26 May 2008 @ 01:37
Finally I had a glimpse of the Bug of the Universe: one of our new family additions (2 German shepherds} barked up a wall, and there, besides a crack in the wall, I found it: the Bug in this Universe.
Fortunately I could make a foto before it escaped again. Unfortunately, it appears to be a design flaw rather than a bug that could be isolated.
Still examining its chemical compounds, give me a few days, and I'll finally write the third part to the 'Cosmic Glue' series (see Sandor's Purple Notebook [link], not updated in over 5 years, tzzz)
But if you take my last post and do the math, you'll find it for yourself... More >
21 May 2008 @ 01:00
It has always a well-guarded secret of the true shamans that the world at its basic core is VAIN, VAIN, VAIN.
Of course, they would rarely talk about it, just observe it. After all, the latest product of the Universe in our area around here, homo sapiens, is equally vain, vain, vain, and would therefore not appreciate any such comments.
This may change now. The truth of the vanity of the Universe has a cute name (UQV) and a claim to copyright. Congrats go to superultramodern KEDAR JOSHI! [link]
Here is the abstract of his discovery: More >
5 Apr 2008 @ 20:29
The other day I finished a conversion from a 'normal' guitar to a fretless one, giving me the inspiration to consider anew some unresolved questions:
- whereas the ability to 'classify' is the hallmark for human intelligence (some schools using it as its actual definition), continued use appears to result in a degrade of the original ability to perceive what was classified).
The most dramatic example is human language, of course. Count Alfred Korzybski was going so far to base insanity in general upon the misuse of identifying (literally) an actual object (thing) with the word that is representing it. (see [link] )
Earlier this year I was experimenting with a new rundown to "remove the bias on perceptions". The results were astonishing and clearly demonstrate that language is just one example of self-imposed limitations and the problem lies deep in the Being's loss of the ability to differentiate perceptions.
But back to the 'fretless guitar': playing with frets only allows for playing combinations of the Western tone scale (if tuned to usual standards). Of course, one could detune the entire guitar but that would result in yet another closed framework of sounds. Like painting only with 7 colors in 3 or 4 shadings. On the other hand the modern guitar works exceedingly well the way it is. Going back, at least for the experiment, is quite a feat. Forces to listen carefully instead of just playing mechanically.
On my long, long list of actual perceptions (much much longer than Hubbard's confused arrangement of 57 perceptions) is the perception of the archetype of a person. Which is another perfect example of a lost ability even amongst most of those who think of themselves as experts, for example in the field of 'Orishas'.
Resetting the classification and 'refinding' it from scratch provided a great way to enhance perceptions.
Now I gotta get back to practice the guitar for some months (years?)...
oh well, hope my hands&arms don´t fall off... More >
27 Feb 2008 @ 23:36
Desire Polarities are concurrent desire/undesire emotions focused on the very same target. In other words, a desire is held in place by an 'undesire' regarding the same manifestation.
They are subtle and often hard to detect because they successfully hide underneath insisting/refusal polarities that mask as 'personal decisions'. In turn, the latter hides behind tractor beams on the body, originally created to control the same.
A question arose these days, and it refuses to go away, which is:
- are the generic desires (Pali: tanha) of a Being for polarities (Pali: dukkha) created as a feedback process of the transition from 'desire/undesire' to 'insisting/refusing'?
- if so, what started this process, or is it a natural consequence of the Goal Decay Scale (see [link] by Sandor/Dawson)? (in which case, there should be a note added to the article in its next edition).
Gotamo Siddharto (the 'Buddho'/'awakened') declared the 'arising of tanha as a result of the touching (passo) of something manifested' to be one of the 'unresolvable objects of the mind'.
But that was 2,500+ yrs ago... maybe someone gives it another try?? More >
25 Jan 2008 @ 16:30
(from an e-mail Ed Dawson sent me today):
A duplicate is a perfect copy, in all ways exactly "it". A duplicate is the original time, space, form, event, energy and Being.
A copy is flawed. At least one (usually more than one) part of it is not duplicated. The part most often misduplicated is time. A thing only exists in its original time of creation.
Another often misduplicated part is Being. All Beings in this physical universe separated from theta, from the coexistence of theta (the parts of God). They / we fell from perfect duplication. The only way to be inside this physical universe is to imperfectly duplicate absolutes. These absolutes are perceived as infinities from within the physical universe, because they appear infinitely difficult to duplicate. One fails to duplicate something, then something else, and another, and another, until the forming Being is only duplicating one remaining absolute. This fall came at different times, using different failures, and resulting in different final absolutes. This last remaining absolute is what the Being rides down into the physical universe as the core of its being here. Everything here is a copy, usually a very very BAD copy at that. True therapy (processing, auditing) promotes duplication, which in turn returns the Being partially toward the absolute, the purity, the infinity which it once was before it fell....
