18 Jul 2008 @ 14:00
Thank you all for the comments to my recent contemplations at [link] !
During the process of assessing and verifying our past successful actions, after many, many hours of exchanging ideas with my female counterpart Heloisa, it feels necessary to outline an evaluation towards that I gravitated for some time and that is now much clearer to me:
We see in the discussion of discrete processing (incidents/events in time) versus structural processing, (meaning generic oppositions, polarities, primes, GPMs, Odu, or whatever you may call it) yet another instance of particle/wave opposition, spirit/soul, masculine/feminine, yang/yin, shiva/shakti, or whatever you may call it.
Observation demonstrates clearly that discrete processing does NOT lead to reconciliation between spirit and soul and, even worse, may aid to the DENIAL of the other's side existence. Typically the Being, over time, gravitates towards the spirit side, and in the end is identifying itself exclusively with that view and assuming a perceived dominance over the soul part (scn lingo: theta controlling MEST). In some philosophies, the spirit delegates this honor to the child of soul & spirit, thus we get "mind over matter". In both cases we witness the phenomenon of "arrogance" arising to a degree that appears destructive, and in the end self-destructive, both on an individual level as on the global level of civilization on Earth.
On the other hand, it seems very difficult to arrive at a clearer view of things without removing at the very least the most heavy charges from past incidents and a 'structural-only' processing would simply enter the other (op)position.
An obvious solution, as always, would be to either do both kinds of processing, sort of in parallel, or, if it were possible, create processes to integrate both aspects.
Certainly, many are already calling for a healthy balance of "positive and negative" processing, meaning not only REMOVING obstacles in the form of charges and considerations, but also ADDING positive abilities (creative processing). Observation of the field shows clearly that in the end, the negative processing takes up practically all the time and resources for the aspiring person and positive processing, for most, is being neglected. On top of this, positive processing, if it doesn't involve the soul and spirit dichotomy of the personality, will not aid in transparency either but gravitate towards an exclusive spirit-view as well.
The temporal "freedom" from internal and external conflict is desirable and necessary in order to go ahead. But if the STRUCTURE OF CONFLICT has NOT been resolved in the process, the "charge" can be recreated at any given time in the future.
Before proposing an integrative solution, let us briefly review the case of 'case': More >
16 Jul 2008 @ 22:56
Next to the coffin of grandgranddaddy his grandgrandchildren didn't forget to take care of business, serious business, like communication (foto made last Monday at the Cemitério de Congonhas, Brazil). The show must go on and the nextnext generation grows up with lullabies from Whitesnake (see [link] , the kid to the left 14 months ago).
At 'my' times, lullabies like Hänschen klein. (see [link] ) were the standard but now it's granddaddy duty singing it without falling asleep myself.
The Wikipedia entry makes me wonder, though, because it presents a certain version as 'widely' accepted which has a different ending than I remember. It's also the fact that I remember the ENTIRE song - it must have been very much engraved in my little brain.
I wonder to what extend lullabies influence the development of mind, soul, and spirit, and am curious to read some feedback on this.
Let's look at what changed in the last 50 years: More >
10 Jul 2008 @ 18:10
The other day I shared some notes I had made for a speech to be delivered, this time I'll share some of what I talked about before a Skywork last Monday in Santos, Brazil.
These days, Heloisa and I are thinking and talking a lot about what would be in a 'minimal tool chest" needed to help a Being to awake itself to the degree that it can start find its way home by itself.
Surely enough 'awakening' is an on-going process and NOT a one-time action, certificate included. But there is a point where the Being realizes that it is NOT what it perceives, rather inside the outside of its inside, at the same time immanent and beyond the manifestations, independent of time and space, yet bound into the flux of consciousness floating within a never-resting stream of densities.
We do have an incredible amount of technologies available these days and selecting the tools for the case at hand individually is certainly the fastest and safest route. But this way of doing things depends on qualified people to apply these tools ethically and efficiently.
