. Meanwhile much has changed, except for the systemic problems of our society. Flemming came up with better 'worlds', such as the 'Holoworld' [link] , I myself envisioned 'Freeland' [link] about which I also wrote in my book(s) the 'Logs of JD Flora' [link] .
I don't want to duplicate those visions of a better blueprint for society, they speak for themselves. Instead, I am looking at how to TRANSFORM the current society from a systemic viewpoint so that a new society grows into a new structure by itself, as living system.
Therefore I present here the setup of a collaborative, online book to which I give the introduction and first outline and to which I invite the readers of my BLOG to present papers that would fit into this scheme or adding to it.
The 'papers' should be as brief and concise as possible in order to be inserted as chapters into a book of the proceedings of maximal 500 pages to which the author would give the right to publication, if this should ever make sense and be feasible.
The project is officially organized (and sponsored) by Power Relations Ltda, yes a corporation, haha, [link]
The language would be English and I hope with the cooperation of GZ or Flemming to set up a Wiki and it should be possible also to make it multilingual if that is of interest.
The intention of this compilation is to outline SYSTEMIC FLAWS as opposed to MECHANISTIC (cartesian) ERRORS. The project is not about placing blame on anyone particular but to bring about the INSIGHT that only systemic changes can bring about a true shift and 'fixing the symptoms' doesn't help in the long run.
Here it is:
Call for Papers: (Online) Conference On Systemic Flaws and Solutions 2009
January 9th-14th, 2009
(the chapter in order of current priority, typically only the solutions are listed in this rough draft as the problems are visible implicitly)
Contents: More >
12 Oct 2008 @ 16:43
These days the redistribution of wealth continues with another large step. Let us consider for a moment the impossibility that the recent crisis was NOT being engineered from its beginning to its end: what are the systemic flaws that made it possible in the first place?
OK, OK! Everybody knows the game is rigged, the nations, instead of printing money themselves, let 'banks' do it for them and then BUY the money that would rightfully be their own at full face value instead of the cost of paper. On top of it they then pay interest on these fictitious loans. The insanity of this is so obvious that any and all of those journalists that are whining about the current 'monetary' crisis make themselves accomplices of this rotten scheme.
In any case the current situation is an invitation to look at the life cycles of systems that contain 'systemic flaws', a subject of study that is still grossly neglected and undervalued. It seems... More >
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