13 Sep 2008 @ 22:18
Good news today:
after cracking another crucial enigma in the already enigmatic Nag Hammadi text "Thunder - Perfect Mind" earlier this month, we "reformed" parts of the original rundown as created and tested first in 2006 in Florence, Italy, and can offer it now as a package parallel to our "Reset-Restart-GO!" program delivered here in Brazil.
Both packages are individual immersion programs lasting 10 days. We were able to arrange some extra accommodations and have therefore a limited extra-capacity.
Please e-mail msandor@orunla.org if you're interested! More >
30 Aug 2008 @ 22:45
Well. we all know what is coming up tomorrow, who could forget the unforgettable (?):
the day EE "Doc" Smith passed away (48 yrs ago). Yup,in case you forgot it, tzzz, E. E. Smith, also Edward Elmer Smith, Ph.D., E.E. "Doc" Smith, Doc Smith, "Skylark" Smith, and (to family) Ted, see [link], he did die that day...
Will all members of the Galactic Patrol please stand up and shout thrice "hurray"!
(I shall light a candle at the shrine).
The father of all Space Operas, the ones known broadly, and the ones shrouded in secrecy unless you pay a little, that is, and work your way up the levels.
How did a chemist (Ph.D.) who specialized in doughnut mixes come up with the greatest saga ever written?
What was his connection other space opera writers like Hubbard (which Wikipedia blissfully ignores in this context) and AE Vogts, another Hubbard-buddy? And why exactly did EE retire in Clearwater, Florida, of all places?
Many, many questions, I know..
What I always wanted to know: Why do Galactic Patrol members sign contracts of ONLY one billion years when in fact the final battle against the Eddorians is still some billions of years away? And not to speak of the NEXT threat, already looming the depths of the ALL?
Never mind, don't forget to apply here for receiving the LENS: More >
22 Aug 2008 @ 17:15
Thanks to the Data Deluge of our times, we witness the end of the Scientific Method or so says a Wired article [link] (thanks for the link, Vaxen).
Should I throw away our new model(s)... Interestingly, the Toth diagram arrived via the 'statistical method' in the first place. Based on the ancient knowledge of Fá transmitted in the form of more than 3000 (threethousand) archetypical stories describing the patterns of a 16x16 energy matrix, we extracted the essential base energies (olodu) and regrouped them as end leaves within a binary tree.
Then we witnessed a sheer endless list of symmetries in its pathways, all of them corroborating in an incredible way with the system of Fá and the extensions made by myself and those added by Ed Dawson, some of them described in 'Polar Dynamics 1' some years ago.
In short, the base energies of the Toth Diagram ARE BEING DERIVED from the observations of the patterns of life paths and not from a theory !!!
But the Toth Diagram is adding some new perspectives to a lot of fields, one of them the paradigm of the Quantum Potential and it quintessential force.
Like the zillions of Sacred Geometry theories are missing a description of the actual energies in the nodes of its structure(s), the Quantum Potential theory is lacking this specification as well. WITHOUT this specification, however, it would be impossible to predict just WHAT is going to manifest out of the chaos (Ofun) in the vacuum (Oyeku).
Likewise, it was found EMPIRICALLY through direct observation and repetition that there is more than ONE super force (called Girapoli energies in the articles on this BLOG).
And, again, the subsequent creation of a model approximating these observations allowed us to logically deduct some more super forces (which by now have been verified many times in the praxis),
Therefore, models WILL remain useful, in spite of data deluge and statistical method.
(Note: with statistical method I do NOT refer the abusive usage of 'statistics' in many fields of today's science-religions but to correlation methods of massive data flows like described in the Wired article linked to above.)
'nuff zed, don't want to get apologetic here ;-) More >
16 Aug 2008 @ 04:53
A recent Internet message (spreading like a virus!) claims to have knowledge of plans of the US government agencies to release a deadly variant of the bird flu shortly after the Olympic Games with the objective to make an end to the rest of freedom that people still enjoy in the US of A (see [link] ). At least half a million air-tight coffins seem to be ready to be used soon near the Center of Disease Control (CDC), (see [link] ),
True or not true, reason enough to have another look at the phenomenon of the 'virus' as such!
A new analysis via Skywork the other day confirmed what had already been found out some years ago: a virus behaves exactly like a Meme within the morphogenetic field: an idea with practically no mass and void of emotional components.
If this finding holds true, there are some important implications that can be postulated as an extension of the knowledge of morphogenetic field behavior:
- a virus is able to manifest at any location without the need of being propagated by 'birds' or the 'wind'.
- it draws its main power from emotions, especially FEAR;
- it can be postulated, for example by mass-hysterical expectations as a result of media hype, prophecies by religions, or collective guilt assumptions;
- it has a natural lifecycle as a Meme and it doesn't manifest anymore once it cannot draw emotional energies anymore from anyone;
- a virus can mutate at any time, like a Meme, adopting to changes within the morphogenetic field;
- as a Meme it has an 'incubation' time independent from the biochemical delay after actual infectation of the host. This delay has already been demonstrated by Skywork for the endtime prophecies of Joachim of Flora [link] that preceded the pest waves [link] and the endtime expectancies of the turn of century in the year 1900 which was followed by the first world war and the outbreak of certain virus forms after that war even in countries which didn't witness war activities on their own territory [link] . The time delay of the activation of the Meme as a virus depends on the effectiveness of communication amongst the hosts within the affected system areas.