It would be very nice to have a minimal set of tools to bring about this initial awakening that allows the Being to go forward and avoids getting trapped again along its path. Last year I created a 'chart of awakening' as an orientation and for finding out what tools we might me missing. This year we want to work on more on the focus of the essential characteristics of what we can call a 'basically awakened' person. This is a person who realizes his composite manifestation as a human being and will not fall back from this consciousness even though the latter may not be stable yet. This is very similar to the Sotapanno concept of Gotamo Siddharto.
We found that it is NOT enough to realize oneself as a 'spiritual Being', mainly because this is already a misnomer. Beings assume the viewpoint of Spirit but that doesn't mean they ARE it. Furthermore, many who think of them as 'enlightened Beings' appear to have no clue whatsoever that they also have a Soul and that this dual nature of Spirit and Soul constitutes the basic game of life. Yet, without an awareness of this duality of the game it seems to me impossible to consider a person 'basically awake'.
Therefore... More >
4 Jul 2008 @ 16:19
stumbled across an excellent article Lew Rockwells cool site [link]
Below saves me writing myself, good grief, my thoughts exactly..
Unfortunately, this craziness is not limited to the US, it existed and exists throughout the world, wherever crazy men congregate to rule over others...
But there it is:
"A Fresh Look at Holidays"
by Butler Shaffer
I have long been a critic of the state’s co-option of holidays to serve governmental purposes, thus negating the messages these holidays originally served. July 4th – designed to celebrate independence from the state – has been refashioned as a holiday for revelling in the state’s favorite activity, war. Television treats us to a seemingly endless supply of John Wayne films, urging us to embrace the contradictory idea that submitting ourselves to increased state power is the way to promote our liberty! It is such twisted thinking that leads those who refuse to examine the content of their minds to bleat about the soldiers who "fight for our freedom." What nonsense. Shall we next be told that Sunset Boulevard hookers are peddling virtue?
Just how far we have contorted our thinking about "independence day" is reflected in most people’s thinking about fireworks. Like private gun-ownership, our personal use of fireworks represents too much power in the hands of individuals. And so, we confine ourselves to the absurdity of having the state celebrate our liberty and independence for us!@
[end of quote]
see the full article here [link] More >
29 Jun 2008 @ 15:50
Here is the draft I made for a speech I delivered yesterday near Sao Paulo, Brazil. While I drafted along, perhaps to relativate the idealism expressed in my speech, a tucano intruded our lovely home to steal my daily bread from the plate... should I rescind my visions?
In a time in which so many diverse efforts are being made to bring oneself closer to one's own origin, to 'reconnect' (Latin 'religere', hence religion) to our Source, we see also many, many efforts to manipulate others to surrender to slavery, not just on the personal level, but planetwide, on a global level. We see how some groups impose their belief systems onto others with force, be it openly or in disguise.
As chaotic and confusing as the situation of mankind seems in these years, it is yet this chaos that provides an incredible opportunity for conscient Human Beings to easier go beyond and at the same time reach deeper than in other times... More >
16 Jun 2008 @ 13:03
The closest to the type of triad that was published in 'Cosmic Glue Part 4' is the model of Plato, the parts of which he called thymos, eros & logos.
As with Freud's similar model, what prevented me in the past referencing to these models were the confusions, implications, and contradicting interpretations that are floating around.
However, seeing these models as FRACTAL INSTANTIATIONS of the all-encompassing model of the Gunas (a model pre-dating all other such known models) it is possible to make their models work with the following specifications: More >
13 Jun 2008 @ 14:04
Isnt´t there anything more important to investigate than vanity?
Perhaps not, at least at a certain point during personal evolvement. After all, there are strong indicators that the BASIC GLUE of non-optimal behavior patterns, some call it 'case', may in fact be based on what falls under the heading of the fuzzy word 'vanity'.