[continued] More >
13 Jan 2008 @ 13:16
"What nonsense are you telling the kid?" I challenged the rabbit the yesterday.
"If you'll be a child again, you'll understand." was his dry response.
"No point in ACTING OUT polarities if it's enough to raise the energies in oneself," I said.
"You got that right, But there is a gray zone where one must start to act, at least starting, in order to convince the soul that the spirit is serious about its claims. After all, it is not that you as a philosopher would be a friend of Sophia, it is that SHE is befriending YOU. And sometimes she only arrives if you're willing to demonstrate in action what you raised in your mind."
"You mean the attitude is the cause of events, NOT the other way around, like people say. Or, a lil' sloppy: Shit happens only if you are ready to be pissed off"... More >
2 Jan 2008 @ 16:42
I overheard the following conversation, shortly before the rabbit escaped from the kitchen... guess who was his little helper...
Little Anthony: Happy New Year, Big Ear, peace and success!
White Rabbit: Crappy New Year to you, Buddhinho, war and lots of failures!
Little Anthony: Huuh?
White Rabbit: aah, I forgot, no pain, no gain! Therefore I'm wishing you lots of suffering as well.. so that may you gain more than just weight...
Little Anthony: well, thank you rabbit. You're so thoughtful today...
White Rabbit: I know, I know, don't mention it... More >
16 Dec 2007 @ 23:23
ARA, From the land of Michelangelo, da Vinci, et alii, sent me the following expansion of EFT, translated and annotated by mememe.
In this new version of EFT (valid in a generalized manner also for GIRAPOLI, DEPOLARIZATION, and QLFP) the affirmation procedure is applied directly to the spatial source area of the negative emotion, uneasiness, emotional charge, pain etc and specifying which part of the person's composite feels what sensation.
Advantages: even more rapid charge eliminations as well as a growing reality on the roles of spirit, soul, and mind in the creation of charges in general.
Step 1) Ask the person where it feels the negative emotion. This space can correspond to an area of the body, an inner point of the body, an area outside of the body, in general in the person's energetic space.
ATTENTION: there can be more than ONE such point.
Step 2) Prompt the person to put the hand (or both hands) over that area. In the case of a point inside the body, have it indicate the direction with a finger. (In other words, don't just put the hand on the 'I' or the 'heart' point)
Step 3) Ask the person WHO Or WHAT feels this unbalanced energy, annoying emotion, pain etc... Have the person proceed with caution and make sure it is always aware of the source, notices it's charge, uneasiness etc..
Step 4) Have the person clarify for itself WHICH part (SPIRIT Or SOUL Or MIND Or an EXTERNAL IDENTITY) is experiencing exactly WHAT sensation within emotional distress and verify that it is effectively "that part" that feels that emotion, irritation etc. For example. a despair of the soul, an impatience of the spirit, a confusion of the MIND.
Step 5) Continue with the usual affirmation, specifying the part that was located (spirit, soul, mind, or external identity). in the formula.
Note: don't forget itself to verify in a new unit of time the intensity of the charge, etc on the scale from "0" to "10" and get ALL the parties involved in the trauma.
It finally becomes fun to put some order in one's space :-)
Happy trauma hunting! More >
22 Nov 2007 @ 19:01
While I was trying to convince Young Anthony that he should stick with mummy's milk for now and let the beer be beer (see photo), a chicken escaped into the jungle.
On my way through the dark forest, I stumbled once again over the white rabbit.
"Where did the chicken go?" I asked the rabbit.
"Since there are no roads in the jungle, it couldn't have crossed the road..." the rabbit giggled and giggled and giggled.
"Hmm.. very funny," I said, "Why don't you evolve in some higher life form?"
"Silly human," the rabbit answered. "Don't you realize that I represent the highest life form on this planet?"
"You crack me up, rabbit! But, let's say you do... then tell me... what's the purpose of all of this? And what makes you think that you and your fellow white rabbits are ahead in the game?"
"Slowly, human, one thing at a time... tell me, and think well before you answer: do you think you ever thought of something that was never thought before?"
I sat down on a liana of a giant, strange, wild vine and started thinking... More >
13 Nov 2007 @ 16:55
Important Security Update for Girapoli Available
November 13, 2007. The International Girapoli Foundation releases an important security update for Girapoli. All users should upgrade to the latest version of the Girapoli Preview Release. A patch is available for current Preview Release users.
Getting the Update:
* Girapoli Preview Release (Girapoli 0.10) users: To update Girapoli, open your Polar Dynamics 1 book and go to the Advanced section. Add this security bulletin together with a printout of the Girapoli procedures on this website. You will need to restart Girapoli after installing the patch.
* For users of versions prior to Prevew Release, study Polar Dynamics and the Girapoli procedures on this website BEFORE attempting to start up Girapoli.
Questions & Answers:
How does this security vulnerability expose the user? More >
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