Resuming the consideration of a man-made virus being spread around, there are some serious concerns to be addressed: More >
10 Aug 2008 @ 06:05
(some of the original wording added in brackets to clarify for those who understand Portuguese)
Maximilian Sandor
Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Brazil
August 8th, 2008
Good evening, and thank you for being invited to raise my voice in this sacred assembly! May my words not offend your hearts! May my passions be acceptable to your spirits! May my reasoning be worthy to your lucid minds!
Modern Man made things that have never existed in Nature before: whether mechanical devices, combustion engines, chemical compounds, or electronics: now, let me ask you, are these artifacts beyond the templates of Nature Herself? Or are they perhaps just a refined expression of Her?
If the case be the latter, are we just fulfilling Her ordained destiny, or, if not, are we going beyond Her own wildest imaginations?
In either case, where are we going? Are we trying to be smarter than the Creation? If so, shall we succeed? Or, perhaps, Nature Herself may just play another trick of Hers?
Gnostics teachings try to teach us that Sophia, our Mother, created this Universe without a consort. We, the sons of this act, barely recovered, despite the envy of the Universe's supreme God, a blind God, mind you, as he doesn't even know his whereabouts - are we, children of his ignorance, trying to do the INVERSE?
As Sophia created this Universe without the original Spirit, are WE now trying to create Beings without Soul?
Or are we simply trying to perfect, to justify, to glorify the sins of the archons and their Chief Shamael?
As Technology advances, the majority of humankind is descending into stupidity, superstition, and complacent, voluntary slavery. Of course, those who created the conditions for this to happen, will claim, as they already did in the past, that this kind of things would be the natural order affairs. Least they forget, that all the many details of Technology were NOT EVEN invented by the Masters, they were created by their Slaves.
In short, the Masters claim credit for what they have NOT achieved, and they disdain the stupidity of the Masses, for a fault WHICH THEY THEMSELVES HAVE CREATED (and are continuing to create!!) Behold this irony, behold these lies!
If Darwin would prove right, the survival of the fittest will be our future. But just who are the fittest in our times, who are those in power, those who will be the root of human future?
If Darwin were right, those who rule the world of today would be the very future of mankind: thieves, liars, impostors, thugs, and mass murderers. People who are intentionally inverting their messages, intentionally leading others astray, unable to utter a single word with honesty and dignity. We see deliberate inversion of inversion, shameless propagated by a mass media that falsely claims to tell the truth about those who control them.
Those who have perverted Science into a Political Religion, those who are punishing its dissidents with a social and intellectual death sentence, those who are imposing their insane mental manipulations onto the not so innocent but unaware masses - it would be exactly these perverts to survive in the current scenario - and exactly this would be in fact the end of any chance of humankind of evolving a new, higher culture.
The arrogance of the Masters constitutes their own death sentence. Unfortunaly, they may well drag the rest of humanity into the abyss.
If Darwin were right, we would see progress. As better cars are built, the speed limits should go UP, not down. As people evolve, their should be LESS laws, not a steady stream of new ones. As government improves its efficiency, their should be LESS taxes and not a constant increase. As medical science expands, there should be a DECREASE of illness, there should be LESS hospitals and pharmacies. This list is sheer endless.
Our civilization is in rear gear, at full speed, and still accelerating!
What about the constant advances in science and technology? Isn't there hope for a better future as technology gets more and more sophisticated? More >
29 Jul 2008 @ 14:39
What should be the most basic thing in life has become the most ignored and often most seems difficult to recover: the difference between Soul and Spirit in Oneself.
And even when it becomes obvious who was making a mess of something, even as little as the tennis ball, we find shaking heads, faking innocence (see picture).
Yet, 'enlightenment' without profound awareness of one's own two sides, mirror of the Universe, is a bold farce, an arrogant display of one's own ignorance.
How can one discover this most basic fact of life for oneself?
If there is a Skywork group nearby, one can discover it with 'morphogenetic field processing'. Or if one finds a 'processor' whom one trusts and who isn't blindfolded him/herself, one can approach it 'in session'.
Very often another simple strategy leads to this discovery: More >
26 Jul 2008 @ 01:57
Where in life would it be helpful to have certainty to cover all possible aspects of something we want to do or have?
Let's look at two examples where it would come in handy:
A (new?) definition of mastery:
the ability of knowing, acting, and balancing all aspects of a subject matter.
If the Ifa paradigm holds true, its principles should cover all aspects of a chosen subject matter and the evaluations of those aspects should give an accurate and complete measure of the level of mastery attained, making it a measure of suitedness for a task, for example for a profession or a specific project. If the Concur Principle is true, we can find the binary structure of anything and use this to determine thes 'codes' of all aspects of a subject matter.