Vanity comes in so many flavors that it seems difficult to 'catch'. Typically, people find it ONLY present in other people, rarely in oneself, and if the latter should occur, there will be certainly good reasons to tolerate it for the sake of a greater cause or simply one's own survival.
Some flavors seem easy to recognize, such as 'arrogance'. Likewise, some of it´s strongest 'negative' manifestations, demotivation, 'feeling without purpose', 'no future', and the like, seem quite obvious.
It may come as a surprise that EVERY human emotion condition, good or bad, may have a COMPONENT of a flavor of vanity. Even though these components appear to be very 'weak' forces, they still glue the REST of the entire condition together. Neutralizing these 'vanity aspects' opens up hidden layers of 'case' in no time and dramatically increases 'perceptions'. In fact, one of the major impediments of 'perceptions' that were found during earlier studies on how to improve perceptions (see past articles on this BLOG) were leading to the detection of 'vanity' as a basic factor, if not the basic GLUE, that is holding down the awareness of the Being (and not just the ordinary 'human' part of it).
The only effective way to neutralize 'vanity components' found so far consists of the following: More >
3 Jun 2008 @ 21:09
(note from mx: the following is from a message from Ed. Note that there are no changes to the wheels as such but rather a model of how the olodu groups evolved. Instead of a circle, one can visualize a 3D-spiral and it becomes clear how the final wheel evolves).
This is highly technical and probably can only be understood by someone who truly understands the 16 olodu. To others I apologize and you may please ignore this data.
I did an analysis of the #1 wheel and it resulted in greater clarity in understanding how a level of four item becomes a set of four olodu.
The top level of four item can be called Mathematicals (inside), or the Tools of God (outside). I am on the verge of renaming it the Prime Operator (Thank you, Rita Zousel). When the Prime Operator splits in half, one half is a finite and the other an infinite application of the Prime Operator. In the past I expressed this clumsily as "relative" and "absolute", which is not perfectly true. What is perfectly true is finite and infinite... More >
29 May 2008 @ 18:47
Ed alerted me to a book release today, May 29th, written by one of the few authors I wholeheartedly admire, James P. Carse. a Professor Emeritus of Religion at New York University, where for thirty years he directed the Religious Studies Program. His previous books include The Silence of God, Finite and Infinite Games, and Breakfast at the Victory.
The new book is titled:
The Religious Case Against Belief
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Penguin Press HC, The (May 29, 2008)
From the Editorial Review: More >
29 May 2008 @ 14:56
It was speculated, in especially by late 'founder' Hubbard, that the most valuable particle in the Universe would be an 'admiration particle' (why not a wave?) At the very least it appears to be the most sought after energy around and if this Universe would be really based on 'vanity', there must be a certain relationship between the two.
One way to look at it would be to see it from a causative Vs being-effect viewpoint. And in fact there is an interesting relationship.
If a Being's principal motivation would be showing off itself (vanity), it would seek to cause its own display in order to bring about a flow of 'admiration particles' towards itself, in other words making itself the 'effect' of an outside flow. (In narcissism, this flow is self-created).
Here something interesting occurs routinely: the Being thinks of being causative while RECEIVING an admiration (particle or wave, whatever) that was originally prompted by him, as a result ´swapping cause and effect´ viewpoints due to the neglect of differentiating between the two.
As a consequence the Being thinks it is the ONLY cause, disregarding the codependent factors of its creation (Gotamo Siddharto is still right, yeah!, see earlier articles on ´Cause&Effect`!)
This now is a simple definition of the "Yaltabaoth Virus" which could be seen as the most basic "bug" of this Universe. Yet, instead of a mere postulate, like in the Gnostic teachings, we can now imagine at least part of the mechanism leading to its creation. Furthermore we can start speculating from where the ORIGINAL deficiency
arrived instead of just blaming it on Sophia.
The cause/effect model is static and inherently limited, so let's look at it from the point of the more dynamic model of the be-do-have triad: More >
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