A not so new definition of completeness of an organization:
Am organization is complete when all aspects of its functioning as a whole is being represented adequately.
The latter is not so new but known examples presume that all functions of an organization may be mapped into an organizational board of 11 (later expanded to 12) branches. If the Ifa paradigm holds true, there should be 16 basic aspects but for practical applications 13 should indeed suffice (see the paragraph on 'missing' principles in Cabbalah and not-Ifa related systems in the article on the Toth Diagram).
In any case, the 16 principles should cover all aspects of an organization and the evaluations of those aspects should give an accurate measure of the completeness of an organization, making it a measure of functional ability, for example for company or government agencey. If the Concur Principle is true, we can find the binary structure of anything and use this to determine thes 'codes' of all aspects of an organization until the desired resolution of the model.
Let's choose an arbitrary example:
...as I sit here, I look at the screen of a computer. What are the principles of "human-computer interaction"? Likewise, a more specific example: "In what energy complex is the event "computer programmer stares at a computer screen" embedded"?
First,... More >
25 Jul 2008 @ 15:34
Before presenting a practical application, let us 'adjust the picture' a bit:
for a human, the double tetra together with the Advanced Gunas process called Girapoli, can be used to achieve a variety of 'peak states'. For this purpose we 'designed' the base energies on the tetra(s) specificially for the person [link] , according to their archetype and life energies.
This was done independent of the constellation of 'Universe', our environment.
If our assumptions hold true, the Toth Diagram would give a general optimal model of an base energy distribution, we could use it to optimize the individual double tetra (merkabah).
As 'Wylie And Wild West' put it, the sky is above, the mud below.
Therefore we rotate the diagram... More >
23 Jul 2008 @ 14:57
Before going more in depth and height of abstraction, I want to demonstrate how the Toth Diagram links into Traditional Sacred Geometry (see picture).
The importance of making this link is not to create new paradigms but to enrich the existing ones by adding the quality of energies in its constructing points, elevating the tetrahedron construction from a fancy geometric structure to a meaningful tool.
With the help of Buckminster Fuller's Tensegrity paradigm, and the mirrored-down structure of the 'second binary split' or 'level of four', we can demonstrate that each and every point in the Toth Diagram and the corresponding tetrahedra is clearly defined and MUST assume its position.
(With the help of the Concur Principle we can also construct maps for the higher (lower?) dimensions which created those, in especially the 'Level of Four', in Ifa called the 'four types of ashe', the four cosmic powers whose flows are breathing in life into the creation. We will see that the nodes of the Toth Diagram not only represent a cellular automaton but that they are the nodes of a waveform system as already demonstrated in one of the pictures in the last article.
For now, if you remember... More >
19 Jul 2008 @ 21:22
The Toth Diagram
A binary. balanced graph with a depth of 4 levels will have 16 end leaves. If, as postulated by Steingrubner (1988), new branches rotate at 90 degrees with every binary split and we then make a cross section at the bottom level, we arrive at a diagram that I want to call the Toth diagram, in honor of my grandfather Janos Toth.
It is a cross section of a graph following the Concur Principle (Steingrubner, 1990) which postulated that a perfect model of an entire Universe can be represented as a balanced binary graph and that the very same model also represents all possible events within that Universe if it were to be used as a finite state autamoton (postulating a structural identity of "object" and "method"). Furthermore, all laws of that Universe are enclosed in the transitions of the unfolding levels as an LLR grammar. The rotation at every level serves, amongst other reasons, is required to satisfy the orientation rules of basic fields in nature such as found in the laws of electromagnetics. It is with these rotations that one arrives from the originary binary code sequence at a 3-dimensional graph, the Toth diagram. The strength (or weight) of nodes in ConCur is determined by the length of their vertices, adding a movement in time, a 4th dimension. If regular, it could be compared to a "pulse" of the represented Universe.
It was not until the late 90's that I encountered the vast knowledge contained in the Ifá. philosophy. Only the qualitative descriptions of the basic primal energies in Ifá, the sixteen "olodu", convinced me finally that in fact also our own Universe can be modelled as a Concur Graph of degree 4. To qualify as a complete model, it must contain an "axiomatic system" that leaves no part of the model unclassified. Already Philip Neimark ([link]) had arrived in the 90s at a condensed description of the sixteen Ifá principles or energies but to extract a more precise description that would satisfy as an "axiomatic system" took some more years during which I received much help and inspiration from Edward Dawson who then co-authored the book "Polar Dynamics 1" which, with all its pluspoints and drawback, still is the only book published that makes a serious attempt to "rationalize" the profound wisdom contained in traditional Ifá which until then was never systemized comprehensively.
Some time after the publication of "Polar Dynamics 1", the importance of the four fundamental progressions of energies, the "olodu wheels" became apparent and it was included as an addendum to the Italian version of the book "Your Personal Archetype", the first comprehensive and intelligible collection of today's archetypes based on the analysis more than one thousand individual life paths, authored by Sandor, Dawson, and Miranda.
What was still missing, More >
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